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Posts posted by RedSea

  1. We all seem to be planning ahead for the unknown, stuff we have no control over, as if tomorrow is promised to us. Have any of you stopped to think of what will become of us? Will we be here tomorrow at this time or on our death beds ready to be transported to the grave?


    I have been informed of people that I knew, grew up with, who have passed away recently. Some were younger, healthier than I was, whom suddenly the angel of Death showed up and relieved their souls by Allah's command. That could be anyone of us at any time at any given moment. I think brothers and sisters, we should first start thinking about ourselves, Surely each of us is to look after his/her own and if you complete that task is to look after those who are closest to you.


    I don't mean to buzz the party, but just thought i reminded you and I lest we forget, what awaits us, death and return to Allah SWT.


    Jazzakkalah Khayran.

  2. Taleexi;820428 wrote:


    What is Cantarabaqash? What part of my post do you find replaceable?


    I raised two factual points, and third which stems from my own personal observation.


    nr.1 Majority of Somalilanders returned and started building after 1997.

    nr.2 Somaliland was not stable from 1991-1996. There were clan wars in major towns of Somaliland i.e Hargeisa, burco, berbera and Erigavo.

    The political atmosphere was very hostile. The cities were divided along green zones i.e West vs. East Burco South vs. NorthWest Hargeisa etc..


    The last point I raised is Faroole's work as Puntland leader. In my personal opinion, he is much, much more effective than the last PLand leader.

    The biggest issue lying between Somaliland and Puntland has always been the issue of SOOL. Under President Faroole, there has not been armed conflict

    between Somaliland and Puntland, never mind the few times SSC/Khatumo miltias have attacked SL troops stationed in Gambadhe under the disguise of Puntland.

  3. It's not true that Somaliland enjoyed peace since its inception in 1991. The first time we felt comfortable and saw lasting peace in Somaliland was 1997. Before that there were armed clan wars and volatile political climate lasting from 1993-1996. The conference in Borama in 1997 paved the way for new era in somaliland. In fact many families including ours didn't' return until end of 1997.



    As for Puntland; they are doing great job and should be proud of themselves; the Faroole administration has done admirable work for the most part in focusing on economic and political maturation and promoting stability specially when it comes to Sool issue.

  4. xiinfaniin;814748 wrote:
    ^^Thanks for the misspelling alert. But the matter is much weightier than mere spelling errors I am afraid. Explain yourself waryaa, oo ragga ikhyaaarta suuqa ha ugelin

    :D Waa caynkaa.

  5. GaadhHaye;815413]Who can deny the facts contained in the following article from


    Al-Qaida militant in Somalia was born in Hargeysa 2000 when Gondane return from Afghanistan,Ahmed Abdi Ow Mohamud Godane was born in Hargeisa, the capital of Northwest Somalia, 10 July 1977. He is **** clan,he had received a scholarship in Pakistan funded by Saudi blind millionaires arranged trough Dahabshiil money transfer,he used to visit in Afghanistan during holidays.


    In 2001, physically tin, Godane returned to Hargeisa, Somalia . He began preaching in Abu-Bashir mosque in central Hargeisa between 2002 and 2003,during that time, Mr. Godane organized some terror attacks against forging Aid workers and it’s security,the first operation carried by the militant was September 19 2002, a group loyal to Godane kidnapped a car owned by WFP.

    Al-Qaida militant in Somalia was born in Hargeisa year of 2000? I'm not quite sure as to what the author is implying here; yes it's true Godane was born in Hargeisa, probably much earlier than the year 2000 as the author stated and no Al shabab was not established by Godane nor was it founded in Hargeisa or in Somaliland for that matter. The author's claims are misleading.




    The terror mission led by Jama Kutiye who late caught Dhoqoshley.

    How about Kudos to the Somaliland Police for catching this guy whoever he is.



    Al-shabab militia created by Northwest Somalia as the leaders in charge funded by Dahabshil Company.

    Again the author fails to provide even slim piece of evidence as it relates to funding of Alshabab.. Dahabshiil is well respected, honest bussiness owned by private individuals with excellent bussiness model. I'ts often envied for its success in the bussiness field. Is this perhaps what has led such baseless attacks against the is Giant Somali private bussiness?


    1. Ahmed Abdi Godane (Abu-Zubeyr), the leader of Al-Shabaab from **** clan (Somaliand)of Arab sub-clan.


    2. Ibrahim Haji Jama Meecaad Afkhani (Abu-Zalma), the first deputy leader of Al-Shabaab and in charge of finance, from **** clan (Somaliland)of Sacad Muse sub-clan.

    That is rather long list wouldn't you say? ;)Alshabab controls vast amount of land in Southern Somalia, yet as the author attempts to drop a bombshell of top Al shabab leaders as they hail from Somaliland, managed only to come up with two men, not without an effort offcourse.



    December 30, 2000, Godane’s men assassinated Martin in front of his Hotel in Hargeisa.

    Also May 10, 2003, he was responsible for the killing against Analena Tonelli who was an Italian aid worker operating in Borame hospital.


    November 8, 2003, Godane was the master minder of the killing on British couple who were teachers in a school located in Sheekh.


    He was working for Ex-Barakat Telesom, Hargeysa.


