OG Moti

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Posts posted by OG Moti

  1. Guys what is happening in Faluja aint humane and no one can accept and I didnt see anyone mentioning it or even showing any sense of disproval ....


    In Saudi Arabia: they cought 24 Saudi dhalinyaro isku diyaarinaayo iney muslimiinta saacidaan, kuwait 8 baa kadhimatay, qaar sudan, yemen, syrian, Amaratiyiin ayaa laqabtay oo usocda, ma arkin wax Somali ah, kuma waajibto somalida iney ilaahey udhintaan including me.... waa naxsanahay walahi ... qaarkiin waxey dhihi doonaan somaliyaa ayaa ba bur bursan, waxaan leyhay kuwaas somaliya waa muslim oo muslim dilaya... laakiinse faluja waa waxaan loo adkeysan kareen, muslim walba waa inuu xanuunsadaa, hadiithka rasuulka scw macnihiisa uu ahaa, muslimiinta waa sida jir kali ah, hadey cad jirkaas ka danqado intakale ayaa xanuunsanayo ooo qandho kudhaceyso iyo seexasho la aan


    bal ducada uun ugu dadaala, ilaaheyna ha kabixiyo dhibaatada walaalaheen lagu hayo, wa bilaahi al towfiiq


    Allah kariim


  2. Dear bee let the girl hunt, now adays we have a serious problem with our faaraxoos going to foriegn girls ... we cant let the job to men anymore, girls also must inlvolve and get their good man ... but Jalaqsan ok ur faarax must work his whatever so hard and you what would you do? sit and spend his hard earned green? it doesnt work that way dear.. it is two way thing, no more hooyo telling u is diyaari the prince has arrived, it is now lets meet in the middle, look for me and i look for u and we meet... ;)


    my wedding will be a day for men and a day for women no hunting in my wedding, no one will put me in a chair and hunt while i am sitting look at u people hunting and me and my queen sitting wishing people will go soon which will never happen in Somali weddings... and it will be opened i mean the party with Quran and inshaAllah everyone will enjoy....


    Allah kariim


  3. Eid Mubarak to all May Allah bring happiness to SOL members and to All muslims


    Special thanx and wishes to Jalaqsan


    We hope next year few SOL members will marry each other, we have good girls and guys, Cala barakatil lah.... smile.gif


    Allah kariim


  4. public shukaansi beel, everyone will know calaacalkaaga iyo oohintaada... no way beside u kill ur suuq in case u want to do "collect and select the best" peace

  5. this is what makes me hate teaching sometimes, i remember when we were students (us teachers) we were not this bad... sometimes they even forget we were students, some will say to you when u say why dont u read your lessons, what do you know you are not a student, our life is full of problems, i wish if you know how it feels to be a students, weird .. war anagaa wax aragnay .. it is like we never been students... waana kadhab... looooooool peace

  6. ooops for females only, Ala maxaa meeshan ikeenay?


    Cash uun daba orda, how many got a man with cash but no life no future and no rest...


    look for deen and morality and responsibility, cash or risq ilaahey baa leh, and a good man will always find a way to feed his family, and beside the world has changed where is the independance women always preach? now a days women are educated as much as men if not more and has more chances to find a job than me, work too help your husband and stop choosing a man just because of cash, cash haduu wax tarayo Yaasir carafaat buu nafta ku soo celin lahaa.. Allah kariim...


    Iman is good, man with deen is a dream man, if u see him dont miss the chance even if he is broke, how many men broke got married and after marriage Allaha barako badan siiyey because of that marraige... how many men gave up finding jobs and got married to catch the time and once they married ilaahey dariiqyadii ufuray....


    Allah kariim



  7. brother Qac Qaac I wouldnt waste much needed money by our muslim brothers and sister on her.. let her live, if she redeam got is the forgiven otherwise danbiga ha badsato iska daa, for sure she wont even enter the 7th door of jahanab for those who say Laailaha ila laah Mohamud rasuulul lah but did big sins, and will be taken out at later to jana, she will enter from door one the hotest and the worse door of jahanam, But " Allah fii khalkhihi shu uun.."


    Ala fuuto xumaa tani, hadey saan kudhimato nasiib xumid iyo foolxumo, and I say her father Allaha sabar kasiiyo koleyba sheeikha murgo iyo heart breaking bey kuriday, he was Xer quran with my dad, he told he was very religious, and see what came from his seeds, but why wonder even prophets had such children (Nuux caliihi salaam) his sun was worse... but i again say "Ala maxey diinta fuuto xumid ugala baxday" wa Allah kariim



  8. man if that was OG family memeber i would kill him myself or send him to Faluja at least he will die shahiiid, or at worse give him ID saying he works for Amarican army and hope they will pick him and beheaded him.. . .. war baro family do something about the guy.. sidan kuma noolaankaro.. allah ma3aakum


  9. ^^^ you really made me feel good showing home, but you are well informed walahi.. mashaAllah, but you killed me when u said i am not much a guide, dear i am the best guide in Cambodia .. I call it OG_cambodia it is mine...

    but dear i didnt say they dont have natural resources i said they dont have natural resources to mention, it is not utalized and it is not much...


    anyway do you see the big building it is a Casino it was build a year ago and i live very near to that place.. actually exactly behind it..


    Angkor wat is more than 7000 years old and it is beautiful, it is 6 hours by boat away from Phnom Penh the capital, you feel so relaxed when you are there.. people are so simple, nice and welcoming.. if you really want to visit exotic place it is Cambodia, i have been in vietnam, it is nice but people are so rude and hard to deal with... china not yet soon i will give u info. about it, planning to go in december inshaAllah, Malaysia ... clean and sense of islamic civilization, myamar too confusing.. loas beautiful people, thialand industrialized not much difference than the west...


    to be continue.....



  10. Cambodia is located south east Asia .. labguage is called Khmer, very hard to learn at least to me.. population 13 million, 100 thousand muslims, they are called chams and they live in poverty and very few are educated, during the khmer rouge, the pol pot regime forced then to eat pork and raise bigs so they lost trust in Cambodian people.. the % of educated people in Cambodia is very little, but it is improving thanx to teachers like us (3 Somalis and others).. the country has no natural resources to mention, they live on international donors, it is touristic place.. the main attraction is called Angkor Wat it is located in a city called siem riep 6 hours boat and 9 hours car.. the capital is phnom penh...


    to be continue



  11. ^^ Shabella why do i feel you are against me in everything, wasnt you who wished the Iraqis to beheaded me? .. Ala sis tell me what have i done to you so that i will ask forgiveness, and Apologize.. peace