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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Abu M.M ofcourse you would reject it! Reason being that your opportunistic nature would surface very quickly in any kind of questions! It is all good and fine sitting in our comfortable surroundings and houses and making 'political anaylsis' of the situation without any 'pressure'! Some in here would be in danger of 'loosing' their respect in SOL because questions would be furious, difficult and over all live and in real time! Wow that scares the hell outta you! How many of your leaders Abu M.M have made mistakes whilst answering questions? Subsequently they were refuted by their superiors the same for ministers representing the TFG! Only then if you 'allow' yourself to be questioned will your true self be revealed! No spin whatsoever! I guess if you got something to hide, you wouldn't want to do it, so no surprises there! A man who refuses to be questioned on his 'views' and political stance, shouldn't be trusted at all! Some of us want to go to 'Jihaad' whilst being fearful of simple questions, that's really more worrying because a man who is confidant and self-assured would not reject to be asked a few questions! Not even the courts rejected it, because atleast they had an agenda although some of their agendas were questionable more than others! But atleast they had the strength and mental will power to defend their political views without intimidation or fright! If you're not frightened and have nothing to hide, then obviously you have nothing to fear of but if you afraid of being caught ignorant or a mere political opportunist then stay where you're!
  2. Sophist and Liqaye, I take your points on view! Sophist the name can be changed, on a agreed basis! That's out of question, Isaamin wareysi can be adopted, if the majority wishes so! Evaluation would be left to you the audience! However a panel of experts could also be nomiated! But I would like each and everyone of us to be given the chance to evaluate! A third way would be a full evaluation panel that has in its charter to also consider and respect, what the majority of the audience thinks i.e. they have to take that into consideration aswell in their judgement! Enforcing it will be a question of organisation! May I suggest for the folks in here to vote for an interviewer amongst this distinguished crowd of ours! Popular vote will determine, who will be given that post/responsibility! There will also be votings on who will be the chairman/woman or panel of this project! Preferably someone who is 'neutral' and 'fair'! Chairmans or panels responsibility would be to determine questions that seem inappriopiate like questions on 'someone's character or personality' that is absolutely not to be addressed! Past vingeances or personal vendettas should not be reflected in questions and the chairman/woman or panel should sort those questions out! Only fair and 'valid' questions of a Political nature should be addressed! Time, early announcements of the interviewee, collection of questions and other issues would have to be notified by that same panel! Maybe a set day/time, using SOL's Quick reply option would make it work! Time allocated would be 45 minutes! Question will be posted, interviewee refreshes window, see's and answer's question etc! But other things could be agreed on, if someone has got other suggestions/preferences! It's all consultive and everyone is welcome to take part in 'constructing' this project! Criticism very much appreciated! The floor is yours!
  3. Who wants to take the hot-seat! Yes, my fellow sol political posters. This thread or new proposal is designed to 'help' understand us 'each-other' more by honest description of our make-up of political dogmas and believes! So, many of us don't know each other and where our political viewpoints originate from or what our current political stance is, which often leads us to finger-pointing and absurd allegations labelled against us, without any substantial evidence! Lately our forum has turned 'ugly' aswell due to accusations and counter-accusations thrown against each other! That's why, I've developed a new 'mechanisim' in which we can sort out some of our differences by actually 'asking' each one of us (the most serious players here on Sol or representatives chosen by groups) to 'clarify' their postition and what their political viewpoint and stance is, for later archiving inshallaah! This new meachanism is in the form(at) of Hard Talk or the BBC's question time! It would be a 45 min questions and answers session, where you by have the chance after being informed earlier on who will be the interviewee to post your questions through a pm for that person to answer! Rules of engagement! 1. Interviewee must answer all the questions asked in a discreet and polite manner! 2. Interviewee can veto 'freeze' a question he deems 'difficult' or does not want to answer for an period of 24 hours, however if the time elapses he has to answer the question fully! 3. The Interviewee will be 'rated' according to his performance using a scale from 1-10, where as 10 is the highest mark! 4. After satisfactory performance of the Interviewee deemed so by you the audience and judge, the interviewee get's the chance to 'ban' a member of this site from posting or participating in threads for an intial period of 24 hours! 5. The overall best performer or interviewee will be given some sort of a price including a five day posting of his likes without being poltically challenged or opposed and the biggest price being, that he can 'ban' someone of his likeing (dislike) from posting an entire timespan of a week! I hope you come along and make it work inshallaah! This would be 'great' in terms of members being able to express themselves and their views! Also many of us in here try avoiding questions they deem 'too difficult' or they don't want to answer, but in this is-aamin warran they'd have to answer precisely those difficult questions they try to avoid like in Hardtalk and the BBC's Question Time! After that we actually would know, where some of us stand politically as I see to many folks in here who are mere political opportunists without a real agenda. Actually it would expose many things including stuff/feelings some of us try hiding! P.s. Isaamin-warran is the name of the game and the term is patented inclusively to SOL Political Forum!
