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Posts posted by Thankful

  1. Like I said I agree.


    The reality is that if the secessionists were unable to gain any ground on their hopeless recognition experiment when the TFG wasn't even in the country. Then they will never be able to when the TFG is controlling more and more ground and having world leaders visit.

  2. I truly believe that the ICU and Al Shabaab's were the one's that committed the majority of atrocities; and I know that many others feel this way too. They came to the gates of Puntland and wanted to wage war. I see them as the aggressor's that had to be stopped, why did they need to spread? Ethiopian never and would never have come had these two groups not decided to force their views on others.


    It's quite obvious why people blame Abdulahi Yusuf but remain silent when President Sharif meets with the so called war criminal meles every other day.


    In terms of history? Well, we all know very well that the human rights abuse's that were caused by fellow Somalis during the earlier stages of the civil war were beyond belief and the death toll was by far the highest.


    However, you are correct the thread as been hijacked and this has nothing to do with it.

  3. That's exactly what I am saying!


    If President Sharif kicked them out then why has he made countless trips to visit Meles? The same man you are claiming slaughtered people.

    It just doesn't make sense.


    The people that slaughtered civilians was the ICU who are now the leaders of Al Shabaab. It is this group that dressed as civilians and attacked people.


    Instead of staying in Mogadishu after they pacified it, they immediately tried to spread throughout peaceful lands.


    All that is neither here nor there. Like I said Somalia had far darker days then right now and your secessionists were unable to gather any positive developments on your recognition front.


    You have missed your opportunity!

  4. Carafaat;749445 wrote:
    People from Mogadishu will never forget those dark days when Abdullahi Yusuf (with many here chearleaders celebrating) brougth 30.000 Ethiopian troops and sluaghtered innocent people and destroyed the city which was back then just pacified by the Islamic Courts under the leadership of the current Sheick Shariif. Who is again rebuilding and pacifying the city destroyed by Abdullahi Yussuf and Ethiopians, who paved the road for Al Shabaab.

    Really? First Al Shabaab is on the run and all its fighters - and more importantly its leadership - is out of Mogadishu.


    Also, It seems that President Sharif is quite popular in the eye's of the people of Mogadishu and he has made - and continues to make - numerous trips to Ethiopia. If the people were so against Ethiopia why are they supporting President Sharif when he is a close ally with Ethiopia? So thinking logically, if Ethiopians allegedly slaughtered people then how could President Sharif still remain in power after meeting with Meles?


    It can't be both ways. If Abdullahi Yusuf brought Ethiopians and so-called war crimes took place, then any leader after this who considers Ethiopia an ally would not be popular in Mogadishu like Sharif.

  5. You want to talk about reality?


    Time and time again, regardless of who comes to office the TFG leader of Somalia is the one that represents Somalia from our (Ethiopia, Kenya, Djibouti - border).


    One thing is for certain, Somalia had far darker days and now the TFG controls all of Mogadishu - so much so that the first non-African head of state made a visit.




    Even during Somalia's darkest day's when the TFG couldn't step foot in Mogadishu or even before that when the government couldnt leave a foreign country; your secessionist tribal group was unable to gain a single country to recognize them or have make any gains in being recognized.


    You have missed your chance - if you couldnt do it when the TFG was at it's weakest, you will never do it when it is continously gaining more it is today.

  6. Som@li, I guess the lies start from the top. Siilaanyo actually believes Turkey of all places would recognize a passport of a secessionist region. In fact Turkey has even said they would never allow a Kurdish state to form even with in Iraq's borders.


    nuune, that's another legendary comment from the secessionists (XX), that NW Somali's are genetically different. My personal favorite - that still makes me laugh - is that Egypt was inspired by NW Somalia and not Mohamed Bouazizi.

  7. Jacpher;749039 wrote:
    And your routine is to dedicate a thread for them?

    Ah ya? I've said it many times the site wouldn't be the same without the NW Somali contribution (JB, XX). Their claims are sometimes so ridiculous and hilarious.


    Who else looks throughout the net for negative news from other area's in Somalia so they can attack another group but then find unbelievable excuses for attacks that occur in their enclave (i.e a "mad man" gets hold of a gernade). Who else starts speaking on behalf of other nations and makes claims that they recognize "our" passport. Only to be proven false two days later when that same country says that they must use Somalia's passport to enter their country.


    JB just claimed that Turkey recognizes NW Somalia's passport. So why are they demanding the students from Hargeysa fly out of Mogadishu and use the TFG passport?

  8. You also forgot "making fake news that countries have accepted the secessionist passport".


    It seems that ever few months a new country is supposedly about to recognize the secessionists or have already accepted the passport. Whether it be Kenya, Malaysia, Turkey.


    JB tried to make the Turkish claim of accepting the secessionst passport a few days ago, however, that was proven to be a complete lie because right now his regional government can't send students to study - using it.


