Sherban Shabeel

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Posts posted by Sherban Shabeel

  1. We all know what 99% Somalis think of Yusuf, so there's no need to go back and forth with Duke. He's just being loyal to his blood.


    Back to the subject of this thread: I let you, my estranged brother, into my new house, hoping we can have a close bond and brotherly relationship. You SET IT ON FIRE, destroying all I've built, and then we're BOTH arsonists?

  2. Originally posted by Daandurreey:

    ^shabeel you are still not making sense. the same paralel can be used that those who were against the old TFG are now supporting the same oppressive warlord filled illegitimate goverment shelling civilians with AMISOM tanks. Occupation is occupation my friend. look around the forum and tell me if the Amisomites of today are not just like Yusufites of the past. same argument. same rationalization.


    also amisom has 10,000. Ethiopia had 30,000. Are we now arguing which occupier has more troops on the ground. saan mee sheekadii gaartay shabeel?


    I suggest you learn from Duke and others on how to put out a good argument. loool.

    WHAT? Since when does AMISOM have 10,000 troops???

    See, nothing damages your credibility more than getting facts wrong. And here you are, saying there's 10,000 AMISOM soldiers in Somalia.


    Also your failure to understand the difference between yesterday and today's TFG, yesterday and today's Shabaab, yesterday and today's situation, doesn't really recommend the intelligence you undoubtedly possess.


    Yesterday's TFG invited Ethiopia in, today's TFG signed an agreement to evacuate all Ethiopian troops from Somali soil. Yesterday's Shabaab was a cohesive group of freedom fighters struggling against foreign occupation. Today's Shabaab is a power-hungry ragtag alliance of militias to whom "Islamic" is a mere brand name just like "Pepsi" or "Coca-Cola". Yesterday's situation saw a foreign power ACTIVELY invade and attempt to crush the opposition, trying to sway the situation in its own interest. Today's situation sees a small African Union force trying to safeguard the government against power-hungry militias, a Ugandan/Burundian force about 3000 strong who hasn't moved to attack anyone or take over anything.


    The only shelling that's come from AU was in retaliation to suicide attacks and assassinations. These were isolated incidents, and speaking of a campaign of "occupation" or "terrorizing the Somali people" reeks of ignorance.


    So stop oversimplifying things, my dear homie.


    Also, stop cheerleading for Duke, because he's not gonna intervene to stop you from getting slapped around. You're on your own.

  3. Originally posted by Daandurreey:

    ^ shabeel, more like you should learn who to write coherent statements. what doesn't support for alshabaab or lack thereof have to do with being against shareef tfg now?

    The statement is a reference to the lunatics who used to support the TFG when it was using 30,000 Ethiopian soldiers to subdue the Somali population, and now support Shabaab when it is trying to sabotage a peaceful, legitimate government.


    Duke maybe has a certain duty to his fam, but Emperor?


    So don't jump the gun my friend. Think before you reply.

  4. I understand people who supported Shabaab back in the day, and still support it against the new government. That's called being loyal.


    I understand people who didn't support Shabaab back in the day, and who still don't. That's called having foresight.


    I understand people who supported Shabaab back in the day, and who support Shariif now. That's called supporting who is RIGHT at the moment. I'm one of them.


    But for the life of me, I will never understand people who were against Shabaab back in the day and who are against Shariif now. That's just being confused.

  5. Originally posted by Emperor:

    The argument of the weak, yaa Mr weak, come back with strong coffee...

    I've been serving you cups of it all day, but you refuse to drink.


    Your "arguments": Sheekh Hotel is weak, we're not talking about my support for Yey because it's much more relevant that Sheekh Hotel is weak, the Shariif supporters are weak, Mr Weak, argument of the weak, weak weak weak weak...


    You can't make the scales, homie, you need to eat some more ;)

  6. The government may have resorted to hit and run tactics, but it still exists, despite the huffing and puffing of Shabaab and the "Villa Somalia is falling tomorrow" bs. So keep chewing your fingernails, you envious fake mujahidiin.


    May I remind you that Sheekh Shariif is holding out in Xamar? This is something Yusuf only attempted when surrounded by the legions of Ethiopia.


    Also in contrast, Shariif's opponent - the cowardly hyena Aweys - spent almost two years muja-hiding in Asmara while inciting his young warriors to give up their lives.


    Sheekh Shariif is a better President than you deserve.

  7. lol you really don't see it do you? Shabaab isn't what it used to be. It's a paper alliance now, ready to fall apart as soon as the common enemy disappears.


    If Shariif is overthrown, which by the way won't happen, and Shabaab grabs hold of power, I swear to you on my blood that all the fake mujahidiin will start fighting amongst themselves.

  8. On the contrary, I think the Shariif government still has a reasonable chance to stay in power and continue rebuilding the country, just like before the coup.


    Shabaab/Xizbul-Islam have lost momentum. They should have taken over in the first few days if they were really to win. We are now very close to a stalemate. It's hard to believe this stalemate will turn into a low-flame guerilla campaign (such as the one during the Ethiopian occupation), because I believe the Somali people are fundamentally opposed to it. Shabaab can't win in open war (as we've seen), and should they resort to Algerian GIA style attacks on civilians, they will face a popular uprising.


    Furthermore, even though the rebels have gained territory, their image has been dealt a cruel blow. To any objective observer, Shariif appears to be the peaceful president who got attacked by power-hungry factions who rejected any form of diplomacy, and Shabaab are the power-hungry who rejected any form of diplomacy. And who failed miserably when they tried to take power.


    People always look at the consequences of war, and the consequences of Shabaab's failed coup attempt are scores of dead civilians and who knows how many displaced families. Therefore, public opinion is turning against the instigators.


    It's just like when Israel bombed Gaza a few months ago. Although Israel still controls the territory, its image was severely damaged by the campaign. 7amas came out as dignified resistance fighters, whereas Israel came out as a child killer.


    This is what's happening in Somalia. Shariif comes out as a man trying to make peace with everyone, whereas Shabaab comes out as a bloodthirsty entity.


    Therefore, when it comes to that awesome power which is popular support, Shariif is winning the war, no matter how desperate the situation looks on the ground.