General Duke

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Posts posted by General Duke

  1. Flying still the answer to your Q is no. Abdiqasin is a Mogadishu resident from central Somali regions.


    Anti Puntland will not get you any where Horn, dear boy. Abdiqasin's term eneded time ago so why is he refered to as the President of the TNG? he has failed why doesnt he step aside, why didnt Afweyne step aside, why doesnt Morgan and Barre Hirale step aside? Why doesent Robert Mugabe step aside, what about, Assad, Ghadafi, Saud family etc, its not only in Puntland leaders hold on to power. Bro so come on.


    As you know he[Abdiqasin] has no control Mogadishu but he tours the world enriching himslef as the President, shame on his supporters, for the people of Mogadishu have no access to their ports and have no peace. Now he makes peace with Musa Sudi Yalaxow and Osman Ato and condemns Abdullahi Deerow and Xasan Abshir to death.


    Abdiqasin is old news and will blown into the red sea soon, oh horn Afrique what is international Law? Is is the samw law that allowed Sharon to bomb Damascus?

  2. Horn,


    Brother you seem to be having dialogue with yourself.


    My dear Rahima some good points made, I like your patriotism unlike


    Rampage, Ayoub


    I totaly stand by that statement, Abdullahi call him a murederer a warlord a traitor of Islam etc, etc. Has proven through his adminstration of Puntland that he can manage the affair of Somali's specialy in the case of security.


    I beleive it will take a tough man to bring order to Somalia specialy the south. Abdullahi is a tough man thats why so many people are quicking in their boots forging allainces here and there because they are afraid. Abdiqasin and Musa Sudi would not be in bed together otherwise.


    People can cry hypocracy all they like I tell it how it is.


    Somalilanders such as Ayoub shouldn even be talking because they are afraid of Abdullahi leading Puntland never mind Somalia.

  3. Islaan Maxamed ma u diray qoraal Cabdiqaasin?

    - Thursday, October 02, 2003 at 22:59


    Garoowe, (AllPuntland)- Waxaa shalay saxaafada Muqdisho qaarkeed ay baahiyeen in qoraal uu Cabdiqaasim ka helay Islaan Maxamed Islaan Muuse oo ah isimka ugu da'da weyn Isimada Puntland uu Islaanku qoraalkiisa ugu sheegay Cabdiqaasim in uu u aqoonsan yahay Cabdiqaasim inuu yahay madaxweynaha Somaliya, Islaanka ayaa ka waraysatay warka qoraalkaas iyo arimo kale, Waraysigaas oo maqal ah ka dhagayso halkaan ama halkaan, ama isagoo qoraal aan kusoo koobnay ka akhri hoos:


    AllPuntland: Islaan waxaan dabo socday war kusoo baxay Internet-ka oo sheegayay in Cabdiqasim Salaad Xasan aad u qortay warqad, warqaadsna waxaa ku qornaa inaad Cabdiqasim Salaad Xasan u aqoonsatay inuu yahay Madaxweynaha Somaliya, isla markaasna adigoo ku hadlaya magaca Isimada Puntland aad ka qaybgalaysaan dawladiisa, marka warkaas baan dabo joognay waxa ka jira, marka Islaan maxaad ka leedahay qoraalkaas?


    Islaan Maxamed: Waxaas ma ogi, mana jiro, warqad aniguna uma dirin isaguna iima soo dirin, xiriir aanu leenahayna ma jiro.


    AllPuntland: Gabi ahaan warqadaasi waa mid beena miyaad lee dahay Islaan?


    Islaan Maxamed: Waa mid beenaan lee yahay oo been ka badan.


    AllPuntland: Waan gartay, Islaan shirbaa wuxuu ka socdaa Kenya Somalida nabad loogu qaban qaabinayo, warqadaas waxaa ku qoranaa in shirkaas sababta Cabdiqaasim uga soo baxay aad ku taageersan tahay, markaas aragtidaada maxay tahay shirkaasi Somalida uga socda Kenya ?


    Islaan Maxamed: Shirkaas Kenya ka socda oo Soomaalidu lee dahay anaga waxaa wakiilo nooga ah boqorada Daaroodka oo jooga, khaasana waxaa nooga sii ah Puntland kuwa joogah halkaa, wax taageero ah iyo wax aqoonsiya oo kale iyo wax aanu anagu qolo la leenahay ma jirto, Cabdiqaasim hadduu shirkaas kasoo baxo dee dadkaas baan ka mid nahay.


    AllPuntland: Dadkee ka mid tihiin dadka shirka jira miyaad ka mid tihiin mise kuwa kasoo baxay?


    Islaan Maxamed: Mayee warka hadduu doorashada kusoo baxo dadka Somalida ah ee halkaas jooga oo ama ayidaya ama aan ayidayn baana ka mid nahay, wakiilna waxaa nooga ah boqorada.


    AllPuntland: Waan gartay, Islaan dad badan baa ku dhagaysanaya oo Soomaaliyeed, ugu dambayntii waxaad tahay nin waayeel ah, oo islaan ah oo si fiican Somalida looga yaqaano markaas maxaad talo ah oo Somalida aad u soo jeedinaysaa oo aad kula dardaarmi lahayd?


    Islaan Maxamed: Mayee haddee adigaananba haddeer ku hubin inaad Soomaali saxa tahay iyo inaad tahay ninkii warqada dhigay inaad tahay adigaananba haddeer cadayn kuu hayn.


    AllPuntland: Waa runtaa Islaan oo telefoon baan kuwada hadlaynaa, ee macnaha Somalida caadiga ah ee ku dhagaysanaysa, guud ahaan wadanka Somaliya dhibaataa ka dhacday waad og tahay, Maxaad Somalida kula dardaarmi lahayd weeye ujeedada su'aashaydu?


