Taako Man

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Posts posted by Taako Man

  1. ^ You know full well that men from all clans are represented in the national army. I have an in-law wallahi cadiim from North Xamar who's own brother in law is in the armed forces.


    Yesterday the man leading the blockade on Bakaraha Suuq was a man from dayniile.


    If they feel under represented then they should take their grievances to Pres Yusuf and PM Geedi and the other leadership of the TFG, namely Interior minister Gacmodheere. But assasination attempts and further alienation is not going to get you anywhere bud.

  2. These guys need to be dealt with and given a fair trial. If prosecuted they should be given due justice.



    The point


    If I came to ottawa from Toronto with a grenades, and I was disarmed, would the Ottawa police just let me go? Ask your self what is logical.

  3. Originally posted by Mudane: Bada Cas.:

    quote:Originally posted by Taako Man:



    What did they did they do to the honourable boqor buurmadoow? They jailed him.



    Awhile back Faisal Ali Waraabe said (and I'll paraphrase this) " A boy born in addis is closer to a boy born in hargeisa, then a boy born in Xamar".




    Now this political oppurtunist has grown a conscience?
    Give me a break.





    It's convenient that Mystic talks about abdullahi and siyad barre and puts them and whatever decisions they made on you. But she forgets Adeer Aideed was the man who killed 300 000 people in bay and bakool, his missions in Gedo and Mudug killed thousands and his mission against ali mahdi some more thousands. He spawned the many warlords in xamar, and he was the reason that indhacadde's of the world were charging natives there drinking water. But I guess some will overlook that.



    You sure about that? :eek:


    Anyways, your comments are just wortheless, arogant, and luck least amount of sense. You are going on and out about SL and Faysal Cali waraabe as always, however all you had to do was to realize that this isn't the SL adminstration but the SLand people based in abroad like yes I, bada cas. How hard is that to figure out, or are you saying they shouldn't be helping the victims of the Xabashi shelling of the city?!


    Violet, I will tell you what is a joke, your thoughts are mere joke, you need to think deeper sister.


    You said since did Somalilanders cared about Southerners? that is weak statement sister.


    Anyways, can you tell me if there is anything
    for teh sake of God of helping innocent dying civilians?
    This is beyond the 'people'. Politicians in that part of the world like Faisal have been countlessly been saying irrational things, and if you've seen his latest BS concern for the people of Xamar, you know what kind of mentality some folks have.


    There is concern for civilians and we all wish that nobody is caught in the crossfires. Nobody wants there mom or pops or syblings injured or even worse killed. However some individuals hide behind these civilians and are fighting a jihad. While some are trying to politicize and make a politically charged benefit from this war. As can be seen by these folks who won't condemn certain groups but they do condemn the TFG. Kind of makes you wonder what their intentions are.

  4. Nabadshe


    What did they did they do to the honourable boqor buurmadoow? They jailed him.



    Awhile back Faisal Ali Waraabe said (and I'll paraphrase this) " A boy born in addis is closer to a boy born in hargeisa, then a boy born in Xamar".


    Now this political oppurtunist has grown a conscience? :D Give me a break.





    It's convenient that Mystic talks about abdullahi and siyad barre and puts them and whatever decisions they made on you. But she forgets Adeer Aideed was the man who killed 300 000 people in bay and bakool, his missions in Gedo and Mudug killed thousands and his mission against ali mahdi some more thousands. He spawned the many warlords in xamar, and he was the reason that indhacadde's of the world were charging natives there drinking water. But I guess some will overlook that. :D

  5. The ceasefire was never a serious matter. These guys are buying time. They are thinking of exit strategy. How do I get out of my bililiqo home and how do I go to a safe haven?


    I think Eritrea is welcoming. Ahmed diriiye, Culusoow, A.qasim you are no longer able to occupy, fund occupation, or start clan wars.


    Take your last stand, bow, and....


    Hit the road Abdiqasim and don't you come back no more no more no mooore.


    Hit the road Culusoow and don't you come back no more no more no mooore.


    Hit the road Nabadoon bililiqo and don't you come back no more no more no mooore.

  6. ^ I am sure many people think of a lot of worse things in their minds. However acting out a scenario in your own mind and saying it are two different things. Olol is ofcourse saying that he said these things. Some here are saying...



