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Posts posted by OLOL

  1. Abwaannada ku xeesha dheer hal-abuurka maansada, ragga horbooda 30ka urur-qabiil waxay u bixiyeen dhowr magac oo runtii ku haboon. Mustafe Sheekh Cilmi, yoolka hoggaamiye kooxeedyadu higsadaan wuxuu ku tilmaamay “Mar i dhaha Madaxweyne”. Cabdulqaadir Xersi Yamyam, hab-dhaqanka dhiigya-cabyada dalka burburiyey wuxuu ku sifeeyey: Midig-ku-dhiigle, maskax-ku-dhiigle, maan-ku-dhiigle, mici-ku-dhiigle, maqal-ku-dhiigle, maro-ku-dhiigle, maja-ku-dhiigle, midi-ku-dhiigle, magli-ku-dhiigle, manhaj-ku-dhiigle, magac-ku-dhiigle = wada-dhiigle, dhiig-dabaashe !!!

  2. This guy wrote this book a decade ago ...how prophetic!


    Dastuurkii dalka hooyo:




    * Soomaaliweyn waxaa beddelay = Soomaali yar-yar


    * Madaxweyne qaran waxaa beddelay = Madaxweyneyaal qabiil


    * Jamhuuriyadii Soomaaliya waxaa beddelay = Lixland (Somaliland, Puntland,


    Hiiraanland, Banaadirland, Bayland iyo Jubbaland)


    * Qaran iyo quwad waxaa beddelay = Qabiil & qaranjab


    * Dowlad dhexe waxaa beddelay = Dagaal-ooge & danayste qabiil


    * Midnimo waxaa beddelay = Tafaraaruq


    * Soomaalinimo waxaa beddelay = Qabyaalad


    * Waddaniyad waxaa beddelay = Walaahow


    * Waddan jacayl waxaa beddelay = Qaxooti jacayl


    * Dan guud waxaa beddelay = Dan gaar


    * Soomaali ha is raacdo waxaa beddelay = Soomaali ha is raamsato


    * Soomaaliyey toosoo isku tiirsada waxaa beddelay = Soomaaliyey kala tagoo is-tumaatiya


