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Everything posted by JIDAAWY

  1. i read this report in CNN the today.. (no comment) LEWISTON, Maine (Reuters) -- A white supremacist group whose leader is accused of trying to have a federal judge murdered said on Thursday it will proceed with plans to protest an "invasion" of this New England college community by Somali immigrants. A spokesman for the World Church of the Creator said the group, which preaches hatred of Jews and blacks on its Web site, would stage a two-hour rally on Saturday in Lewiston, where it says the local white population is fed up with the influx of immigrants from the war-torn East African nation. The spokesman, the Rev. John King of Newport News, Virginia, said the Lewiston protest would go ahead despite the arrest on Wednesday in Chicago of the Rev. Matt Hale on charges he tried to solicit the murder of U.S. District Court Judge Joan Humphrey Lefkow. Auburn, Maine residents hold vigil Friday to denounce racism ahead of Saturday's planned anti-Somali rally in neighboring Lewiston. Hale, 31, was arrested as he arrived at Chicago's federal courthouse to face a possible contempt charge for refusing to obey Lefkow's November ruling in a trademark case. Hale told Reuters before his arrest that the Somalis were "invading" Lewiston, and that the residents of Maine's second-biggest city had welcomed his church's planned rally with open arms. "The people of Lewiston want us there," said Hale, who claims he receives as many as five positive e-mails a day from local residents. "We've never received the groundswell of support we've gotten from the people of Lewiston." But Phil Nadeau, Lewiston's assistant city administrator, said he doubted Hale's claims. "He could say that aliens from Mars want him here, but can he prove it?" Nadeau said. "My impression is there's a significant number of people in this community who don't support him and a handful who do." He noted that while only 40 or 50 people were expected to turn up for the white supremacists' rally, hundreds -- maybe thousands -- may attend a planned counter-demonstration the same day that will focus on diversity and attempt to show that Lewiston is embracing its newest residents. For years, the former mill town was simply known as the place where Muhammad Ali flattened Sonny Liston in 1965. But its booming Somali immigrant community has thrust Lewiston into the spotlight. More than 1,100 Somalis, seeking affordable housing, have moved to the city of 36,000 people in the past year. While many U.S. cities -- including Minneapolis, Atlanta, and nearby Portland, Maine -- have larger Somali populations, few are as homogenous as Lewiston. About 95 percent of Lewiston locals are white, many of them descendants of the French-Canadian immigrants who once worked the mills. Lewiston Mayor Laurier T. Raymond grabbed national headlines in October when he asked Somalis to stop moving to the city, citing concerns about overwhelmed social services. "The Somali community must exercise some discipline and reduce the stress on our limited finances and generosity," Raymond wrote in an open letter. "Now we need room to breathe." While the mayor's office says he never meant to convey a message of bigotry, Raymond's comments struck many Somalis as racist. The resulting uproar was enough to catch the attention of Hale and his group. Saturday's dueling demonstrations will probably prompt the largest mobilization of law enforcement in Maine's history, officials said. But some of Lewiston residents, particularly the Somalis, said they are worried about the potential for violence as members of Hale's church descend on Lewiston. "A lot of Somalis think they are very dangerous, and they are concerned for their safety," said Fatuma Hussein, director of an organization for Somali women in Maine and one of the scheduled speakers at Saturday's counter-demonstration.
