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Posts posted by Bambina

  1. Salam Alaykum ,


    Subxallah ,Germans too are thinking about banning the hijab ? I wont be surprised if one day the entire Europe decides to ban any religious symbols.Muslims are unfairly targeted ,the western doesnt understand that wearing hijab in your daily life is like wearing your clothes outside ,you take it off and you will feel naked.

  2. Salam Alaykum ,


    When do u know you're in love ? Its probably when you think of the person a little bit more than the usual .Your heart makes all the BOOM and KABOOM it can when you pass by him as if you wanted to convey a message ,lol.


    Even worse , your mind starts to wonder what it would be like to be his wife and the mother of his children.You get jealous and start to read books and check websites for advices such as how to trap the guy of your dreams or how to convince him you're his soulmate and you start to sing Erykah Badu's single " love of my life" :D .

  3. Salam Alaykum ,


    There was a time I could tell if a guy was flirting or not , but never when it came to me.When a guy was hitting on a gal ,it was so easy for me to spot it from miles away ,lol.But if a guy was hitting on me ,I had hard times figure it out.Most of the times ,older men between 40 to 50 and plus tried to flirt with me ,lol.


    Of course there is the usual pick-up lines such as "whats your name ,what do u study ,I've seen u somewhere" and the blabla goes on.But sometimes a guy knows how to trick a girl , he wont use pick-up lines , will look serious and still he will be able to flirt with u ,you wont even be aware of it,lol.But how do you know when a guy wants to show his interest ?Simple ,you will see his hunger looking werewolf eyes staring at you !!!Then you better run for ur life . :D

  4. Salam Alaykum ,


    I can relate to u guyz ,Im just in my first year ,I already owe more than $9000 and I think it will be even worse because I have 3 more years to undergo university.Im planning to find a job during the summer so I wont have to borrow the same amount of money next year.


    The thing is if you make enough money ,the financial aid will calculate how much you made and of course you will borrow less.In a way its better because the money you made was halal ,at least you worked for it.


    Even if studies are important ,it is difficult to pay back such amount of money.A Canadian student who borrows loans for 3 or 4 years ,is likely to pay back an amount between $ 30 000 to 40 000.Talk about a lifetime payback!Subxallah!

  5. Salam Alaykum ,


    I can relate to u guyz ,Im just in my first year ,I already owe more than $9000 and I think it will be even worse because I have 3 more years to undergo university.Im planning to find a job during the summer so I wont have to borrow the same amount of money next year.


    The thing is if you make enough money ,the financial aid will calculate how much you made and of course you will borrow less.In a way its better because the money you made was halal ,at least you worked for it.


    Even if studies are important ,it is difficult to pay back such amount of money.A Canadian student who borrows loans for 3 or 4 years ,is likely to pay back an amount between $ 30 000 to 40 000.Talk about a lifetime payback!Subxallah!

  6. Salam Alaykum ,


    Got some news for those who live in Ottawa:


    What: Somali Youth Conference

    Date : Saturday ,March 27 th , 2004

    Location: At Ridgemont High School

    2597,Alta Vista Drive


    Entrance cost :$5


    Time: starts at and ends after the maghrib prayer.


    As for the food I do not know if its free or not , so I suggest you to bring $10 to cover the cost of food , you never know.

  7. Salam Alaykum ,


    Dear Runaway , being 21 without no man in your life doesnt necessarily mean that you are doomed forever when it comes to relationships.There are many girls who are even older than you who dont have men , because they havent got the chance to meet their other halves.


    The question you should ask yourself is if you want to have a man just to be cool like your girlfriends or if you want to be confident about yourself and what you want in a man ? You should also consider the fact that things are calaaf and you have to be patient.Your patience will be inshallah rewarded.


    Look in a man what would be best for you ,such as his deen .If you are not ready to have a relationship , always say NO.And at last but not the least , the key is to look for marriage not a short-term relationship.Good luck sis.

  8. Salam Alaykum ,


    Since I started praying and wearing the hijab , I noticed that my hair was getting dryer.The fact that I pass water on my hair while making my wuduu contributes to their dryness. The only treatment that I use is olive oil because its the only oil that gives shine and strengh to my hair. I do this process every night before sleeping because it seems that I lose moisture when I wear the hijab too.So sister beside olive oil what are your best treatments ?

  9. Salam Alaykum ,


    Im sad by the fact that some girls get rid of their superb skin colour by appling bleaching creams.It is shocking because in a way you're trying to alter Allah's beautiful creations.Bleaching creams might make some people happy but in the long run , they could get skin cancer.


    Women unlike men tend to compete to the extreme.

    When I was little ,even though I didnt agree with bleaching creams, it was logic to me that a girl with a dark skin wanted to get lighter , but now even lighter girls want to add a certain glow to their faces.By trying to look alike white girls ,somali women are putting down their deen and their culture.


