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Posts posted by Jumatatu

  1. Originally posted by somalia-boqor:

    For now the prsendent could have my name the Somalia-boqor beacuse he is the prsendent

    shouldnt it be Emperor sxb..?


    Og girl my dear princess your Somali language is getting there, but if I were you I wont worry cause it is a language spoken by only 7 million people, and half of them have dual citizen ship nowdays hence the language is loosing its use.

    On the other hand you being the decendant of one of the greatest Somali poets who made rich and meaningful the language through his poems in different occassion, then you are obliged to be setting the standards rathering than lagging behind.


    The president in Entebbe...damn....am still waiting for him to come to Yobson.

  2. The question of peacekeeping troops still lingers on...


    Troops for Somalia now or never..!


    "There is no question about going in there to impose something," Bendana told journalists at the start of a two-day Somalia planning meeting at the African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia...."This is not Iraq. No one has a right to go and impose on another government -- on a people that has not solicited it."...."There is relative urgency. But mistakes in deployment can cost us very dearly and not just in terms of lives, but in terms of being able to generate broad-based support," he noted.......

    Muhammad Ali Foum, the AU’s special envoy for Somalia, said they hope an AU military observer mission can go in at the "earliest opportunity" and lay the groundwork for an eventual peacekeeping force.

    The question in here is and will always stand who needs to discuss the dilema, the Member of Parliament of the New Federal Transitional Government of Somalia or the AU..?

  3. Originally posted by ORGILAQE:

    Rahima sis it is not their developments that i object to it is the constant mentioning of the colonial masters as if we are not indipendent nation.The dehumanising of the people as a "colony" that object to

    he is better mate he looks up to the British, while we, in the south, are stirred by Zenawi and company

  4. Originally posted by Nationalist:

    Chris Mullin, the British minister for African affairs of the Foreign Affairs ministry, came to the horn of Africa with one main reason.

    He came to show support for the Abdullahi Yusuf government and congratulate him in name of the UK.

    He also asked him not to attack Sland, since the Sland government had send an urgent letter to the British government.

    Come again...! eh..eh :D:D

  5. Originally posted by OG_Girl:

    So You can call Sheikh A/Y, Sheikh Aidid, Sheikh Musa Sudi and halloma jara ;)And don't forget their wives and daughter are Sheikhah <--- is Femele version of Sheikh In Arabic

    Has the term 'Sheikh' been undervalued..? eh..Sheikha Og-Princess.... :D:D

  6. "The royal court announces to Arab and Islamic countries and the rest of the world the death of the leader of the nation Shaikh Zayid bin Sultan al-Nahayan on Tuesday evening," said an announcement read out on Abu Dhabi television.

    Shaikh Zayed Al Nahyan is widely considered one of the most successful gulf Arab rulers, having led his home state Abu Dhabi and the larger federation in which it forms apart of, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), for over 30 years of stability and prosperity.




    Illah ha uu naxaristo, He has done a lot for Somalia and Somalis throughout his time.

  7. People we seem to be banging empty pots together and making all the noises but not the right tunes. Lets get something clear on one thing, Al-xaaji Muse Sudi or any other member of parliament supports the president because he is a by product of a process which they fully participated. Furthermore do not underestimate the MP's they might be warlords but are clever enough not to come out open at this early stage and opposse the transitional Federal government. On the other hand the onus is on the president to play his role precisely and make it look at least that he is genuine in his approach. So far since being elected he has gone a fast truck for the call of foreign troops without contemplating the impact it will have and the repercussion it wil create.

    He has yet to name a PM and is promising individuals or groups on his left and right. We have to understand that the government does not consist of the President and the MP's, at the moment the most imprtant ingredient is missing which is the PM and his cabinet. This latter and absent factor will be resposible for shaping and deciding the path the Federal transitional government will take. The role of the president will be apart from ceremonial to balance the power amid the parliament and the excutive government.

    Now we can go on and on everyday saying Mr. Fulan and Mr.Fulan have accepted and supported the government of C/llahi Yusuf while we have yet to see the government.

  8. People we seem to be banging empty pots together and making all the noises but not the right tunes. Lets get something clear on one thing, Al-xaaji Muse Sudi or any other member of parliament supports the president because he is a by product of a process which they fully participated. Furthermore do not underestimate the MP's they might be warlords but are clever enough not to come out open at this early stage and opposse the transitional Federal government. On the other hand the onus is on the president to play his role precisely and make it look at least that he is genuine in his approach. So far since being elected he has gone a fast truck for the call of foreign troops without contemplating the impact it will have and the repercussion it wil create.

