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Posts posted by True2truth

  1. sayid,

    I was generous enough to take a moment of my busy day in answering Ur ridicules question (which only a cave men would entertain such unrealistic idea) and I didn’t even get a thanks nor an answer to me question.


    As 4 ur question, Is u gone mad when posing such question? U must be talking about different Somalia because the Somalia as we know is on flames thanks to the Somali men. :mad: so don’t u dare patronize our emotions with such trivialize and unrealistic question of this sort.. Is like me asking a somali man on his deathbed if he needs his shirt ironed (which I would do it, if the shirt is on him :D )


    Warning: it’s Ramadan, forgiveness and love for one another is required.Thx

  2. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal:

    ^^^thank you - but that was not the question - the question is
    Should Somalia have Prisons?
    if so why? and if not what do you do to the criminals. just your opinion will suffice. :cool:

    No, somali should not have any prisons. prisons take too much money and time to support. I believe in the Islamic way. Fast punishment; served very hot and quick

    Now that I have answered ur question, if u can oblige and answer me question, which came first, the chicken or the egg?

  3. Coming back with the same assessment I made on u is hardly a different note.


    u should really listen to ur own advise, because I’m afraid that this SOL identity would take u to one of these fadhi-ku-dirir places with ur hijab and god only knows what these somali men can do especially when they are Consumed with their political quarrel :(

  4. Malika an opportunity should only raise when there is less of the SAQIID MEN, I mean Somali men r out there, So until than, such opportunity is not needed.


    And Che, The dilemma is not finding a host for the cancer but how to eliminating the cancer. And inshallah by the grace of ALLAH I will succeed in my mission and eliminate these walking and talking cancerS

  5. This list is in reference to MOST Somali men.



    1. Somali men know how to be a good parent.


    a. Somali men will monitor their kids progress at all times and not leave the parenting to their wife.

    b. Somali men will make time to talk/play with his kids.

    c. Somali men will see his kids as flowers of joy vs a nagging headache.

    d. Somali men will teach his kids the proper Sharia

    e. Somali men will teach his kids to have.

    f. Somali men would prefer to spent time with his family vs going to khat place.



    2. Somali man knows how to love their women


    a. Somali men will flower his woman with compliments, without any fabrication. when he says “u r truly the most beautiful Somali woman” he means that because he has seen all the existing Somali women( including the ones in china)

    b. Somali men wil love his wife dearly even after she has one or two kids.

    c. Somali men will not think of the 2nd,3rd, 4th wife just as soon as he utters “Qabilto”

    d. Somali men will not divorce his wife and instead will seek counseling.

    e. Somali men will never talk ill of his ex-wife / his children’s mother.

    f. Somali men will not accept a government support even if he is able to provide for his family.



    3. Somali men are hard works

    a. Somali men will not create a civil war for 18 years based on tribal difference.

    b. Somali men adhere to the Sharia laws.

    c. Somali men will not let their enemy (Ethiopia) into their shores but rather settle their difference and unite together. (This one incredibly flatter the heart)

    d. Somali men will not bicker 8 hour in a café shop about politics because they are much too busy building their lives and country.

    e. Somali men who lives overseas are working on their education and striving to better themselves unlike the Somali woman who just sit around.

    f. Somali men will not have a baseless pride.

    g. Somali men who lives overseas send money to feed the poor NOT to support warlords and their quest to kill and rape women and children.

    h. Somali men welcome change and are not hindered by old ideas.

    i. Somali men have the force and firmness, and the gentleness and sensibility of a woman.



    And here I’m campaigning the ceasing of their future existence, when clearly they are the greatest of all men. How can I think in this backwards manner when ½ of me is composed of a Somali man’s gene


    ps. please feel free to add more to this list. :D

  6. ^ wow, I had no idea, I would say sorry but that will go against my mission statement. So screw u (see instruction on ur pm box)


    Cara, please don’t discredit my story like that.


    Lily, Sister Listen to me for only listening does a society cohesively exists. Cant u see what im carrying here, the life-sized signs of “squash these somali men bofore they reproduce similar kind”? so understand carry such heavy thing isn’t in the realm of a weak person. As for ur comment on decent faraxs, well u r so naïve but not to worry, im here for ur sort( more info and stats r coming ur way. Hold on, ok)


    cynical loool good god u r funny

    malika, i will email u the blank check, i tell you Ramadan will start on good note for u, also ur daily schedules.

  7. stuffofnonsense,

    this u can not reconcile with ur witty remarks. let it go



    sister I tell u no lies but a somali man did hurt me very badly and after that I could not bear the idea of sitting back and let other sisters walk the same path, so here im disguise or undisguised doing the work of what we all should be doing; Campaigning against the existence of somali men, after all its really not that hard given their current situation and the way they work

  8. Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

    ^Woman's intuition eh, yet somehow you didn't pick on the Somali man's lies and even worse you think other men fare better. Me thinks you are losing your magic touch

    With great power comes with a great responsibility, so I refuse to use such power for my own gain. I suppose that’s why I choose a career in public service. As Humanitarian it’s my job to worn our naïve Somali girls from crooked Somali men.

    So why don’t you join me sister? i'll promise i will introduce u to great Humanitarian fellow.

  9. Che,

    women’s intuition



    if she doesn’t accept my offer, I’m afraid I’ll be forced to do that.



    In my defense I was married at start of our platonic relationship so I never harbored any feelings for him.

    But as i found myself all alone (divorce with no kids) I needed his support more than ever but he supported me with nothing but lies. I tell u, these Somali men r sick, so just say no. ok?



    bella, update needed