    If you are going to make things up, at least don't use countries like Turkey who are fighting with a separatist group (Kurds). The Turks will never accept secessionist enclaves in other countries or else it would come back to bite them.

  9. oba hiloowlow;747841 wrote:
    loooool@ funaanadaha calanka lagu xiray lool

    Lool, I guess there was no choice but for them to put it on their shirt. No one else in the crowd was waving it! Unless you want to count one lady with it over her shoulder.


    But still this is a great day! Like I have said many times this is further proof of Siilaanyo's views on abandoning the failed secessionist agenda.

  10. Jacaylbaro;746328 wrote:

    International Republican Institute


    A nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, IRI advances freedom and democracy worldwide by developing political parties, civic institutions, open elections, democratic governance and the rule of law.

    The so-called NW Somali FM arrives in America so his visit coincide's with the Security council meeting, he wants make the two seem related.


    This man is really sneaky because he did this before in London. He'll return back to Hargeysa and tell the media different facts.

  11. Which never happened, I wonder why?


    Look you said your regional government never supporters terrorists. I agree there is no proof. However if one simple searches all the area's of East Africa. Why has your enclave produced some significant terrorist leader?

  12. Shilling;745581 wrote:
    What I find interesting is how your the first to recognize the fake paper states being advertise by websites known to be anti-Puntland, but when it is the anti-Somaliland websites turn your the first to demote Awdal State, Udubland, etc. as being fake paper states. I take it you like to play the role of a hypocrite with a two horned dilemma.

    Lol@Lasanod Online, so Awdal State actually has supporters that brought out their flag in the streets of Borama during the secessionists triangle rally but Xaaji deny's their existence. Yet now he is quoting Lasanood Online as a reliable and news worthy source.

  13. Gheelle.T;745208 wrote:
    Thankful, it is true that there are elements of AS that operate in Galkacyo. Their aim is to kill and cause mayhem wherever they can, just like they are doing in the south. They are the main suspects for the majority of the killings/assassination that have taken place in Galkacyo in past 3 or so years. It has been alleged that members of this group hide certain area of the town.

    Now, fast forward to the incident that took place last week. In about three weeks ago an elder from Garsoor by the name of "Walloore" was gunned down while prayed a Taraawiix. Few days later three men were arrested hiding in a house in the neighborhood. After interrogating the men, they have confessed to have a link with AS and they have named a man who's an agent of the AS in Galkacyo. This is still an allegation and the men have not been charged as of today. Police has been dispatched to arrest the man, by doing so all things have gone wild.


    Now did emotions and clan grievances get in the mix, absolutely yes. Did the police and the PSF ( or what ever they are called these days) mishandle the issue, maybe. But to blame Farole for targeting a clan( i know you didn't) or deny AS involvement would be grav injustice to the issue at hand. The issue in Galkacyo has been brewing for quite sometime now, and I believe the way Farole handled it has been the best so far. You can say it's the only city where he has given the locals, specially their elders a weight on what to say in Galkacyo. He has been consulting with them in every step he has taken in Galkacyo. Reer Galkacyo iyaka maalinba lahaa kan deji, kan ma rabto waa Al-ittixaad and etc.

    Tuhun iyo kala shaki ayay ku jirtaa Magaaladu. Waxaa looga bixi karaa waa wada shaqeyn.


    As for those who are calling Farole's head. I say, GIVE the man a credit for what he has done right. I think his good deeds overweight the bad policies or his gaffes. He has revived PL's paralyzed institutions, he has made great success on fighting piracy and bringing PL image back. He fought for PL's share in the TFG and the influence it should on Somalia's affairs. Of course he has his shortcomings and what not, but he's not a failure by any measure. Yes he has short temper as he's been accused of, but he's not mad man either.


    The rest of other cheap shots against him are nothing but lies propagated by NGONGE

    There is not doubt that Al Shabaab has many cells inside Puntland that have been carrying out numerous deadly attacks throughout the state. The issue I am saying is that none of these attacks have ever been this grand, where they were actually able to hold an entire neighbourhood (to my knowledge the suspect is still at large). However, if this was Al Shabaab then they have made serious gains in their fight with our government. Which ultamitely people will blame on our President. With that being said, I honestly believe that all of this could have been avoided had the government tried to apprehend the man through elders or at least tried to exhaust all other non-violent means.

    See, I always try and look at what both sides are saying. For instance, some feel that the PIA and PSF are unfairly targeting certain groups for security “operations.” For instance, in the town of Eyl, negotiations were used and not military force to close the pirate base. And Pirates could roam freely around the capital. However when it came to Bargaal the government claimed to have conducted a pirate operation and (just like in Gaalkaayo) paraded people in front of the media that they claimed had been arrested. If you ask the people fighting in Gansoor who protected this man were not doing this in support of Al Shabaab, as we have never allowed this terrorist organization to take control of our land.