    Later Godane escaped from Somaliland follwing a row with some of his group over a large amount of money they roped from an Ethiopian businessman and then fled southern Somalia after committing several criminal acts. His escape was facilitated by his brother who was police officer. Godane was doing the terror operations along with a Somalilander man who was holding a US citizenship and called Ibrahim Hajji Jama known as ‘Ibrahim Afkhani’


    Godane and Afkhani both had trainings in Afghanistan and made friends in southern Somalia where they diverted their mission and doubled it. April 27, 2006, the security forces foiled a terror attack by Godane’s men aimed to kill foreign observers who were monitoring the election of self styled Somaliland . The forces found explosives after the raid.

    If all that mentioned is the truth, what does one take away from the fact that Godane, after commiting crimes has been unable to operate within Somaliland due the the SL police forces tracking every movement of his. It shows that Godane is an individual who has no support nor power within his birth place. He is on the wanted list in Somaliland.


    Godane had very strong relationship with famous business man(Dahabshiil)Godane use to work with the Dahabshil Company but just few months,some source mention that Mr.Godane have lot of people in hageyra And Burao.

    We need names? Wait! the author actually did give name to the ananamous sleeper cells inside Somaliland with whom Godane maintains working relationship and his name is, Dahabshiil!! I can gaurantee you the author couldn't even spell out the actual name of the person whom he is accusing had he even attempted in the first place.



    Godane hav got several agencies in Burao,Hargeysa and Berbera,who funded Al-shabab group in Galgala and carried out the missions in Puntland and Somaliland.

    Again what agency might those be? Does the author of this piece have any of those' agencies located in Burco that somehow helped Sh. Atam? Or is this another Marqaan induced with no facts attached fairytale in which intended audience is the CIA with which the author of this weak piece is hoping to spark interest in. Welp, good luck with that. Only if they can actually understand whatever the heck is that you are talking about. I sure as heck don't know where the author of this piece got his pointers. Well actually I know. They are all baseless lies in which only ill informed can bother to post.


    Source: Boocame Online


  6. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;814840 wrote:
    Kuraastii Nayroobi isku garaacayeen caag ma ahayn, weyna isku garaaceen kuwaas. Marka caag or not waxmagaratadaas intee 'xildhibaano' yihiin wey isgaraacayaan.


    That is exactly what I was talking about. Alot of blood was spilled in the brawl. I feel ashame whenever I see that vid.




    The private sector is booming, if the government does its part we would be set.

  7. Baarlamaanka TFG'da mar mar bay is garaacaan oo kuraasta isla dhacaan. Hadii kuraastasi kuwo biro ka samaysan ahaan lahaayeen, khasaare badan ayaa ka imaan lahaa, Dan wayn baa kujirta kuraasta caaga ah. Hadii ay xataa kuraas fiican sameeystaan waxaan dhihi lahaa dhulka halagu dhajiyo si ayna iskugu adeegsan(:

  8. ^^^Don't you have better things to do than criticize somaliland and its people at every opportunity you get? The current Somaliland Government is doing great job fighting against corruption as evidenced by these latest budget numbers.


    It's time to invest little bit of that money towards building some health facilities and city roads.

  9. Xaaji Xunjuf;812571 wrote:
    I understand what you are saying that the ordinarily citizens of Somaliland need basic health care and good schooling and nice running water.As for the water shortage the EU helped and donated a large amount of Money to rehabilitate and upgrade and extend Somaliland's drinking supply networks all over the country, so we are working on that.


    Perhaps not triple it but atleast increase our defense budget since the threat it always there when i say increase it i don't mean it always have to be like that just for a few years.There is also allot we can do particularly the Somalilanders in the west when it comes to creating a viable economy in Somaliland, when it comes to the health sector there are so many ways to set up private clinics by Somalilanders themselves you just need the right donations and fundings and the expertise Doctors etc its not easy but there are so many ways.


    Today another hospital was opened in northern hargeysa we are getting there but lets not get carried away. Somaliland is still not where we want it to be and protecting the nation as i said before is always number one priority so we also need Military hospitals in this unstable region of the horn of Africa.

    Masha Allah! waa war fiican. I think this government is doing excellent work in directing international donors to Somaliland.

  10. XX daaya waa geed adayg runtii.


    xaaji to come back to your point. Yes I agree with you, we do need strong security forces to protect our borders and coast. What I'm saying though is we should not pour the bulk of our resources trying to up the defense forces, when we have more pressing things to worry about. I believe there are more important and urgent projects like rebuilding the Hargeisa general hospital, road networks, and water system. The vast majority of Somalilanders don't have access to viable healthcare, hence another area we need to put our resources into. We also have to deal with water shortage problems; there are vast amount of unexplored water underneath the soil of Hargeisa and burco, we need to solve that as well. We also need to strenghthen our education system and make it possible for Somalilanders, rich or poor, who want to pursue higher education after high school to do so without obstacles. These are all basic human needs amd is well within our projected budget for fiscal year 2012. It's immensely important to distrubute the state resources to cover areas of immediate need, so that end we won't just be strong militarily, but also healthy and productive people as well.


    God bless the motherland.

  11. 'Liibaan';812222 wrote:
    Well said Khadar, Khatumites are NOT haters as the Hater Carafaat is saying, As Somali Unionists Khatumo People love their fellow citizens of Somalia.

    loool who are these darn khatumites. Ma rer sool baa khatumites la yidhaah iminka?