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Posts posted by Nephissa

  1. Originally posted by underdog:

    Ok Princess, Greedy much?


    I know you think you "deserve" a certain level, but maybe the giftgiver sees you at a different level.

    As Dr. Phil says, "I'm not responsible for how you perceive me, I'm only responsible for how I present myself." Therefore, Mr.Coloow, if they can not "see" me for the "princess" I am, maybe it is time for some new people in my life? icon_razz.gif . Anigoo Tiffany's ka shop gareesto sidee calal la ii siiyaa??? :rolleyes:


    What would Obama be buying Oprah, ka soo qaad they're good friends or relatives..would he get her something 'duluf' from the 99 cents store, or because she is worth Zillions, and he's Gazzillionare he should be getting her a lot more then that; a diamond necklace or something else really expensive? I'm no Oprah, but laakin, yacnii waa example.. L0L.

  2. Originally posted by Ducaysane:

    Ma Gabdhahaan 30 ka ku guursanayaa 10 ciyaala dhali kara. She had a premuture baby un baad maqlaysaa.

    Dude, pretend you're 30, have a uterus, and could actually carry a baby, now pretend you had a miscarriage and lost that baby.. now close your eyes and tell me what you're feeling? :rolleyes:


    Other people's misfortune laguma qos-qoslo! Everybody deserves a shot @ parent-hood

  3. ahhhha, caqligii markan luq-luqanayay baan tufay.. :Dicon_razz.gif


    Ofcourse, the thought counts, but it also depends on who I got the gift from. If the gift giver is someone that's not in a tight financial situation, knows me and my style, I would expect them to match their gift to my taste atleast. I find it utterly ridiculous to give someone calal guriga kuu yaalay kun sano, for the simple sake of "getting them something". If that's the case, just don't give me anything.

  4. OMG, L0L@plastic bag. Some of us used to put rubber bands around our school books. It held them in place real well. :D . and who can forget the lovely "jaldi" from the Fotoromanso pages. kkk.

  5. Let's say you received a gift from a family member who obviously didn't put a lot of thought into it and bought you something cheap and ugly that they know you would never want or use.


    What would you do?

  6. Choco sis, one question here, the real question is not about his insecurity, but yours. Why do you continue to allow him to do this? Ma ilaa uu ku qawracaad sugi? Find some strength and R.U.N

  7. There's no way this guy could be for real. Bal give the brother a break, he may have a different definition of "integration."


    Originally posted by Geel_jire:

    next time they stop you for having a Muslim name, tell them you are the good domesticated assimilated type ... not the uncouth non-conforming type.

    L0L. Walahi I was thinking the same! :D .

  8. It's fine to talk to multiple guys, girls. I'm pro "kala-shaandhees" screening process, "kun shiri, hal la bax", and all that jazz. I've had 2, even 3 going at times, many years ago, when I was younger of course ;) .


    So girls, don't put all your eggs in one basket. Don't sit by the phone and answer only ONE call that may not come, don't be like Omar, :D go out and have fun.

  9. But Bishaaro how about if does not drink and qaadka xataa uusan cunin.
    This guy was the second powerfull man in somalia for 21 yrs. All the peaple who worked with him or even have known him have good things to say about him.

    Diiniyoow, err, Ducaysane ;) , Qamri or not, the man is not fit to be a MAJOR public figure, that is to be looked up to, and respected, period. 21 yrs wixii uu ahaa, maanta waxa uu yahay baa ka muhiimsan.


    Somalia waxay noqotay **** nin kastaaba iska damcaayo.