    What I find sad is that little girls with dark skin will get nasty comments from their peers as well as from somali ladies.At the end ,Im not even surprised that some of them will get some confort by using abrasive bleaching creams.

    I heard so many stories about women even using cleaning products for toilets such as Javel to get lighter.


    My point is even if some people want you to conform to their ideals dont follow them ,be yourself because you got nothing to prove to the world.

  10. Salam Alaykum ,


    How did this topic get out of control ? Bismillahi ,I didnt logged in for 6 days and when I come all I see is that the debate is rotating around Garab tuujiye ,QacQac & Opi.You 3 should be ashamed of yourselves.


    As different you may sound to one another , you have many things in common :D .You are all opitionated and quote each other to the extent of wasting precious times on the SOL ,but I know you do also care about the Somali culture and Islam and Im relieved at this thought.


    Let me waste also my time :D by commenting some quotes so you can understand where Im trying to get into.


    . "I could help thinking that maybe you are with and Afro American brother "


    My dear Garab tuujiye, I hope you are not assuming that Opi has an afro-American boyfriend ,thus being the reason why she might defend afro-Americans.Im sure she didnt tell you anything specific about her life since most the times you're not getting along.Brother ,if this isnt what you meant ,I hope your are going to clarify it because I do not understand it.


    Second of all you treat Opi as a dumb girl : I DON'T THINK YOUR THAT SMART.... I think its not the best solution to call someone immature to make your points because you will always get the opposite reaction.


    To Opi , your arguments always spark fire in the SOL ,I do like some of your opinions and sometimes you piss me off , :D , I guess everyone's contribution to the debate is important.But sis ,you shouldnt have posted your PM to discredite Garab.And Im telling you this, not because I defend Garab but because a PM stays a PM.If you want to deal in private ,do it in private.

    If you got sumthing to say in public ,you are welcomed as long as you are not posting private conversations in public.


    To QacQac ,like Opi and Garab ,your posts trigger frustration ,anger,wisdom :D and most of the times a nice debate.I do understand the issues that you bring up in the SOL.


    But the problem with you, is that you dont really explain at the beginning of your posts what you are trying to say and most of the times , I get confused before realizing what is your point.

    For example you asked us if calling 911 was ok if we were abused.Even though you were against all kinds of abuses your sentence implied the opposite.My advice to you , make sure that what you are writing reflects what you are thinking.



    Here's how you can solve this beef ,first of all I think Garab and QacQac meant that we as somalis have to make efforts in order to save from whats left of the somali culture.

    And by that we have to work on our deen , believe me living in the west might give you great opportunities such as education and jobs but at the end, remember that your faith in your religion is more important.


    It is true that there’re many Somalian sisters who date Afro American Brothers And there Are many Somali brothers who date Afro American sisters an white girls.. But some do it because they love the person, and decide to get them to become Muslim if they are not which is really nice. But there are some, who know nothing about their culture infect hate, their culture and religion and Nationality. And the only reason thy at Afro American or whites I because they are trying to fit in and wanting to be westernized.


    Some of you pointed out that Garab was making discriminatory comments towards somali girls but If I read the quote above I dont see what suggests that.In fact I believe his comment was directed towards both men and women.


    Opi has some strong opinions and I do agree with her that living in the west doesnt mean that we are necessarily brainwashed and all afro-Americans are not what we always see on TV.



    To all nomads ,we are all aware that keeping our values in a non-muslim country can be a tricky task.Nobody said that things were easy ,you have to educate yourselves and others if you want to be strong.As for the afro-Americans ,their struggle is not done yet ,they have to seperate themselves from the dirty values that dirty videos preach.


    The thing I dont like is that most black rap artists will tell you that they respect women but their vidoes always imply the opposite.They preach more about the importance of having a big diamond chain , a nice car , a beautiful house and prostitutes more than anything else.And I know many somalis will follow them just to be cool.


    You can be muslim and still have black-Americans friends but be sure that their values correspond to your muslim values and Im specially telling this to Opi because I believe this is what QacQac and Garab have tried to make you understand.

  11. Salam Alaykum ,


    Rudy ,I dont know whats worst ,the fact that we have some happy campers in here? Or the fact that you've been wasting your time watching a particular person in the SOL? Either case its spooky,lol. :D .By the way ,where's your online detective licence? :cool:


    I dont care about ppl who dont post , maybe some dont like to write but I think , they must have registered for a good reason because the SOL is an entertaining place ,lol.

  12. Salam Alaykum ,


    LOL, Baaniyal ,are you having a crisis with the somali ladies? I dont think all somali girls portray themselves as queens or princesses. If some do ,they must be confident about themselves which I believe is cool unless it is a sign of too much pride.


    If you want to be a ladies'man ,you must treat women as queens unless you want to get a pair of dacas fying directly on your face,lol.Just kiddin' bro but rule of thumbs , be yourself and dont call a lady " my queen or princess" if you dont feel like it.Because I believe she's already guessing that she is special if she got your attention and thats enuff ,lol.

