Grad Student

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Posts posted by Grad Student

  1. i see someone have mastered the art of rhetoric...hmm! Darman, my great freind, it's time to get serious and postpone the fun at SOL and hit the books!~

    LAKKAD, how did u keep your cool under the sun?~ btw, ring me up cause u too have name recognition and i need your help in that dept.

    peace n Luv

  2. i will add a breif comment: most western diplomats go through rigorous culture appreciation before serving a post in any country, an extreme case would be ..where some of them have been invited by their host to a dinner and been served uncooked bull's eye as the first course because in that region they are at's an honor to give the guest the eye fresh so to speak. so, the point is no culture is inferior to another since everything is relative to human behavior-eating with your hands(washed or not washed).

    hibo, i wanna have a biryani with ya of course with my hands ;)

  3. Larking A heart, A view's like Bird's

    Flying but not dare land

    The desired one caged by virtue,

    Time befreinds him in sorrow.


    Haunted by the sins of time,

    The lad sits still in reminiscence

    Should regret be it or suffer silently

    One does not know what awaits!


    :( ...speak UP

  4. Jamaal11, Mr. D called me a metro-sexual! see what's going on here!!...that ruins my see...i Demand a public refraint of that statement followed by public apology!LOL

    seriously's nothing more than a newly cioned word by women magazines like allure or cosmopolitan to once again revolutionize the NEOFEMINISM AGENDA to undermine the concept of manhood... :D

  5. i would like to meet myself first! and introduce myself to somalsijui and some lady that disappeared on me...what was her name?...dawo or dawaco or some sort of wierd cat name...

    but there is one person i need to SEE...hibo!


  6. Originally posted by Opinionated:


    Is there a deadly epidemic going around SOL or is it just me?

    yes! and you may have already been infected, and may not even know it :D

  7. Socrates, she doesn't even know you. [/QB] I never said we were strangers!


    Most of the ladies have made up their minds about this topic, and i accept their opinions to be NONSENSICLE! but that will not deter me next time. as long as i am in a situation where i can be helpful to anyone especially a somali person, i will.


    Mr. D ...always funny anectodes!


    underdog, what are you implying something here?

  8. Lol@rudy, mathematical 3-what?you are one funny dude.

    Ameenah and D-n-D,

    thank you ladies! now at least i know the culprits are the males. man! it's a classic case of playa-hatin.

    Mr D. how's your day so far? Good~


    about that incident, I am just saying...people are losing their innocence. :confused: that's just the way i am. If i see a somali person anywhere i like to talk to them and offer help if they need it...shuuriyaako if that person doesn't want any help!

  9. firstly, Some moderator Deleted one of my posts, i say they may as well BAN ME!


    Secondly, some chick(somali girl) at my school, was walking in the cold carrying several bags when i asked my freind to stop and give her lift to whereever she was off to, but she was like "I'M OK! i'LL WALK"....I say what the if we need anything from her but help our somali sister get to the library...


    Note: what's wrong with our sisters?..