The Zack

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Posts posted by The Zack

  1. This is what I got so far:

    District State

    Baki Awdal

    Boramo Awdal

    Lughaya Awdal

    Zeylac Awdal

    Ceel Barde Bakool

    Hudur Bakool

    Tiyeglow Bakool

    Wajid Bakool

    Yeed Bakool

    Abdi Asis Banaadir

    Bondhere Banaadir

    Darkeynle Banaadir

    Dayniile Banaadir

    Hamar Weyne Banaadir

    Hara Jabjab Banaadir

    Hawle Wadaag Banaadir

    Heliwa Banaadir

    Hodan Banaadir

    Karaan Banaadir

    Shangani Banaadir

    Shibis Waberi Banaadir

    Wadajir Banaadir

    Wardhiglye Banaadir

    Waabari Banaadir

    Yaqship Banaadir

    Alula Bari

    Bender Bayla Bari

    Bosaso Bari

    Iskhushuban Bari

    Qandala Bari

    Qardho Bari

    Baydhaba Bay

    Burhakaba Bay

    Dinsor Bay

    Qansadhere Bay

    Cabudwaaq Galgaduud

    Cadaado Galgaduud

    Ceelbur Galgaduud

    Ceeldeer Galgaduud

    Dhusa-Mareb Galgaduud

    Galhareeri Galgaduud

    Bardhere Gedo

    Beletxawa Gedo

    Ceelwaaq Gedo

    Dolow Gedo

    Garbaharey Gedo

    Luuq Gedo

    Beletweyne Hiiraan

    Bulo-Burte Hiiraan

    Jalalaqsi Hiiraan

    Matabaan Hiiraan

    Buale Jubbada Dhexe

    Dijuma Jubbada Dhexe

    Jilib Jubbada Dhexe

    Sakow Jubbada Dhexe

    Afmadow Jubbada Hoose

    Badhadhe Jubbada Hoose

    Jamame Jubbada Hoose

    Kismayo Jubbada Hoose

    Galkacyo Mudug

    Goldogob Mudug

    Haradhere Mudug

    Hobyo Mudug

    Jeriban Mudug

    Burtinle Nugaal

    Eyl Nugaal

    Garowe Nugaal

    Badhan Sanaag

    Ceelafyeyn Sanaag

    Ceerigabo Sanaag

    Las Qorey Sanaag

    Adan Yabal Shabeelaha Dhexe

    Ballcad Shabeelaha Dhexe

    Caadale Shabeelaha Dhexe

    Jowhar Shabeelaha Dhexe

    Afgooye Shabeelaha Hoose

    Braawe Shabeelaha Hoose

    Kurtunwaarey Shabeelaha Hoose

    Marka Shabeelaha Hoose

    Qoryoyley Shabeelaha Hoose

    Sablaale Shabeelaha Hoose

    Wanlaweyne Shabeelaha Hoose

    Caynabo Sool

    Lascaanood Sool

    Telex Sool

    Xudun Sool

    Burco Togdheer

    Buuhodle Togdheer

    Odwenyen Togdheer

    Sheik Togdheer

    Berbera Waqooyi Galbeed

    Gebiley Waqooyi Galbeed

    Hargeysa Waqooyi Galbeed

  2. SOLers,


    I was wondering if someone at SOL can provide the names of the 92 districts of Somalia. The list I am looking for based is off of the official districts as of January 26, 1991. The last district named by the last Somali government was Galhareeri in Galgaduud. If you have it or can find it, please post this list, preferrably with a reliable source.


    DISCLAIMER: I am not looking for a made-up or clan-made list of districts. I have seen some laughable lists in Wikipedia.


    Thanks in Advance!

    The Zack

  3. Carafaat;937205 wrote:
    I did not make any diffrentiation between Uganda and Kenya. They are both foreign countries with their own agenda in Somalia, but it seems you seem to
    yourself to a great extend with one of them two countries.

    Really? Then why in the world have you created more than a dozen of threads about Kenya and not a single one about Uganda? Why do you speak so loud against Kenyans and whisper about the Ugandans? Why aren't you protesting against the Ugandan influence in Xamar and Jowhar and whine about Kenyan facilitation in Jubbaland? Why waryaa?

  4. xiinfaniin;937019 wrote:
    ^^These folks dhegahooda iyo afkoodu isma maqlaan, xagna Kenya lagama maarmo oo waa lasoo aadi oo inta islii la yimaado, walaalahay lala sheekaysan oo lala ganacsan, xagna marka Xamar la joogo dadka waxaa loo sheegaa Kenya qabiil bay taageertaa ama waa cadow

    Yep it is called selective patriotism. Maadan dhageysan isamka HAG nabadoon Xaad maalin dhaweyd? Kenya waa cadow taangiyadeeda Hana dhaafiso he said while riding a Ugandan tank and while his second wife lives and does business in Nairobi.

  5. xiinfaniin;936031 wrote:
    ^^And later after things continue to go Jubbaland's way, you will as always say you were kidding , right?


    Come again awoowe. You and I know what we are talking about. Lets not entertain the gallery here with false hopes and whatnot.

    :D :D


    Sources indicate Yusuf Haji will be the next foreign minister of Kenya... So much for the new skin :)