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Posts posted by Juxa

  1. sa wr wb,


    j11, thnx iam counting on you


    feebaro and his side kick shoobaro, pls this is serious, i know u are capable, so dont lemme down.


    somalsijui, bro sofar all i can offer u is instant fame, iam sure that will sit well with u. the rest will follow so i ask yr patience


    darman, walaalo that sounds real great. could u pls do that


    NOTE. this is real serious. if u can help. pls lemme know. if not tnx anyway. i wait and iam sure we got it within us.

  2. sa wr wb,


    i am currently doing some project and i would like to ask for yr assistance.

    i would like to hear from.

    - teachers, education experts

    - nurses, midwives, health experts

    - fashion addicts

    - cooks, old/modern food

    anyone who has something worthwile to tell, successful stories, self-made pple, somalis who has achieved the impossible


    well pls get intouch, i tell ya more then ;)

  3. ngonge, mmmm, sure u can, sure u can. xasal qeer insha allah.


    J11 loooool, u got it out of af-abeeso


    feebaro maahmaahda soo sax sxb, waxbaa si ka ah. ask J11, walking somali-qaamuus

  4. yarow feebaro, just cause i spend most of my time in and out of mad houses does not mean i can help koo kastoo qac ah.


    FYI, nuune has been dancing even since i came this site,,,wuxuu qabaa compulsive-dhaanto-syndrome!


    there u have it free of charge smile.gif


    kaalay shoobaro, u know what is worrying, how many nomads are still in denial and wont come in for diognosis :rolleyes:

  5. ^^^^^^^^ nuuuuuuh its ok, atleast if i stay around u guyz, i cant go wrong, i mean wixi xunba xaashi aa iska leh. u make me look good.


    508, yaa siree, u got nothing bt good things for me :( . then why did u send that incriminating email to my moma, suggesting she wasted her well-earned Ayuuto money. why did u say i bought a sirilankese to sit my law exams. what have i done to u. was i not kind? had i not send u qaxwo iyo xalwo from wembley to cure yr QUFAC. had i not send RUMAY. well i guess i rest my case.

  6. shoobaro, i gotta say am proud of u. finally u are seeking help just like i suggested yesterday or was it the day before(dementia kicking in).


    bt i never thought anger management.what a splendid idea

  7. loooooooooooooool, wiilashi sinaha iskaga xernaa, u know something, i dont know if u notice it bt 3deena dadka kale dhan waaka waynahay, i mean labadiin, me iam just well-informed xaawo, the things like wardhiigley, or dagmooyinka, no-one else gets it,


    enough yaaqey, lets talk of barbie and the football season. i dont wanna be outcast forever ;)

  8. ^^^^^^^ very informative.

    pple try being a veggie, yes i know wax aan cad la rifto laheen ma idiin dhadhamaayaan.


    for the ladies, bahashaan dooraa, duf ay idinka soo bixinee, ma lugahaa, ma garbahaa, ma meel ale ogyahaa. hala iska yareeyo

  9. Feebaro, mukulaal miciyo wayn, I know why adiga xitaa magaca u badbadlato, cause of the amnesia u sustained madaxa marki ka daqrantay adigoo aay boolo ganjeelkeeda ka boodaysid. Subxaanalah, qalii yaaqey, me got so many shinbiro names to remember, adinka oo jactad yaal ah ha iigu darsamina


    Aay muudeey with association of aay taliso

  10. Ladies and gentlemen, caasho and cali, my fellow learned and respected nomads. I do solemnly deny the existence of the above allegations. Its based on malice, fabrication and total disregard of basic human rights.


    The writer of this post nomad(sheegte) mr shoobaro, has gone out of his way to defame my good name and character. He has gone even further lengths, harming my future on the way to his conquest to destroy and bring such chaos to my young and bright future.


    Eventhough, there are elements of truth on what he said, and iam willing to admit, that iam impressed the way he has uncovered the mystery surrounding how Mr OG-MOTI got young DAWOCO to pay him this tribute and post this ode. I do resent the fact that I have been a victim of Shoobaro’s malice.


