General Duke

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Everything posted by General Duke

  1. General Duke;874168 wrote: Meeting the PM of Australia If only this was Siilanyu meeting the PM of Australia..: Secessionist would be launching fireworks.
  2. ^^^^Sorry bro I know it hurts that Dr. Abdiweli has been accorded this respect by the Federal Government of Somalia. He is meeting world leaders while your secessionist leaders including Egaal, Tuur, Riyaale, Siilanyu have never met any world leaders nor ever spoke at the UN general assembly. Dr. Abdiweli has done this. I am sorry you are not a real country..
  3. GaadhHaye;874257 wrote: ^^^^^Sir, you are making Soomaalidiids poorer in health and wealth. These pictures are powerful enough to cause them lose sleep and consume more of the green leaves.....Dr. Abdiwali has genuine prime ministral character and looks. I would bet my bottom dollars that is the awaited one. Wait until he goes back to Xamar. The secessionist are the worst. When did Siilanyu, Riiyaale, Egaal & Tuur ever even attended the UN Summit?
  4. Chimera;874243 wrote: Duke,even if the new PM is not from Puntland, he and the government are still obligated to serve that constituent, and that means access to Federal funds for new roads, schools, hospitals, port-expansions, proportionate share of FDI etc on a scale that the region hasn't enjoyed since collapse of the last central government . Only when Puntland is ignored in all these sectors can we deduce that the President of the FRS has declared war on one of its constituents and that would be a legitimate cause for anger, but this PM ''must be reer-hebel'' bs that is polluting this forum is backwards. He will be the Prime-minister of Somalia, he has to serve the ten million men, women and children living in hundreds of hamlets, villages, towns, and cities stretching from Zayla to Ras Kamboni! Chimera, you are a good man, if you were President I would not even worry about Somalia. However what we have is an embryonic state. If his first action is simply to ignore the State of Puntland its many achievements and its contributions to Somalia then there is no choice but to ignore him. Heck if it was not for Puntland and Abdiweli, Xsaan sHiekh Mohamoud would still be an unknown individual. Puntland and its people remember the last time we took a government and its leaders at face value. Heck it won’t happen again.
  5. Xaaji Xunjuf;874236 wrote: Duke again let me tell you one more time its not what sir xx prefers its what you're President Hassan sheikh wants for the country. And president Hassan sheikh wants a pm from the gedo and cabuudwaaq communities you will find out in the next 48 hours if not before that. You and I have been here before. You are out of the loop as you were when you were supporting Galayr, then the Sharif’s. Now this is yet another manifestation of your hate for Puntland. I know it’s all consuming and it takes up all of your time. All of Somalia is obsessed, but dont you worry we shall always prevail.
  6. Mario B;874232 wrote: Who are "we"? Abdiqasam's carta group? This is not the era of "TFG", if you don't like the new Government then prepare for the elections that will happen in 4 years time!! Dont confuse yourself adeer. The President who has no army, no funds and does not even control the southern regions will do what to Puntland? He will send AMISOM to bomb Bossaso?
  7. Xaaji Xunjuf;874230 wrote: Taking sides so now Hassan Sheikh and his predecessor Sheikh sharif sh ahmed are you're brothers lol. No adeer, your fake pretences that you care between Gedo and reer Puntland communities. Thats the laughable thing. Remember who ever gets the PM side is from one community and you have no say in it...
  8. ^^^^As usual even in the Siyad Barre days, the secessionist were left working full time in taking sides between brothers. Adeer dont confuse yourself..
  9. Taleexi;874202 wrote: Reer PL shouldn't be excluded from the competition. This would be travesty of justice. However, I prefer for other reasons that the PM comes not from Duke's subclan Taleexi dont worry, my sub clan shall continue to support you and seek the liberation of your sub clans lands from XX's sub clan..
  10. UZTAAD;874222 wrote: even if it is so . it is true for your triangle aka 3da Habrood, so tell this advice to your SNM brothers they need it badly XX and others are deluding themseleves. Even in the US, the Obama Adminstration could not sideline the T Party and it resulted in a broekn government. If Puntland is ignored, Mogadishu will be ignored and there will be much time wasting untill you all realise the truth.
  11. The point is not that a Puntlander has to become PM. However what’s ludicrous is that 1/3 of Somalia is somehow not worth the consideration. Yet then, everyone expects Puntland and its people to support the government? If he believes that he will be able to govern and overcome the likes of Faroole by marginalizing a large and powerful segment of Somalia, he has another thing coming. Even if he did pick a PM from Gedo, and one hopes an able, educated fellow is coming, would the President and PM not be at loggerheads ifd say the PM supported the establishment of a Federal State in the Juba’s in the mould of Puntland? There are many questions and a few answers.
  12. ^^^^One hopes so. This particular site is close to the President, thats what they claim any way.
  13. Warar ku dhow dhow Madaxtooyada ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud uu diiday in Ra'iisul Wasaare u magacaabo shaqsi ka soo jeeda Puntland, isagoo miiska saartay shaqsiyaad u dhashay Beesha ********* oo lagu wado in Madaxweynuhu dhowaan magacaabo. If the news coming out of Mogadishu is true and the President has from the outset made it clear that he will not consider anyone from Puntland. This is tantamount to a declaration of war against 1/3 of Somalia. It actually bodes well for Faroole and the Hawkish individuals within Puntland. They have always claimed that Mogadishu as it is currently will never be a constructive location for restoring peace and stability. I believe that the State and its people will see Xasan Shiekh Mohamoud as no more than an extension of the failed leaders of Mogadishu and will oppose him in every way. Puntland = SOOL, SANAAG, CAYN, BARI, MUDUG & NUGAAL.. And the clans from those regions vary.
  14. Dr. Abdiweli is doing a fine job for Somalia and will go down as the architect of the new second Republic.
  15. ^^^ He is a pen for hire, a terrible web master & a terrible writer..
  16. ^^^ Indeed. His hate for the secessionists seems quote personal though.
  17. ^ I just found it funny. The same website was the one that was used by some to push the Farmaajo story. Now he has done a u turn. I doubt there is any truth to it.