  4. Maamulka Cusub ee Gobalka Hiiraan oo xilka si rasmi ah ulla wareegay! Last Updated::2007-01-03 14:25:47 Beledweyne:- Xaflad maanta lagu qabtay magaalada Beledweyne ee xarunta Gobalka Hiiraan ayey xilalkii kula kala wareegeen maamulkii hore ee gobalka iyo Maamulka cusub. Munaasabadan ayey kasoo qeyb galeen maamulkii hore oo uu ku jiro Guddoomiyihii hore ee gobalka Yusuf Dabageed iyo Aadan Garaase oo ahaa Guddoomiyihii Degmada Beledweyne. Labada nin oo kamid ahaa maamulkii hore ee la badalay todobaadkan ayaa sheegay in ay si rasmi ah xilalkii ay dowlada u hayeen ugu wareejiyaan maamulka cusub ee uu soo magacaabay Madaxweynaha DFKMG C/laahi Yusuf Ahmed. Yusuf Dabageed oo hore u ahaa Guddoomiyihii gobalka Hiiraan ayaa lagu bedalay Xuseen Mux’ed Maallin, waxaana maamulka cusub guddoomiye kuxigeenka 1aad ee laga dhigay Xuseen Cumar Xasan, K/xigeenka 2aadna Saleybaan Axmed Hillowle. Guddoomiyaha degmada Beledweyne oo uu ahaa Aadan Garaaso ayaa waxaa lagu bedalay Axmed Gubey Cawaalle, kuxigeenkiisana waxaa laga dhigay C/raxmaan Cilmi. Maamullka saldhiga degmada Beledweyn ayaa sidoo kale loo magacaabey Gaashaanlle Xuseen Shukri. Maamulka Gobalka Hiiraan ayaa ahaa mid la bedalay xili uu maamulkaasi dib ugu soo noqday gobalka kadib markii ay halkaasi la wareegeen ciidamada DFKMG. Maamulkii hore ayaa sheegay in ay la yaab ku noqotay bedalaada deg degta ah balse labada guddoomiye ayaa sheegay in ay ku qanacsan yihiin in ay xilka wareejiyaan. Maxamed Cabdi
  5. BALADWEYNE: Yuusuf Dabo-geed iyo Aadan Garaaso oo maanta xilkii ku wareejyay maamulka cusub ee Hiiraan! Posted to the Web Jan 03, 12:09 Baladweyne (PP) – Maamulkii hore ee Gobolka Hiiraan ayaa manta si rasmi ah u wareejiyay maamulka Gobolka Hiiraan, waxaana xafladda lagu wareejiyay maamulka gobolka Hiiraan manta goobjoog ka ahaa safiirka Dowladda Federaalka u fadhiya dalka Ethiopia C/kariim Faarax Laqanyo. Kulankii wareejinta gobolka Hiiraan ee ka dhacay xarunta maamulka Gobolka Hiiraan ee Baladweyne ayaa waxaa goobjoog ka ahaa Guddoomiyaha maamulka Hiiraan wareejiyay Yuusuf Axmed Hagar (Yuusuf Dabo-geed) iyo guddoomiyihii Degmada Baladweyne Aadan Cabdi Ciise (Aadan Garaaso) oo labaduba wareejiyay maanta xilalkii ay hayeen. Aadan Garaaso oo maanta hadal dheer ka jeediyay goobta lagu wareejiyay xilalka gobolka Hiiraan ayaa sheegay inuu aad ugu qanacsan yahay inuu wareejiyo maamulka Degmada Baladweyne, uuna ku qanacsan yahay hadda xilka uu dhiibayo. Mar uu ka hadlay Aadan Garaaso wareejinta xilka uu ka hayay maamulka Gobolka Hiiraan wuxuu sheegay inuu aad ugu faraxsan yahay inuu xilka wareejiyo waxaana uu carrabka ku dhuftay in isagu uu aad ula yaabay maamulka laga korkeenay muddada dhow, balse uu haatan aqbalay inuu wareejiyo markii loo sharraxay sida ay wax ku socdaan. Yuusuf Dabo-geed oo maanta xilka wareejiyay ayaa dhankiisa sheegay inuu aad ugu faraxsan yahay inuu xilka wareejiyo ayna markii hore u dhiibtay dowladda isla markaana ay maanta ka qaadday dowladda uuna si weyn ugu faraxsan yahay. Labadan mas’uul oo maanta xilalkooda wareejiyay ayaa waxay labaduba ka dhawaajiyeen inay la shaqeyn doonaan maamulka cusub ee uu dhawaan soo magacaabay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Col. C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed. Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu E-mail: Saaxiibkaa u *** Daabaco Qormadan