    Islaan Maxamed: Haddee Soomalida danteeda iyo aayaheeda nin kaliyihi ma hayn karo, kamana talin karo, iyadaa danteeda wixii dani ugu jirto iyaday u muuqanaysaa.


    AllPuntland: Waa gartay Islaan aad iyo aad baan kaaga mahadcelinaynaa waraysigaas aad na siisay, Islaan Maxamed Islaan Muuse.


    Islaan Maxamed: Dadka aad lee dahay waa ku dhagaysanayaa ama waa ku dhagaysan doonaanah, anigu danta Soomaaliyeed ninkii wada baan raacsanahay, isagaanah wakiil u noqonayaa ama aniga ii ah, ee nin ...(maqalka oo aan fiicnayn qoraagu ma fahmin ereygaas) ahi wakiil iima aha ama nin dantiisa isagu wata wakiil iima aha, aana danta Soomaaliyeed wadin.


    AllPuntland: Islaan aad baad u mahadsan tahay?


    Islaan Maxamed: Adigana waxaan ku lee yahay hadhoowdii baan waxaan kala oganayaaa ninkii warqadii hore dhigay inaad tahay oo aad la socoto iyo wixii aan ku iri inaad sii dayso, labadaas baan hadhoow kala ogaanayaa.


    AllPuntland: Islaan Insha ALLAAH waxaan ku dadalaynaa in warkan sida uu yahay inaan cod ahaan iyo qoraal ahaanba kusii dayno haddii ALLE idmo, anagoon xabadna ka reebin xabadna ka darin, waxaa ugu dambeeyana ereygaas aan hadda ku lee yahay ee ah Islaan Maxamed aad iyo aad baad u mahadsan tahay.


    Islaan Maxamed: Aniguna mahadsanid baan ku lee yahay.



  4. Islaan Maxamed Islaan Muuse oo beeniyay warkii uu qoray Dayniile. By Garowe,Puntlandpost Posted to the web 02-10-2003, 13:16:29


    Garoowe,Puntlandpost:- Islaan Maxamed Islaan Muuse ayaa maanta beeniyay warkii ay qortay shabakadda Internetka ee Dayniile ay qortay 1-dii bishan .


    Islaanka oo maanta u waramayay Puntlandpost ayaa sheegay in uusan isagu weligiis aqoonsan maamulka C/qaasim ee uu waqtigiisii dhamaaday, wuxuuna sicad ugu xaqiijiyay Puntlandpost in uusan jirin qoraal uu u diray C/qaasim iyo xiriir uu la sameeyay weligiisba .


    Islaanka oo ay wajigiisa caro xoog lihi ka muuqato ayaa sheegay in uusan garanayn waxa loola jeeday warka uu qoray Dayniile, wuxuuna yiri ilaah baa kala xisaabtamaya been abuurka intaas le'eg ee uu iga sameeyay.


    Dhanka kale waxaa ilaa hadda la aqoon magaca ninka uu Dayniile ugu yeeray Suldaan Axmed Maxamed Siciid ee degan guriga ku dhagan xarunta madaxtooyada Puntland, kaasoo uu bogu qoray in ay waraysi la yeelatay idaacadda Hornafrik ee ku taal magaalada Muqdisho .







    Has the man and his cronies have no shame?

    when will he learn that posing and pretending to be Presidnet does not make you one.


    Madaxweynaha J.S oo dhambaal qoraal ah la helay Issimada G/W/Bari Soomaaliya



    Madaxweynaha J.S


    Muq. 30-ka Sept SONNA:-Madaxweynaha j.S. Dr. Cabdiqaasim Salaad Xasan wuxuu shalay dhambaal qoraal ah ka helay guddoomiyaha golaha Issimada ee gobollada W/Bari ee Soomaaliya Islaam Max’ed Islaam Muuse kaasoo ku saabsanaa mowqifkooda ku aadan dowladda KMG, xaaladda shirka Kenya iyo arrimaha Soomaaliya.


    Dhambaalkaas ka yimid guddoomiyaha Issimada gobollada kala ah Nugaal, Bari, Sanaag iyo Mudug oo ku abtirsada ururka SSDF waxa uu ku soo gudbiyay dhambaalkiisa qoraal ka kooban 11 qodob oo ay ka mid yihiin:-


    1. Waxaan ayiidsan nahay in aad tahay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo dhan ee aadan u aheyn Muqdisho oo kaliya. Maadaama lagugu doortay dal Soomaaliyeed, dad Soomaaliyeedna ay ku doorteen, mana aha mid aad ka baryeyso dowlado shisheeye oo dal dadba naga heysto.


    2. Waxaan taageersan nahay go’aankii aad kaga soo baxday shirka Kenya, shirkaasoo lagu marin habaabinayo ummadda Soomaaliyeed dalkeeda iyo diinteeda..


    3. Waxaan diyaar u nahay inaan kula shaqeyno siyaasad ahaan iyo mabda’ ahaanba.


    4. waxaan diyaar u nahay in aan buuxino doorkii aan ku laheyn dowladda Soomaaliya haddii aan nahay gobollada waqooti Bari.


    5. In aan mideyno caqligeena iyo cududeena si aan uga guuleysano cadowgeena, cadowga dowladda iyo Diinteenta muqadaska ah.


    6. Waxaan horay u go’aansanay in aanu shirka Kenya ka qeyb galin Issimada W/Bari.


    7. waxaan diyaar u nahay issimo ahaan iyo urur ahaanba in aan kula shaqeyno, annagoo aaminsan in Max’ed Xaaji Aadan yahay guddoomiyaha ururka SSDF. ..


