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Posts posted by Safferz

  1. They said it's not Sunil, suspect (white hat) was just ID'd by the FBI as Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev age 19 of Cambridge, apparently of Chechen origin. His brother is the other suspect, now deceased.

  2. N.O.R.F;939851 wrote:
    Well done Sherlock


    Where is Water Town in proximity to MIT?

    MIT is in Cambridge, and Watertown is a neighbouring city. But they're quite close.


    Police seem to have dropped mention of a third suspect, and they've cleared the explosives I heard were in Cambridge. They're clearing residence in the immediate area, I think expecting an explosion (he has explosives strapped to him). 9000 police officers are out here right now.


    If you're interested, here's the police scanner:

  3. I'm still listening to the police scanner -- he's been spotted in the bushes with EXPLOSIVES STRAPPED TO HIS CHEST, and a third suspect was just confirmed. They're also finding MULTIPLE explosive devices in residential areas in Watertown and Cambridge.

  4. SomaliPhilosopher;939832 wrote:
    where are you hearing that?

    Che -Guevara;939831 wrote:
    I thought the hunt shifted to Watertown? Can you hear the gun fire?

    I'm listening to the Cambridge police scanner. I don't hear any shots but I believe the area was Mount Auburn and Aberdeen so not so close to me. Also heard something about the suspect possibly in a Nissan, described as a white male with curly hair and a black hoodie. They're evacuating Mount Auburn hospital now too.

  5. SomaliPhilosopher;939824 wrote:
    Safferz, buy some pepper spray

    No match for the grenades and pressure cooker bombs I'm hearing about on the police scanner lol. I'm wondering if these are the bombing suspects, absolutely insane. A second police officer just died from his wounds, and there are reports of a code black at Mount Auburn hospital (haven't verified this yet)

  6. One suspect has been caught, another on the loose. Seems to be a lot of confusion on the scanner. They've detonated one explosive device and they're doing a walkthrough for others. Freaking out here, this is too close to home :/



  7. Sensei;939240 wrote:
    Random as heck. Edeb darada iska daa Safferz. We keeps our city non-smoking environment. Just so that we understand each other, my beef is not with sheesha or qat; people are free to do as they choose and I aint sheesha sheriff, but the audacity to freely mix sheesha, qat and abaayada.

    Jacpher;939233 wrote:
    ^War ha ku danbaabina ummadda Ilaahey. If you ain't in a position to help her with a sound advice, insulting her on the internet won't help her either.


    Dadka Alle xor buu u abuuray. Your job is to advice them, not get Shabaabi on them. Posting pictures like these or disgusting them this way ain't the Islamic way. Sxbyaan ka fiirsada before posting these sort of pictures please. The further you push and shame them, the less likely they'll listen or consider giving up the balwad that's eating them alive. I've see this happen many times. Alxamdulilaah, if it wasn't for the grace of Allah SW, it could be anyone of us. Raxmadda Ilaahey idiinkugu nimceeyay laguma manna sheego ummadda dhiban.

    haha I forgot I commented in this thread and missed the backlash. I wasn't calling her a prostitute as an insult, I know of her and she really is one. I think that pic is pretty bad*ss too, for what it's worth.

  8. Chimera;939761 wrote:
    Nah, that would only result in a brawl unless its a festival. Never go to a hardcore rock/hip-hop/etc concert, the craziest loonies are found there. At the festivals you at least get the civilized ones lol.

    I don't know what's going on over there in the UK, but I've never had an unpleasant experience at a rock or hip hop show in Canada or the US :P Always fun to see acts you enjoy live, and I meet a lot of interesting people. I'm trying to figure out how to get to the "Made In America" festival in Philly in September now, the roster looks amazing.