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Posts posted by NoVa

  1. lol^^u old'geezer Qac...the girl is givin' u a time 4 ur mind 2 work like' a bekeelo' ookale' work that mind b4 afur...i know it's almost time 4 afur..but the mind has 2 do somethin' in the meantime lol...


    Femme, naga qallee nooh adiga kaalay waaba ka soo'dartee can't believe My answer was so wrong..and i thought i was So write 4 once'...I'm out of this game ur pullin' on us girl...i can't take it no More lol'...I quite 4 Once I"m declarin' that i'm a Quiter!!!


    Nuune lool i ain't confused just tire dats all..stop makin' me seem like too wax'fahmeenin' oo kale... :D

  2. lol@@^^ cuz they 2 embarrase 2 admit that they can't hold a hight functionin' job such as managment, politics or law...i guess i'm the same as they are 2..loool...i'll be selling donuts when Somalia becomes a Country at the same time holding some paper documents that says i actually went 2 school and got' a certificate 4 no point @ all :Dicon_razz.gif (if only i'knew this would be my prof. no need 2 attend school 4 all those hrs.)



    Femme plz don't put tricks like this many of us would drop school ASAP. :Dicon_razz.gif

  3. Thnxxxs Meeenah,...that is such a helpfull duca's walaahi..thnxs 4 postin' them'..i need 2 learn them' all'.....oh by the way, i hope Ramadan is goin' great 4 u cuz ya N moe need 2 katch up with life itself, till then walashiis stay sweetNsour @ the same time ...


    MissSoFinnnny, ala'gabaryahaay waad' iga nixisay. I thought the family kicked ya out or somethin'lol...and here ur just talking bout Exams...iga'tag hana soo marinee loool..Insha Allah u'll do Greattt babygal as alway's, just remember 2 keep ya trust In ALLah and bisinka qabso...One trick I actually learn was I'll write "BIsmilaahi Raxmaani Raxiim" in my exam' papers on the top of it...Funny thang is i did well on all the one's that i remember 2 write it down :D Oh it HElps knowing that Allah made it so easy 4 ya ;) ... hopefully u had ur last exam 2day...N u is anotha person' i need 2 catch up with their azz :D ' dats as soon' as ya can make it hometown' :cool:

  4. ^^what u mean' he should have realized??She was helpin' him throught bad'times, bein' the helpfull wife' she could possibly if that was bad enought???


    besbaaso ''iknow' kanoo kalaa'ba example iska'ah :D

  5. OrgiLaqe wlcm Brotha, HOpe ya Ramadan' is goin' great 4 ya so far so good,...Anotha Nomade'sayin' wlcm' and Thnxs 4 givin' us some shout'outz''s great 2 c' anotha nomad' givin' much luv.s 2 his peepz ;) xaafada ku'so dhawoowe hade, most of these duqooshin' and duqyaal are very nice 2 get along with except kuwo' oo wax'yar si-si iska noqdeen...waxyar cusbadaa ku'yar :Dicon_razz.gif

  6. "Welllllll, what have we here...?"

    He has no idea and is hoping you'll give him a clue."


    "I'd like to prescribe a new drug."

    I'm writing a paper and would like to use you for a guinea pig.


    "If it doesn't clear up in a week, give me a call."

    I don't know what it is. Maybe it will go away by itself.


    "This should fix you up."

    The drug company slipped me some big bucks to prescribe this stuff.

    looooool@ ;) At least i know from now on' what them Doctors r thinkin' when i set my foots in those offices of theirs.


    Keep' em' comin Shoob :cool:

  7. lol^^^ya know'it was one of those One.Way.Ticket.Marriage where He had 2 do it 4 Every1 else or else Dissapointed Among Many others, which he coudln't take the pressure of doin' such among 2 others...He was such a nice'boy 2 go throught in such a thing like da...2 think of it, I'm proud of him 4 Marrying her Even thought he was Against the Marriage!!!

