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Posts posted by Chimera

  1. Originally posted by General Duke:

    The TFG with the support of the locals agreed to move to Baidoa and has to defend itself from any group that would try to attack or destabalise the city.

    that was before it killed 12 sons


    The move to Baidoa was seen as a threat to the warlords and now a threat to the clan courts,

    that's a non sequitur


    if the move was ''allready'' made before the ICU rose to power how can such ''move'' be a threat when it's not even in the same timezone and date


    foreign rape troops are a threat


    yes indeed!


    funny is it not.

    no not really!


    The TFG is testing its weapons and getting ready for self defence since the decleration of war by the clan courts.

    ICU declared war on Ethiopia


    TFG is just a mere puppet


    Dear lad, keep to specefic points if you need answers.


    The investigation on the suicide bomber has been completed and the TFG has the information pointing towards the clan courts. That information is not one that will be available to everyone,

    just like i thought


    hearsay dogma


    duke if you don't have the evidence to back up your claim don't claim it in the first place when your in a discussion cause *1 you look bad and *2 untill you provide me with the evidence pointing at an ICU guilt the burden of proof will be on your side.

  2. -not important enough for the government to start testing it's rockets and AK's in the outskirts of Baidoa hmmmmm....


    don't sugarcoat it the so-called government simply didn't care because they didn't have a vision for Somalia


    -C/Y boycotted the arta government


    oh wait let me guess he had a bigger vision for Somalia heh?? yawnnnnn


    the ICU were being targeted with funds coming from the mother of all terrorists the US


    they simply reacted and destroyed there puppets


    comparing TFG with ICU is like comparing the empire state building with a small bungalow


    the achievements of ICU eclipse the TFG no need to deny it


    i have no idea what you have against a whole clan just because one person hails from it


    L shabelle came under one administration yet you balantly reject it even when indocadde was marginalised


    that's deep!


    like i said when 12 men were murdered the TFG refused to listen to a baidoa leader that was being pressured by the locals to evict TFG


    TFG didn't listen and he left for Bur for a reason!


    and you have no evidence what so ever other then your General Duke fantasy world that puts the blame of the suicide attack on the ICU


    where's the evidence?


    CIA went there and did forensic investigation


    where's the evidence?


    only hearsay dogma!

  3. warhero???? how dare you!!


    the man that led Mengistu to Balanbale and put the ethiopian flag on somali soil is the man you call a warhero


    the somali commanders who were destroying the ethiopian army and conquering vast territories of Ethiopia accused him of sabotage


    you call him a warhero??


    you disgust me!


    is C/Y a cat with nine lives yes he is!


    is he a sneaky military person who can get himself out of life threatening situations




    but Warhero?? NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Duke you always speak of the TFG as if it's some mighty military machine


    let me entertain you let's say they were when the warlords were around and let's say they still are now ICU evicted the warlords


    why didn't the government take action and take over mogadishu in the last 6 months instead of the ICU??


    isn't Mogadishu the official capital of Somalia?? aren't the people of Mogadishu part of Somalia??


    if so why didn't this so-called legitimate government put more effort and take action in the 1 and half years it was dealing with these warlords who were oppressing the masses??


    why didn't they?


    simply because the somali cycle of destruction needed to be continued and ICU pistolwhipped Somalia's enemies and gave all those who hate Mother Somalia nightmares for weeks and weeks


    after that they started there little plot


    now they want to send peacekeepers


    now they come with an international contactgroup


    now there calling neighbouring countries to stop interfering in somali affairs when they lett Ethiopia fuell the conflict for over a decade


    now suddenly the NGO's related to the UN pull out when they don't have the free space anymore to drop their untested drugs or foodaid during harvest seasons directly destroying the profits of somali farmers


    no they all went missing in action when they heard they needed to register in the ICU offices


    now they want to build up the Somali national Army when for 2 years sh1t was done to strengthen it


    they tried the terrorist east africa bombplot card and it was first rejected by ICU itself and then by the east african muslims orgs who saw the scam that was being done by the US


    my dislike of indocadde won't make me blind from these facts


    and it's because of these Enemies of Somalia who watched us suffer and continued to fuel that i support ICU


    your myopic vision of Somalia is evident in your posts you let your tribalistic mentality type for you


    you come with a mix of ad nauseams and hominems


    don't get it twisted my friend


    the ICU


    -opened the Mogadishu Sea port (wich was the job of the so-called gov't)


    -opened the Mogadishu Airport (wich was the job of the so-called gov't)


    -destroyed the pirates (one incident means nothing compared to 40 ships being captured every month before the ICU took over so don't even try it)


    -Business is booming (because of the ports being opened)


    -expired food is no longer imported by greedy businessmen and bombarded on our poor people in the South




    -foreign investment


    -Normal ciid celebration


    there are hundreds of articles that state the people in Mogadishu are happy with the take over


    you got TFG


    - A patchwork of warlords with here and there good individuals who are sidelined or demoted as geedi has shown


    -2 years of hotel motel holiday innnnnnn


    -begging for foreign money only to be misused by corrupt individuals


    - sheltered former warlords and provides them with arms


    -concealed to 1 town


    - brought in foreign enemies


    -40 ministers call it a day and left


    -Seyoum Mesfin visited Baidoa and TADAAaa a new cabinet(deathblow to all TFG chearleaders that claimed it was an independent gov't)


    -pushes for more foreign troops therefore pushing for war


    - the ministers of health and education have contributed nothing positive (all done by the locals themselves)


    -kills 12 men in the small city it's headquartered and then refuses to listen to the people of baidoa when it's asked to leave (and you got the nerve to talk about ICU being welcome)


    -has soldiers clashing over khat


    doesn't look good!