  2. Nigganometry, may allah most high reward you for seeking clarification regarding such topic which is obviously very important to you. Also let me praise your Islamic conscious that prevented you from committing that sin thus far. My beloved Nomad accept a brotherly advice from me, don’t do it, don’t have sex with that young girl, instead I suggest you become some sort of a mentor for her and try free her mind that is held captive by her illicit and morally corrupted girl friends, Brother if you commit Zina alaah will punish you in your life time and in the here and after, punishments can take many forms, you may get ill with a serious disease, get into an accident, fail academically, or may see what you did being done to your sister, daughter or even mom. Think about all these things before you have sex with that beer pressured young girl. Obviously you are old enough to realize the severity of such actions so brother don’t destroy her life, don’t put her on the path of self destruction, just guide her to the right trail and try to have a positive impact on her, trust me she will pray for you when she gets older.. Peace
  3. Brother Shaqsi you are severely mistaken by considering Polotics and Prayers are tow different issues, as a matter of fact, that’s the mindset the western society want us to deem. . brother Shaqsi we have Qur’an, the book in which Allah has expounded His law, and the authoritative interpretation and exemplification of that Book by the Prophet Muhammad (blessings of Allah and peace be upon him), through word and deed, in his capacity as the representative of Allah. The Qur’an laid down the broad principles on which human life should be based and the Prophet of Allah, in accordance with these principles, established a model system of Islamic life. The combination of these two elements is called the shari’a (law). So you will be dishonoring the law of allah (subaxanah) by not acknowledging it as divined law that governs our state and politics. Northerner.. I am not criticizing that brother by all means, in-fact his behavior made me more determined in acquainting with him so I can alter his blurred outlook to Islaam in particular and the US politics in general. And I am still working on opening his mind and soul to perceive the real causes of the delima the muslim nation is enduring. Let it be clear that my intentions of posting this topic are to give a heads up to my beloved nomads from acquiring such destructive mentality. Libaax, Thank you so much brother, I deeply appreciate your compliment. Salaamz JIDAAWY
  4. Brother libaax, thunder, President and Cutie. First and foremost thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts about this important topic. As I said in my second post, Democrats and Republicans are tow faces of one coin, they are both eager to destroy and obliterate our Muslim nation, therefore I wouldn’t waste my time in voting for either party. The point I am trying to convey is are we aware of the conspiracy that have been orchestrate for us Somali Muslim immigrants in the US ? a true victim of that plot is that young Somali guy I saw supporting war with Iraq. I was not questioning his support for the republican party, I was rather wondering how many of us are fooled with what we see on CNN or MSNBC ? and why would we trade our Diin, principals and culture for the inclination of the American society ??!!
  5. Salaam my nomad brothers and sisters... In this day of joy and thanksgiving i pray to allah that the spirit of it's holyness permeate all races of our oppressed Muslim nation to promote and foster mutual harmony, unity and understanding in order that Islam prospers and grows strong. Personnaly i would like to extend my warmest and most loving greetings to my father Abdulaahi Yusuf and my mom Dahabah Hassan. i want to thank them for all of their love and endless sacrifices. I pray that allah bestows health and happiness upon them, accepts all of their good deeds, and make them winners of Janah insha alaah. Ameen Ameen Ameenn. also i would like to greet my brothers Yusuf, Libaan, Mahad, Hashem and sisters Anab, Sudi, Muna, Amaal and Kother. And also EVERYBODY who supported me in my moments of need. And of course I would like to greet each and everyone of my Somaliaonline nomads . please feel free to virtually extend your wishes of happy eid to all your loved ones. Salaam
  6. Brother Lakad and Shaym, who said i am Democrate ?? i re-read my post and didnt find anything remotly hinting to any democratic affiliation nor support on my part. as far as i m concerned i think they are both the same, infact senator Paul Wellstone is another Yahuud !! so why would favour one Yahood over another. what rather disgusted me was the fact that this brother was supportive of the idea of war with Iraq !! that has really ticked me off. how could you want your fellow Muslim kids be bombed ?? what interest or security will the blood of iraqi muslims provide you ?!!. and for your records me and the fellow somali student were NOT out in the cold holding Welsotne for Senate solgans, hell most of us including me are fresh nomads who are not even allowed to vote . Salaam