  8. lolllllllllllll mine has passed the test lol PHEw 2 the brotha...He really must have bein' goin' throught hell @ dat iska'baro xaasisanidaa why u guys gotta torcher the poor guys like da, i'mean frankly what u guys r doing is totally wrong...lets be honest here, u wouldn't want want them guys testing ur blood' pressure, let alone him even misleading u in why go'behind his back and test his limits like dat in front of ya girlz??? i'mean if u wanna test him, test him in way's that u can make judgemental based on between u guys, but for u guys to do that ain't that such a childishnimo?? Its fun to play prank games but when it's a whole group of girlz playing branks on their boyfriends :eek: Kind strange isn't it???

  9. Well good thing u ask girl, i really shouldn't say this but yaah' Lakkad got hitched...yep, brotha is in the Marriage list..His out of the Single LifeStyle.Com ... i'guess wifey' wouldn't let him come SOL anymore.... :D


    UD, i think he's probably somewhere hiding, u gotta find a place 2 hide b4 winter hits the roof'...but just wait till Ramadan ends, and he might come out and play'alot lool icon_razz.gif ....



    Just like them girls Ilhaam, Nafisa and etc will be out as soon as winter hits in the Air :cool: ...

  10. another racism act...ain't suprise 2 c that...people do that everyday 'smile @ ya with the most fakes smile they could eva put in front of their face' and then go back 2 their normal state' when u'aren't there...but i'm glad they fire the crook' thought....she deserve what she got out of the least she's sufferin' her penalties..way2go4 Naciima reportin' it...

  11. i'm lovin' each story...keep them comin' readin' these kind of stories....such a movin', so emotional' so true...each one i thought it was talking bout me....ya know how life became so bussy now days and how one can forget 2'even say 'alxamdulilaah''sha allah' sista keep postin' more insha allah' i'll lookin'forward'2 it....till next time macsalaama'


    Ramadaan Kariim

  12. Amiinnnnnnnnnn!!!! May ALlah Unites us All in2 one Nation...IslaM!!!!



    Ramadaan Kariim My Brotha's N Sista's....



    Keep the Duca's and recite ya Quran'durin this Holly month of Ramadan.


  13. guys, is the book really that good? In that case, i ought to grap it and read it for myself of what a white man has to say about all my geel jiro's and xaliimo' but then again, i know what they gonna say' still i'm grap it and c it 4 myself.....

  14. I would take it as if they were either BLIND or just SLOW Readers to read 3 lines out of my topic.. icon_razz.gif but then again, i ain't a poster :Dicon_razz.gif i mainly wouldn't know....


    But peepz that'll actually make a fuzz bout not gettin' any replies got some Seriouz notes of Illnesses then'...loool...i'mean why would really care/wonder how of many replies u' have?? if 2 replied then, maybe it' interests them for some way's or another...



    I"mean u'll c a useless topics that' everyone may reply....and u'll c Very Interesting topics that not alot of people reply...maybe they just don't have any info. about it or just are not interest to them at the moment...and sOme just read it and don't have a time to type even thought they wanna put their inputs(as it happends 2 me all the time) are u sayin' that nobody' readed ur topic??? Maybe every1 did...except they just didn't had a time 2 reply take it eazy there my friend....


    But if u post a topic to Set a Record of gettin' the most replies, in ur case u care the quantity of the post rather than the quality then Good Luck....U marely care of the inputs one person replied rather than the # of posts that u got...I rather u have 2 good replies than 10 useless replies...



    Well at least u have additional reply at the moment loool..god gracious, i can't believe i typed this much....for a post that doesnt' even deserve loooooool jksss...2 much time in my hand at the moment icon_razz.gif:D

  15. girl, ma' sha' allah thnxs for the advicel...I just had that in my mind last' try to make the best schedule for this Holly month of Ramadan as much as i can... ex. the night's i need to go to Tarawiix and the days that i'm workin and schoolin' that i can manage my time better....HOppin' i' go 2 tarawiix as much as i can, since last year i barely attended...


    Yeah ur right, sometimes there is so much food cooked and barely nobody might eat use to happend last year i remember, my mom will cook alot of food and everyone's either @ school or working...and u' c half of that food just sitting there for no reason....but alway's give the neighbors' or take it 2 the Masajid if u could...



    Ramadaan Kariiiiiiiiim my Sista's and Brotha's...May ALlah Forgives' us all and May Allah except's our Good deeds in this HOlly Month....

