The Zack

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Posts posted by The Zack

  1. ^Right - he inherited it from a dead man. We know the history, it aint that old. Ninbaa uga dhintay doorashadii xigtayna asagaa madaxweyne ahaa marka isma rashixi kartid waa lagala xishooday but he and all the habros knew it wasn't his :) Taas yaanan isku daalin. Imikaba eeg seddex-da xisbi yaa kala xukumo - so much for diversity!


    Now the point is Samatar ran away from Mogadishu claiming the his "clan" are not allowed to be the president there, he accused Shariifka of offering him a mere minister. What he didn't know is the same applies in Hargeisa... one wonders what he will do once he finds that out.

  2. Maaddeey;971063 wrote:
    ^ And you want them to leave!, irony.

    The Zack, 20 sano?. Moo'ryaanimo aa u qarine-haysaa miyaa?.

    Ha ha no no moryaanimo ma jirto diintuba HAG bey ku hartay maalmahan.


    Oba, wants reer Galgaduud out of SH but he wants other HaGs to stay lol doqonsanaa

  3. ^it doesn't count marka looga dhinto..


    Iney helaan madaxweynimo iska dhaaf e, they aren't even allowed to run for it, just look at the heads of the only three parties in Somaliland.


    LOOoOL@faleenbada ku socota Samatar :D :D

  4. Nin-Yaaban;970653 wrote:
    Another 'isku di.r' thread by another SoLer. That's been
    par for the course
    for the Politics section lately.

    qabiileyste is qariya oo aanan qiran Karin adaan kaa heynaa SOL yaa abused prisoner!



    Maadeey, she is making two points:

    1. Ama Xamar dhaqaalaha aad Wajaale gelisaan geliya ama iska guura

    2. Stop supporting Shabaab

  5. nuune;970275 wrote:
    If going by that logic, then I can declare many others as warlords, but why did you hate the man yaa Zack, ma Badhaadhe ayuu kugu ciriiriyey

    That was a straight forward question yaa Sheekh Nuune, all it needed was a straight answer.


    I asked about a warlord, not the warlord :)



  6. Saalax;969761 wrote:
    Xildhibaan Saado Cali Warsame oo fadeexad ku tilmaantay in dasturka dalka Somalia lagu qoro luqadaha Englishka

    iyo Turkishka.


    Saado Cali oo Fadeexad Ku Tilmaantay In Dasturka Dalka Somaliya Lagu Qoro Luuqado Aan Somali Ahayn.

    " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>

    Horta waxaan idin weydiin wax ma dhageysataan miyaa? It would be nice if people actually listened to the stuff they post and/or comment on. Saado is not protesting against a Turkish language being the official language in Somalia( and that is not even the case), [b]what saado is protesting about is a recent bilateral military agreement between Somalia and turkey[/b]. The agreement was written in Turkish and English. She is saying why wasnt the agreement written in Somali as well. Nothing biggie here. Another point she mentioned is why is the word "FEDERAL" missing in the Somali government's name in the mentioned Turkish-Somali military agreement.

  7. Jacaylbaro;969860 wrote:
    "Few geel jirayaal" .. is that how you have been seeing them before ?? ...

    The questions can be reversed and asked you.... you have been telling us Khaatumo is weak and have no strong troops... now you are telling us 600 well trained Khaatumo soldiers have surrendered.