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Posts posted by Alyssa

  1. Athena,


    You don't know **** so next time think before you make ridiculous statements. There has been no progress economically is an absurd thing to say. Somaliland has struggled under the livestock ban but it has under the leadership of our president Egal developed a very strong private sector. If you were slightly more intelligent you would know that the "little peace" somaliland has means that privatley owned business and enterprise can flourish. Without the "little peace" Nothing can be achieved. No one can run their business, go to school or do anything if they don't know what disaster tommorow hold. So young lady, next time think before you speak..I wonder why you are so quick to dismiss the "little peace" is it because where you come from no one knows the meaning of the word?

    To those of you predicting doom and gloom if Egal dies, sorry to end what little fun you have but we have a plethora of equally as qualified and good leaders as Egal. Hon.Mr Silanyo, Hon.Mr Waraabe the list is too of them would take over in a smooth transition of power, something you find hard to understand I'm sure because you are unfamiliar with peace and democracy.


    [This message has been edited by Admin (edited 04-30-2002).]

  2. Having read this entire thread, I am inclined to think that people taking this far too personally..the age old man/woman thing may have different cultural contexts in the cultures around the world, but somali or non somali what it boils down to is finding a mate a partner to reproduce with..blah blah blah

    In the course of finding the person that is right for you you will find many that are completely wrong! that is down to biology, chemistry, personality clashes you name it..

    There are so many factors at work here, remember that you may think you don't like a person coz they are shallow, selfish or dumb..but we know that there are a lot of subconcious factors that apply when choosing a mate, you might not even be aware of the real reason you reject some and want others.

    The randomness of it all is quite depressing, so much room for unrequited love but to internalise the bitterness of every failed or unrequited romance is not the way to go.

    Mr Jibril, at least you know what you DON'T want..which is good when you find the woman of your dreams these unpleasant experiences will be a distant memory.



    glad to see a familiar face in here smile.gif

    somaliland women are difficult huh!! if so, it was a natural evolutionary process, to adjust to living with the notoriously difficult somaliland men!!