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Posts posted by peasant

  1. Ducaysane that is very hard to prove with out taking census of each state and resolving it through statistics. Because simply your friend might traveled through Somaliland inappropriate times like for instance in the afternoon when everyone is gone chewing and perhaps the city streets are empty. Similarly he might have gone to noisy and over crowded markets in Puntland while he probably stayed at the comfort of a quite hotel in Somaliland. To sum up what i have just said personal experience alone does not determine the population and demographic of a state in that case your friend's argument can be dismissed easily and that in statistics is referred as an anecdote.

  2. Yap you must be ridiculous and be up most outrageous for sony or other record companies to grant you a record deal and this title is nothing compared what is about to come out or are in the process of securing a deal. The whole industry needs accountability check

    and the matter is greater than the flux of chicken fed youngsters like this one, coming out of the ghettoes. What is even more appalling is they end up getting the smallest slice of the pie of what is to be made after this shitt is released into the market. A lot of influential blacks like Bill Cosby and Ref. Sharpton have expressed their distaste but it fell into deaf ears as this is one of the biggest money making industries for blacks in america.

  3. ^ The somali guys, it was only one of them who commited the actual crime and he run into a house filled with bunch of innocent dudes and they all got charged for the crime of that single man.. That was what upset the somalis but not


    the actual punishment of a someone who broke the law of another country deliberately. In this case you have lady who lived in the kingdom about 8 years and probably knows the expected public conduct inside out and also expects to be


    given special consideration. I dont see miscarriage of justice at all, this looks like another flimsy case blown out of proportion by Western media and of what i know about Mutaween they always have female officer with them as they


    them selves are not allowed to touch the opposite sex. Also the condition of saudi jails are way better than that of american or any other western nation as the inmates come out hafiz korans or sheiks when they finish their term and


    no doubt you wont be sexually molested if you ever dropped your soap in a saudi jail as sodomy it self is a punishable crime.

  4. Looks like we have another holocaust coming and this time it is

    gonna be the muslims who will be incinerated. A lot of xenophobia

    is brewing in mainland europe but i am not sure what country will

    be the perpetrator this time, either Holland or England. Now you

    have influx of refugees pouring from muslim countries and this sort

    of hate propaganda is getting fed to the public at the same time.

    So the rise of another hitler wont be far..

  5. We had this kid as a neighbour and he had this weird habit of calling us the neighborhood kids garac when ever we pissed him


    off or something and the funny part is none of us knew what the word garac meant at all. So we gave the kid the nick name garac


    despite his approval since he introduced the word into our circle. He lived with his uncle as his mother was still away back


    in the north but she will eventually come later on. His uncle being a typical somali fella never bothered what kids said to


    each other and who is called what in the neighborhood or may be he thought his kid will toughen out by him self. Everyday


    after school we had the habit of going to different homes and calling out friends to play soccer together and we would do so


    by sending someone to call so and so. So one day finally it was my turn to fetch out people for a lovely soccer match. I went


    straight to our famous friend garac's home and knocked their door. A tall middle aged women opened the door and with


    northern accent asked me what i was looking for and my reply was "Eedo garac ma jooga". Well you can pretty much guess


    how furious that mother got by calling her son a ba$tard. Next thing i remember was flying sauce ban towards my direction and


    i was climbing walls and jumping off fences. Last time I remember garac still retained his nick name and of course with


    out the presence of his mother but the name did stir some controversy in the neighborhood as the mother complained to


    some parents in the neighborhood and in our kiddy world that was insignificant. That was the only qalldan funny encounter i remember..

  6. ^No bro that is all i got on the list...



    JB rapidshare is pain in the behind and takes lots of time to upload on the server..the counter showed 50min for 100MB and the total data is close to 400MB. may be i will grab coffee over the weekend and flex some skinny muscles..

  7. i got bunch of IT books but not on a link though...i will send to whom is interested..
































  8. I dont know why should we ever bother talking about the conduct of people of certain ethnic backgrounds when somalis them selves are blatantly racist. Ever thought how somali bantus or the people we call midgans are treated back home and abroad? It is all about the iman and not what you claim or what sort of clothing you cover with your self. Also not everyone who isnt friendly is racist because certain cultures people arent very receptive to strangers and if you are stranger with different background that even complicates more. If it was me i wouldnt be so concerned about what sort of views others hold about me and having such thought it self might make you a racist your self.

  9. You should every once a while spray mud on your license plate and if the cops stop you just pretend you came from off roading activity. Obscure at least two digits of your plate, i heard it works but havent tested yet. :D