    Updated By SONNA

  6. Hold up, I have never excused the excesses of anyone least of all Abdullahi Yusf Ahmed.


    It’s Ironic that you mention others to divert attention from ina Salad Boy, who as mentioned before was a big fish a shark in Afweyne's pond.


    Horn, for once you agree maybe its that other side of you speaking now, after saying that the JVA's actions in Kismayu where legal and Abdiqasi's support for them was just.


    Anyhow I will like to point to the ********* and desperation of Abdiqasin, its not enough that he lies about having a PHD and being President of Somalia.


    Two days ago he fabricated news that the famous and most influential traditional leader of Puntland Islam Mohamed Islam Muse was in support of Abdiqasin and recognised him as the legitimate leader and head of state.


    This would have been a coup alas as ever it was a false a naked lie, but what can we say?

  7. Horn Afrique,


    As they say in London, mate you must be having a laugh.


    To say its hypocracy to mention Abdiqasin's actions in Kismayu is beyond belief.


    For once your sinister side has emerged, you are defending the actions of thugs who coccupy forcefully the homes of innocent people, and you cry about warlorsd and Ethiopia.


    For those who want to pretend, what is happening in Kismayu, and the Juba valley is nothing more than a vialation of the human rights of the people who live there.


    So Horn Afrique my brother stop with the pretending it hurts you when I talk about Kismayu because you agree whole heartedly with the invaders from Galgaduud or the Juba Allaince, so much for your sense of justice and your patriosam.


    Again this thread was about Abdiqasin going crazy, he indeed seems to be suffering badly as now he has been reduced to being a warlord of the USC and the real chairman of the JVA.


    Horn brother what happened to Afweyne will happen to those who occupy other peoples land.

  8. Murad, Rahima & Rampage


    Thats your opinion bro, I just gave mine. Abdiqasin has been around Somali politics for over 30 years, he did not enter it in 2000.


    He served under Siyad Barre's regime unquestioning and loyal to the end. When Siyad attacked Galkacyo, Abdiqasin was loyal. When Siyads forces destroyed the North West he was loyal even being the interior minister and deputy prime minister, this is when the SNM where at war with Barre.


    He stood by Siyad when he destroyed Mogadishu and then fled with him.


    Abdiqasin returned as USC man after the fall of the regime and has been loyal advocate of his clan ever since.


    When he became president of the TNG he reneged on his promise to go to Badoa as an interim capitla thus breaking the RRA support for the regime.


    He strengthened the illegal occupation of his sub-clan in Kismayu sending them arms and thus resulted in the deaths of innocents in Kismayu.


    He fought battles in central Mogadishu with Hussein Aydeed's forces, Musa and Mohamed Dheres's and he did not stop individuals from his clan from using his power base to get rich.


    Abdiqasin failed to bring peace to Moagdishu, not because of the warlords or ethiopia, but because he used up the money donated by Arab counties to get himslef and some of his die hard suppoorters rich.


    He has claimed to be president of Somaliland and Puntland when he has been unable to travel to Balcad.


    My point is 30 years of history has proven that this man is the worst. In his career he supported the Barre Regime and then the USC and then his subclan never the national interest of the people, if you call this great then its for you to explain.

  9. I agree with none of you on this one, but pointing out to the hypocrisy of the Secessionist group is not and should not be taken to be anti Somaliland.


    Just like those who hate warlords are not anti south or Mogadishu, however this circular argument has been raging because a few individuals want to defend the actions of Somaliland leaders no matter what.


    If we question secessionist motives and the break up of Somalia we are “haters of progress” and just a bunch of “jealous southerners”


    I for one do not hate my people in Somaliland even though I do not agree and cannot agree with the break up of the republic, however this does not mean I will insult the region or its people but I will as my duty reflect my beliefs and opinion regardless what a few might think.


    African has been quite amusing with her holier than though attitude towards the debaters of this forum. “ there is something of the night about her” LOL


    Another point that many people clearly ignore is that when we post a positive peace about Puntland it is not in support of Abdullahi Yusuf, just like we understand a negative peace about Abdullahi Yusuf is not an insult on Puntland.


    If you clearly see the posts they have been political, demistifying Abdiqasin, investigating the TNG or scrutanising the secessionist, never has articles been about the land or the clans that inhabit it.


    I have posted allot of articles about the progress of Puntland state and this was to educate the many nomads here who where quite ignorant with regards to more than a 1/3 of their country.


    This is an open forum and should stay that way, insults and disrespectful posts will be dealt with by admin but people’s views should not be censored to suit a few egos.



  10. Kusimaha Ra'isu lwasaaraha DKMG ah ee Garabka Cabdiqaasim Salaad oo iscasilay iyo warar kale . Ruunkinet 28/09/03


    Mudane Cabdi Guuleed Maxamed oo ah ku simaha ra'isul wasaaraha DKMG ee xilligeedu dhammaaday ayaa la sheegay in uu qoraal iscasilaad ah u diray Cabdiqaasim Salaad oo weli sheeganaya in uu madaxweyne u yahay Soomaaliya.


    Qoraalkan ayaa lagu waramayaa in uu gaaray madaxweyne Cabdiqaasim shalay galab in kastoo aan la shaacin sababaha dhaliyay iscasilaadda Cabdi Guuleed ay isku hayb yihiin Barre Hiiraale oo dhawaan xiriir siyaasadeed iyo mid ciidan ku dhex maray Cabdiqaasim Salaad iyo hoggaamiyeyaal kale ka tirsan beelaha USC.


    Mar la weydiiyay Cabdi Guuleed sababta ku kalifay iscasilaadan ayaa wuxuu sheegay in uu gudan waayay howshii loo xilasaaray waajibna tahay in uu isaga wareejiyo xilkan aan lahyan dowlad dhexe oo ay ka bexeen qaar badan oo ka tirsanaa isla maraana si weyn u qeybsantay.