  5. Originally posted by Khalaf:


    Originally posted by David_Letterman:


    you see all they care about is Puntland and deep down i wanted to confront them and call them tribalistic liars but i've been taught to show respect to those who are older than me so i kept quite and just watched t.v as they continued the discussion


    deep down i felt embarrassed for them


    bro isnt that all of somalia...every qabil has its home turf? :confused: I aint no qabilist somali wa somali but lets get real and look at the facts on the ground what are you and your kin without Puntland in Somalia? U aint got no turf! Apperciate playa. :cool:
    sxb i was contaminated with that nonsense a year ago and whenever someone said something bad about Somalia on a somali forum i always said the south the south it's always those southerners


    and received a same type of reply back from a southern brother or sister


    untill i started visiting non somali forums and i realized they don't know the difference between south or north and then i subconciously learned to reject this garbage i was bombarded with by old school relatives


    from Mogadishu to JigJigga to Hargeisa to Bossaso all the way to Wajir is what i want to call home not these small fiefdoms

  6. no your looking down on them




    ^^^Saxib it is the south that thinks this is 1991, it is not the power you speak of is the clan millitia and the foreign fighters that took 6 months to fend of the warlords?

    the warlords?


    the weak weak warlords?


    it took them thaaaaaaat longgggg to crush the warlords :eek:


    my my my


    i bet if the Mighty TFG :cool: walked into Xamar they would have started now



    and Finished damnn that would have been fast a world record without a doubt faster than any OP from the famous rangers


    but hey hey hey let's not forget they are afterall the Mighty TFG :rolleyes:


    the ICU has overplayed nothing unlike you they know all about Meles Zenawi's internal strife and know he's bluffing


    defections everywhere!


    and what do you mean who is Shariif to rule Puntland


    you see this is what i mean i just used him as an example of a popular somali figure of a different region and what was the result your pride and tribalistic emotions took the best of you and this was your reply


    people with your mentality always make me wonder wether i would be treated as a foreigner or as a brother in Hargeisa or Mogadishu if i went back

  7. Are you illiterate duke the fact that you can't even process a simple analogy tells me you are,this also explains why you have difficulties enlarging your vocabulary skills



    -clancourts,TFG strong strong

    -no ethiopians but many eritreans oromo's bla bla


    you romanticize former warlords wether their escaping ICU's wrath or visiting a foreign country


    yet you contradict yourself by getting all sad and selfrighteous when people support men like Shariff or Aweys


    you use your old limited use of words and names again and come with ad hominems


    you accuse every person that doesn't agree with you of being a clan member of ICU


    dude i'm M.J but i'm a somali and that's all i care about.


    debating and refuting comments from anti-somalis on multiple forums who hate anything ''Somali'' or ''Somalia'' who don't know the difference between clan ''X'' or ''Y'' taught me a lot about the outside views on somalis as a whole by foreigners and made me stop being so myopic and see the bigger picture


    the thing is your no different from my uncle and brothers who still think i'm ignorant of somali politics


    they tried to fool me when i asked about SomaliGalbeed by saying oohh the somalis in Ethiopia are happy and the government treats them well


    you see all they care about is Puntland and deep down i wanted to confront them and call them tribalistic liars but i've been taught to show respect to those who are older than me so i kept quite and just watched t.v as they continued the discussion


    deep down i felt embarrassed for them


    all you post is Puntland development or TFG bravado arnold jean claude sylvester stallone rambo crap


    when positive news is posted by other members about the south you feel the need to counter it with bad propaganda


    when you say Mogadishu has only seen 4 months of peace while Puntland had peace for 16 years (more like 8/9) your indirectly looking down on them


    so therefore it can't be ruled by Shariff?


    dude stop being so myopic


    if tomorrow courts opened all over puntland by the locals and cadde was sent running you would still come up with an excuse for not supporting the movement


    and like i said chill on the Ad Nauseam!

  8. Kenyan Muslims accuse US of plotting to attack Somalia


    Kenyan Muslims Saturday accused the United States of lying about plans by Somali Islamists to carry out suicide bombings in Kenya and Ethiopia as a pretext to attack Somalia.


    The Supreme Council of Kenyan Muslims (SUPKEM) said Washington was using the alleged attacks as a ploy to attack and destroy the lawless Horn of Africa state, where a powerful Islamic movement is rapidly gaining influence.