  7. Do you know that the western mentality of destruction is constantly blowing among us and regrettably was successful in undermining our morals !! of more recent times it has found new victims in young Somali immigrant men and women who appear to be voluntarily stepping into its evil path. And whilst this "tornado of the west" is leaving in its wake a continuous trail of crushed moral values amid our young brothers and sisters we never seem to recognize that we are openly and unashamedly displaying an attitude of incredible irresponsibility by aiding and abetting the those who don’t know better in their suicidal ventures. 2 months ago president Gorge Bush came to our school to campaign for Norm Coleman a Republican Jewish Minnesotan running for U.S. Senate. The campaign was scheduled to be held in our school’s gym, invitation cards were given to students to participate in this political rally. Fully aware of Bush’s destructive and bias policies favoring Jews in the middle east, and his many many assaults on Iraqi children and innocent Muslims in Afghanistan, our local MSA decided to arrange a demonstration with an anti war and Bush slogans. We were about 30 students mostly Somali’s. everybody was quite eager to participate in that protest, we wanted to let everyone in the school realize that the ongoing US bombing and search-and-destroy operations in Afghanistan and soon Iraq is only causing civilian casualties and has generated widespread hostility, anger and opposition to anything that is American. So in the blistring cold we lined up outside the gym with our anti-bush slogans, and just before he arrived, I noticed this Somali guy on the other side of the street with a group of republicans who were obviously pro-bush and war. For a whole minute I thought he was just standing there and had no business supporting the republicans, until he grabbed this slogan that read “War is the Answer” !! I was shocked to see a fellow Somali calling war on his fellow Muslims. It really disgusted me to see him support a politican who’s aiming a kill on our Muslim brothers and sisters, and try to destroy Islam. I knew that guy from school, he used to hang out with white kids and look down on Somali students. I remember his remarks on Somlai’s to be loud and uncivilized refugees in school, his remarks expressed how shallow and limited minded he was, and if anything it proofed to me that so many of us would do whatever it takes to blend in and become part of the American dream. my beloved nomads, I have seen so many Somali’s stripping off their Islamic identity just so they can assimilate in the American society and it never amazed me, but this one did blow my heart and made me ask for Hidaahyah for this guys lost soul. Now my question is, are you capable of adopting such unislamic mentality in the next 5 years ? are you aware of the conspiracy that was carefully plotted against us muslim “Somali” immigrant to adopt such state of mind ? The topic is open for discussion. Salaamz JIDAAWY [/b]
  8. This is a bilingual article I received by mail. I hope you find it as educating and enriching as I did. In the name of Allah the most merciful the most compassionate Praised to Allah the master of this universe , and peace and prayers be upon all of his Prophets and his messengers and peace be upon the noble Prophet Mohammed and his followers to the judgment day and then : The Messiah Funny to say that anti-Christ when he travels the world he will have allies ...do you know who are they ? the allies of the anti-Christ and the closest people to him are : the Jews...that’s because there is a Messiah who’s written in the Torah as the Jews believe when he returns he shall make the Jews the rulers and will give them the kinghood of this universe , he is known to them as "El-Masheeh" or " The Messiah" And when the true Messiah Jesus Christ 'Yu`sha' (PBUH) came to the Jews the refused his message saying that he is not the awaited Messiah so they wanted to get rid of him...and the Christians believe that Jesus Christ (PBUH) was killed on the cross...but in Islam Allah has clarified the complicated issue in the Koran when Allah S.W.T said : ( They killed him not * they crucified him not * but it seemed to them ) After anti-Christ travels the World he will try to enter the city of Medina ((Currently in Saudi Arabia)) , but the angels guards will fight him back for not to go into Medina ...until he places one of his feet on a ground which doesn't let a plant to grow there and that ground which Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) talked about is beside the Islamic University in Medina recently ...when anti-Christ places his feet it will occur three earthquakes which will make the hypocrites and disbelievers leave Medina ...and from here I will acknowledge you of the story of the young believer whom I mentioned his preview story in the last part ... When that young believer comes in front of anti-Christ , anti-Christ will know that that man who is standing in front of him is a believer so he will tell him : I'm your LORD...I'm Allah...so the believer say : nay , but you are anti-Christ (The false Messiah) whom Prophet Mohammed talked about , so anti-Christ asks the people in Medina : if I kill that young man and then bring him back to life...shall you believe that I'm Allah ? the weak people shall say : Allah makes the dead alive after being dead , yes we will believe...so anti-Christ comes with a sword and cut the nick of that young believer and then splits his body on the ground and then he will move between the slipped part , after that anti-Christ will be capable of making that person alive again , and when that happens , he will say : I made you alive again , do you believe that I'm your LORD ? the believer says : Nay , what you did made me disbelieve in you more and more , you are the false Messiah that Prophet Mohammed talked about , but when anti-Christ tries to kill him once