    Iam sure that all of you, and any half human, would have embraced me for my bravery of tackling my (dabeecad xumo) illness. Its therefore only fair that such a man as Mr shoobaro(meaning trouble-seeker), who has failed to seek help for many issues which naturally must have clouded his judgement today, should be condemned and this post removed.


    Finally may I take this opportunity to clear the record once and for all. I, madam juxa(call me that pls) was the product of (isbitaal banaadir) era. This refutes any links of 1970s rubbish. And the only association with me, dawoco og-moti, and shoonbaro(I know hw I spelled) is that we all have been acquainted with psychiatrist’s chair and are not unfamiliar with the insides of the madhouse and S58.

  11. shujui, u gotta stop been scared of me, u have seen me eat, the way i kill the fish with my fork and knive over and over and over and over,brother i been cured, totally harmless now, damn once u got violance on yr sheet u become an outcast. stop discriminatingggggggggggggg :D (smile therepy)


    feebaro.. man, take yr malaria pills, i keep my eye open just incase they sellin dabeecad on the sunday market. waraa intee ku gayhaa, dabeecadayda qaati laga joogaa, mise discount dabeecad therepy inaad ila gasho rabtaa :rolleyes: i refuse to be used,,,,,bax leerta isii sun halaguu qasee


    shoobaro, kaalay xaa magaca la badbadlataa,,,,,suffering ID crisis and wearing kilt, not skirts brother. yaa rabi, scotish ku yiri, iisoo qeyli when u embrase the macawis fashion, gosh, why u take my joy away.


    now the girls, girls. seems u could take a leaf on auntie-juxa's over-crowded book, bt i come bck for that. i gotta go and pay tribute to og-man/moti, pls do the same, so he can get off the prozak in one peace.


    breath breath breath, its just words, now inhale

  12. alaaaaaaaaaaahu akbar


    waa filaayay faaarax nuur. waa filaayay falfalxumadaan


    508 u resorted to blackmail, lakin dawaco waa ku qasartay, kaabo laadaro waaye, damn. ilmahan ma kasaayaan xitaa qofkey dhilqi lahaayeen.

  13. ^^^^^^ dhuuni, yux makasee :rolleyes:


    now the rest of u, shoobaro, garabtuujiye, shujui why was i not notified,,,,,saas maa ii nacdeen, i would have thought u would put me here on display just to get me koo i ASTURO. :mad:


    nw great post. may i put myself in this 4-irdood market. i do not care if he has 3 i would be no4, as long as he can handle my dabeecad xumo and the fact i love to terrorise any macawis wearing cawaale. if u wear short, pls LEERTA smile.gif


    byee nooh

  14. sa wr wb,

    gaal dil, gartiisana sii.


    i never though i would but ngonge has touched few nerves :D mine included


    bee and ameenah u had me going fiqfiqfiq


    bck to the topic, Ngonge has a point, iam self confessed, i wear masar, it bothers me, cause i know better. i should cover the whole thing, bt as ameenah says, the transaction is slow, insha allah our sisters will get there.


    ngonge's point is, if u gonna do it do it,,,,,,one way or another. duqa does not like half jobs.


    its cultural thing too, bck in somalia our mothers used to wear shaash-xariir, which is more or less same as the pic posted above. now we know better.......diinti waa la fahmay, no excuses.


    insha allah,,,,we will do the right way.

    Ngonge, u made me feel bad :rolleyes:

  15. mmmmmmmm i must say OCEAN in north london, food is delicious, atmosphere is warm, tirimusu does his trick of picking yr soul.


    ocean shepherpush, i dont know, its too small, feels like confinement. the rest are just more or less biibitooyin and old man's clubs

  16. sa wr wb,


    what a touching tribute to much cherished and loved wife.


    happy B-day walaalo, hope u will have all that is good and blessed in this life and the next one.


    ^^^^^^^^ u are on da right track, may allah bring many more somali bros like u ;)