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Posts posted by Arawella

  1. You are wrong Zafir! Somalis are no different than other people. We do not think alike, nor act alike, we are individuals with an independent will. We differ in our values and principles hence stop generalising!


    Those warlords whom you have mentioned and whom I, too, believe are a menace are ONLY a minority. In addition, today’s most independent countries have all had their turbulences. Somalia is youthful country, recently gained independence and I believe firmly with time and investments both in resources and leadership we will surmount our problems.

  2. There is no such as pure blood Somali. Different individuals would have different degree of 'mixtures', more importantly we are all related been fathered by Adam. However, I assume that Somalis would have Ethopian genes since our homeland was part of Abyssinia.


    To Hanuman,


    perhaps drawing your family tree would shed light on the ethnicity of your ancestors. Indeed, determining the origin of Somalis is a complex research and more concrete feedback would be achieved through google than those currently given.

  3. Ok people, so SB is not so inclined in swallowing without questioning the teachings of the Sunnah, hence pray tell what’s wrong with that!?


    We can deduce from his arguments that he is a believer albeit an inquisitive one. Allah blessed us with the choice to choose unlike the angels, who or what we wish to worship. Honestly, it is much more satisfying to question rather than be lead like a blind man.

  4. As usual members are deviating from the topic and comments are becoming more of tit-for-tat. :rolleyes:


    Final agreement, your principles and actions which make up your purpose of life must be in line with the teachings of the prophet.

  5. Sadly not much to be proud of. redface.gif


    I suppose I've provide small various limited finanicial aids to family members. Still early stage nevertheless I have liased with a colleague to find funding ooportunities to assist schools and sports in different parts of Somalia.


    Since there is no trusted well advertised Somali organisation which will collect and distribute donations fairly amongst Somali people in Somalia, much difference can not be made.

  6. I am still trying to crack the code that will justify what is the purpose of my life. I know and firmly believe that I should obey and worship Allah, for he come first and foremost for me.


    However that is just part of the purpose so what is the rest that would complete my circle. Is the purpose of life a binding script that should be adhered to or does our purpose change with life circumstances?


    Are we all, for instance to be good citizens, to respect and give to others, to be proactive individuals. I think not, for each individual’s personal mission differ. Then is our purpose of life a script that is only completed when we die.

  7. A beautiful mind has more to offer in life than a beautiful shape which can be achieved through cosmetic surgery.


    I prefer to think that my actions are not governed by others view of my persona. We are what we make of ourself and although we are interdependent with others, we should appreciate and love ourself first.

  8. Ducagabe, I take it that makes you one of the many so-called brothers who lurk in the corners of mosques awaiting for the arrivals of the naive sisters whereby you placate their anxieties with the offer of a marriage before snaring them and having your way with them. What a sinister individual you must be!


    Honesty is the best approach in courtship.

  9. Go back to what? When you have no family, job, home except awful memories,ho is begging in Somali better than doing so in more developed countries?


    I have seen fewer Somali beggers than the Pakistanis during my stays in the Middle East. I have learnt that since Somali are part of the Arab Nation working as street cleaner would be an abashment to group. Hence with limited job options some are forced to beg.

    We should not be so hasty to criticise given that our circumstances are much better than those living in lesser conditions.

  10. Ignore the boss and discuss the offer with your friend. If s/he is a good friend in the end h/she will not deter you from seeking the promotion. However it depends on your principles, which do you value more, friendship or security?


    Personally, some things can be lost and never regained and true friendship is rare.

  11. :eek: Alert :eek:


    Exclusive inside-information was just received from an anonymous employee of Rumour Central going by the name of Baranbaro sigaar baayacayasa. The leaked information states:


    I) LazieGirl also known as SleazySnob by her coworkers was the perpetrator behind the fiasco in Boramo involving the arrest of the young lovers. Ms SleazySnob leaked the whereabouts of the party to the authorities in order to revive her precious Rumour Central.


    II) The two wadaads involved in the above incident were in fact none other than Rendez-vous and Viking both accomplices of Ms SleazySnob.

    The Somali government announced after yesterday’s crisis meeting that the affair could not have been accomplished without the aid of Sixiir. This alarming allegation is reinforced by the fact that both men are Sijius and hail from a country adept in the use of black magic.

    SIG (Somali Intelligence Group) is, as we speak, decoding the men’s names where it’s believed will shed light on their refuge location.


