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Posts posted by contraflow

  1. Somaia is better than any hollywood movie. These warlords are such an entertainment.



    Wararka naga soo gaaraya Magaalada Baydhabo ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan, in Shacabkii ku dhaqnaa Magaalada ay Bilaabeen in ay Qaxaan, cabsi la soo daristay awgeed.


    Qaxidaan Magaalada laga qaxaayo ayaa la sheegayaa in ay ka danbaysay, ka gadaal markii Xubnaha labada Gole ee ku sugan Magaalada Xudur ay goosteen in ay tagaan Magaalada Baydhabo.


    Xildhibaan xaabsade oo isagu ku sugan Magaalada ayaa la sheegay in uu Diyaariyay abaabul ka dhan ah Xubnaha labada Gole oo uu kaga Hortagayo, isaga oo Airboorka Magaalada Baydhabo ku aasay Miinooyin.


    Xildhibaan Xaabsade ayaa lagu soo waramayaa Galabta in uu Shiriyay Maleeshiyaadkii isaga taageersanaa oo Beeshiisa ahaa isaga oo ku war galiyay, in uu Xanuunsanayo doonayana in uu U amba baxo Magaalada Dubai.


    Dhinaca kale waxaa la sheegayaa in aan la filanayn wax gurmad ah oo gacan siinaya Xildhibaan xaabsade, in ay uga imaanayaan Dhinaca Magaalada Muqdisho iyo Markaba.


    Idamaale News

  2. Why is everyone suprised that these warlords see any country that supports the government as enemy. These men don't want peace they had rather die than lose their drug lands. I suggest A/Y to quit and sit in Galkacyo, its either that or a bloody war which will be worse than 1990 will visit Somalia soon.

  3. All I'm saying is that I don't see much point in celebrating independence when we are actually prisoners to warlords. So, in my opinion to actually celebrate our independence we have to free ourselves.


    Plus the same damn warlords that are hold a nation prisoners have the audacity to talk about first July,

  4. Nope that isn't the reason. Somalia's problem is greater than A/Y, what was the reason for the fall of Abdiqassim's gov and the one before it? This government has already failed, so what happens next another fake peace talk which equals time wasted, well I'm sick of it and so are a lot of people.


    Lets not make it out that A/Y is the only problem because he isn't.The warlords of Xamar don't want a government no matter how they dress the reasons, the people of Somalia want a government no matter where they live in the world.However, their clan pride rises above their need for government.So I suggest everyone run and lead their own land. Therefore making some sort of law and order, since that cannot be achieved together as we lack trust towards each other lets do it on a small scale and leave each other in peace. Lets just be good neighbours.

  5. I suggest A/Y to resign and Puntland shold seek recognition. I thought Somalialnders were being silly for not wanting to stay with Somalia but actually they have two more brain cells than the rest of Horn Africa.


    Somalia may it rest in peace..Amiin