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Posts posted by Ashkiro

  1. An interesting book i've been reading, see the title of this thread, by Amartya Sen.


    Although i am not done with the book as of yet, to give a through review, here's an excerpt of the book that deals with the dangers of what the author calls, "singular affiliation". as you read this excerpt keep in mind the situation in Somalia and the mentality of this community (ie the usage of clan identity):


    "To be sure, the assumption of singularity is not only the staple nourishment of many theories of identity, it is also, as I discussed in the first chapter, a frequently used weapon of sectarian activities, who want the targeted people to ignore altogether all other linkages that could moderate their loyalty to the specially marked herd. The incitement to ignore all affiliation and loyalties other than those emanating from one restrictive identity can be deeply delusive and also contribute to social tension and violence.”


    It's a fascinating book, in which I recommend you all should read, if haven't already, here's a lecture by Amartya Sen (i haven't listened to all) on the subject:



    Share your thoughts if you have any.

  2. Good Idea! But i think it needs to be a sticky thread, to stay on top of the discussion board, and only admins can do that i believe.


    I don't like introducting myself so umm salams and bye and ohh nice site, it's light colors is what i find most attractive, easy to navigate.


    @ I've just had a cigarette after six years of not touching a single one.


    Why Iris, why? :(

  3. I was going to unleash my wrath on the characters, lakiin now that you revealed the man in the story is actually you, I will withhold my sentiments to myself. I did enjoy reading it though. smile.gif And it reminds me of a story my mom told me. The guy who was interested in marrying the older sister (my habaryar-allah rahmiin), tried to shukaansi her younger sister (my hooyo). He was a big-timer, high roller that worked for the old government, go figure. To make a long story short, after coming to the house on one high-noon, very hot day with his usual flirty tone, he asked for cold water, she gave him water mixed with soap/salt/saliva among other things. My hooyo rocks.


    ps: Whatever happened to the original love interest? The older sister?

  4. For many, taxi-driving is a means to an end, i happen to know several taxi drivers that also attend university part-time, are very intelligent and have goals for their future. Its not the occupation that makes the person, but the character, ambition and good they exhibit. I certainly wouldn't give respect for a individual based on his/her occupation, but who and what they are (ie personality/character). Further, knowning how racist Europe is to the darker immigrants, there are not that many opportunities available, sadly.

  5. That took place in Ohio, last weekend. Manshallah@ the brother who spoke somali, he expressed himself very eloquently. And the statistics on graduation rates is very dishearting and shocking, wow.

  6. @First of all, nothing wrong driving a taksi, ninkaaga Faarax la dhahoo ismooday balaayo already. Tan labaad it is an honour to drive a taksi than kill a fellow Muslim in their occupied country.


    Manshallah! Well put.


    LOOOOOOOOL@Biib biib, kaleexo laamiga waryaa army armygaaga ma aqaaniyaa!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Great topic walaal! 20 years maybe too soon, but nevertheless I will share my vision for OUR SOMALIA (not structured).

    I believe in Democracy, Liberty, and Justice for all. Now this may sound very familiar, and may seem to be borrowing from the American Constitution, however I share these same ideals as well (Although one would note these principles have not been realized even after 400 years). But with an Islamic Environment (nurturing) rather than Capitalistic Setting, these principles can be achieved fully and agree with those whom say, these principles are Islamic, borrowed by Western thinkers. Further, I don’t share any extremist views whatsoever-the far right and far left and believe these views are detrimental to the nations well being. For example, secularism (far left ), or Saudi Style Sharia (far right).



    The United States of Somalia

    Capital: Mogadishu


    Flag-Blue with theFive Stars


    Official Language of the Republic will be Somali.



    Official Religion-The Islamic Religion.


    Calendar- The Islamic Calendar. The solar Calendar will also be recognized.


    Constitution- Will be based on the Quran and Sunnah. The state will protect the interests of the Deen and the affairs of the people. The Dignity, life, property, rights, integrity of the individual is integral.


    The Rights of the People:

    All the Citizens of the Republic, Regardless of Ethnicity, Clan, Gender, Religion, Class, Language will enjoy equal rights, equal protection under the law, and equal access to services/employment/facilities, no privilege shall be given to any group. All Citizens of the Country are free to vote in National and local elections, but are not compelled to do so. Freedom of the Press, No censorship in the arts unless contrary to Islam. Freedom to dissent/protest, to form parties political or religious, any citizen may run for office granted he/or she must be university educated.