    * Dimoqoraadiyad waxaa beddelay = Digtatooriyad


    * Gole Baarlamaan waxaa beddelay = Guurti beeleed


    * Xildhibaan waxaa beddelay = Xigdhibaan


    * Guddoomiye urur-siyaaso waxaa beddelay = Tabcane Tigree


    * Wasiir waxaa beddelay = Dilaa-sare


    * Jannan waxaa beddelay = Jabhad


    * Safiir waxaa beddelay = Boos-celis


    * Maxkamadihii dastuurka waxaa beddelay = Maxkamad Islaami beeleed


    * Raadiyihii codka Jamhuuriyadda waxaa beddelay = Raadiyaha beesha hubaysan


    * Wargeysyadii qaranka waxaa beddelay = wargeys-yare beeleed


    * Minashiibiyo waxaa beddelay = Cabdalle Shideeye


    * Basaboor waxaa beddelay = Isxambaar


    * Wasaarad waxaa beddelay = NGO


    * Banki waxaa beddelay = Xawaalad


    * Lacag qaran waxaa beddelay = Iska daabaco Bilyano


    * Boliis waxaa beddelay = Burcad hubaysan


    * Milateri waxaa beddelay = ********


    * Ciidankii NSS waxaa beddelay = Jaajuus Ethiopia


    * Koofiyad-Cas (PM) waxaa beddelay = Gaandheri & Istaaf


    * Ciidankii Asluubta waxaa beddelay = Iskaashatada Meyd asturka


    * Xabsi waxaa beddelay = Xabaal


    * Maxbuus waxaa beddelay = Marxuum


    * Saldhig Boliis waxaa beddelay = Rugta Afduubka


    * Amaan iyo iqyaar socod waxaa beddelay = Isbaaro & edeg Ibliis


    * Biri-ma-geydo waxaa beddelay = Baroon ku xasuuq


    * Deris-wanaag waxaa beddelay = Dagaal sokeeye




    * Siyaasi waxaa beddelay = Qabqable


    * Aqoonyahan waxaa beddelay = Dagaalyahan


    * Indheergarato waxaa beddelay = Afmiishaar


    * Saraakiil waxaa beddelay = Rijaalul Seben


    * Ugaas waxaa beddelay = Afarjeeble


    * Wayeel taliya waxaa beddelay = Wiil qorileh


    * Wada-tashi waxaa beddelay = Teyda-raac


    * Samadoon waxaa beddelay = Sun-walaaqe


    * Ganacsato waxaa beddelay = Tujaarul Xarbi


    * Baayacmushtar waxaa beddelay = Bililiqo iibin


    * Mujaahid waxaa beddelay = Mujaahil


    * Xaq-u-dirir waxaa beddelay = Xukun-u-dirir


    * Halgan waxaa beddelay = Halaag


    * Kursi doon waxaa beddelay = Kadeed abuur




    * Alle bari waxaa beddelay = Gaalo bari


    * Alle ka cabsi waxaa beddelay = Gaalo ka cabsi


    * Islaamnimo waxaa beddelay = Afka-baarkiisa


    * Diin midaysan waxaa beddelay = Dariiqooyin is diidan


    * Wadaad welimeysta waxaa beddelay = Wahaabi shaqaysta


    * Caqiido diimeed waxaa beddelay = Caadifad qabiil


    * Gabdho guursi waxaa beddelay = Garoob lacag leh


    * Goobihii Caweyska waxaa beddelay = Cillaansaar & Casir-leged


    * Marwo dumar waxaa beddelay = Majaafo qayisha


    * Meher waxaa beddelay = Maxjabad kufsi


    * Qudaar cunis waxaa beddelay = qaad raamsi


    * Ilka cadde waxaa beddelay = Af-ligis


    * Dhaqan waxaa beddelay = Dhalanteed


    * Asluub wanaag waxaa beddelay = Anshax-xumo


    * Midab dabeeci waxaa beddelay = Kiimikada Diyaana




    * Milkiyad maguurto waxaa beddelay = Murugmaarug & Maantaan xoraystay


    * Xishood & xalaal miirato waxaa beddelay = Xaabsi & Xaaraan ku naax


    * Qalin waxaa beddelay = Qori


    * Musuq waxaa beddelay = Marooqsi


    * Xeelad waxaaa beddelay = Xoog


    * Xukun waxaa beddelay = Xabad


    * Caqli waxaa beddelay = Cudud


    * Laaluush waxaa beddelay = Leejo




    * Nabad waxaa beddelay = Colaad


    * Farxad waxaa beddelay = Fajac & amakaag


    * Raaxo waxaa beddelay = Rafaad


    * Maaweelo waxaa beddelay = Murugo


    * Naallo waxaa beddelay = Naxdin


    * Qosol waxaa beddelay = Qamuunyo


    * Qadarin waxaa beddelay = Quursi


    * Haybad waxaa beddelay = Habacsanaan


    * Sharaf waxaa beddelay = Sharaf-xumo


    * Shaqo waxaa beddelay = Shaxaad


    * Shaqo rag waxaa beddelay = Shaari-shaari dumar


    * Masruuf waxaa beddelay = Mahayo


    * Tacab waxaa beddelay = Tuugsi


    * Gobanimo waxaa beddelay = Gunnimo


    * Himilo waxaa beddelay = Hungow


    * Heshiis waxaa beddelay = Hagardaamo


    * Qaddiyad waxaa beddelay = Qalalaase


    * Jaangooyo waxaa beddelay = Jaantaa-rogan


    * Qorshayn waxaa beddelay = Qarqoosh


    * Maamul waxaa beddelay = Muran


    * Daryeel bulsho waxaa beddelay = Dil-dhac-kufsi


    * Cadaalad waxaa beddelay = Jowrfal


    .* Xuquuqul iinsaan waxaa beddelay = Gaboodfal


    * Gar waxaa beddelay = Gardarro


    * Sinaan waxaa beddelay = Kala-sarayn & qabiil ku faan


