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Posts posted by nelstar

  1. lets forget about stats for a while i dont really think they're that important.


    if a marriage is worth saving than everythin on the right side of the law should be done to save it, but if it aint then there is no sense in carryin dead weight. life is short and you just gotta weigh up the pros and cons.


    but divorce will always be the easier option, almost like cancelling satellite subscription or sumthin.


    fight people, fight.

  2. Ok see I grew up in a more 'liberal' house. My dad cooked (when in the mood) and uhmmmmmm… ok so it wasn’t THAT liberal but my dad would generally muck in whilst making sure all of us knew just cos HE was doing it didn’t mean that other men would do it too.


    My mum was and still is militant, believes men should do their share of the housework, but always does the work. She always told us not let no man rule us whilst perfuming my dad's fave macawes (don’t mind the spelling) so yeah she probably enjoyed it.


    As for me, I genuinely believe the woman is the queen of her castle, and her man should be treated like a king and vis-a-vas.


    And yeah I’m in general agreement with underdog, lets not complicate matters.

  3. at the end of the day i think your 'smartness' depends on what opportunities life brought your way and how you tackled them.


    there's nothin special about goin to uni, its somethin u do for yourself, but it doesn't automatically make u smart, it just means you were one of the lucky ones.

  4. what makes me happy? honestly?


    1.a great (and sometimes weird) sense of humour

    2. sensitivity - not too much but he should be able to tell what mood im in.

    3.he knows when its 'quiet time' - so no pointless yappin.


    thats all the loose change i have for now.


    btw -not that u cant tell by lookin up - but the names nelstar and im new, hopefully i'll get to grow old with u guys too.