    III) Alas, the reclusive wife of Xiin has admitted her knowledge of the sordid affair between her husband and the elusive Bishaaro. Mrs Xiin announced recently of her assent with the manage-à-trois and insinuated that Bishaaro is soon to be surrogate mother of her child.


    IV) Sadly, Kathrina, l’aventurière, is no longer accepting downtown offers on a 1st date. Nonetheless, the lady suggested that uptown offers still stand only for a limited period.


    Aurevoir et à bientôt…………….

  12. What a naïve suggestion. Sbx those women who find themselves oppressed only permitted themselves to be in that situation. Nothing is ever black and white as you incorrectly paint it. Many of the things you take for granted today are founded by men. Honestly, why is the majority of soldiers men, huh, simply because we are foolayin. Me think you taking this Feminism a tad too far.


    Repeat after me: Men are great species and we need them as much as they need us. ;)

  13. I don't drink coffe but I suffer from a similar withdrawal sympton. When I went to Badiye, I craved and agonised over chocolates. I was almost always argumentative, bored, headaches and to compensate I started swallowing sugar. I have tried reducing my chocolate intake since but I have lost faith in my ability to combat this addiction. Nope fruits don't offer the same satisfaction. :mad:

  14. You need to be spontaneous Fartun!

    First thing tomorrow head straight to the travel agent and book ONLY for yourself a weekend retreat, heed no attention to guilt feelings. While you are at it splash on a luxurious health spa, remember walaal you are special and you should treat yourself so.


    In addition why cook everyday; treat yourself and your hubby with the occasional takeaway. I personally think that Sunday should be cooking day, fill-up your fridge with the week meals and voila you have more spare time to pamper yourself.

  15. Iga, walaal you are barking at the wrong tree perhaps the problem is not limited to Xalimas but society as a whole. You should know that people have differing preferences in life including potential partners. One cup of tea might be another’s poison thus the likelihood of a marriage between a Xalima and a Jaimaboy annulling is similar to that between a Xalima and a Farax.


    A piece of advice walaal, if you base your marriage on ethnicity then I am afraid that is just a disaster waiting to unfold. In addition your finding is not concrete since your stats represent a handful of Somalis. Walaal Somali are not saint and many are just as unpredictable and obnoxious as those Jamaican that you have described.

  16. Walaal


    You do not need anyone simply buy yourself a travel guide book and jump on a taxi. Most drivers speak basic English that is if your command of Arabic is limited if not there is also sign language which most people are adept.


    Honestly from experience the best way to sightsee is undertaking it alone besides UAE is a safe country.


    Dubai is not a quite small city and most of the sightseeing can be done within a day to two at the most. Whatever you decide do not limit your visit to just Dubai, try and visit the many small towns and bedouin villages.


    Have a great time.

  17. Asalam,


    I intend to be a property owner albeit a small one in the near future. My ambition since receiving my first near decent pay was to save and invest to purchase my dream home, needless to say that most of the earnings were spent trivially.


    However, I am wiser and ready to step on the ever elusive property ladder. I have researched, read various articles and even watched property programmes yet the process remains daunting.


    I am interested to know the opinions of Somalis in particular those owning a house(s) in a foreign country. If you have purchased or intend to do so what hot tips can you offer? What were your experience(s) during the purchase process? How did you sift through the garbage to obtain the most competitive mortgage deal and perfect home? Would you say it’s a better investment to purchase a ready to move in to property rather than one with a lower price albeit requiring further work?

  18. Castro

    A wise person said “love is a verb, it is something that you do, such as the sacrifices you make, the giving of self. Love is a value that is actualised through loving actions. Proactive people subordinate feelings to values while reactive people make it a feeling. We are not a product of our feelingsâ€.


    How true is the above and ironic that many people wonder why their relationship is ebbing or different to how it used at the beginning.

  19. Brother Nur, you are completely barmy, infuriating and disrespectful (at times) to women. We have more brains than you give us credit for, besides there are other aspects, non-men related, that govern our actions. In the case of the breast enlargement/reduction there is something called self-satisfaction or health related. In addition have you not noticed that lesbians actually inhabit Earth and have no interest on catching your attention!


    Honestly rather than doing the male species a favour you are more of a hindrance. Furthermore most of your audience sound shallow judging by their answers for it only takes a woman’s asset to gain the wrath of Allah.


    In case you are blind to it women actually do have more options in life and less time to dwell in how to entrap the next gullible and dumbfounded man!


    I say enough to shaping or blaming women for every other problem and redirect your lenses on training these misfortunate and misguided suckers.