  6. Great! Then this means, I can keep my current ethiopian passport.
  7. C/laahi Yusuf Ahmed oo gaaray Nairobi oo si diiran loogu soo dhaweeyey. Last Updated::2007-01-02 15:16:37 Nairobi:- Madaxweynaha DFKMG Soomaaliya C/laahi Yusuf Ahmed ayaa maanta si diiran loogu soo dhaweeyey magaalada Nairobi. Madaxweynaha DFKMG oo ay siday Diyaarad khaas ah oo kasoo qaaday magaalada Baydhabo, ayaa la sheegay inuu u yimid magaalada Nairobi casumaad uu u fidiyey Madaxweynaha Kenya Mwai Kibaki. C/laahi Yusuf iyo wafdigiisa ayey kusoo dhaweeyeen Airporka Xildhibaano iyo wasiir kamid ah DFKMG iyo mas'uuliyiin kale oo ka socota dowlada Kenya. Madaxweynaha DFKMG ayaa si diiran Airporka loogu soo dhaweeyey ayadoo ay halkaasi ka muuqdeen ciidamo badan oo ah kuwa Amniga oo si weyn u sugay amniga Airporka Joma Kenyata ee magaalada Nairobi. Ahmed Musse
  8. War deg deg ah: Madaxweyne Claahi Yuusuf oo tagey Nairobi. War hada naga soo gaarey magaalada Nairobi ee caasimada wadanka Kenya ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweynaha DFKMG ah C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed uu ka degay magaalada Nairobi. Madaxweynaha ayaa ka ambabaxay magaalada Baydhabo oo fariisin KMG ah u ah DFKMG ah, waxaana garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Nairobi si diiran ugu soo dhaweeyey masuuliyiin ka tirsan Dawlada Kenya. Safarka Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf ayaa ku soo aadaya iyadoo xukuumada Kenya ay shaaca ka qaade inay gacanta ku dhigtey 11 xubnood oo ka tirsanaa Maleeshiyaadkii maxkamadaha ee laga itaal roonaadey, kuwaasi oo qaarkood ay yihiin ajanabi. Kenya ayaa sheegtey inay dadkan baaritaan ku sameyn doonto. Keyse Caamir SBC Nairobi
  9. Today the President H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad arrived in Nairobi to a huge and unprecedented welcome that would make a 'state-visit' seem utterly insignificant! He was treated with the red carpet and like royalty has arrived in Kenya! To say it is a state-visit would truelly undermine the undertakings today in Kenya! The detailed security given to the President and the guard of honour received by the President would even make Bush Junior envious! Not to say, the security at the airport! If one didn't knew better, you'd have thought the top G8 leaders together with the world royalty would be assembling and convening today in Nairobi! After the grandiose welcome at the airport, the President headed straight to the Kenyan 'State-House' to be welcomed by the President of Kenya like 'two old friends finally meeting one another after 40 years of separation!' It has to be mentioned aswell, that a special chartered plane from the kenyan President itself brought H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf from the transitional interim government seat of Baidoa to Kenya's capital Nairobi! Stay tuned inshallaah for this unprecedented royal visit by H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad to the neighbouring state of Kenya!
