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Posts posted by Strawberry_Xu

  1. Car horns are actually toys for big boys.

    Have you noticed how it never stops, as soon as someone comes off the horn, someone else takes over, carefully ensuring not to leave a gap of silence in between.



    Last time I was in Dubai, one of our drivers (he was Indian), kept muttering to himself "don't hit a native, don't hit a native" over and over again.


    He said natives always have right of way, and if they choose to drive while drinking coffee with one hand and picking their nose with the other, you should drive as carefully as humanely possible, so they don't have to take control of the wheel and risk spilling coffee on their robes.


    Weird, should you really be that worried of crashing into a native as opposed to anyone else?

  2. Well is also my dealer of choice, that and Limewire. smile.gif


    I especially love Gawaher, and if you like cheesy happy sing-a-long poptunes, you'll love her too. My favourite song is Samara.


    And Muhammed Munir never fails to move me, don't really know the titles of the songs off by heart, but it's worth getting his albums.

  3. well my grandfather seems to die at least twice every semester, so I totally understand the depths someone will sink to just to get a day off.


    If pregnancy will get me a whole week off, then ladies and gentlemen, as of today, I've got a bun cookin' in the oven. :D

  4. My mother and aunt told how they both saw a jinn:



    When my mother and aunt were little and they had to pee at night, my grandfather would take them to an outdoor toilet. He would leave the door open and stand near the house to wait for them.


    So one night my mother's sister had to pee at night. My grandfather waited by the house, and the toilet door was left open.


    Suddenly a woman with long shiny hair appeared outside the toilet. My aunt stared at her, but the jinn ignored her. There was a bright light shining about her, she was beautiful. She had hooves for hands and feet, and she was busy picking fleas out of her hair. This continued for a long time, and my aunt forgot she was on the toilet and stared entranced at this vision. It wasn't until my grandfather came to see what was wrong, that the jinn disappeared. Afterwards my aunt told them what she had seen, excitedly and the family called in a sheikh to recite the Quran over her, in case she was bewitched.


    A few days later, my mother had to pee at night, again my grandfather took her outside to the toilet. He left the door open and stood near the house to wait for her.


    This time, a man appeared and stood outside the door. My mother froze on the toilet. The man's face was expressionless and he continued to stare at her. They remained like this for a while. Later she noticed that his hands and feet wern't normal, they were like hooves of a goat. Suddenly, without a warning he started clapping his hooves together. He did nothing but clap them really loudly, again and again. My mother started screaming of fright. At this, the jinn started screaming too and ran off.


    The entire house gathered together to see what was wrong, but the jinn had already left and my mother continued to scream. Other members of family say that she didn't stop screaming until sunrise. My mother of course denies she was such a baby.


    The End.

  5. I just received a first for a 3,000 word essay I wrote 2 hours before the deadline. We had two months to prepare. :D


    I work best under severe pressure, my best projects/essays have been written really close to the deadline. I've always had trouble with concentration, and this type of stress helps me focus. But I admit, it doesn't always work :(


    last night i've downloaded many Tony Robbins audio books, you know, the "you can be all you can be" type of speeches..let's hope they do somethin..

    Whenever I hear about Tony Robbins I think of this

  6. Well it depends, most people would want to put up with a prolonged but miserable existence because they wanted to accomplish something. If you've accomplished everything, did, felt, seen everything you wanted to, I'm sure most people would prefer death over living in pain.


    Personally, I would want to grow as old as possible, because I fear death. I'd want every possible life-prolonging treatment available to me (I know it doesn't really prolong the life you're given, but you know what I mean).


    But let's say I had just completed my Hajj and I was forgiven for all my sins, I'd rather die really really soon. Mostly because I won't have much time to commit more sins, and really if you can be fairly certain(ish) of not going to hell, what is the point of living?


    The only reason any of us are holding unto the process of life, loss, decay and sickness is because we fear what might come after we die (in our case, maybe hell/judgement....for atheists, the fact that you get nothing else when the plug is pulled).


    However, isn't the real problem that Islamically speaking we have to do everything humanly possible to stay alive and healthy (correct me if I'm wrong)? That means, even if you return from hajj, you can't just lie down in your bed, throw away the medicine and hope that the flu will knock you into an early grave.


    So it doesn't really matter whether we want to grow old or not, it seems like we have no choice but to try.

  7. I know I'm not really one to talk, but the funniest thing I ever saw was over the summer. This Somali girl was wearing, get this, a knee-length skirt + sleeveless lowcut top (I'm talking looowcut, revealing at least 40% of the merchandise) + hijab (not the Somali bandana, but the proper one that covers your hair+neck).


    She was with a bunch of other Somali girls, both hijabis and non-hijabis and it did seem like they were going to a party, but still, it was really funny.


    It couldn't have been that she felt pressured into wearing the headscarf, because what kind of parent would insist on the scarf but allow a short skirt.