  13. Salam alaykum,


    Socrates,you shouldnt be mad if a somali girl doesnt want your help.I would have probably done the same thing , faced the harsh cold and never got into a man's car,unless he was a mahram.

    Besides what proved to her that you guys had a good intention? Did you know that many teens got raped just because they werent careful enough to say no?


    The point is brother you must not get angry because the girl was islamically following her deen.Besides it is often rare that a guy stops his car and helps you unless he wants something back in return.I dont want to generalize but most of the time it is the case and I apologize in advance if any guy in the SOL get offended by this.

  14. Salam Alaykum,


    We live in a society where, sometimes women have to look good in order to be successful ,which I think is deplorable since it reduces women to objects.I was disgusted one time, when I saw a document about plactic surgery.Subxanallah! Many women where trying to look like their favorite stars by using breast implants or other materials to fill their buttocks to look like JLO.


    But I guess if you want to be successful regardless of your physics , you should emphasize on your intellect no matter what.I also think that a girl should be respected whether she has some big breasts or not because at the end ,they are both part of Allah's beautiful creations.

  15. Salam Alaykum,


    There's nothing to be worried about the guy you talk on the phone with as long as you are friends.But the problem comes when ,you have some feelings for him.Then, you start to see the other as a potential mate even though there is not a relationship besides a friendship.

    You become jealous and there goes the pain in the chest when wondering if the guy that you like talks to other girls.


    If you are a courageous girl ,you should try to get to know him and find out if he's interested in someone else ,I guess you have to ask him that question or else you're going to wait for a while!If you find out that he doesnt like you , then I guess you have to move on ,not by breaking off but by limiting your 3 hours chats on the phone.So that way you could keep some distance.

  16. Salam Alaykum,


    It is true that finding clothes during the summer is harder but I believe if you have faith in your hijab , a little shopping wouldnt be that bad :D .

    As for the hijab ,many people told me that women have to be covered from head to toes except hands and face.My feet are starting to cringe at the thought of wearing socks during the summer but I guess I have to start to wear them one way or another.

  17. Salam Alaykum ,


    We are all aware, that we get influenced by our surroundings ,even somalis are not immunized against this.I noticed that many teenagers spoke less and less their mother tongue ( including me),acted like thugs to impress girls, dressed like their favorite hip-hop stars for the sake of being cool (including girls) and used guns to be more in control.


    Still ,I have faith in my somali brothers and sisters because mistakes are made when you are young and I believe as you get older , you get wiser.But,that shouldnt be an excuse to sit and watch till they grow up.You have to intervene before things spill out of control. As muslims , it is mandatory to educate children the best way we can and live it to the future.


    Every parent should educate their children with the help of a regular school and attend islamic classes at the same time , so children can benefit from Allah's teachings.They should also teach their children about our somali culture.Because you have to stand up like a soldier , tall and proud when you say that you are a somali,lol.


    We should be glad that the somali culture still exists.It is unfortunate that black-Americans or black-Canadians never knew exactly from what countries they came and I believe they're still trying to regain and struggle for a black power.Nowadays , hip-hop culture is used to portrayed all the negativity in black people( violence and sex).But so many blacks are trying to get rid of these steretypes but medias dont help as well as their own victimization.


    So the moral of my speech is that we have to fight for the survival of our beautiful culture.Certain things piss me off , when certain teens make fun of older somalis who dont speak english very well or even those who see their mother tongue as something exotic rather than an integral part of their identities.The fight is not over yet, we must not give up on our somalis even if they do bad things but rather support them.

  18. Salam Alaykum,


    As you know , muslims are facing many challenges around the world whether from a social context with the ban of hijab in France, from political aspect such as wars in Somalia, Palestine,Afghanistan ,Irak and many other countries and from natural disasters such as earthquakes in Iran , Morroco where the death toll is still rising.


    I just want to point out as a muslim that we should not forget that our brothers and sisters around the globe need our prayers.

  19. Salam Alaykum,


    Mashallah, you guyz ,know so many languages,

    OG_Moti,Im shoched , how can you remember all those lingos ? :D .

    As for me, I know somali,french, english and lets add a lil' ethiopian such as hamaric (only insults and greetings :D ).

  20. Salam Alaykum,


    Jaamac_Bootan , :D ,I hope you are not trying to waste your time by comparing ladies of the Somalinet and SOL because that I would be a ****** idea.You're saying that ladies from the SOL seem classy so do I have to assume that ladies from Somalinet were trashy?I just hope "women" is the only excuse for you to log in the SOL.


    By the way what is this wave of Somalinet refugees?I have nothing agaisnt that ,on the contrary everyone is welcomed.But,why do you guyz need to specify that you came from Somalinet to appreciate the SOL? You can say that you are refugee from a country but refugee from a website?Dont make me laugh.