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Posts posted by Bess.

  1. Today is a great day. It might not seem so to my family and friends, as all i do is complain about being pregnant...i cant see my feet, my back hurts on and so forth. But every time a feel a kick, i feel like crying, its a hurts but i cant describe the amazement. Soon i will have a little daughter(who looks likes just like my husband and i...combination of features...his check lips)....insha'allah.

  2. lol..lily, my hooyo's look of death is much worse than mine.

    Besides i am looking forward to getting married...its just taking me a bit longer to get ready.

    i kinda like the attention of all the nagging...i milk it for all its worth.

  3. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

    Tips for the weekends:


    - Never go out of the house

    - Stay in your bed and avoid going to the livingroom


    - Sleep as much as you can and stay on bed when you are awake



    more are coming ..............

    Something interesting other than sleep must be going on in your least i hope for your sake.


    Thanks lily...but the life of a resident is at the hospital i am not allowed out unless i am comatose.

  4. Lucky you...its only Thursday here and the weekend seems so faaaar away.


    Besides the weekends are worse than the weekdays, the work just seems that much more when you have "free" time.

  5. 21 century women can't afford to live off their husbands, they would die of boredom and ennui. unless your husband makes 6 figures a yr and then you would busy with all the things that you have to do like tell the housekeeper what to do, go to the spa, and so on and so fourth.


    Most women i know actually have several jobs...including taking care of their husbands, children and having a regular PT/PT jobs.

  6. the Somali language has never been accused of being sweet or romantic.

    So, i am surprised that the terms they use are not even more impersonal than odaygaygi and niinkaygi...or most use.


    To answer the question, i would refer to my spouse with his name.

  7. It would probably have the opposite effect. Seeing your friend getting fatter and fatter, day by day, would make me want to exercise that much more to look nothing like them. It’s like having a huge a magnified mirror infront of you…”hey…if you eat like them…you end up looking like that…and nobody wants to look like that.


    Besides fat people want everyone to be just like them, to not feel that apparent …they are always inviting their poor friends to eat out a lot and watch a lot of movies in the theater where they continue to eat more.

    Hence, if your friend is fat …either dump them or buy them a gym membership…for both your sakes.

  8. Imagine the constant nagging and relentless discussion of your unmarried state by your mother, your older female relatives and all your mother friends…the steady reminders of “honey…you are not getting any younger…and pursing a career is not the way to getting grand children…” that alone would drive anybody to marrying the first Farax you see…forget about being forced.


    I don’t think that it’s as much force as it is the constant monotonous nagging since the day I turned 21 and graduated from college. Am I the only who felt that college was something I was supposed to do until I got married and had the obligatory half a dozen chick-lets…?

  9. The soul of me


    This is for my poet elitists; you inspire me with your pieces

    For all my poet masters, the true masterpiece crafters


    From annihilating anecdotes, sickening similes

    You have no idea what this poetry means to me


    From vast vocabulary to venomous verbalizing

    What poetry is to me I still don't think you're realizing


    Having conjunctions conducting lyrical symphonies

    Ad-libbing adjectives until every last fingertip bleeds


    Sinful syllables and seductive synonyms

    Addicting adverbs and nouns committing sins


    Painting poetic portraits, but you're still failing to see

    That I am poetry and poetry is me


    For those that can't keep up, let me try to simplify

    Honestly the air I breathe is the poetry I scribe


    I don't do it for the points; I don't do it for the fame

    I come to bring the heat...this is not a game


    During turbulent conditions it’s the calm after the storm

    After bullshit betrayals, it's my once cold heart turned warm


    Not everyone has been blessed with this gift that I’ve been given

    Poetry’s my motivation, ensuring I’m always driven


    It’s my very essence, it’s my heart, and it’s my soul

    Without it I’m incomplete...this poetry makes me whole


    I am lyrically inclined and poetically gifted

    Bottom line...the soul of me is poetry...just in case u missed it

  10. I'm kind sick of everything. No, really I'm.


    I'm sick of snow; I'm sick of walking. I'm sick of the high altitude. I'm sick of Idaho, the neighboring state, who for some odd reason can't manage to control the smell emanating from their cows or rather excreted by them. Believe me potatoes are not the only things they are famous for. I'm sick of the school campus. I'm sick of burgers and pizza but most importantly I'm sick of being sick.


    Why am I writing this?


    Well, I had nothing better to do at the moment so I thought, why not just vent your frustrations in a productive away? Then I looked at the clock and realized lecture starts in 10 minutes. God, I'm so sick of time running away from me. Ugh!


    I just want to go home and curl up under my blanket but unfortunately I can't put my life on pause.


    So if I know that then why am I complaining?


    I don't know!


    I'm just having a moment. I'll probably delete this later.

    Poor Ifraax I would say i identify with u…but alas I can’t. I still live in the great Seattle downtown….picturesque shopping boutiques…how do u live without great shoe stores, charming restaurants…I thought u were the urban city kinda girl like me…but it seems not …lol…I totally understand about the cow dung smell in Idaho… and the snow can be such a mess :cool: come to the light...b4 its too late...

    Husky pride.. icon_razz.gif

  11. Plz…I have yet to meet so many tolerant Somali people like u guys…it’s an easy and political correct thing to say…oh we should all marry a good Muslim person and their tribe or caste doesn’t matter…but I know for a fact that it does.

    Its a sweet idea that we should be broadminded and not be prejudiced...but who is willing to go out and marry the so called lower caste people...and have their children suffer the consequences...?....

    its a sad fact...but hey the truth hurts.

  12. lol...I have never understood what the obsession with marriage is in our culture....I mean it makes sense that back in the day ...women had to get married in order to amount to was not like they had careers or were going to school to get PhD’ getting married was an end to a life of boredom and slaving in ur father's home. Hey...if I am going to raise some children (even my siblings), for the rest of my life, I might as well raise my own and I live in a house where no other woman(even my mother) gives me orders... :rolleyes:

    21st century anyone?....we have careers and education and we can have children until we are in our early 40's, people are living longer and having better lives....there is no need to rush to the altar...I am just saying...its different now...u r not a loser if u r 27+ and r not married just means that are busy and girls take ur time and enjoy ur life...u r going to end up washing some farax's drawers anywayz… there is no need to rush...u will get there... ;)

  13. its seems that UR friend is suffering from the grass is always greener on the other side syndrome ... someone advised that u should choose the one u love most...but if u have such doubts that another man turned ur head after all that F#1 has been to u...obviously u need to reevaluate ur relation with F1.

    PS… the grass is always going to be greener on the other side...its up to u to decide that maybe the grass u r on now is green enough for u...and another maybe BETTER brother isn’t that better…but just seems that way….u know what they say “ all the glitters isn’t always gold…â€... ;)

  14. Guntiinos are hideous in my opinion...yeah i have seen some women who look hot in them...but its just too cumbersome for me...its weird and draped and just plain unattractive. besides i have only seen old ladies wearing them...dirac is revealing but its cute...besides they r not huge... :confused:

  15. Originally posted by Amelia:

    SB and Besbaaso
    , ma idinkaan idinla hadley? Maya! :mad: that a wordier version of talk to the hand ...ever heard of if u can't handle the heat get out of the kitchen... :rolleyes: time maybe ...don't post in a public forum!

  16. Originally posted by Amelia:

    quote:Originally posted by

    ^^How about marrying a deserving and qualified man and being a housewife

    There arent that many deserving or qualified Somali men out there, so stop deluding the girls, will ya?
    why hate on somali men so?...there r definitly some good somali men out there....they r just a bit shy.

    don't despair...there is one out there 4 ;)