    * Horumar waxaa beddelay = Burbur & barakac


    * Barwaaqo waxaa beddelay = Cagabarar


    * Daawo waxtar leh waxaa beddelay = Dambaska Hindiya


    * Daaweyn dhaqtar waxaaa beddelay = Dollar mahaysaa


    * .Caafimaad waxaa beddelay = Cudur & daacuun




    * Reer Magaal waxaa beddelay = Reer Miyi


    * Feer magaalo waxaa beddelay = Fargan leeb


    * Gibilcad waxaa beddelay = Gibilmadow


    * Mag ama diyo waxaa beddelay = Bac-madow


    * Bilic iyo ubax waxaa beddelay = Qabri iyo qashin


    * Xamar-weyne waxaa beddelay = Xamar-jadiid


    * Suuqii Ceelgaab waxaa beddelay = Suuqa bakaaraha


    * Baar waxaa beddelay = Buush


    * Ambalaas waxaa beddelay = Gaarigacan


    * Taksile waxaa beddelay = Umul-gaad


    * Socodka baabuurta, seedkii midig waxaa beddelay = Seed bidix


    * Dhiil waxaa beddelay = Caag


    * Dambiil waxaa beddelay = Bac




    * Aqoon waxaa beddelay = Jaahilnimo


    * Aqoon-dirsi waxaa beddelay = Agoon-dirsi


    * Xoolo-dhoofin waxaa beddelay = Dad dhoofin


    * Moos dhoofin waxaa beddelay = Dhuxul dhoofin


    * Galley beeris waxaa beddelay = Xashiis beeris


    * Caano xoolaad waxaa beddelay = Caano Boore


    * Duur-joog (ugaadh) waxaa beddelay = Digaag


    * Naq & doog waxaa beddelay = Nabaadguur & Geed Yuhuud






    * Talyaani waxaa beddelay = Tigree


    * Rooma waxaa beddelay = Adis Ababa


    * Somali State waxaa beddelay = Kilinka 6aad ee Ethiopia

  3. Duke/Puke u are the epitome of clann-ist and you have the audacity to call someone clannish? tuug intaadan tuug dhihin ayuu tuug ku dhahaa,,,,yourcyber nick even rhymes with Tuug.

    by the way, Caasho is too feeble and will expire soon. The tigre won't remain in the country for that long and cannot sustain the occupation, so who will come to your assistance again? Remember at the end of the day...ninkii dhoof ku yimid baa geeridu dhibeeysaa..not the natives and the patriots..u and other clannish cheerleaders will remain in the QURBO and wait for welfare and QAAT

  4. We got to have a clan rehab asylum where people will be cured to not see things through the Qabiil lens. Here in the twin cities, if you oppose the Ehiopian occupation people will label you ..you hate certain qabiil especially the one of the stooge...Yeey. I have seen my friends who hail from the same qabiil as Yeey being called qabyaaladiistayaal because of their oppistion to the Ethiopian invasion. They must be self-hating qabiiliistayaal. The cheerleaders are forgetting this is a government (even though a puppet one ) based on clan formula 4.5 ( despicable and deplorable ) and that stooges include Salaad Cali Jeele, Caydiid, and Geedi who hail from Mogadishu clans...and many others like Buubaa and Hurre who are from Waqooyi...shaatigaduud, saransoor and others.

    The cheerleaders think since the Madaxweyne is from their qabiil the government belongs to their qabiil and thus if u oppose or even criticize the TFG, then you are hating and are qabiiliiste.


    I hate BUSH and BLAIR...what qabiil do I hate? Texans? Anglo-Saxons?

  5. Guess who owns global? and where is that hotel located? these meatheads, led by Ali Nafto, the dumbest moron, always hold meaningless meetings and mummble empty manifestos that don't go beyond the revolving doors of that muddy motel! How many times these powerless hobos did this before? countless? does it change anything about the realities in Xamar? none!

  6. Mr. Brown - man - forget these foolish Somalis who follow qabiil like the absolute faith, who view everthing through the Qabiil lens..as they say film-kooda waa gubtay.

    As you said this is out of our hand now...we are just mere spectators and we don't even have the right faculties to understand the depth of the Somali failure. everything in Somalia failed: fanatics failed, factions failed, fiefdoms failed...the foreign invasion and intervention probably would fail. Bush and his neo-con foray will definitely fail. Somalia is synonyms with failure. Everything is falling apart here. Somali failure is so deep that even our fragile brain cells are falling apart... for me, I am to the point to just give up of this folly. I don't give damn about who meets who ...they are all the same ...just felons and fatheads! Yeey is a felon and Abdiqasim is a fathead!