    He has yet to name a PM and is promising individuals or groups on his left and right. We have to understand that the government does not consist of the President and the MP's, at the moment the most imprtant ingredient is missing which is the PM and his cabinet. This latter and absent factor will be resposible for shaping and deciding the path the Federal transitional government will take. The role of the president will be apart from ceremonial to balance the power amid the parliament and the excutive government.

    Now we can go on and on everyday saying Mr. Fulan and Mr.Fulan have accepted and supported the government of C/llahi Yusuf while we have yet to see the government.

  9. People we seem to be banging empty pots together and making all the noises but not the right tunes. Lets get something clear on one thing, Al-xaaji Muse Sudi or any other member of parliament supports the president because he is a by product of a process which they fully participated. Furthermore do not underestimate the MP's they might be warlords but are clever enough not to come out open at this early stage and opposse the transitional Federal government. On the other hand the onus is on the president to play his role precisely and make it look at least that he is genuine in his approach. So far since being elected he has gone a fast truck for the call of foreign troops without contemplating the impact it will have and the repercussion it wil create.

    He has yet to name a PM and is promising individuals or groups on his left and right. We have to understand that the government does not consist of the President and the MP's, at the moment the most imprtant ingredient is missing which is the PM and his cabinet. This latter and absent factor will be resposible for shaping and deciding the path the Federal transitional government will take. The role of the president will be apart from ceremonial to balance the power amid the parliament and the excutive government.

    Now we can go on and on everyday saying Mr. Fulan and Mr.Fulan have accepted and supported the government of C/llahi Yusuf while we have yet to see the government.

  10. Goobaha dadku ku kulmaan ee Muqdisho oo ...........



    Goobaha dadku ku kulmaan ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa maanta dadku ay si weyn u hadal hayeen wareysigii uu madaxweynaha dowladda FKMG ah ee Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed uu siiyey wargeyska Afka carabiga ku hadla ee Al-Xayaat ee ka soo baxa dalka Ingiriiska, oo uu ku sheegay madaxweynuhu in Soomaaliya ay ku sugan yihiin dad badan oo argagixiso ah, uuna tegi doonin Muqdisho inta laga sugayo ammaanka, isaga oo dalbaday in ciidamo shisheeye oo Afrikaan ah dalka la keeno, waxeyna qaar ka tirsan waxgaradka reer Muqdisho ay ku tilmaameen hadalka ka soo yeeray C/llaahi Yuusuf mid niyad jab ku keenaya taageeradii shacabka reer Muqdisho ay u hayeen dowladda cusub, waxeyna qaar ka tirsan waxgaradkaasi tilmaameen in halkii ay ku sugayeen madaxweynuhu in uu dhayo boogihii shacabka ka dambaqanayey in u dhaqmayo sidda nin ciil qaba oo doonaya in caalamka uu ku beer dulucsado wax aanan jirin.....

    “Waxaana u soo jeedinayaa madaxweynaha cusub in uu iska iloobo eray bixintii lagu bartay ee aheyd Soomaaliya argagixiso ayaa joogta, isla markaana uusan fara gashan urur diimeedyada Soomaaliya ka jira, waayo isaga ayaa madaxweyne u ah kii wadaad ah & kii aana aheynba, waana in uu ka fogaadaa dagaal diimeed waayo waxaa waaya-aragnimo noogu filan dagaalka mudada badan ka socday Aljeeriya & meela kale†ayuu yiri Daahir Max’ed Diirshe (Timo Jilic) oo ka mid ah waxgaradka ku dhaqan magaalada Muqdishoâ€.....“Madaxweynuhu shacabka uu madaxweynaha u yahay waxey ula dhaqmi doonaan hadba sida uu isagu ula dhaqmo, dadkuna ma ahan dadkii uu yiqiin C/llaahi ee waa dad heys dileene, wax badan uu garaadkoodu bislaaday, baahida dowladnimada ee aan qabno nama hoys geyn doonto in aan wax walba oo xun u sacaba tuno, wixii maslax Soomaaliyeed ee uu C/llaahi ku taliyo waan la qaadaneynaa haddiise xaalka C/llaahi u egyahay maahmaadii Soomaaliyeed ee aheyd “Gaalaa godka iigu jiree garweynta ii keena†ka qaadan meyno, waxaana kula talineynaa madaxweynuhu in uu iska ilaabo in uu meel mariyo firkad kasta oo uu isagu soo hindiso, halka uu leeyahay ciidan baa la geynayaana waa in lagala tashadaa dadka deegaan ahaan ka soo jeeda oo iyaga wax laga weydiiyaaâ€