    " Well he hasn't said this and that and this and that, but it's yey, he's a this and that". No substance = no stance.

  7. "Duhurnimadii shalay ayey aheyd markii ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya oo uu watay Col. Faarax Cabdulle Gacal (Garam-garam) ay fariisin ka sameysteen isgoyska Bakaaraha ee degmada Hodan taasoo keentay iney halkaasi ka ooganto xiisad dagaal oo u dhexeysa ciidamada dowladda"


    The puntlanders are coming for bakara market lead by Col. Garam Garam from Xafuun. :D

  8. A whole new name is born for Ahmed diiriiye. He is now known as Nabadoon bililiqo. He is living on Xaraam homes and he wants to maintain the home. :D Peace keeper. NO. Bililiqo master. Yessir.



    Nabadoon Biliiliqo!!!



    Nabadoon biliiliqo oo lagu magacaabo Axmed Diriiye sheegtana afhayeenka beesha ****** Ma mudan yahay ninkaasi nin mudan magacyaduu la baxay nin u qalma? Bililiqo sida ka muuqata sifada magaciisa iyo taariikh nololeddkiisa oo aan wax yar ka dulmarayno.Markii uu dhacay burburkii wadanka wuxuu Axmed ka mid ahaa dadkii nafta ka dayey inuu xoog ku afdoobto afar ooryood oo labo kamidi yihiin dadka cadcadka ah.


    Wuxuu sheegtaa inuu yahay Halgamaa weyn, halgankaas uu sheegto oo ku salaysan xasuuq aan meel loo dayin uu u gaysan jiray maatadadii ******* iyo dadkii masaakiin ta. ee cad cad ku noolaa muqdisho.Axmed wuxuu in badan ku soo caano maalayey qabsadayna guryo badan oo ku yaal if iyo aaqiro, wuxuu guryahaas intooda badab qabsaday dagaaladii muqdisho looga saaray Marxuum Maxamed Siyaad Bare (RABBI JANNADIISA HA SIIYEE), wuxuu degenaa Guri nin masaakiin uu lahaa oo uu isagu dilay , kaddibna uu deegaan ka dhigtay.




    Sidoo kale, wuxuu lacago kuwaas la mid ah ka qaadan jiray guryaha Wasaaraddii hore ee Gaashaandhigga, halkaasoo dadka daggan ay isku beel ahaayeen isaguna uu dajiyay kirooyina uu ka qaadan jiray. Ahmed wuxuu dadka aan garanayn u sheegtaa inuu yahay Wadaad soomaaliyeed , Laakiin dadka Muqdisho ku nool waxay u yaqaan inuu yahay nin ******** ah oo aysan wadaadnimadu meel ka soo marin, maadaama uu yahay nin ay yaqaaniin, wuxuu kaloo ahaan jiray ******** wata kooxo ******** oo dadka dila´, siiba kuwa u ololeeya inay Xamar iyo Soomaaliyaba nabad ka dhalato.





    Abaaqaroow.com wiil waal

  9. Dialogue was available for the last 3 months. The president spoke with all facets of Xamar including the former president Abdiqasim. PM Geedi met with many civil society groups and clan elders and focused on how to disarm people.


    However some wanted to keep the bililiqo and be the xaran ku naax that they are. So the TFG has only one solution...


    "Wasiir ku xigeenku waxaa uu sheegay in aysan jirin wax xabad joojin ah oo dhex martay dowladda KMG iyo kooxaha kale oo uu ku tilmaamay argagixiso, wuxuuna intaa raaciyay in ay soo dhoweynayaan cid kasta oo nabadda dooneysa." - Wasiirka ku xigeenka Gashandhiiga Mudane Salad Ali Jeele

  10. ^ No sxb, every death is unfortunate, however how come people are looking for safe haven in North Xamar, Balcad, Jowhar and running away from South Xamar? Because they know that the trouble makers are hiding behind them and are costing them lives. Sadly this is what happens when people hide behind civilians.


    P.s I have relatives in Xamar from that 'clan' and I would never wish death on them. Would I want my own uncles, aunts and great uncles to die? No.