    So far, the only thing that keeps me sane is the fact that there are few Somalis who are fed up with this failure... and i hope they are true to their newly found patriotism.

  7. No they in Sana'a and the TFG is in turmoil and in confusion...MPs are being harrassed in Kenya, warlords are back...yeey is sick and feeble and can't come to Mogadishu for fear of being killed even with the Tigree backing, Gheedi is lost and is waiting new orders from mister Meles...Mogadishu is tense and already insurgency is in its formative stages, the Tigree troops are being expoerted to the outskirts of the city and one or two known camps...these are the facts on the groud ..rest is your own figmentation and fables

  8. I have made so many contacts within last two weeks to influential and knowlegable people and news I got from Xamar is so promising.


    The IC (international Community, i.e contact group) will reveal soon a plan to make sure Somalia becomes stable. It is in the works.... no more warlords, no more TFG, no Ethiopian meddling.


    Ethiopia has a plan, the warlord Somali government led by the warlords Yeey and Aideed has a plan, the people of Mogadishu have a plan, the civil society has a plan, the powerful Mogadishu clans have a plan, the USA has a plan, the EU has a plan, everyone has a plan...and the bottom line of all these divergent and sometimes convergent plans is: Ethiopia cannot sustain its military presence in Somalia, the current TFG has no support and legitimacy among Somali people.


    All these plans have some basic proposals in common:



    The Ethiopians must withdraw.

    African peacekeepers will come with a defined time line and mandate to l replace the invading tigree troops.

    TFG will be disbanded, no more yeey or Ghedi or traitors.

    Qualified and civil Somalis with no criminal background, with no warlordism and not associated to factions, free of Qabyaalad to convene a reconcilliation conference within Somalia.

    An inclusive and comprehensive Somali government led by competent and qualified Somali nationals must be established soon.



    at the end of all this political manouvering, a system of multi-party democracy will be forged for Somalia....this could take for 2 years.


    The rest is riwaayad and short term goals, so the loonies and cheerleaders may play and sound foolish.


    At the end of the day: Here is what is going to transpire....certain individuals will not be in the Somali political arena...clan formulas will disappear and clan animosity will fade away!



    So after two years and after this is done:


    Sheikh Sharif Ahmed will come back to Mogadishu as a hero. Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aways will come back to Mogadishu as a hero. More than Million Mogadishu people will come to welcome the true sons and daughters of the land.


    For Yeey, he will probably end up in Addis and like Siad Barre and expire in exile.


    Geedi and Aideed will end up in Addis in exile and will be sentenced in absentia


    watch out!


    Qof waliba waa markiisii mus ma kula koray hadeeysan ka dhicin...

  9. remember Americans came with more deadly sophisticated and deadly firearm and Somalis kept quit for a while to see and study... now the homework is done and ciyaal xaafadda are ready with culimo and caamo ala caydiid...Senior not the Caaqqa cusub

  10. remember Americans came with more deadly sophisticated and deadly firearm and Somalis kept quit for a while to see and study... now the homework is done and ciyaal xaafadda are ready with culimo and caamo ala caydiid...Senior not the Caaqqa cusub

  11. remember Americans came with more deadly sophisticated and deadly firearm and Somalis kept quit for a while to see and study... now the homework is done and ciyaal xaafadda are ready with culimo and caamo

  12. remember Americans came with more deadly sophisticated and deadly firearm and Somalis kept quit for a while to see and study... now the homework is done and ciyaal xaafadda are ready with culimo and caamo

  13. T-55_skos_RB.jpg


    My gosh! already Somalis have them toasted....kids now where to target and how to toast them....

    Fuustadda gadaale ka gub -- tigreega ha goo go'ee!


    that is the new motto in Xamar! Somalis are very savvy and have already studied the soft targets - welcome to new insurgency and Ethiopia quagmire in Somalia...

  14. T-55_skos_RB.jpg


    My gosh! already Somalis have them toasted....kids now where to target and how to toast them....

    Fuustadda gadaale ka gub -- tigreega ha goo go'ee!


    that is the new motto in Xamar! Somalis are very savvy and have already studied the soft targets - welcome to new insurgency and Ethiopia quagmire in Somalia...