Mr. Somalia

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Everything posted by Mr. Somalia

  1. ^^^ Ina_G, bro, those folks who condoned the actions of Aideed's goons despise the truth - every time they see someone discussing the horors of the '90s, they get defensive and belligerent. In their hearts, they believe that if they accept responsibility for their crimes, that somehow the sky will fall upon their heads, however, we know and they know, that truth and reconciliation is the only way forward. Insha Allah, we just gonna have to be patient, until God gives them the wisdom to realize their mistakes. After all it is their denial of the events that took place in the early '90s that hold Somalia hostage. And most of Somalia suffers because of this, especially the residents of Xamar.
  2. ^^^ LOL... ...Poor old Juje! Walaale, don't try to make this post about us. Personally, for once, I feel we have posed a legitimate question in this thread. Now, it aint compulsory, but if you have anything to add to the thread-- without deflecting the issue at hand--please do so amicably! Please stop these childish accusations as well. I know, you're better than that, bro.
  3. ^^^ I still haven't figured out who that Shangoole dude is, but as soon as I do--bet your a$$ I'm coming at U wit gunz blazin!LOL... Waryaa Che, ha ii gafin ninyahow. Ina_G knows more history than I do.
  4. Originally posted by Jaanka: They are reer Gedo and they want to rule Jubbooyinka without consulting the poeple? Don't be ridiculous waryaa! A Somali does not need to consult nor seek permission from any other Somali to be anywhere in Somalia. This mentality of yours is such a horrible relic of a bygone time and I'm shocked your kind exist. A Somali is a Somali. Get that through you head!
  5. ^^^ True. Only an ape mentality would think "dawlad la'aan ayaa noo roon" and hope to live under the law of the jungle without consequences. But has it been of benefit to them? For the last twenty years or so, thousands upon thousands of people have lost their lives in Xamar. So methinks, they way of the apes isn't paying off much. Thus, it's time to try to live like humans(civilized humans) for a change. Time to correct past mistakes and build a better future.
  6. ^^^ To Ina_Gaweto: Saaxiib, Cabdullahi did indeed start the first armed resistance movement against the former dictator, but it was Aideed who finished him off. It was Aideed and his band of scoundrels who finally chased the dictator out of Mogadishu. But instead of uniting Somalis and burying the hatchet, so as to move forward-- they opted instead for a campaign of genocide against many innocent civilians. Civilians who were, for the most part, fed up with Said Barre and who wanted him overthrown. But the low blackguards killed, raped and looted, like there was gonna be no tomorrow. For fcuks sake, the even ripped the whole national infrastructure apart and exported it as scrap metal to the Middle East and south east Asia. They truly behaved like apes with no brains. But now, the past is the past, and it aint good to dwell upon it. what is important now, is for ALL of us to move forward. We must learn to forgive one another and implement some sort of a national reconciliation process. Firstly, every Somali that has hurt another Somali, must first publicly acknowledge what they have done. Secondly, the next step should be, to take responsibility for past crimes committed and to express regret; and directly seek forgiveness from both Allah(SWT) and the victims. Now, I'm confident that unless Somalis own up to these past mistakes against one another and unless Somalis seek redemption from one another-- we will all perish miserably in the current status quo for a long time to come.
  7. German chancellor Angela Merkel, gave a speech at the commemorations taking place in Poland to mark the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II. She expressed sorrow for Germany's killing of 6 million Polish citizens and the "endless suffering" her country unleashed by starting world war II. She admitted the following... "Germany attacked Poland, Germany started World War II. We caused unending suffering in the world. Sixty million dead ... was the result," Now, will we ever get a former USC member-- who willingly participated in Farah Aideed's tyranny-- to apologize for the crimes committed against Somalia? Will they ever say sorry for destroying our capital city and our nationhood? Will they ask for forgiveness for the millions who perished through clan genocide and starvation? For unleashing this brutal civil war which still haunts us till today? Do M Society's finest on SOL have the balls to give these questions a go?
  8. ^^^ JB, You've become a master of deflection and a narcissistic vassal of Riyaale... Shame on you!
  9. ^^^ Desperate cry from somebody who sulks like a baby, and who's also very irrelevant in the affairs of northwest Somalia.
  10. ^^^ Adiga, horta wax walba maxaad mucaarad ugu tahay...Jaw! Abwaan, yaa maanta nool, oo aad halyeynimo u ogolshahay??
  11. ^^^ Well, separatist or not, what matters most NOW, is that the will of the people be respected. The people are fed up with Riyaale, and rightfully so, therefore it is time he left office peacefully. Am sure these folks concur...
  12. ^^^ LOL @ " he must hand over the 'money' now " Lacagtaas meeshey martid Ilaah kuma mariyo!
  13. This is a classic...! Check out the gabey by the brave lady around the 4th minute of the clip...LOL Waa anigii ku habeyyey... Halyeey aan ku mowdey... Aayar ku hagaayey.. Anagaa iska diidnayee... Daahiro iska keen... Anigaa ku ciyaarshey... Calankeyga ku siiyey... Caruurtaa kuu tumeysay... ciroolaa ka ducleyyey... Baarqab (something)... Ciidan baad ku xirteynee... Anigaa kugu diideyyoo... Daahiro iska keen...
  14. Originally posted by Ina_Gaweto: Sxb listen a piece of advice RUNTA HADAY KU DHIBEYSO LALALALA FANTASY KU NOOLOW. its up to u but u have no right to FORCE other ppl to join u in your LALALALALA fantasy and i will object that 100%. My posts are for those interested to see the truth WITH EVIDENCE. That the Moderator is grossly incompetent is beyond all reasonable doubt, saaxiib. Unfortunately we have to put up with him for that much longer whilst he continues to do irreparable damage to somaliaonline. Why? It's anyone's guess. A question though, to MMA; you talk lavishly about quality of the site, but by allowing gutter types like those attacking my boy, Ina_G, aren't we being a little one sided here?