  10. Fiqikhayre


    Wallaahi it's really disturbing how low some folks in here can get! Sore loosers I say! What's next Col. Cabdirazaaq Afgaduud is Ethiopian aswell! Yeah look closer folks, there might be something in the claim!
  11. There were ten ICU terrorists in the air, (metaphorically) in the air There were ten ICU terrorists in the air, in the air There were ten ICU terrorists, Ten ICU terrorists, There were ten ICU terrorists in the air, And the TFG from So-ma-li-a shot one down, shot one down And the TFG from So-ma-li-a shot one down, shot one down And the TFG from So-ma-li-a, The TFG from So-ma-li-a, And the TFG from So-ma-li-a shot one down, There were nine little desperados in the air, in the air There were nine little desperados in the air, in the air There were nine little desperados, nine little desperados, There were nine little desperados in the air, And the TFG from So-ma-li-a shot one down, shot one down And the TFG from So-ma-li-a shot one down, shot one down And the TFG from So-ma-li-a, The TFG from So-ma-li-a, And the TFG from So-ma-li-a shot one down, There were eight clan-court fighters in the air, in the air There were eight clan-court fighters in the air, There were eight clan-court fighters, eight clan-court fighters, There were eight clan-court fighters in the air, And the TFG from So-ma-li-a shot one down, And the TFG from So-ma-li-a shot one down, And the TFG from So-ma-li-a, The TFG from So-ma-li-a, And the TFG from So-ma-li-a shot one down, There were seven desperados in the air, There were seven desperados in the air, There were seven desperados, seven desperados, There were seven desperados in the air, And the TFG from So-ma-li-a shot one down, And the TFG from So-ma-li-a shot one down, And the TFG from So-ma-li-a, The TFG from So-ma-li-a, And the TFG from So-ma-li-a shot one down, There were six ICU terrorists in the air, There were six ICU terrorists in the air, There were six ICU terrorists, six ICU terrorists, There were six ICU terrorists in the air, And the TFG from So-ma-li-a shot one down, And the TFG from So-ma-li-a shot one down, And the TFG from So-ma-li-a, The TFG from So-ma-li-a, And the TFG from So-ma-li-a shot one down, There were five, four, three, two and one desperado(s) in the air........ There were no ICU terrorists in the air, There were no ICU terrorists in the air, There were no ICU terrorists , No ICU terrorists , There were no ICU terrorists in the air, 'Cos the TFG from So-ma-li-a shot them down, 'Cos the TFG from So-ma-li-a shot them down, 'Cos the TFG from So-ma-li-a, The TFG from So-ma-li-a, 'Cos the TFG from So-ma-li-a shot them down.
