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Posts posted by Maalqabeen

  1. Without Vieira, France would probably be out of the tournament. He is magnificent. It is really a joy wachting him play ball. He played a horrible from the first match till the first half against Togo but it was like someone told Vieira to stand up and lead the team and since then he is playing magnificent. The undisputed leader on the pitch. And for France chances against Brasil. It depends on how Vieira is going to play against Brasil. If he is magnificent like the game against Spain. Les Blues has a real chance but if not, they are done.


    If Argentine is going to play the first half like they did against Mexico, they’re also down. But I think they will start very sharp and I think it depends on who is going to win the battle of the midfield. Who wins that battle, will eventually win the match. Ballack and Frings are my favorite because Argegntine’s midfield were already overclassed in two matches. So I’m betting on my money Die Mannschaft

  2. Miami lost the game last night because they didn’t make their foul shots. If they made them then it would probably be another game. And as for the series it is obviously clear who is going to win these series. Miami overclassed Motown in game 4 which was essential for Detroit to keep a realistic chance to win the series but they didn’t. So let see us what game 6 got in stock for us, sorry I mean; let see If Detroit can stop the machine that is called "Wade" :D

  3. I don’t think there will be any suprises this year in the World Cup. Specially don’t in Group C where my team Holland (Nederland) will win the group and second place will go to Argentina. But seriously I think Argentina will win this World Cup. I have seen their under 21 squad win the World Cup last year and they were amazing. That squad plays magnificent football and has the ability to adapt to every existing system.


    You probably think “What has that squad to do with the real Argentinian squad†A lot of youngsters who won the under 21 World Cup, are playing now for the real Argentinian squad. If you put these young talented players with veterans like Riquelme and Crespo, you got one heck of a team which can win the World Cup So I’m betting my money on Argentina. BTW If someone has seen the friendly match last november between Argentina and England, knows what I mean !!!!

  4. People don’t hate clubs who deserve to win, they hate clubs who don’t deserve to win. That is the case with chelsea. If chelsea had played good football throughout the year. I think most of the people would been happy for chelsea because than they would have been simply the best club around and there is than no room for discussion. The game against barcelona in stanford bridge showed all the football supporters across the world all what chelsea wasn’t. First they didn’t have bravery, second they were outclassed collectively, and third, worst of all they played part from the first ten minutes counter-football on their own turf . Come on which great football team plays counter-football on their on pitch. I think that 80 per cent of the english supporters who watched that game hoped that barcelona would win that game because with out any doubt chelsea is a shame to the game specially for the english football game.

  5. It is a well known fact that qeybdiid was raped several times after his many defeats. The man was a born loser. Qoriga dabajeex iyo Qeybdiid waa saaxiibo gaar. Horey iyo gadaal baa laga mari jirey. Qeybdiid was nothing is nothing and will be nothing. Just look at his history. But the only crime that he committed was openly interfering into business that wasn’t his. Dowladda federaalka , luckily he learned from his mistakes because I don’t see him talkig nonsense these days. Naagta casheerkeed si fiican baanu uu barne

  6. That is this actually.


    The seat of the government is in jowhar and the capital of Somalia is Mogadishu.

    We have already the seat of the government and now we will takeover anything that is essential to make the international community to recognise this government


    Qanyare the coward with his infamous threats will be soon send in to sea . War ninkaan balaayo baa sugayso. Xasbiga maxaad ka dhaadaa war kan badda baan ku tuureynaa .Muuse Suudi Morocco baa loo tirxiilaa . Dalka caqli dameerayaasha weey ka daaleen. 90 km that is the destinies between Mogadishu and Jowhar. 6000 men are 24 hours ready to rock and roll with big daddies Qanyare and Muuse but all I see is two above 45 years old men who can’t keep their words. Simple said two cowards that talk constantly B.S. There is no another option to deal with these kind of people, the option is send them in to the sea

  7. The problem with C/laahi Yusuf was, he heavily relied on foreign peace-keepers. That was his first plan, to go with 10000 men strong, foreign army to Somalia. Because of the large amount of money supposedly going to the project C/laahi though, it will also make for his government easy to be recognised by other countries, because after all they paid for it. That was the main reasons why C/laahi stayed for a very long time with his first plan.