    Dhinaca kale, dagaal ayaa la sheegayaa in uu ka dhacay xadka u dhexeeya Kenya iyo Soomaaliya .


    Wararka ka imaanaya degmada Mandheera/Soomaalia ayaa waxay sheegayaan in tacshiirado ay isweeydaarsadeen booliska Kenya iyo dableey Soomaali ah.


    Tacshiiradahaani ayaa waxaa ku dhintay 1 ruux 3 kalena way ku dhaawacmeen.



    Dagaalkan ayaa lagu waramay in uu socday mudo dhan 30 daqiiqo ayadoo la sheegay in uu dagaalkaani ka bilaabmay gaaridameer ay saaraayen alaabo la doonaayay in loo gudbiyo dhinaca Kenya iyadoo booliska Kenya ay rasaas ku rideen ninkii waday gaaridameerka alaabada siday asagoo ka badbaaday kadibna gurmad u soo raadsaday dabley Soomaali ah oo ay isku hayb yihiin kadibna dagaal gaaban ku dhex maray booliiska Kenya iyo dableyda hubeysan ee Soomaalida ah.


    Cabdullahi Xuseen, Ruunkinet, London

  11. Qoraal ay soo saareen ururada soomaalida ee ku shirsan Kenya.


    By A/Yassin Posted to the web 28-09-2003, 18:43:24


    Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya



    September 23, 2003

    View Point of the Leaders Committee

    To: H.E. Bethuel Kiplagat

    Chairman of IGAD Technical Committee

    Cc: Member of the Frontline States

    Cc: Members of IPF


    Your Excellency,



    With reference to our meeting held on 23rd September, 03; in which you have briefed the leaders committee on the result of your visit to the EU HQ in Brussels, and Sweden, as well as raising several other issues regarding the process.


    The leaders committee is unanimously appreciating your unrelenting efforts to promote the course of peace and reconciliation in Somalia and your wise guidance of the ongoing process.


    We have the honour to inform Your Excellency, that the leaders committee has exhaustively discussed all issues raised by you and have unanimously agreed to submit their collective position, as follows;


    1. Inclusivity Issue;


    The leaders committee have pointed out that the conference has accomplished a level of inclusivity that could be considered, as unprecedented in the history of Somali peace talks.


    During the 11 months of it’s proceeding; the conference has assimilated many productive ideas and guidelines put forward by IGAD and IPF. The conference is from the very outset, a Somali driven initiative while IGAD and IPF have been playing the role of coordination, mediation, guidance with the Somali parts in order to accomplish the highest degree of inclusivity, in accordance with the mandate of IGAD member states.


    It ought to be mentioned that the conference enjoys, therefore, unnegligible degree of inclusivity, since, all the major four groups of participants (TNG, SRRC, G8 and Civil Society), representing all political stakeholders and clan setup of the country, are all present.


    We should not fail to have in mind that inclusivity isn’t tantamount to unanimity and it shouldn’t be used as unsubstantiated element or vague politic argument to destroy the conference or prejudice its outcome.


    2. Effort to bring back those parties who are away;


    The leaders committee welcomes all efforts geared to bring back those, few, who left the conference.


    In spite of this position it should be recognized that the representatives of those who left the conference remained an integral part of the process. So, where does the issue come?


    However, the Leaders’ Committee warmly welcomes that IGAD and IPF to employ further efforts to persuade the absentees to rejoin the Conference, bearing in mind that the continuity of the conference must be ensured, to avoid the conference becoming hostage of a party. The leaders have no objection to see their brothers to be brought on board.


    We also welcome the inclusion of a Somali good will team in these efforts, especially, from among those who can exercise leverage on the self-absenteeing party.




    The Leaders Committee is of the view that the present stage of the process should be sustained and its momentum should, therefore, be strengthened.


    As far as the procedure of selection of MPs is concerned, the Leaders have agreed that Article 30 of the newly adopted charter, on 15/09/03, be applied.




    The Leaders Committee welcome the idea of undertaking inter-leader confidence building steps to strengthen the degree of cohesion and understanding among them with the view of enhancing peace prospective in Somalia, and obtain their firm commitment in the implementation of the achievements of the peace conference and its outcome.


    For this purpose, the Leaders’ Committee would recommend that suitable venue be identified so that, the Leaders can engage into an open and fruitful exchange of views to take place in an appropriate environment and with a purpose of achieving integrative accords, where deemed necessary.


    However, as the Leaders will be engaged in this extra mile exercise in peace searching efforts, it would be necessary to temporarily put into pause the process of MPs selection; so as to safeguard the leaders responsibility on the subject, as the charter specifies, allowing, at the same time, inter and intra-clan negotiations to continue, to smoothen the process.




    A number of time has been raised the issue related to the ownership of the process without any justifiable reason, positively speaking.


    The participants of the Conference have been freely debating all issues and any decision was taken on the basis of their free will and democratic traditions. In this respect, the Leaders’ Committee sees the matter as non-controversial issue, since the conference has been proceeding smoothly, knowing no major crisis in any respect, over the past 11 months of the process.


    In addition, one has to take into account that the Conference is in its final stage, and the real ownership, in terms of national responsibility, is unanimously passing to the new institutions, hereafter, established as a result of the outcome of the conference. Until then, the Leaders Committee reaffirm that the collective role of the IGAD Technical Committee as established in the rules of procedure should be respected, as part of conflict management and resolution approaches.




    It has been always the view of the participants of the Conference that the International Community plays an active role in promoting and supporting the peace process in Somalia, as an unsacrificeable partner.