again he wont be able to , that’s because Allah will place a cupper plate on the believer's nick which will guard him against the anti-Christ's sword . When Prophet Mohammed talked about that young believe he said with a smile : I know who that young believer is , and I know his family name...can you believe that....are you that young believer ? ...keep asking Allah to be that believer inshallah Have you seen how is the plague of anti-Christ ? his plague and curse is the worst from the creation of Adam 'till the Judgment day as Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said ...and from his miracles also that he can bring the father of a person to life again , and he can bring the life of a mother of someone to life again , and a wife of someone to the life again ...so they believe in him ...so they will enter his Paradise which is truly the Hell-Fire After the union between anti-Christ and the Jews around the World he will lead this world to corruption and disbelief , until the true Messiah Jesus Christ the son of Mary (PBUH) descends on the earth ....and Prophet Jesus will descend in front of the eyes of the people and he will extend his right and his left arms on the wings of an angel ...and Prophet Mohammed has described how Prophet Jesus Christ the messiah looks like , he is half tall half short but almost short , curly haired , small faced ...and when Jesus Christ descends to the earth he will lead the Moslems in the Dawn prayer and the afternoon prayer...the Messiah Jesus Christ will not condemn the World as the Christians said...and one of the interesting things that Jesus Christ will do when he comes to earth again that he will make an action to end Christianity ....yes....Christianity will be disclosed when Jesus Christ breaks the crucifix and kills the pig Said Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) : By whom has my soul under his control (ALLAH) ...son of Mary will descend among you ...and breaks the crucifix and kills the pig , and place the Jizeya ( to end Christianity ) and he will marry and have children and will rule the world as a wise and fair ruler for 45 years Jesus Christ will have a very strong light which makes the disbelievers melt as the salt melts in the water ...and when anti-Christ unites with Jews and they head to Palestine , so will Jesus Christ when he unites with Moslems but before that Jesus Christ will make the obligation of Hajj and Omra in Mecca...yes this is the true Messiah ...not the Messiah pictured in the bible as the son of Allah...this is the submissive (Moslem) Messiah ...the Messiah who wasn’t crucified or killed yet ...as he said in the Koran .. ( And peace be upon me the day I was born and the day I shall day and the day I will be raised to Allah ) Jesus Christ haven't died yet ...Jesus is living in the 4th heaven...and he met Prophet Mohammed (PBU them) in the Isra' Journey and he will descend soon by Allah's willing....and after Jesus ends his Hajj and Omra he will head to Palestine with the Moslems to battle against anti-Christ until they siege them ...until the Moslems kill the Jews and anti-Christ is surrounded by Jesus Christ and anti-Christ is melting because of the strong light that Jesus has , even if Jesus set the anti-Christ free he shall die from melting , but nay , Jesus will bring a sword and stick it in the nick of anti-Christ and he will say : that man has died , and Allah is alive and never dies , that man is not Allah ....and Jesus keeps ruling the World until another plague appear which is the plague of Gog and Magog...he will fight them with Moslems also until he dies and Moslems will burry him and pray upon him So my dear friends , after seeing how bad the plague of anti-Christ is wouldn’t that question comes to your mind : how could I protect my self against the plague of anti-Christ ? ...the answer is so simple , the answer is by memorizing the first ten verses from Chapter : Cave in the Koran as Prophet Mohammed said...please don’t tell me its tough...you are memorizing songs and movies like no one can imagine...cant you memorize ten verses which will protect you against the plague of anti-Christ ? ...I will give you the space to answer this question....mean while...if you answer is : yes I want to memorize them...then here are the first ten verses from Chapter : Cave...in the Koran In the name of Allah the most merciful the most compassionate ( Praised to Allah who sent the book unto his slave and made it clear and challengeable (1) so straight to warn people and to give glad tidings to believers they shall have a fair reward (2) they shall abide therein forever (3) and to warn those (Jews,Christians,Pagans) who say : Allah has begotten a son ( or offspring or Children) (4) No knowledge have they of such a thing nor had their fathers , mighty is the word that comes out of their mouths , they utter nothing but a lie (5) perhaps you would kill yourself (O' Prophet Mohammed) in grief , over their footsteps because they believe not in this narration (6) verily we illustrated what’s on the earth to seek who of them (mankind) shall hasten to good deeds (7) and verily we shall make what’s on the earth a bare dry soil (8) Do you think that the people of the cave and the inscription were a wonder among our signs (9) when the young men fled for refuge to the cave , they said : " Our LORD ! bestow on us mercy from yourself and facilitate for us our affair in the right way (10) ) And finally ...I ask Allah that this lesson is useful to all believers inshallah among the Moslems and non-Moslems....