    After he realised that IC won’t support a peace-mission that divides Somalis, he came with his plan B, his current plan. I can’t say much about this plan. Because we don’t know much about it. But just look at it. C/laahi is only 3 months in the country and 2 months in his suppose to be capital Jowhar. The pace which things are happening in Jowhar for hem and his crew, are amazing.


    The National army is taking shape. The police officers have finished their training in Kampala and will be soon used. People are openly supporting C/laahi Yusuf's government. Jowhar is gathering momentum and many others positive developments.


    One other great development of C/laahi is that, his arrrival gave a big blow to the momentum of the Mogadishu warlords that they had since the infamous day of 17 march. Since C/laahi’s arrival you don’t hear much from them except from complaining and bit.ching.


    As long the government can show results on the ground. The international community will give the needed resources. What C/laahi must do is avoid war and keep the IC as friend. Building a government from the bottom isn’t something that happens in few day’s, it takes time. C/laahi lost some time because of his stubbornness, but his plan B works so far excellent.

  8. What amaze me: that some people here are portraying that human traffic as a something bad or wrong. If you don’t know most of Somalis living in Europe. Have used human traffic agency’s to come here, except a small group that come before 1991.


    Human traffic has been what kept large parts of Somalia alive. What kind of opportunities lies in a country where there is no rule and law, where everybody fears for their own life’s each day ? To be honest nothing right now. So I’m glad that the Bosaso port authority allows on a certain degree human trafficking. Because this opportunity allows the youth of Somalia to earn hard currency in foreign countries and sent it back home, where it is most needed.


    As few others already said: lets stay with the topic and what was Indhacade and his alleged drug farms not human trafficking

  9. When it comes to the national police commander, I agree with Minister of National Security Mudane Qanyare he named Mudane Lit.Col Qaybdiid because Qaybdiid had high position in the police forces in the previous governments that’s makes him absolutely qualified for his job unlike his opponent Cali Looyaan ama Cali Madoobe who is absolutely not qualified for this job. Cali Maddobe was Jaajus just like me LoooooooooooL what does he know about police

  10. First it was Ethiopia because they wanted to invade Somalia Second was Yemen because of Meheri and now it is Italy because they want to re-colonise Somalia


    What is next Afganistan


    these baboons (warlords) from Mogadishu know only how to blame certain groups, this group that group will it never stop.

  11. Horn Afrik no thanks bro keep supporting adeer Barre Hiiraale the biggest puppet of Somali politic by the way thanks for providing prove for my statement LooooooL here You come with a battle where they (South-Mogadishu) embarrass Barre Hiiraale in front of entire Somalia. I can 100 percent understand why Barre Hiiiraale did not want to come to Nairobi after the Dhoobley incident

  12. Are Somalilanders still doubting C/laahi Yusuf’s capacity to deal with his enemies ? After all what happened as C/laahi Yusuf was the president of puntland. Just a little reminder. at that time Somaliland was his enemy and after all the talks and blabla Somaliland got humiliated on Politic Front, Economic Front and Military Front, an first class humiliation from Ina Yeey and you are still doubting Ina Yeey’s capacity



    Or are guys you hoping that he fails ?

  13. Barre Hiirale is the biggest puppet in Somali politic


    Barre Hiirale is brought by South-Mogadishu in Kismayo He is maintained by S-Mog in Kismayo. He is nothing without S-Mog. All though that the military power of clan is everything in the negotiations with others clans and Barre Hiirale’s crew military power are nothing compare with his allies. but because it is Kismayo He got one powerful toll and that his allies need, is his clan’s name. Still he was outsmart by South-Mogadishu just look at the previous years each year S-Mog challenges his authority and come with weird move.


    Maybe Barre Hiirale is sick of being treated by his allies this way and he wants a new round of negotiations that’s why I think he threats (still on a small scale) with he will join C/laahi/Geedi Wing





    Barre Hiiraale:Maalinka la is qabto ayaa la ogaan doonaa dhanka aan la safanahay labada garab ee dowladda.