  15. ^^^ Just admit it, JB! Somaliland has taken a turn for the worst! Through inept leadership, failed hopes and like a pitiful model that not only walked down the runway, but took a piss and kept on walking anyway, Somaliland has been reduced to a big pile of steaming sh1t that only a handful of faithful band of roaches would warm up to, if that. So what has actually happened? Riyaale, the moron president, has reduced the government of this clan enclave to nothing but an abused concubine, completely destroyed, not only politically, but in all facets of life. The fear of Somalilanders overcoming their weaknesses and forming a united front against his leadership, is what is called for. Nobody should follow a dictator, which is what he has proved to be. Sorry JB, but fulaynimada jooji. If your goal really is to let Hargaysa become a dictator's domain, then congrats old man, you are doing the right thing. But Somaliland has got to progress, and not take a step back in time like the Said Barre days. It's time to change. So don't turtle yourself into a corner and give into this mediocre individual, Riyaale, who has no clue what he is doing. It's time for you to be brave and confront this guy!
  16. The people of Somaliland – a separatist republic in northwest Somalia – have been here before. The dictatorial tendencies of President Dahir Riyale, Somaliland’s leader since 2003, are undoubtedly practices he learned from his former master, Gen. Mohamed Siad Barre, whose 21-year military rule in Somalia ignited the Horn of Africa country’s enduring civil war. Somaliland’s separatist leaders, who unilaterally declared independence following the Barre regime’s collapse in 1991, have entertained the Somaliland people with fallacies of international recognition and democratic governance. And so the Somaliland public supported separatism, hopeful that international recognition will pour in financial assistance and help recover the troubled economy. They even supported a war of aggression against Somalis in Sool region – in 2007, when Somaliland troops violently took control of the key town of Las Anod in a military development that saw 50,000 civilians flee to safety. There is no question that Somaliland people have been held hostage by a leadership with deep ties to the collapsed Barre regime – starting with Mr. Riyale, himself a senior officer in the regime’s notorious NSS secret police, which specialized in suppressing domestic dissent. The lie told to the Somaliland public, time and again, has been that Somaliland declared independence following the Barre regime’s unjust bombardment of Hargeisa and Burao. There is even a MiG-21 jet sitting as a war-time monument in Hargeisa, forever reminding locals of a war from 20 years ago, as corruption and the undemocratic practices of the Riyale regime are overlooked. Indeed, Somaliland’s president, who was elected in a close contest in 2003, has remained in power far longer – in part due to a constitutional complexity. But an easier argument could be made that Somaliland natives have allowed Mr. Riyale and his henchmen to abuse public trust for years because they fear shattering the “Somaliland independence dream” that has been founded on and solely depends on the existence of a stable government in Hargeisa. That Mr. Riyale sent soldiers to seize parliament to prevent meaningful political discourse on Aug. 29 marks a turning point in Somaliland’s contemporary history. Here is a region that long considered itself to be a model state for African democracy; today, its leader is directly engaged in the abusive and corrupt practices of the average African dictator. The people of Somaliland must re-envision their region in a changing Somalia. The cheap idea that Somaliland is “peaceful” while Somalia is “chaotic” has reached an eventual dead-end. The Somaliland people must make difficult choices in the coming days and weeks. Mr. Riyale’s very presence in office is an offense to democracy. Yet, without him, simmering clan hostilities that showed its ugly face in the mid-1990s in Burao could re-emerge, potentially threatening peace and stability in the region. Re-envisioning Somaliland will require brave Somalis willing to face reality. But can Hargeisa allow freedom of thought in today's state of fear-mongering? Garowe Online Editorial
  17. ^^^ Eniwey, enough explanation. Just stop this flame wars you are intending to create. Stop this drivel. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black...
  18. ^^^ Yeah bro. This shows how out of touch this moderator has really become...
  19. ^^^ I find it incredibly irresponsible for our so-called moderator to invoke such hate-induced diatribes and refer to us as "trolls". One need only read the hypocrisy he writes about, and the need to respect this site's rules, but on the other hand, how he makes constant snide remarks about us. As a user of this site; I find MMA's cheap shots at us quite sophomoric but in all honesty, he is free to express his ill informed opinions about us, but just not as a moderator. I find his propensity to harass good folks he does not share opinions with, quite disturbing. Thus, I am in favor of this guy being removed from moderatorship of this section of the site. As a moderator he must realize that political partisanship is not hate. He should also know, that being proud of Puntland is not hate. We do not hate him, nor do we hate anyone else. All we are doing is expressing our opinions!!!
  20. ^^^ I find it incredibly irresponsible on your part, to feed your inferiority complex, Juje. Perhaps you could explain to us why you believe we are superior, and why you have such a low self esteem of yourself? You're not funny, Juje. That's not me being superior at all, Juje, that's just an observation.
  21. Al Shabaab are nothing but terrorists. Kill them all, all their supporters and apologists.
  22. Fatboy, I don't know what you did, but it's all your fault to let her leave in the first place and therefore, you do not deserve to have the kids back. Now move on! Get yourself a new wife and start another family-- and make sure this time around she does not leave you!
  23. ^^^ It's very possible. All they need is the backing of the people of that area.
  24. ^^^ AO, there is a Somali proverb which goes like this... "Qof walba wuxuu yahay ayuu dadka kale moodaa" Now, thank you for admitting your own bitterness. Your remark is not one of righteousness, but of simplistic bitterness. To want to make things so easy as "the Garowe boys are bitter" is just a ruse to cover up your own frustrations. So deal with it, kiddo!