    Every individual has the free right to choose his/her occupation, if not contrary to Islam (ie Prostitution, selling alcohol, casino/gambling). Every individual has the free right to purchase property and to live anywhere within the Republic, without fear and extortion. The government should provide employment opportunities, services, and housing to its citizens.



    By Law, each Child under the age of 18 should be enrolled in school. Free Secondary School (Upto 12th Grade). For all Muslim Students-Islamic Studies is mandatory in Secondary Education.

    Somali/Arabic/English/ Languages along with other primary subjects s are also mandatory in Secondary Education. Other Languages and Religions maybe taken as Electives. Higher Learning should be made affordable to Students. Teachers Must be highly trained. The Government should invest in education/higher learning, research, technology, ect to develop a highly skilled labor. (Similar to the States).


    Healthcare/Social Services:

    The provision of basic necessities for all citizens: housing, food, clothing, medical treatment, education, The Government Must Provide Free Healthcare, unemployment benefits, social security, retirement benefits the whole nine.



    Generating jobs to keep skilled personnel within the country, ensuring the equal opportunities of employment for everyone, absolute prohibition of Riba and exploitation of labor. Regional Trade/International Trade which is in the interest of the Citizens of the Republic. Utilization of technology, investing in agriculture, tourism, livestock, factories/industrial development and production, exploring natural resources, becoming a state producer rather than consumer., ensuring that every region has access to the Republics revenues and facilities, and they are developed. A MODERNIZED USS.






    Weee I am tired now.


    God Bless

  8. Actually, what I've been told at least, Boosteeyo is a given name and not just a neeynaas. This name (and there are others-i just don't remember them) is usually given to girls that are "not wanted" yacni the family was expecting a boy but rather a girl was born.


    I already have the names for my kids picked out (Inshallah) and my future husband has no SAY whatsoever- I will name them after my grandparents inshallah: Ashkiro (Allahu Rahmah) and Warsame.

  9. Haye, I understand where you are coming from now.


    lol@ corrupting me. what i was thinking was entirely different, not that i see a difference between plate iyo dish though LOL. but as someone who is a hopeless romantic and believes in a monogamous marriage, your earlier comment especially from a sister was on the sour end, different positions baad ka wadaay ileen, khatarey khatar.

  10. @SCORPION_SISTA " in this scenario you are assuming the husband or the wife want a child, "


    You would be right in that would be my assumption, since we are focusing on the Somali Cultural Perspective> if we are being realistic here, its certainly unheard of, that a married couple would stay childless by choice, therefore in my opinion the articles that were posted aren't applicable to this cultural's perspective but rather a western cultural perspective(primarily the affluent of that culture.)


    ps: what is your insinuation on a married couple not wanting to eat from the same plate over and over again? LOL, that doesn't sound so promising.


    @ Malika that's a sad story, mayy God give her jannah amiin.

  11. Its true Pujah, it was what motivated me in the first place after hearing what its like for our sisters back home.


    Nogone why do i feel like you are mocking my idea with that story of yours?


    Serenity- a factory is not in my agenda for this project, but i would be very greatful to gain insight on what it takes, sounds very resourceful!. Thank you.



  12. First and Foremost, thank you all for the warm welcomes, i feel at home. When my friend suggested i would like Camel Milk threads she was indeed right, so in that spirit i will ignore the guy who called me a self-hating maroleey, as I don't want to start a fight being the new kid of bloc, but becareful waryahey i can bite, and i bite hard.


    I wish i could respond to each and everyone of you, you all make good points, however i feel as though my intention of the post was misunderstood. I do realize its not just children that hold a marriage together, and marriage is indeed a complex system as some of you have mentioned, however what i was implying was in regards to a couple that are unable to have children, let's assume this is a good couple that are committed to each other (not the loser guys the abandon their wife/and marry behind her back so many stories i have heard, that sometimes i start to hate all men and want to chop them to pieces LOL, jking) but a good man, what's the likelihood that this sort of couple would be happy if they couldn't produce a child together (by Allah's Will of course)? How many guys would stay with their wife through thick and thin, if they were unable to have children together? Wouldn't this scernio ruin a marriage or cause unhappiness? I would say yes (for the vast majority), and anyone whom implies to the contary is deluding themselves.