    Waaga Cusub News Online, kismayo


    Barre Adan shire hiiraale oo ah Wasiirka dib u dhiska iyo dib u dejinta dowladda federalka KMG ah ee Somaliya ayaa markii ugu horeeysay shaaca ka qaaday in siyaasadiisa la ogaan doono maalinka ay is qabtaan labada garab ee dowladda Somaliya u kala jabtay maalinkaas oo lama huraan ay tahay inuu midkood la safto .


    Barre Hiiraale oo shabaakadaha Waagacusub iyo Gobanimo ugu waramayay Magaaladda Kismayo wuxuu ku nuuxnuuxsaday inuusan mashquul ku ahayn xanta suuqa taal iyo hanjabaadaha huwan intaba balse uu raacayo halbeega siyaasadiisa qotoda dheer.


    Gudoomiyaha Dooxadda Jubba Mr Hiiraale wuxuu ka mid ahaa siyaasiyiinta garabka Xisbigga midig ee ku sugan Muqdisho hasse ahaatee bishii la soo dhaafay waxaa soo ifbaxayay shaki baaxad weyn oo laga qabo kaas oo lagu tilmaamayo inuu la saftay dhanka Xulufadda Madaxweyne Yuusuf.


    Dadka ka faalooda arrimaha siyaasadda ayaa waxay leeyahiin hadii Barre hiiraale qaadaco garabka Dowladda ee muqdisho siyaasadda ay ku duulayaan waxaa dhici karto in si sahal ah maamulkiisa dooxadda Jubba loogu gacan geliyo Jeneral Morgan oo kaashanaya Yuusuf Mire Seeraar oo ah ku xigeenka Barre hiiraale.


    Nasteex Cabdi Dahir .


    Kismayo Somalia.

  14. Will there be a fight between the two factions ? Yes


    Are Yusuf and Geedi building up their military power ? Yes


    Is C/laahi Yusuf going to attack Mog-warlord strongholds ? No


    C/laahi Yusuf is gong to challenge the Mog-warlords authority but he will never attack them head-on. That kind of moves will bring his presidency in danger. I think this already in-famous fight that everybody is thinking of won’t take place in the near future because the both parties don’t want be to blame unnecessary bloodshed.

  15. This whole story about how many Mp’s are there, are here. Is very confusing but am finally out here 103 Mp are outside of Nairobi this numbers are true because there was a list of the all the MP’s that weren’t in Nairobi 152 Mp’s attended the meeting that took place 11 may 2005 if it wasn’t so the international community wouldn’t recognised the decisions that were made that day but international community recognised the meeting of 11 May so therefore this amount of mp’s that Yusuf group claim are true so far we have 152+103=255 therefore we have 20 mp’s leftover that were in Nairobi but didn’t attend the meeting of 11 May this group is pro-shariif so now we got all of the 275 Mp so let us summary this thing


    Facts are


    172 Mp’s were in Nairobi on 11 May


    152 pro-yusuf

    20 pro-shariif


    103 Mp’s weren’t in Nairobi

    The only thing that we know about this group overwhelming majority are stationed in Mogadishu but we don't know how big their are but we do know is that pro-yusuf Mp’s are also in Somalia and outside of Nairobi so Mogadishu group can’t claim all of the 103 Mp's


    My conclusion on this story is that Shariif can’t held any parliament meeting in Mogadishu Shariif came with 6 Mp’s from Nairobi and there are approximately 82 Mp’s in Mogadishu

    82+7=89 Mp’s in Mogadishu this number is far from the 139 Mp’s needed for a parliament session

  16. People of Mogadishu expressed today their view towards the rift in the government. If thousands of people had welcomed Shariif today ( which they didn’t do) that would mean most of reer Mogadishu supported the Shariif and his crew but it was also clear today that the people of Mogadishu by this I mean the majority of reer Mogadishu support Somali prime-minister Geedi even the warlords media tried to convince us that shariif’s visit to Mogadishu was a success but let be once honest with each other I was expecting a bigger welcome than the previous one in February actually I was expecting the biggest welcome of any official the last 20 year in Somalia it would had been the biggest day of shariif’s live but it ended ........

