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Posts posted by Ayaan8321

  1. wooow..its working ..i cant beleive it..i was doing some work on the net and just thought"iska fiiri meesha"..walaahi i wasn´t expecting it to work...damn its good to be back.. :cool:



    ps,section6er, bro, you gotta hook me up with an avatar..shaatigaan waan ku uray..

  2. Originally posted by juxa:


    STHLM-lady,,,,,,,,i totally agree with u,,,,,,,those who try to come over as all-that, wild, and interesting by harrasing other nomads are ****** and everytime they do act harshly or nastly we do lose respect for them.


    Thankyou...the first person that spelt my name right..finally..there is still hope ..lol :cool:

  3. Originally posted by juxa:

    salaam all,


    u have probably heard what iam about to say 1000x, however bear with me one more time, because i do believe the situation has come to crisis point!


    there is alot of discomfort, bad vibe and nomads complaining, not let me rephrase it, nomads been bullied upto the point they stop posting in order to avoid those ugly, narrow-minded, attention-seeking, others, who got nothing to add to this community but tint its name and stop us all enjoying wonderful posts and the experiencing a worthwhile discussion from many fine minds.


    batuulo wrote about respect, so this is what i will like to add!


    - STOP, ka dabo qaadashada

    - if u dont like what someone posts, ignore it

    - if u got nothing to add to a topic, keep yr

    bloody mouth shut

    - if u dont like a nomad's comments or critics on

    yr opinion,tell them in a nice and civilised


    - if u want simple attention, ask for it, many

    nomads will be happy to provide for it,,for free

    - one last thing, NO one will pick on you, unless

    u start it first, it is shame that u

    start,getting negative on someone and when they

    retaliate, u cry abuse.


    STOP THE BULLYING, cause u messing things up for all of us! it is bad enough we have to share cities, least we can enjoy this forum in a nice, respectable, grown-up wise way.


    take the time to read before u post 'always good idea'

    Walaahi sis..i don´t know why some people can´t enjoy the forum and exchange opinions..it´s one thing when they dont agree with you but it´s a whole other different story when they bad mouth you or personally attack you...or put you down just to make themselves feel better and good in other peoples eyes..

    What i dont get is why they try sooo hard to do such things when it´s only a cyber world...


    I came here to see what my fellow landsmen/landwomen have accomplished from life, find out how their thinking is affected by the country they live in,just exchange ideas and talk about life in general...


    But some people seem to like critisizing people and putting them down,what they don´t know is the more they do that the stupider they look in other peoples eyes...Please if you had a bad day hanagu qara bixino..wexeey soomalida dhahdaa :ciilkii danwaay loo qabay weer dabo xun aaa lagu furaa..




  4. i wake up ,musqusha aan galaa..after that i decide to just look at the recently posted topics and i wind up..cunta in aan kariyo(baasto iyo suugo) oon ku kor cunoo,oon casiriyo kadaba geeyo(rooti iyo shaah)and still sit there..markii danbo my dad aa iga kiciyo..saying that he wants to listen to bbc.. :cool:


    my daily basis :D:D