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Posts posted by StarGazer

  1. I watched an excellent documentary on TV recently about the palestian/isreali situation- "The Fence" by Alexander Trudeau. The young man spends time with 2 families, Palestinian and Isreali, divided by a fence. He examines both their situations in an unbiased view. The truth was aired on national t.v., I couldn't believe it. Anyway, as I watched this film I tried to examine the psychology of the palestinians. Young pple were featured and had alot to say. I came to the conclusion that they have no HOPE that their situation would improve. Their spirits are broken. I even wondered, where's their spiritual connection. Don't you realize that it is Allah who gives you strength when u turn to him. That hope is a sign on your reliance on the Almighty. I keep wondering, why are the palestinians suffering? What will they get out of this, when will it all end, how long must they go on like this? I believe the answer lies in them. I believe that Allah will inspire them to go about this the RIGHT way. I pray for their success, for their success is our success. We should never stop caring for them. But we should never support them in wrong.

  2. Khayr, don't you think that's a lil bit too extreme to feel that way? In this day n' age, N.American media can either make you or break you. We already know the media portrays the regular joe muslim to be associated with propagating hate, endorsing terrorism, and wanting to wipe every jew off the face of the earth. You don't believe we can reverse that attitude? I've seen some positive media coverage regarding muslims. Just last week, Larry King Live had a muslim man and engaged a dialoge with a christian, jew, and a pagan. Also, I happen to flip the channel one day and tuned into this reality show (Amish life?) and to my surprise the participants visited a mosque where they had a ISLAM 101.


    So, to the contrary, we need more than ever muslim journalists and film makers, etc. The media world is an undiscovered territory and muslims should see the potential it holds. Don't you think?

  3. Baashi and everyone else, you're welcome.



    I was disappointed with 20/20 's piece on Yusuf Islam. Weren't they sneaky? This wasn't entirely about Yusuf's story and how he felt about the whole ordeal. I don't know if you guys noticed how they managed to slide in this remark " When Yusuf was asked about how he felt about the suicide bombings in Isreal, he refused to comment" What was that all about. The brother leads a very public life and regularly condemns all forms of terrorism. However, 20/20 couldn't resist to cast reasonable doubt into the American minds.



    Politically Inclined.. I know eh! Damn them ..I wanted to reach out and hug the brother, miskiinka!

  4. Forward.....


    20/20 this Friday evening, October 1,

    will be airing an interview with Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens) and

    Elizabeth Vargas (Barbara Walters replacement) about his inclusion on

    the US no fly list, detention and denial of entry into the US.


    Check it out!!!




    p.s. Don't mean to brag, but I've met him few yrs ago......hope I didn't come across as a groupie redface.gif:D , but no I thought he was a warm individual and was impressed tremendously by his many achievements towards his community in UK.

  5. If you haven't figured out yet, muslims are day-dreamers. I think it's a poor excuse to distract themselves from what's really important. I've been hearing about this dream of khalifah state for a long time, and quite honestly am sick to my stomach. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! We have fundamental issues here at home (wherever the muslims reside) we fail to acknowlege.


    ma'asalama for now.

  6. It scares my mom whenever I bring up q's about ghosts (jinns) bcos am soo curious about them. Westerners usually believe these spirits to be people who are lost or hanging around for a reason and need to be forced into the "light".


    I think I had an experience with them long time ago.


    Do I believe in Ghosts? Hell yaa....waa acuudi bileesta every time I pass by the garbage(outdoors).

  7. It scares my mom whenever I bring up q's about ghosts (jinns) bcos am soo curious about them. Westerners usually believe these spirits to be people who are lost or hanging around for a reason and need to be forced into the "light".


    I think I had an experience with them long time ago.


    Do I believe in Ghosts? Hell yaa....waa acuudi bileesta every time I pass by the garbage(outdoors).

  8. True sunset.


    I just get annoyed when people approach me fully seeing that am adhering to my religion (externally, the Hijab) and handing me a lil bochure, usually using sweet old women. They're restless walaahi. I just hand it back saying " m'am, I'm already content with my religion" wishing I had lil that something to give her.

  9. Maybe QL you have the advantage of observing our ever changing community...but I don't! I honestly didn't know its a growing phenomena. I remember back in the motherland when some family members used borboro (baby powder) to look lighter, am guessing the new generation are resorting to products like MAC powders that emphasize the "natural" look.....aaah maybe am wrong.


    *misses big metropolitan cities, observing somalis on subways & parks....those were the days*

  10. Baashi, am proud of you..bcoz you aint alone.


    There's a Yemeni brotha at my uni who boldly puts on macawiis every other was a first for me since I had no knowledge of the fact that yemenis along with Indonesians wear that special Anyway..keep on representing our dhaqan.