  12. Great day for the Somali nation, after 16 1/2 years, in which radio Mogadishu was a partisan radio station serving various warlords, now it has returned once again into the hands of an offically recongised government and instituition of the TFG! Slowly things return as they were! Al-Hamdulillaah! We thank Allaah the great for this accomplisments and more inshallaah in the coming days! Muqdisho: Dowladda KMG oo lagu wareejiyay wasaaradii warfaafinta iyo Raadiyo Muqdisho. Isniin, January 01, 2007 APL Muqdisho (Allpuntland) Muanaasabad lagu wareejinayey xaruntii hore ee wasaaradda warfaafinta iyo Raadiyo Muqdisho ayaa maanta lagu qabtay magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo xafladaasi ay kasoo qeybgaleen mas'uuliyiiin uu ka mid ahaa Ra'iisul Wasaare kuxigeebka koowaad ahna wasiirka arrimaha gudaha Xuseen Maxamed Caydiid. Xuseen Caydiid oo halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in ay muhiim tahay in cid walba oo gacanta ku heysa xarumihii dowladda ay waajib tahay in dowladda lagu wareejiyo, wuxuuna Xuseeen Caydiid uu sheegay in taageerayaashiisa ay in mudo ah xafidayeen raadiyaha Muqdisho iyo xarunta warfaafinta. Inj. Xuseen Caydiid ayaa ka codsaday saxaafadda gudaha in ay wasaaradda warfaafinta dowladda KMG ah ay la shaqeeyaan, isla markaana ay isku xernaan ay muujiyaan wasaaradda warfaafinta iyo saxaafadda gudaha si looga wada qeyb qaato dib u dhiska dalka iyo xasilinta. Cali Sandheere Allpuntland-Muqdisho
  13. Hubka tirada badan ee gacanta ugu jira dadweynaha reer magaalada Muqdisho oo mudo sedex maalmood loo qabtay inay kusoo wareejiyaan!! Sanad Wanaagsan dhamaan dadweynaha waxaan idiin leeyahay kuli caam wa antum bilqeyr, sanadkaan sanadkiisa Allah hanagu gaarsiiyo bash bash iyo Baraare Inshaa Allah. Shir jaraa'id uu qabtay Ra'iisul Wasaare Prof. Cali Maxamed Geedi ayaa waxa uu amar ku bixiyey in dhamaan hubka noocyadiisa kala gadisay lakala geeyo laba goobood uu cayimay oo kala Dekadii hore ee magaalada Muqdisho iyo Villa Baydhabo oo labadaba ku kala yaala Waqooyiga Muqdisho iyo Koonfurta Muqdisho. Ra'iisul Wasaaraha ayaa ku nuuxnuusaday in laga bilaabo 7:00 Aroornimo 02-01-2007 ilaa 04-01-2007-da in hubkaasi la geeyo goobaha loo cayimay cidii ku geyn weyda sedexdaasi maalina laga qaadi doono talaabada ku haboon, wuxuuna sheegay Ra'iisul wasaaruhu in labadaasi barood ay kusugan yihiin Saraakiil Soomaaliyeed iyo kuw Ethiopian ah oo diiwaan galinaya hubkaasi. Siyaasada dowladdu waa mid ku qotonta in hub ka dhigis la sameeyo waxaana ka jawaabaynaa codsiga Dadweynaha qeybahiisa kala gadisan Siyaasiinta, Waxgaradka, dhalinyarada iyo Haweenka oo ay ku codsanayeen in xoog loo isticmaalo hub ka dhigis lagu sameeyo dalka Somalia iyadoo ay ugu horeyso magaalada Muqdisho ayuu yiri Prof. Cali Maxamed Geedi. Dowladdu waxay diirada saaraysaa kuwa u diiwaan gashan Qaramada Midoobay ee ka tirsan Argagixisada Caalamka sidii ay kusoo qaban lahayd balse waxa uu Ra'iisul Wasaaruhu qiray oo saamaxaad u fidiyey kuwo uu ku tilmaamay in la marin habaabiyey ee Soomaalida ah wuxuuna saraakiisha Kismaayo kusugan ku wargaliyey in aan waxba la yeelin isla markaana ay hubka ka qaadaan si nabad ah naftoodana nabad galiyaan. Prof. Cali Maxamed Geedi ayaa sheegay in lacag cusub ay dowlada soo saartay shacabkana laga doonayo in ay isticmaalaan wuxuuna ku nuuxnuuxsaaday in ay jiraan lacago been abuur ah oo Muqdisho yaala wuxuuna ka digay inaysan ku dhaqaaqin kuwo doonayo inay shacabka marin habaabiyaan. Dhanka kale Ra'iisul Wasaare Cali Maxamed Geedi wuxuu beesha Caalamka ka codsaday in ay gargaar u fidiyaan dadweynaha ku dhibaataysan meelaha ay fatahaadaha ka dhaceen kuwaasoo dhibaato cudur iyo gaajoba ay haysato, inkastoo uusan sheegin ra'iisul wasaaruhu dhibaatada baaxada ay leedahay. Press conference by PM Gheedi!