    The Leaders Committee therefore, express their deep thanks and gratitude to the whole International Community, for the assistances they haven been providing to the sustenance and continuity of the process.


    The Leaders Committee welcomes the initiative that an International Donors conference be held, following the conclusion of the peace talks at Mbagathi, to pledge funds for the reconstruction of Somalia in all domains. Therefore, list of priorities should be worked out right from this moment. In addition to this, we recommend that various Leaders Committee delegations be dispatched to important donor community members for sensibilisation purposes, led by member of the ITC.


    Finally, the Leaders Committee reiterate their common position that a peace keeping mission remains part of the major international undertakings, to assist Somalia overcome the 13 years of civil war crisis and restore a climate of security and peace in Somalia, with a view of enabling the established institutions, as per this conference, to function.


    Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya




    September 23, 2003


    Signed by: Leaders Committee




    1. H.E. Hassan Abshir Farah (Prime Minster-TNG) ____________________________


    2. H.E. Abdalla Derow **** (Speaker of TNA-TNG)___________________


    3. H.E. Mohamed Qanyare Afrah (USC/G8-chairman)_____________________


    4. H.E. Hilowle Imam Omar (SRRC Current Chairman.)_______


    5. H.E. Abdullahi Sh. Isma’il (SSNM/BIREM/SRRC-Chairman.)___________


    6. H.E. Mowlid Ma’ane Mohamed (Chairman of SAMO)____________________


    7. H.E. Ahmed Sh. Mohamed (SPM/SRRC - Chairman.)_________________


    8. H.E. Hassan Mohamed Nur (RRA/SRRC- Chairman.)_________________


    9. H.E. Hussien Farah Aidid (USC/SNA/SRRC- Chairman.)_____________


    10. H.E. Abdulahi Yusuf Ahmed (Punt-land State/ SRRC)_________________


    11. H.E. Sharif Saalah Mohamed (Civil Society Chairman)_________________


    12. H.E. Omar Mohamoud "Finish" (USC/SSA/G8 Chairman)________________


    13. H.E. Hassan Abdulle Qalad (HIRAN Admin/SRRC)___________________


    14. H.E. Mohamed Diriye Ilmi (USC/G8)____________________________


    15. H.E. Mohamed Omar Habeb (JOWHAR Admin/SRRC)_________________


    16. H.E. Col. Deq Abdi Hasan (Gen.Secretary ofJVA/G8)__________________


    17. H.E. Mohamed Sayid Aden ( SNF/SRRC Chairman)_________________


    18. H.E. A/qadir H. Bebe (USC/SSA/SRRC)______________________


    19. H.E. A/aziz Sh. Yusuf (SSNM/SNA/SRRC Chairman)_____________


    20. H.E. Mohamed Aden Wayel (SPM/SRRC Chairman)___________________


    21. H.E. Sh. Aden M. Nuur (RRA/ARRC)___________________________


    22. H.E. Ge. Mohamed S. Hirsi "morgan" (SPM/SRRC Chairman)____________


    23. H.E. Mohamed Osman Maye (SANU/SRRC Chairman)_________________


    A/Yasin m. Sooyaan.

    Puntlandpost, Nairobi, Krenya.

  12. I was introduced to the writings of Professor Said by a late friend of mine. I saw the good professor give a lecture as SOAS this very year and I was struck by his intellegence and pride that he took to being an Arab and a Palastinian, he will surely be missed.


    Check out this website for some if not all of his articles.


  13. Cabdalla Deerow oo ka jawaabay dilkii uu ku xukumar C/qasim Salaad shalay




    Waxaa shalay mar uu madaxweynaha dowladda KMG ah DR.Cabdikhasim Salaad Xassan mar uu la hadlaayay labadiisa gole ee KMG ah ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in sida uu xeerka dhigaayo aytahay in toogasho lagu xukumo Cabdalla Deerow iyo Xasan Abshir.


    Hadaba waxaa u suura gashay inuu Md.Cabdalla Deerow wax ka weydiiyo xukunka dilka ah ee lagu dhawaaqay, waxaana uu Cabdalla Deerow isagoo qoslaaya yiri"c/qasim qabiilkiisa qofwalba ma iska dilaayaan, arintaan haduu ku dhawaaqayna waxaa ay muujineysaa in uu ninkan yahay nin dhiigya cab ah" ayuu yiri Deerow.


    Dhinaca kale Cabdalla Deerow waxaa uu inoo sheegay in uu isaga yahay ninka gudoomiyaha u ah Baarlamaanka KMG ah, waxaana ahay buu yiri ninka dhowraya sharciga c/qasimna isagaa sharciga ku xadgudbay ayuu yiri.


    Su'aalkale oo aan waxka weydiinay dhinaca heshiiskii shalay ay gaareen labada garab ee RRA-da inuu taageersanyahay ayaa waxaa uu inoo sheegay in uu soo dhaweynaayo heshiiskaas, waxaa kaloo uu yiri in labada garab ee heshiiyay in uusan isaga shaqo ku laheyn.


    Ugudambeyntii waxaanu Gudoomiye Deerow weydiinay tagistiisa magaalada Muqdisho mar hadii dil uu ku xukumay Madaxweynaha dowladda KMG ah C/qasim Salaad,waxaana uu Deerow inoo sheegay in uu Kenya kala tagi doono isagoo la socda dowladda loo dhanyahay oo ay Soomaaliyoodhan kuwada jirto.


  14. Dowlada C/Nuur Darmaan Oo Taageero Qalab xafiiseed U Fidsey Ciidamo Madani Ah Oo Ka Howlgala Mid Ka Mid Ah Xaafadaha Wardhiigleey

    Muqdisho Sept.25, 2003


    Dowlada uu madaxda ka yahay C/nuur Darmaan oo kol hore lagu dhawaaqay ayaa taageero qalab xafiiseed ah u fidisey ciidamo Madani ah oo ka howlgala Xaafadda Barwaaqo ee degmada Wardhiigleey.