  11. a very imaginative person as well. Infact, most times I remember my dreams vividly...good or bad. I wonder if we can control our dreams if we attempt (just a crzy thought). On the subject metaphysical encounters, do you think some people are more receptive of it than others?



    Jazakallah for the response. If u could add more on the subject of qalb later on, I'd appreciate it.

  12. This topic gives me a headache! So my comments are restricted.


    As a dear brother stated:

    In contrast, waht we need today is to bring feuding groups together and bridge their gaps by friendly discussion, because as I believe, we have some 80% of issues in agreement, 20% in dispute, if so, we should build on what we are in agreement, earn each others trust and then cement our diagreement in the other 20% starting with serious aqeedah issues, then progressing toward lesser significant topics.




    It's what I believe as well, and Insha Allah will work towards that goal for the rest of my life.

  13. It's not too late to learn how to budget. I'm still learning!


    However, based on tips I've got from a financial planner on TV (don't ask what show!), what you need is to pay YOURSELF first! and make it automatic. Hagbad is ideal when u want to have a huge amount of money all at once to spend...but what about saving??!!!! I bet few of us believe in saving...or we just don't know how to save at all. I know its difficult for moi b'coz am still a student who lives paycheck-paycheck.


    An example, say you make $20/hr, 7hrs/day, 5 days/wk.....what u need to do is pay yourself the first hour of everyday= $20/day X 5 = $100 wk., which is $400/month. You're guarenteed a millionare by time u retire!


    Xisbi, u need to have a sitdown with yourself and figure out what your daily guilty pleasures are that seem to make almost an entire paycheck vanish? are you sure you aint homeless by now?*just a worried nomad*


    Anyone can do this!!


    ps. I hate overdrafts, banks designed it to rob pple walaahi. I know I've learned my lesson few yrs ago...

  14. I love this conversation!!!!

    Took me few days to read all of it and reflect on Nur's and Sufi's responses.


    I gotta admit, I have a facination with Sufi outlook on life. In the past centuries, you had many sufi scholars who produced great books on spirituality and the many ailments of the heart and recommended ways to combat these diseases as Allah(swt) and the Prophet(saw)have prescribed. However, I did have the same questions as to why do we need a single guide (a sheikh) to reach a higher station? Why does it have to be exclusive to the few the sheikh has chosen? Also, is it necessary or what proof do we have from the Quran & Hadith? This is when critical thinking comes to play. Anyway I enjoyed reading the above essays.....your creativity and intelligence is always appreciated.


    My question is: You've extensively elaborated on the describtion of Nafs and Ruux. How does Qalb(Heart) fit into the scheme of things?



  15. OOOH I've always wanted my own GOOD BYE party....Somali style ma istiri..



    Don't be sad, I'll with u guys in spirit...I promise :( *Barwaaqo's hysterical crying is damn contagious*


    You guys are very sweet....just got lazy to pm most of u ....hence this threat.


    Thnks for the gifts everyone :D

  16. Assalamu alaikum nomads..


    I felt like notifying u all that my time here in SOL has come to an end. It's been an amazing journey spending my free time here for the past 2 years :eek: (can't believe its been that long)!!! I've come to know some wonderful people here.....and for those of you that I still correspond with....stay in touch!!!


    To the Admin & Mods>>>> you've done an excellent job keeping this place clean and tidy....3 thumbs up!


    I want to give a shout out to my friends and family who are members of this site......I love u guys, stay out of trouble and I hope to see one of you promoted to a Mod. position one day....that'll make me proud :D


    Also a special shout out to Ms. Opinionated....Happy advanced Birthday......thank you for being my bestfriend, for being there for me through thick &thin, know that I can always rely on u 2 bits!!!


    I'm not permanently leaving, I've just become an, i'll be coming bk once in awhile...posting my announcements thoughout the summer.


    Later Somalis.....


    Wa salaam

  17. Silent sista...I dont' think most of us check the name of the taxi driver..let alone the expiry date of his licence. It's something worth thinking about thou.


    I have to work on looking at the person on the eyes. The 6AM rule sticks out the most.

  18. Shabeela, I know of several pple who've been asked this question, I think it happens more commonly than we think. Anyway...uff, it's tasteless to ask, and if it happens to moi, I will be completely turned off..who knows even dumb him!


    Secondly, let me ask u sisters this: It's a detour from the main topic...what do u guys think of inquiring about sexual history? People lie about this alot, but if you're intending on marrying some1 would u ask this q? personally, I'll make him test himself b4 marriage, b'coz more brothers are sexually active than we like to admit! Do u think its extreme?