  14. Children dancing to the TFG tune, it goes along this 'Da di da, la li la, ha hi ha, boom-bastic, boo boo, ICU jew jew, fantastic you you, TFG bite ICU, hoo haa hoorey, Somalia is back, Bye bye desperdos and adios! Average IQ of TFG soldier above average in the 130's, former ********* (warlord militia) around the lower 70's, ICU militia slightly higher at around 80-95 but again well short of the average which is around 100 or so!
  15. Children all smiling and looking good in their designer Mogadishu label's and clothes, dressed up and baby-lotioned by their parents to welcome the TFG! TFG soldiers in their 'Technicals mobile office' as career advisors, advicing youngsters about possible careers in the military, when they get older! TFG mobile career office modelled on an actual 'Technical' giving advice and sponsiring the local area by handing out leaflets! Furthermore Mog residents wearing Mog designer glasses, 'You've to look good, when welcoming the TFG!' Cheers!
  16. The thread here is dedicated to a girl called mystic! Unlike her, I don't dispute that there are some resentments in Mogadishu over the TFG's take-over, however on the other hand I'm well aware of, the support, momentum and affection the TFG gets from the vast majority of Mogadishu residents. Yes in any liberation, there will be disgrantled individuals, who lost out politically and are now disadvantaged by the return of Somalia, in which all are equal on the contrary of the neptoism, they seemed to enjoy, when their group was running the affairs in Mogadishu! Today North Mogadishu together with big portions of the south (Villa Somalia included), have shown their desire to welcome the TFG laughing, smiling and with open arms in their thousands! Compare this to the 2000 protesters, who lost out on the political scene burning down one tyre, to the 10000's welcoming the TFG! Without divide and rule, we have to acknowledge the simple fact that Gheedi's people are the vast majority of the capital, who have been side-stepped by their brethren, who came down from other regions further north such as Galgaduud and South Mudug! Now this folks have been liberated and they can go about their daily business without any harassment or fear of their more organised brethren from the middle regions of Somalia! Mystic compare this pictures below with the comical 2000, who burned down a single tyre, how pityful! Here is the support for the TFG through-out the city! North Mogadishu together with the south rock! I wish them all the best for the coming future inshallaah! Inshallaah now it's the time for peace and disarmement!
  17. This joke is very original and ingenious!!! Ethiopian soldier's in Mogadishu who supposedly wanted to see the ocean, they had never seen, provided them with the biggest scare of their mostly young lives! It's the first time, those youngsters who are very few in terms of numbers have accounted the ocean or a sea for that matter, their excitment could simply not be more joyous or frightful in regards to that particular situation/scenario! Is this supposed to be the biggest joke of all the time? Thank you for giving me a much needed and spontanous not laugh but grin on my face! What's next 'Swimming classes for Ethiopian soldiers'? Or a how about a new film 'Ethio soldier bitten by sharks as he was teaching himself how to swim on the shores of Somalia'! In the next two weeks I expect something even more ingenious like 'Ethio soldiers frightend by the sight of camels'! Very amusing, continue please! The floor is all yours.