    Qalab xafiiseedkaan ayaa waxaa madaxda madaniga ah ee xaafaddaas guddoonsiiyey kaaliyaha labaad ee Maamulka C/nuur Darmaan ninka lagu magacaabo C/raxmaan Macalin Xasan (Mugaanbow).oo uu wahliyo Ibraahim Cabdule Qaawane oo asna ka tirsan Howlwadeenada xafiiska C/nuur Darmaan.


    Mr. C/raxmaan oo xafladdii gudoonsiinta qalabka xafiiseedkaas ka hadlayey ayaa sheegay inay sii wadi doonaan taageerada ay siiyaan ciidamada Madaniga ah ee ka howgala xaafaddaas iyo xaafadaha kale ee Muqdisho.


    Mar uu ka hadlayey arrimaha shirka Kenya ayuu ku tilmaamay mid rajo la 'aan ah oo dadka wax ka sugayana ay yihiin kuwo sugaya wax aan la heleyn.


    “150 Kun oo Dollar ayaa Kenya maalin walba ka soo gasha shirkaas, mana dooneyso inuu meeshiisa dhaafo” ayuu yiri C/raxmaan Macalin Xasan.


    Cabdi C/lle Qooreey iyo Nuur Warsame Xiireey oo ka mid ah madaxda xaafadda Barwaaqo ayaa uga mahadceliyey taageerada uu siiyo C/nuur Darmaan, waxayna xaafaddani tahay xaafaddii labaad ee ay taageero caynkaan ah siiyaan.


    Cilmi Nuurre Weheliye


  15. Dowladda C/qaasim oo sheegtay in sharcigu dil ku xukumayo kooxihii saxiixay axdiga


    Sidda uu saaka qoray wargeyska Xog-ogaal cadadkiisa 4333-aad, madaxweynaha dowladda KMG ah C/qaasim Salaad Xassan oo shalay la hadlayay xubno ka tirsan labadiisa gole ayaa sheegay in ergadii dowladda KMG ahi u dirsatay Kenya la bedelay sida Xassan Abshir & Deerow, isaga oo shirka Kenyana ku tilmaamay mid lagu kal googooynayo Soomaaliya waxna loogu dhimayo qaranimada Soomaaliya, wuxuuna xusay in xeer ilaaliyaha qaranka oo ay weydiiyeen waxa uu sharcigu ka qabo in laga qeygalo shir lagu kala goynayo Soomaaliya ayuu caddeeyay xeer ilaaliyuhu in qodobka 184-aad ee dastuurka 60-kii uu qabo in cid kasta oo saxiixda wax lagu kala goynayo Qaranimada Soomaaliya ay tahay qof gashay qiyaano qaran oo muteysaneysa ciqaabta dilka, sidaasna ay ragga saxiixay heshiiskaasi ku muteysanayaan dil, la xisaabtankooduna uu u yaalo shacabka Soomaaliyeed.



    “Si kastaba ha ahaatee marka aanu goosanay in anu fikirkeena ka dhiibano dastuurka la sheegayo si aanu u soo bandhigno wixii mudan in la qaato ugana tagno wixii mudan in laga tago, waqtina lana siiyo, baadariga shirka hagaya & dowladda Itoobiya waxey si cad inoogu sheegeen in shirka aan la hakineyn dibna loo furayo, iyaga oo nagu yiri haddii shirka aan dib loo furin waxaa ka baxaya Max’ed dheere & Xassan Qalaad, marka aan bal isweydiinee Qalaad & Max’ed dheere Soomaalida ka badan ee shirka ka maqan miyaan la eegeyn.? ayuu yiri C/qaasim.


    Cabdishakuur Cilmi Xasan ,Dayniile Muqdisho


  16. MAX’ED J. FURUX “Dadka Soomaaliyeed Haka Digtoonaadeen Jahwareerinta C/Qaasim Iyo Damaciisa Ku Wajahan Furista Dekad Aanuu Shaqo Ku Lahayn…”


    Muqdisho Sept.23.2003


    Max’ed Jaamac Furux oo ah Guddoomiyaha ciidanka Na­badgelyada Dekadda Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in dadka Soomaaliyeed ay gaareen waqtigii ay fahmi lahaayeen jahwareerinta uu wado Dr. C/qaasim.


    “Dadka Soomaaliyeed haka digtoonaadeen jahwareerinta C/qaasim iyo damaciiisa ku wajahan furista Dekad aanuu shaqo ku la­hayn” ayuu yiri Max’ed Jaamac Fu­rux oo intaa ku daray “C/qaasim wuu dhammaaday waqtigiisii Carte intii uu xilka hayeyna uma qaban dadka Soomaaliyeed wax la taaban karo sidaas daraadeed Dekadda rag ayaa gacanta ku haya wax shaqo ahna xilligaan kuma laha”.


    Furux oo u waramayey ayaa sheegay in ay isaga iyo rag badan ku fara adaygeen ilaalinta hantida Qaranka ee dekada taal sidaas daraadeed ay u baahanyihiin dadka Soomaaliyeed in ay sidaas oo kale u ilaaliyaan hantida Qaranka inta laga helaayo dowlad qaadi karta mas’uuliyad buusxda.


    Cilmi Nuurre Weheliye


  17. DR. C/QAASIM “Dekadda Iyo Airporka Ayaan Furaynaa, Ciidamada Milaterigana Halkaas Ayaa…”

    Muqdisho Sept.23.2003


    Dr. C/qaasim Salaad Xasan ayaa sheegay in ay furayaan Dekada iyo Garoonka Muqdisho isla markaana ciidamada wax laga sii­nayo dakhliga ka soo baxa.