    Maybe she was still holding onto the scarf as a symbol, that despite her western attire, she still wanted to be identified as a muslim?


    Or maybe she was about to stuff it inside her bag along with her long skirt and jumper.


    I don't know, I had never seen anyone dress like that before. Does this happen much with Somalis in other parts of the world?

  8. Well the filmmaker must have had some sort of agreement with the actors. Really low-budget films can rarely afford to pay their actors and some offer some kind of deferred payment option in case the film makes money (but this doesn't happen in every case). I guess it all depends on what agreement the filmmaker and his actors/crew came to, but it seems unlikely that anyone set out to rip anyone off. When you want to make a film cheaply, you do everything you can to get it done and if they understand the situation, usually the actors do too.


    About the copyright, I haven't read the book so I can't comment on the potential similarities, but people need to stop this casual talk of copyright breach. If you have issues, address them to the producers privately. Especially considering no one's seen the film. This is not a big Hollywood film people, nobody is going to become a stinkin' millionaire off this, and everything negative you say can actually damage the film.


    Again I don't know the book, but remember you can't copyright ideas, only the way they are executed.


    Needless to say, I'm happy whenever I hear that another Somali film has been made, and I'll be eager to see this film (legally icon_razz.gif ) when it's released.

  9. ^^


    I'm totally psyched about Casino Royale. Daniel Craig is not nearly as goodlooking as messrs Brosnan and Connery, but he seems to have the badass thing down. Think about it, our favourite English gentleman going all Jack Bauer on us.



    Also, I'm happy to note that there are other Firefly/Serenity fans out there. *raises glass to all the geeks in the house*

  10. But should I insist on it, even though my family doesn't want me to, mostly due to mainly ungrounded fears. (I admit, they just dismissed it out of hand, without me sitting them down and giving them quotes from hadiths/Quran and scholars yet, as I'm planning to do).


    I know they ask the family for permission, but is this something worth having a conflict over. I read somewhere that you will continue to receive reward from Allah swt, as long as the organs help another person survive. Doesn't that take precedence over appeasing your family?

  11. I was wondering what your opinions are on organ donation. Would you/have you join(ed) your national donor register?


    I've been reading about it for a while, and Islamically it seems to be allowed (correct me if I'm wrong) and I really want to sign up while I still have a say. However, I'm not sure my family would support it. In typical Somali paranoia fashion, they are convinced that the next time I step a foot in a hospital, some deranged doctor will run at me with a scalpel to harvest my organs.


    In this, should I go against their wishes? I mean, it is my body after all and the benefit of helping to save another life seems to be greater than the discomfort of my family.


    Please advise.

  12. ^^

    The Bad: Your definition of goodness is a bit dodgy, hence your friendship with the serial killer


    EDIT: this thread is going fast man, I keep having to edit my posts so we can keep the chain going. Devilangle you can re-edit yours if you want smile.gif

  13. When did tampons become a dirty word? I understand it might be slightly uncomfortable talking about your own need for or ideas about tampons, but who cares if someone else brings it up, in a way that's unrelated to yourself.


    Sakhar, who says talking about tampons to a guy is unacceptable from an Islamic pov? I mean, Islamically speaking, is it less acceptable than say talking about toilet paper, deodorant or talking at all?


    Honestly, your friend needs to grow up. The guy was just giving an example of how incredibly thoughtful he is, because most guys hate the thought of buying tampons, and he did it anyway, because his ex needed them. He managed to overcome his childish insecurities about these things, while your friend didn't.

  14. Originally posted by Dabshid:

    ^^^lol. becareful man, you may end up in prison with this attitude.


    what abt woman raping man, by seducing him when he does not want SEX..

    If she managed to seduce him, then obviously, he does want sex :rolleyes:


    I mean there's no harm in trying, just don't expect to get your way all the time

  15. Older men tend to do it, complete strangers come into your house and tell you 'nayaa, shax, NOW!'


    I'm usually like, 'Yes Uncle, bleach-flavoured tea coming right up!'


    And then they never come back :(

  16. Man, I'm taking a Horror Film & Fantasy class at my uni and I'm subjected to all kinds of gory stuff every week. I'm such a wuzz, I actually scream in class, in front of a room full of people trying to find the Marxist subtext in a zombie eating the entrails of a child.


    Right now, I have Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead, directed by George A. Romero, to watch. But I can't, even in a busy library, in daylight, can't bring myself to watch them.


    But they're supposed to be groundbreaking, changed the face of horror forever. So you might wanna give that a try. And films like Suspira by Dario Argento.


    Last week we saw a clip of a French film called Irreversible, which was plain nasty. It's meant to be really really gory. There's a 9-minute rape scene, which thankfully, they didn't show. But they did show a man's head getting bashed in with a fire extinguisher....slowly....for like two minutes...with his head getting flatter each time....ugh