  18. He will not spare them Duke, for Aweys is renowned to be someone, who likes to spare his people but not others especially our folks! Remember how he can to Bosaso and Puntland being given refuge and amnesty and what he did, he had promised to start up an islamic revolution in Mogadishu but that it first had to be done in Puntland, then after his defeat he was living amongst us in Kismaayo as a wadaad then he again moved on to Gedo and we all know what kind of atrocities he has committed there! This man is committed to destruction and must be dealt with accordingly! They must be disarmed immidiately with nothing to spare. Even if it means, that likelihood of them fighting inside Kismaayo itself! What logic is it 'We saved the citizens of Mogadishu but we don't want to spare the lives of the innocent in Kismaayo', is the life of Mogadishu residents more valuable than that of reer Kismaayo? I don't think so. Now it is to see for all the sheer hypocrisy of this bunch of clan fanatics inshallaah I hope they will be dealt with accordingly in due time inshallaah! p.s. In Raas Kambooni they might survive in the bushes and when it rains (better praying for rain now) then there is no way to the villages and bushes of Raas Kambooni, that is if they avoid the destruction of Kismaayo itself and they spare the lives of the innocent there, which is most unlikely in my assumptions and predictions! Only god can save the good people of Kismaayo! May they survive unharmed and untouched by this unneccessary war inshallaah!
  19. President with PM Gheedi! President with Ali Mahdi and PM Gheedi
  20. Lead by the vice president Hassan Dahir Afqurac the people of garoowe capital of Puntland State of Somalia greatly celebrated Eid ul Adha!
  21. Khudbadda Madaxweynaha Puntland Ee Munaasabadda Ciidul-Adxa! Dec 30, 2006 By:Faa;isa Cabd Dhalac Gaalkacayo( hambalyo iyo boogaadin u soo jeedinayaa Dhammaan Shacabka reer Puntland guud ahaana Somaliya iyo Dadka islaamka ah ee maanta Ciidaya. Waxaan leeyahay Ciid wanaagsan. waxaan reer puntland u rajeymayaa in ay ciida ciideeda kale barqaawo iyo bash-bash ku gaaraan. Punland waxay soo martay marxalad adag. Dad reer Puntland ah ayaana ka shaqaynayey Bur-burka Puntland, illaahay ayaa naga badbaadiyey shirqookoodii (sir ma qabe allaa u sahan ah). Dagaaladii dhawaan ka dhacay Puntland waxaa difaacay Ciidamada, Shicib- weynaha, waxaana si gaar aha ugu sii mahadnaqayaa dadaweynihii iskood isu xilqaamay ee Hubkoodii iyo sahaydoodii qaatay Ciidamadana taakuleeyey siiba Gabdhaha, ganacsatada iyo Odayaasha furinta u tegay Difaaaca Puntland. Waa caaddo dhaqan oo lugu yaqaan shacabka Puntland in ay ilaawaan wixii dhexdooda ah markii Ciidooda iyo Masiirkooda lagu soo xadgudbo. Waxaa jirey Ciidamo loo ururiyey in ay gudaha xabad ka bilaabaan Marka dagaalka furintu hore ka qarxo laakiin dantooda gartay kana qayb qaatay difaaca taasi waxay ina tusaysaa wadaniyada qofka ku abuuran. Mahad alle shirqoolkii nalooku tallo galay waa kabadbaadnay, waxan guud ahaan u soo jeedinyaa in ilaalahy u naxariisto dadkii ku dhintay kuwa ku dhaawacmayna caafiyo, da’yarta la khaldayna qalbigooda alla