  17. Ina yeey always goes to battle when he knows that he has enough resources to humiliated other parties that’s why ina yeey our men from jariiban goes back and forth to secure enough resources to save his presidency becuz the boy’s from Mogadishu will crush his entire programme for Somalia if he comes to south of Somalia right now

    By the way it seem that our shariif isn’t going anywhere this day's what happened to his great trip to our capital Mogadishu

  18. quote:


    Northeasternors had a more then a heavy hand in the USC acquiring so much "hub".



    Ohh yeah SSDF militia’s were stationed in Mogadishu at that time and they let USC militia’s looted the most valuable thing in Somalia and that’s the national army weapons hub this accusation is out of proportion because the people from Bari Nugaal and Mudug that were at that time in Mogadishu were only civilians and not militia’s so how on earth can the people of Northeast be responsible for USC containing the weapons Hub


    Afweyne (ilahay ha uu naxaristo) was responsible for that USC contained the weapons hub because when the looting started in December 1990 tribes from the infamous MOD alliances didn’t loot

    busto iyo birkin but massive things that the masses though they can’t loot reer Og looted the entire warshadaha oo kuyaaley magaalada muqdisho

    so if Afweyne was a smart guy he would let his own people loot the weapons hub and bring it to Gedo But no he didn’t do even many of his own kinsmen purposed this plan and he still refused

  19. What i know is there is two bacaadweyn’s in mudug the one located near Wisil and port city of Hobyo was big city for mudug proportion at that time I know this because reer bacaadweyn the one located near wisil used to come to Af Gumarsoore also know as Af barwaaqo as one of the largest groups there every time that we visited Af barwaaqo reer bacaadweyn were there but i heard there is also nothing over of bacaadweyn do to many people went south


    Bacaadweyn the one located north of galkacyo when i used live un Somalia did was a very very small tullo with only one concrete house but now whoa its looks very beautiful

    Btw yusufaddi you will not find much about bacaadweyn the one south do to the internet hype still didn’t reach that area unlike counterparts

  20. Mogadishu shouldn’t have seat of the government


    While entire Somalia expect Somaliland were celebrating after the 10 October the creation of the new government it was business as usual in Mogadishu the days before the election of the president most of Mogadishu residents were addicted to the radio and t.v curious to know who will become the next president of Somalia but when mr C/laahi Yusuf became president the whole mood had suddenly changed while entire Somalia organist demonstrations to support the government Mogadishu residents were organising anti c/laahi yusuf demonstrations


    This proves one thing the people of Mogadishu don’t Mr C/laahi Yusuf’s government in there town

    Mr Yusuf can get the support of the entire world whole of Somalia and Mogadishu’s warlords but still can’t succeed in Mogadishu without the support of the people of Mogadishu

    Imagine just imagine that the SL government allows C/llahi yusuf ‘s government to settle in Hargaise where law and order is I can bet the people of the town will fiercely oppose Mr Yusuf

    In Mogadishu where is no law and order the people of the town wouldn’t only oppose Mr Yusuf fierce they probably will grab there guns the beginning of another civil war


    Mogadishu is not Somalia and Somalia is not Mogadishu .

    oke it’s our capital but 2 previous attempts to stabilize the capital failed not because they weren’t wanted there because other reasons but this attempt failed without even reaching Mogadishu

    Mr Yusuf is the next 5 years president of Somalia. I don’t want the next 5 years to become 5 years battle of Mogadishu he is military men so he will probably got to the bitter end but Mr yusuf is also realist so I hope he will remove the seat of the government from Mogadishu and give it to southern Somalia town settle his government there start building the important institutions in peace and stability and the most important with the support of the people of that specific town Mogadishu remains the capital of Somalia but isn’t longer the seat of the government just like the country where am at the Netherlands remove the seat of the government twice in century

    Mogadishu is the only capital worthy city in Somalia so let us not change that but is also not a place for a newly born nation

  21. Ronaldo never achieved the real Ronaldo form since he went to inter back in spain this man enjoys the life in Madrid you see that be his weigh god damn he looks like Maradonna from this day's op the pitch

    The real star in the team of Madrid is the world best player Zizou the another’s are just puppet’s when the real master is super form


    My prediction Barca 2-0 Real Real is just to weak in this stage even for a draw