    @ Money, mahadsanid walaalkay for your kind words. I do agree with everything you said, its really sad that girls are not as valued as sons in African Culture, this is why i feel very blessed to have a loving father and am very proud of men like him who believe daughters are as worthy if not more than sons and stick with their families through every strom. But at the same time, its the mothers that raise the community, so they are at fault for creating such mind-sets and these double-standards that exist within the community.


    @Miskeen, manshallah 22 siblings, i can't even begin to imagine lol you must have a lot of patience, Ilahay ha ku barakayo walaalkiis. Being an only child does have its advantages (you get everything you want), but it doesn't hurt to have an army to surround you, my mother tells me when i was a child, when ever kids visited our house, i would cry when they left LOL, even as an adult i have termendous love and feel great joy to be around kids. its also good to have a large family for weddings ect, the good times and bad times, the more the merry, lakiin daad badaan uun wax is tareen there is no faiido there you know. I talked too much and am sure i made a lot of spelling errors. With that my salaams

  13. @PS: Alla muxuu dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed ka eexday dumarkeena


    Eexday is what i think it is (similar to abuse/limit) than i couldn't agree with you more. Faultko/Dhiibko oo dhaan wa haabraha, i have never seen any man even the most chauvnistic of them come close to the anti-women feelings i have heard some haabro utter. Unfortunate.

  14. Salams Everyone,


    First of all, I must say that this is a nice forum, more active than other forums I have encountered. Anyhow Greetings with Salams. Secondly, I feel like starting a topic, now there are thousands of topics here and this maybe repeat for some.


    Let me introduce myself, I am a girl and I am an only child, and a Somali lol. My parents (Allah bless them) and I have a very close relationship, not only are they my parents but also close friends. Anyhow, not to bore you, whenever people ask my mother/father, after seeing me and then the manshallahs, comes the question: How many kids? Marka loo jawaabo, haltaan gabar, you would think someone died. "Hal ka liiah"? But then comes the du'a (For me-Ameen Allahyahow, waan duceeysanhay, although i would say its a pity du'a, but nonetheless du'a is always great in my book alhamdullah). Then there is also the other side, my father and I talk as ive mentioned we are very close, in which people say maxaa naagtaan iyo gaberteeda wili u aag fadhiida?" Somali waa daad cajiib ah bal max ka galeey?. To shorten this, I have come to the conclusion from my observations, as I know my father and men like my father are one in a million perhaps in a billion (I love my Abo), that it is children that holds somali marriages together, marriage is all about children without children=misery. It is nearly impossible for a somali men to stick with his wife through thick and thin, and it seems to always be the case when a couple is childless the fault is must be from the woman's side. What a lovely dhaqan eh.

  15. Salams Everyone,


    Doing research online and person to person, thus far I am getting conflicting information, what i would like is if you all could also help me as well...if you have any info in regards to sanitary pads in Somalia. What my plan is inshallah, was to make a deal with a major company such as Always, and have pads shipped to Somalia, I am guessing major cities do have these items, but don't believe rural areas offer girls/women pads. Any Info/tips, as well as the positives/negatives in regards to this case would be helpful. Many thanks.

  16. Very honest manshallah Cadaan. You recieved good advice by others! You mentioned why can't Somali people forgive you and that you need help. I usually don't pull out the religious card but this was honestly a very touching sincere personal post manshallah. Brother Cadaan, you don't need Somali people's forgiveness one, only the forgiveness of Allah SWT! Secondly, when you need help or feel down then seek help in Allah, return to Allah, cry to Allah sincerly and Allah will relief your strain inshallah that is a gurantee. Increase your du'a and your salat. Take care.

  17. Hon, why would a somali restaurant be a "most go" in the first place? And secondly, somali places would be most likely your small booths selling the same thing door after door usually caalaal. wax big deal ah ma aha.


    I have been to ATL once, just your normal American state nothing big. Google is your best friend to know the fun-spots if you are looking to experience the place. Enjoy and save trip.

  18. Wondering peoples views on this code of so called "ethics". Watch this clip by rapper interviewed by 60 minutes. It's crazy in my opinion but i think its quite common in the black/African community. Let me know what u guys think. Thanks!