Safeeyo. Waxaan Munaasabadda Ciidda Arrafo ku cafiyey Dhalinyarada la khalday ee Dagaalka ku soo qaaday dhulkooda kuwa weli ku dhuumanaya miyiga iyo Guryaha, waxan leenahay ka faa’iideysta fursadan,anagoo illaahay uga rajeynayna inuu dantooda fahamsiiyo. Iyadoo Maalintii ugu horaysay aannu wafajinay xeerka Caalamiga ah ee Maxaabista Dagaalka (Geneva Convention). Dadweynaha reer Puntland waxaan ku boogaadinayaa inay nabada ay haystaan hantaan wixii wax u dhimayana meel uga soo wada jeestaan. Horumrkana ka shaqeeyaan. waxaan ugu baaqaya Jaahliyadaha Reer Puntland in ay Maalgashi ku soo samaystaan dadkooda iyaga iyo Ajenebega ay dhulkooda joogaan waayo Geyega Putnland waa nabadgelyo khayraad ka buuxo. Soomaliya Maanta ayay ugu rajo weyntahay in ay hirgasho Dawladii Federaalka ahayd oo soo noqoto Qaranimadii Soomaliyeed, Ummada Somailyeed Muddo dheer ayay ku jireen Punrbur dawlad la’aan iyo Dagaallo sokeeye waxaana u rajeynayaa inay ka faa’iidaystaan fursadan hortooda timid. Ciid wanaagsan Cadde Muuse madaxweynaha puntland
  22. Ciidamada Dawladda Federaalka Soomaaliya oo gaarey Shabeellaha Hoose Ciidamada Dawladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa sii wada hawlgallada ay ku xaqiijinayaan gacan ku haynta gobollada dalka oo dhan iyada oo gaarey maanta gobolka Shabeellaha Hoose. Ciidamada Dawladda Federaalka Soomaaliya oo ay gaarayaan ciidamada dawladda Ethiopia ayaa ka gudbey deegaanka Buula Mareer iyaga oo haatan ku sugan degmada Baraawe ee gobolka Shabeellaha Hoose. Ciidamadan ayaa deegaannada ay gaaraan dadweynaha u sheegaya in ay is dejiyaan isla markaasna nabadda iyo kala dambaynta ay ilaaliyaan, waxana ay ku jihaysan yihiin gobollada Jubbooyinka oo ay weli ku sii dambeeyaan wixii ka haray Maxkamadihii Midoobey. Maxamuud Faarax Bile
  23. Muqdisho: Ciidamada dowladda oo Caawa Gaaray Baraawe Sabti, December 30, 2006 APL Muqdisho(Allpuntland)-Wararka naga soo gaaraya degmada Baraawe ee gobolka Sh/Hoose ayaa sheegaya in ciidamada dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya oo ay wehliyaan kuwa Itoobiyaanka ayaa caawa maqribnimadii gaaray degmada Baraawe iyagoo ku sii jeeda gobolada Jubbooyinka halkaasi oo ay isku aruursadeen maxkamaddaha Islaamiga hoggaankooda sare. Ciidamadan oo ku hubeysan gaadiidka dagaalka ayaa waxaa si diiran loogu soo dhoweeyay gobolka Sh/Hoose halkaasi oo la filaya in ay caawa ka gudbaan iyagoo u ruqaansanaya dhinaca gobolada Jubbooyinka ee madaxda maxkamadaha ku sugan yihiin, halkaasi oo laga filan karo in ciidamada Dowladda ay kala kulmaan iska caabin ay maxkamaddaha sameeyaan. Xiliyada danbe ee caawa ayaa la filayaa in xuduuda gobolka Sh/hoose ay ka gudbaan ciidamadan, iyadoo dhinaca kale ee Diinsoor kasoo dhaqaaqay ciidamo uu hoggaaminayo Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga Barre Aadan Shire (Hiiraale) oo kusii jeeda dhinaca gobolada Jubbooyinka gaar ahaan degmada Bu'aale. Cali Sandheere Allpuntland-Muqdisho
  24. Caamir unfortunaley not that I'm aware off! But I believe somehow the du'cafaas will increase their bandwidth or atleast things will get less busy inshallaah therefore allowing a normal access to the site!