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Posts posted by aero

  1. Romney has surpassed Kerry in his flip-flopping ways. And he expects the masses to vote for him? What an indecisive *insert slur word*.

  2. Did you know Ethiopia derives from the Greek word aithops meaning "of burnt faces"? Thus, Ethiopians are people from the Land of Burnt Faces LOL. Boy am I glad to be a Go-Milker (Soo maal).

  3. Tropical storms that hit the United States' eastern coast are given names. They retain their names once they've transformed into a full blown hurricane. They usually determine that based on the wind speeds if I'm not mistaken. They are not always women's names. In fact, if a new storm develops, it's name will be Tony. How do I know? These names have already been determined. Hell, they have names prepared till 2017. And oh, each name is in order in terms of the alphabetical sequence. "S" is the 18th letter of the alphabet making Sandy the 18th storm of the year.