Motor Cycle Cruiser

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Posts posted by Motor Cycle Cruiser

  1. The thought of retirement at an early age will certainly be an option for me, I can be golfing or MC Cruising all day. Seriously speaking, for my situation I certainly wouldn’t mind my spouse making more $$$ as long as she knows who wears the pants in the house lol (I am not kidding about that ladies). The way I see it, it’s more “bacon” or should I say “hilib” for the family.

    It’s a customary thing in our culture that men are the breadwinners, if the roles are reversed and the man’s contribution is far less than that of his spouse or (significant other), then he may get the sense that he is a less of man especially if he is married to nagging woman who constantly reminds him of it which I am sure will happen at some point of the marriage. lol (I feel some male bashing is coming up) lol







  2. Brother Bachelor,

    MC CRUISER is full blooded Somalian. Where is the blond hair you are talking about? this juncture, I will settle for any hair lol.

    Ask Ismahan and she will tell you she does not see any hair at all. lol.





  3. Fellow Nomads,

    I commend the admin staff for putting together such a great site and for doing a great job maintaining it and moderating it’s forums. And yes, to my surprise there is a whole a lot of love and harmony on this site. I knew that Nomads can be decent to each other, but I must say that the close knitted love and brotherhood/sisterhood on this site is more than what I expected. Kudos to everyone for great postings, and for the few who persist to be negative (one or two maybe) well, we will just have to work on spreading some of that love into you. lol.



    "I knew someone had to stand up and I decided it wouldn't be me" -----Rosa Parks





  4. Ismahan,

    I am gonna sound self centered on this one and say that you wrote this for me, lol, I mean, you know, my sweetie put up to it, lol right? good job on (her) first poem.

    Made it to California. Tell my sweetie that I am on my best behavior so far, but I can't guarantee it's gonna last for long. It's hard to be stuck in a hotel room while the boys are having fun. lol


    Really good job on the poem my sister.






  5. Mobb_Deep,

    You had me falling off the chair laughing my bleep off with your signature note. Brother, not only are you one pissed off dude, but one hell of a pragmatic guy too. Unfortunately that quote does not work me lol….





  6. Baydan

    Chris Matthews is too liberal for Foxnews, him and his fast yammering mouth (lol) are still on MSNBC, thank GOD for that.

    As for O’Reilly, how could you listen to that (redneck) GOP puppet? You wasted your spring is nothing more that a GOP TV.

    Bring back Clinton.





  7. Baydan

    Chris Matthews is too liberal for Foxnews, him and his fast yammering mouth (lol) are still on MSNBC, thank GOD for that.

    As for O’Reilly, how could you listen to that (redneck) GOP puppet? You wasted your spring is nothing more that a GOP TV.

    Bring back Clinton.





  8. Brother Bachelor,

    You have Arab friends that perceive you as a “cabd” and you still consider them friends..hhhmmmm. Brother, you should be punching the daylight out of them. lol just kidding about the punching.


    I am somewhat troubled by your reference to Somali people as being “blacks”, are you using this terminology in the same sense that it’s being used in the US. You know when you are filling out a college application (for example) and they wanna know your ethnicity, is that what you are referring to?. You mean you check the (black) box?


    If that’s what you are referring to, then you are just as bad as those who categorize us as Arabs. If not (well, in either case) please stick with the term African rather than Black. Join the PC revolution lol

    That’s my $0.02


    No one is free when others are oppressed (Saw it on a bumper sticker)





  9. Hey sister fartun:

    If you are really convinced that he is NOT the man for you, then you really need to give it a sincere effort to break it off. Do NOT just pointing him to this site and let the Nomad brothers and sisters do the talking for you. I am not much into the theory of stereotyping people and I certainly wouldn’t judge one person on the action of another but some of the points made here by my Nomad brothers and sisters are pretty much valid. In the final analysis you and only you can make your decisions and live the consequences.

    Now, you wouldn’t like my advice but there it is anyway: You are very young, you need to channel your energy towards building your career, concentrate on your study, at your age, boyfriends (regardless of race/ethnicity) are nothing but a distraction.


  10. Sister Ashwaq:

    Although I am proud to say that I never smoked cigarettes or chewed Qaat, I must say that I disagree with you in saying that cigarettes are ten times worst than Qaat, I think they are both social diseases that are equally bad.

    Qaat does have a greater impact on the quality of life of the people who chew it as well as their families. Just my own biased opinion (Qaat chewers do NOT get mad at me now lol) towards Qaat since I will always believe it is the reason behind the pr-mature sudden death of my older brother at the age of 35.


    Keep hope alive


  11. Salamu Calykum Brother haraky:


    Off the bat, sorry I do not share your ill-conceived thoughts towards women.

    You have reduced the value of a human being (woman) to be nothing but a piece of meat. And just like a piece of meat you want to buy her from a store, take her home and satisfy your basic instinctual needs. They have plenty of such things for guys like you, just stop by a sex toy (in your neck of the woods) and you will have plenty of dump lifeless sexy looking objects that will help you achieve the sexual gratification you are looking for. And if that fails you, you can always take a trip to Vegas and visit the Bunny Ranch.

    For the rest of use, we see women as more than just sexual objects, we see them sisters, mother, wives and life partners.

    If you have been repeatedly reject by many women, then it’s probably because of this wicked attitude that you have towards them. Start by changing your attitude and I am sure you will find your soul mate, once you do, I am sure she will be more than someone you just go to the toilet on.


    Keep hope alive