    "America wants to cause confusion as a pretext to give it reason to once again attack and destroy the Republic of Somalia," SUPKEM chairman Abdel Ghaful El Busaidy told reporters at a press conference here.


    "Kenyan Muslims strongly condemn ... the US ... [for] putting Somalia and the Union of Islamic courts as another in its axis of evil," he said.


    "We Kenyans should be careful not to fall into the American propaganda," said Busaidy, who urged the Kenyan government to continue mediating the conflict between the Islamists and Somalia's largely ineffective government.


    On Thursday, US embassies in Nairobi and Addis Ababa said they had information about "reports of terrorist threats emanating from extremist elements within Somalia, which target Kenya, Ethiopia, and other surrounding countries."


    US officials said the Islamists' supreme leader, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, purportedly authorized the attacks, but the Islamists have denied what they dismissed as "baseless" allegations.


    Islamic militias and government forces are currently girding for an all-out war after a third round of peace talks collapsed in Khartoum earlier this week.


    The Islamists, who control much of southern Somalia including the capital Mogadishu, stand accused of links with Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaeda network and other foreign extremist groups.


    Aweys, a hardline cleric designated a "terrorist" by the United States for alleged Al Qaeda ties, has not personally reacted to the allegations. He has in the past denied any connection to terrorism and rejected US accusations the Islamists are harboring Al Qaeda suspects wanted for the deadly 1998 bombings of Washington's embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.


    The US warning came as the Islamists have declared "jihad," or holy war, on neighboring Ethiopia for allegedly sending thousands of troops to Somalia to back the country's weak government and accused Kenya of siding with Ethiopia.



  9. Originally posted by bambo:

    Gener duke ^ your underestimating the power of the south , Inshallah Abdulahi yusuf will see for him self soon time. why are you comparing Lascaanood to To the Shabbela and its sourounding , people with balls and diginity live here , abdulahi war achievement is only in the north. havent you learn from the past 16 years men . NO clan can rule another clan i tell you that , caydiid tried and failed so will this loosr called Abulahi yusuf,



    Gener duke "Was it not Col Agaduud himself who chased your supporters out of LA"?


    :eek: :eek: General duke i never new you hail from super power clan eh,


    If abdualhi had confidance on the ciyalka puntland " TFG troops" he would not need place ethopian troops all over somalia to portect him , from Galkacyo to Baydhawa is in it friend.


    Dont go over yourself Learn from the rest looser who tried to dominate somalia by force and failed , mens who possesed 10 * greater then old men failed ,


    Its tine for dialuge not war its 20007 ,


    duke stop wishing war wallahi both side waa somalia something you and old men seem not understand .

    bismillah and i hoped Somalia would have progressed a bit in the year 20007


    even if it was a little bit :(

  10. bla bla bla ra ra ra raaaaaaaaa


    somali women represent to the fullest


    just visit all them islamic forums and you will hear the many stories of somali women and men putting some life in the muslim communities around the world


    wether it's somali women rocking the hijaab or niqaab or somali men leading prayers


    i don't need to see my sisters on the streets walking uncovered with see-trough diracs


    if that's somali culture let it stay at home


    i think some people here just want a excuse to justify there animosity and hate towards a group of people


    well your on your own


    i've seen how they respect me and my people in real life so respect is what i will return


    arabs aint killing our people like dogs in arab countries like they are being killed in African countries


    the dutch today look down on the germans


    still that's better than german people getting butchered and their shops vandalised in dutch communities

  11. Sayyid was Somalia's zorro


    En Garde they would yell,the somali zorro jumped of his horse and grabbed his sword he looked at his opponents and then accepted the challenge


    he first defeated her Majesty African King rifles and the Legionaires before turning his Dervishes on the Abyssinians-Martha Stewart


    page 156 In Search of Peace

  12. Originally posted by Juje:

    quote:Originally posted by General Duke:

    President Yusuf is in China so its not just me the world recognises him.

    Who is important, the World or Letterman?
    what do you mean?


    i have millions of people tuning into my shows at night in the States alone


    it's billions around the world

  13. ra ra raaa duke Sharmaarke was a President, Aden Osman was a President


    abdullahi Yusuf most definitly is not




    both these presidents cut ties with those that worked against the interest of Somalia and that included Brittian


    C/Y doesn't care about anything


    besides the XHONG MOON hotel C/Y is also recognised and registered in a estimated 40 other hotels in foreign capitals around the world


    hotels baidoa hotels baidoa hotels adiss ababa hotels baidoa hotels adiss ababa hotels baidoa


    ad nauseam

  14. sheikh literally means ''old man'' just like the leader of the muslim assassins dynasty was confused to being an old man when it was only because of his first name ''sheikh''


    indocadde looks 79 so yeah he's a sheikh


    duke you call a sell-out warlord a President


    Is there something wrong with you?



  15. they captured Somaligalbeed and Harar in the 70's and occupied it for a year


    they like my uncles right now should be sitting in their little chairs with the somali flag badge on their right arms and a koob shaah held with the left and talk about the good ol' days and how they conquered vast territories of a foreign country like real veterans should and let the new generation do the fighting and conquering


    very sad