    “Dekadda iyo Garoonka waan furaynaa ciidamada Milateri­gana wixii ka soo baxa ayaan wax ka si­ineynaa” ayuu yiri Dr. C/qaasim oo intaa raaciyey “Waxaa loo baahan yahay ciidamo yar oo tayo leh ee looma baahna ciidamo fara badan oo aan tayo lahayn”.


    Dr. C/qaasim oo shalay xa­runta Xisbiga kula hadlayey saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamadii Xoogga dalka ayaa sheegay inuu jiro qorshe ay wadaan Xabashida iyo dadka la shaqeeya sidaas dar­teedna loo baa­han yahay in la fashiliyo oo uusan hirgelin.


    Wuxuu Dr. C/qaasim ku eedeeyey wax qabad la’aanta ciidamada Milaterigaf inay ka dam­beeyeen madaxdoodii hore ee xilka laga qaaday iyo wasiirkii Gaashaan­dhigga. “Haddii uu hirgalo qorshaha ay wataan Xabashida iyo dadka la shaqeeya waxaa mas’uuliyadeeda qaadaya beelaha saddexda ah ee hubeysan ee ku sugan Muqdisho” ayuu yiri Dr. C/qaasim.


    Dhinaca kale wuxuu shalay Dr. C/qaasim xariga ka jaray howlo lagu dhisayo wadada isku xirta Ifka Xalan ilaa Al-Baraka oo ay iska kaashanayaan dowladda Hoose ee Muqdisho iyo shirkadda Liibaan.


    Cilmi Nuurre Weheliye


  18. His term ran out a month ago and he is still claiming to be president.


    His most important supporters have left him and now he is seeking to creat a new power base.


    for 3 years he tells us how much he hates warlords and now he is in bed with Musa Sudi Yalaxow and Barre Hiirale.


    He claims to control Mogadishu but his cousin Abdinur Darman (Galadiid) is claiming to be president and has his own millitia Abdiqasin has refused to comment on Abdinur but jumps at Ethiopia and Kenya such power LOL


    He now wants to open the port and airport but alas the men who control it are calling his actions reckless and warning his millitai not to start a war in Mogadishu.


    Abdiqasin and all who suport him should be ashamed of themselves by far this man is the worst creature ever to enter Somali politics.

  19. Banaanbax lagu waday in ay qabtaan hogaamiyaasha kasoo horjeeda shirka nabad oo baaqday maanta


    Baryahaan dhan ayaa waxaa ka socday magaalada Muqdisho qaban qaabo balaaran oo lagu doonayey in laqabto banaanbax balaan ee looga soo horjeedo shirka nabad ee Soomaalida uga socda Nairobi ee Kenya ,kaasoo ay qaban qabinayeen dowlada KMG waqtigeedii dhamaday iyo hogmiyaasha kala ah Muuse Suudi Yalaxoow , Bare Hiiraale oo ayagu ku qanacsaneen habka lagu maamulaayo shirka .


    Banaanbaxaan ayaa lagu balan sanaa in uu dhaco maanta oo Khamiis ah taariikhduna tahay 25 /9/2003 si loogu helo taageero badan oo ah shacabka Muqdisho oo ayagu ka daalay wax qabad laanta hogaamiyaashooda, hogaamiyashaasoo u bartay markii ay dan kaleeyihiin uun lesugu yeero banaabax marka kalana madaafiic ooda looga dhigo ayadoona loo naxariisaneynin .


    Banaanbaxii maanta ayaa baaqday kadib markii ladareemay in aynan soo xaadireynin dadweyno aada u fara badan kuwaas oo intoodabadan kaniyad xun in aanan meeshaas waxba kasoo baxeynin, shacabka ku nool Muqdisho ayaa kadhoowraayo in ay wax uun kasoo baxaan shirka nabada ee Soomaalida uga socda Nairobi , kadib markii ay rajadoodina soo noolaatay markii ay maqleyn hadalkii kasoo yeeray wasaarada arimaha dibada ee Marekanka in ay taageersan yihiin shirka nabada ee Nairobi taasoo aan cadeyn markii hore mooqifka Marekanka ..


    hadal heynta Muqdisho ayaa ah maanta hadalka mareykanka oo ah shirkaan mareykanka ayaa taageersan wuu soconayaa kuwii hore oo kale ma ah ,taasoo aad kadareymeysid shacabka kuwa ku faraxsan shirka nabada in ay wax kasoo baxaan kadib markii ay waayeen cid ka shaqeneyso danahooda qaska ah


  20. i_logo02.jpg



    Press Statement

    Adam Ereli, Deputy Spokesman

    Washington, DC

    September 22, 2003


    Somalia Peace Process



    The United States commends the ongoing work of Somali leaders and civil society representatives to achieve reconciliation through the Somalia Reconciliation Conference hosted by the Kenyan government. Events over the past week have demonstrated that Somali leaders have the ability to work through their differences and achieve workable compromises. Much more remains to be done to develop a lasting peace and sustainable government, but reconciliation at this time will ensure the development of a representative parliament as a critical step in the process.


    The United States urges all parties to continue advancing the reconciliation process in a real and meaningful way. The United States further urges all participants to ensure those critical activities in the process, especially the selection of members of parliament, be carried out in a transparent manner.