  9. These are pics of the recent bombing in Mombasaa
  10. Our prophet Sala alaah Calayhi wa salam is buried here.
  11. this tree is in Australia, Subxaan alaah it grew to form a man doing Rukuuc facing Qiblah. sure enough the Australian authorities chopped it down after lots of people embraced Islam
  12. Brother HornAfrique, Tenacious_J and sister Naziha. thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. i have more pics. Masha alaaah.. how brave is this young boy to throw a rock at Yahuuds whom he know would shoot him.
  13. La xawla wala qwata ilaa bilaaah look at these pigs taking pictures over a young boy they killed
  14. this little palastinian kid was shot by an Isreali sniper.. la xawala wala qwata ila bilaah Alaah Yirxamak. an Ethiopian/Isreali Flasha pig Nacaltulaah calayk.. Ina lilaah wa ina iliayhi Raajicoon i wish if he would step down to end the iraqi people's misery i will post more pics insha alaah
  15. These are picture you dont see in CNN or MSNBC, tell me how they make you feel... please feel free to add any picture you think is related to this topic. God Bless You May allah rest their souls in Janaah.. Amiin Shuhadaa insha alaah.. may alah bless you. i will add more insha alaah..
  16. Brother Ismaciil, Nuune and Sister Rahiima. thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me, i really find it very important for each muslim to sit down and ponder about where he is heading and how prepared he or she is to face allah. also we have to call on our neglectful brothers and sister to come in on the side of the Islamic way of life, for they might become stronger and more enthusiastic in trying to compensate what they had lost or neglected. There are of course many other ways to attract such people or just some of them, yet we are neglectful in reviving the methods of Da`wah, and in doing our utmost to be connected with the masses of the muslim nation and its call to adhere to Allah's path. Only one month ago my next door nieghbour died, she was a 22 year old somali girl, she was very healthy and full of life, i met her the night before she died, she looked normal, when i woke up in the morning, i saw all these people crying and cops all over the building, i asked a freind who was in tears what happened? your neibour died he answered. she was found dead in her bed this monring. Tii Ilaahay baa timid. I was really shocked and stunned to hear that. its so peculiar how we forget about death and the hereafter though we know we are full of sin. I was one of the men who lowered that sister (god bless her soul) to her grave, it was so emotional and sadning to put someone who just 24 hours ago never thought would be 6 feet under !! Subxaan alaaah
  17. Click here! Salaam my esteemed brothers and sisters, i came across these three files in an arabic website. please listen to them and try to pass them on to as many people you know. its even better if you burn them on a CD. The first file is an emotional citation of the holy Qoran by Shakh Kahtaani http://mypage.ayna.com/walarab/khf.zip the second file is another citation of Surat Al fatiha by imaam of the Makah, its amazing how emotional he got http://winmear.hypermart.net/shreem/alfate7ah.ram and the third one is a Ducaa of Khatm Al Quraan. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD Also if you CLICK HERE or visit http://www.liveislam.com/series/hamel.html around 7:40 Makah time you will be able to watch Salat Al taraweex LIVE. May Alaah bless you all during this holy month. i will post more files insha alaah. Remember this is where we are heading this Kafan is the only thing you will take from this Dunya and you will be layed down just like this.. and this is how you will be buried and will be left all alone between these Qoboor... This just a reminder. JIDAAWY