    Released on September 22, 2003

  21. Beesha Dir oo iyadu noqotay Beeshii ugu horaysay ee si guud u qaybsata qaybteedii


    Nairobi, (AllPuntland)- Waxaa wali socda qaybsigii beeluhu ku qaybsanayeen tiradii xubnaha Baarlamaanka, ilaa hadda waxaa la sheegay in beesha Dir ay qaybsatay beel ahaan qaybteedii oo ahayd 78 xubnood, beeshaan ayaa u kala baratay qaybtoodii Dirta Koonfureed iyo Dirta Waqooyi iyagoo hadda bilaabay inay beel beel hoose usii qaybsadaan.


    Sidoo kale ayaa la filaya in heer gabogabo ah u marayaan beelaha Digil iyo Mirif, Daaroodka ayaa u saaray gudi Isimo ah inay iyagu soo qaybiyaan qaybtooda, halka gudi lix xubnood ka kooban beesha ****** u saartay arinta qaybsigooda, beelaha isku jirka ah ayaa iyaguna dhexda kaga jira qaybsigooda, waxaa guud ahaan beelaha ku adkaaday sidii dhokhso ay u qaybsan lahaayeen tirada dhextaal.


    Qaybsiga hadda socda ayaa ah sidii beelaha ******* , Dir, ****** , Digil iyo Mirif ay beel walbi beel beel hoose ugu qaybsan lahayd 78 xubnood oo ay beel kasti qaybta uga heshay xubnaha baarlamaanka iyadoo beelaha kale ee isku jirka iyagana laga sugayo inay qaybsadaan 39 xubnood oo habqaybsiga guud beelaha uga soo hagaagtay.


    Marka beeluhu beel beel hoose u qaybsadaan ayay hadana jifo jifo usii qaybsan doonaan taasi oo ay xigi doonto magacaabida shaqsiyaadka xubnaha baarlamaanka noqondoona.


    Waxaa la filayaa inay adkaadaan wakhti ka badan kii la filayayna ay qaataan marka la eego jidka uu marayo waxqaybsigu iyo sida ay u adag tahay in beelkasta dhokhso dhexdeeda isaga qanciso.


    AllPuntland, Nairobi

  22. Hay'adda Norweyjiyaanka ah ee NPA oo ceelal biyo macaan ah ka baadhaysa deegaannada Sool, iyo hawd:-, Monday, Sept 22, 2003

    Laascaanood,(Somalicity):-Hay'adda samafalka ah ee dalka Norwey ee marka la soo gaabiyo loo yaqaano (NPA) ayaa shaaca ka qaaday inay haadatan ku hawlantahay baadhitaan ay ku raadinayso ceelal biyo macaan oo cabbitaanka ku haboon, arrintaas oo ay hadda wadaan Injineero ku xeeldheer raadinta biyaha,


    waxayna intaasi ku dareen inay goobo badan oo ka tirsan Buuhoodle iyo Laascaanood ay baadhitaan ku soo sameeyeen ,rajo fiicanna ka qabaan inay dhawaan ku guulaystaan.


    Waxa kale oo ay sheegtay hay'adda NPA inay keentay qalab casri ah oo lagu horu marinaya qalabka qallitaanka ee Cusbataalka, Qalabkan ayey hay'adu ugu deeqday Cisbitaalka guud magaallada Laascaanood, laguna qalabayn doono qol dhawaan loo dhisay in lagu sameeyo qalitaanka deg dega ah, waxayna sheegtay hay'addu in uu qolkaasi dhawaan hawl gelidoono.


    Hay'adda NPA ayaa iyaddu ah hay'adda kaliya ee ka hawl gasha Gobollada Sool iyo Cayn, hasa yeeshee waxqabad la taaban karo kama aysan muujin deegaanka, oo ay ka hawlgalaysay muddo aad u dheer, waxaana lagu qiyaasaa sannad walba inay gobolladan ka fuliso mashaariic lagu qiyaasay malaayiin doollar.


    Assad Caddaani (Somalicity), Soomaaliya

  23. Fishing Boats Factory Established in Bosaso , Somalia

    - Sunday, September 14, 2003 at 11:02


    Bosaso (AllPuntland) – A local factory in Bosaso, the commercial city of the Puntland state of Somalia for the first time lined up a set of new fishing boats manufactured at a local factory which makes fishing boats, small and large sized this week. The factory owned by Somali entrepreneurs is seen as a step forward that will boost the vibrant local economy.




    One of our local reporters who visited the establishment spotted a line of newly finished and polished boats lined up outside the factory premises for public display, and hordes of potential customers in observation of the style and inspection of the quality of the boats.




    This being the first factory of its kind in the country is said to have the capacity to make over a dozen small boats and a least four large ones every month. “Remarkable and beautiful indeed. I never thought it would live the day when I would walk into a factory here and order a boat made in Somalia, by Somalis” commented an elderly customers onsite who expressed an interest in placing an order for a purchase.




    Puntland strategically situated at the far eastern corner of Somalia enjoys the coastal span, girth of the Indian Ocean waters, and the conveniently accessible Red Sea which serves as a gateway to the Arabian Peninsula from where a large portion of trade comes - essential to the local economy.




    “Traditionally we used to purchase boats of any kind from overseas, but now all we have to do is to pay a visit to the factory, provide desired specifications, place the order and get the boat of your choice. And on top of that you save quite a bit of money in taxes, shipment, foreign exchange, travel and other business expenditure. More importantly, the money circulates in the local market, and does not leave the country” explained a local businessman who mentioned that he would be ordering a luxury boat for trips especially in the hot summers.




    The establishment of small factories meeting the needs of the Bosaso’s sprawling population ranging from water refineries, soft drinks, clothing and fabrics, meat and vegetable processing to name a few has become a new phenomenon in this part of the country.




    One observes the logo signature “Made in Bosaso” stamped on the flanks of the boats which strikes quite a feeling to the locals in Puntland, Bosaso in particular.





    Fishing Boats Factory Established in Bosaso , Somalia