    If you see this video it seems that the lack of consultation is what people are angry about.


    Finally, in terms of President Faroole’s performance I believe that it is subjective and everyone’s point of view will change depending upon who you ask. We saw a Puntland parliamentarian list countless problems he claims President Faroole has caused in the State and the fact that people are unable to visit president to voice their concerns (he said this in front of our leader). Or the U.S capables that had virtually nothing negative to say about Puntland before President Faroole took office and in fact encouraged funding to our government. But since our President has been in power, they have questioned many things like his unwillingness to arrest known pirates in Garowe, the division he is causing in the rest of the state and in fact feel that giving aid to his government may be pointless.

  14. uchi;745149 wrote:
    What proof do you have they are not Al Shabab, honestly nobody here is an Al Shabab member or has contacts with their leadership do they? Maybe you provide some proof before you start accusing someone of being a liar.


    It has become a game in the past 6 months or so on these forums to mock Farole, maybe the haters buy themselves a plane ticket and visit Garowe and have a chat with the man, his door is open to all Puntlanders & Somalilanders alike, then come back here and tell us if he needs a brain transplant like someone said in previous post.

    Because common sense tells us that Al Shabaab is incapable of taking over Gansoor. Never in their history have them been able to conduct such a feat; in a place like Gaalkaayo, where every single person in Puntland would pick up arms to defend the city (like history has shown).

    If this was Al Shabaab then why were the elders dispatched to quell the situation? Look, this issue started when authroties attempted to arrest a man. Whether his is arrest was justified for being a member of Al Shabaab - or not is under debate, regardless, his tribe’s men came to his defense.


    Like I’ve already mentioned several times; let’s say you are right and it is Al Shabaab, are you saying that Al Shabaab for the first time have now become so strong that they are in Puntland controlled Gaalkaayo and no longer need to resort to deceptive and violent tactics and then hide. That they are now so bold that they can actually hold entire neighbourhoods and win over the hearts of some Puntlanders?


    You might think people are attacking Faroole for saying that he is wrong for blaming Al Shabaab for fighting Puntland forces. However, I think it looks far better to rightfully say that this unfortunate incident was a breakdown of leadership and communication between the government and a particular group (which every Puntland administration has been guilty of). Rather then, making the bogus claim that Al Shabaab is now in control of parts of Puntland.


    But if you want to say that this was Al Shabaab then I guess the U.S cable form a year and a half ago has been proven correct,


    Al-Shabaab appears to be making greater inroads in Puntland by exploiting these local grievances against "Faroole." For example, in January a key sub-clan leader admitted that he knew the identities of all of the extremists in his sub-clan but did not want to turn "his boys" over to "Faroole" because "Faroole" was sidelining the sub-clan. The elder also rationalized that al-Shabaab, unlike in south-central Somalia, was mostly targeting government officials , suggesting that he did not see a great threat to his sub-clan as such.


    While al-Shabaab has long had a presence in Puntland and al-Shabaab leaders certainly have an agenda beyond confronting the Puntland

    administration, the apparent increasing ability of al-Shabaab leaders to conflate their agenda with local grievances in Puntland is a worrying development.







  15. I agree, it's easy to point fingers. For secessionists they will never say a single negative thing about their leaders as they see this as a sign of weakness. This is why they have never achieved anything tangible in their quest for recognition, because they are unable to constructively criticize.


    However, as people from Puntland State of Somalia, we can't remain silent when blatant lies are being made.


    Like I have already mentioned, I think we all know that Al Shabaab did not take over an entire neighborhood in the Puntland controlled side of Gaalkaayo; despite the government (and particularly President Faroole's) assertion that they did.


    Although it may seem convenient to blame Al Shabaab, in reality the only thing this lie is really stating is that Al Shabaab can now openly enter Puntland and take over entire communities. More so, that their capabilities have increased.


    Some one needs to tell President Faroole that misinformation like this will not work in this day and age. Where we can receive factual updates on what is really happening. So parading poor individual’s days later in front of the cameras and claiming they are Al Shabaab won’t be bought – particularly to other governments and agencies (who he is undoubtedly trying to impress).

  16. Baashi;744816 wrote:


    There is no such thing as Al Shabab in Galkacyo -- at least in the context of this event. What happened in Galkacyo was unfortuante event and should never happen again. Al hamduLilaah elders are knee deep in resolving the misunderstanding. Hope they succeed in their task of adjudicating btw querraling sides.


    Faroole failed. His security personnel -- trigger happy -- traspassed their boundaries. They acted as if they are the judge, jury, and executioner. No-go in clan-based society. It appeared as if they are in charge of every decision made, and they have the power to detain or kill whomever they choose.

    I know this had nothing to do with Al Shabaab. I just believe that the government thought it would be best to blame them without realizing that they were admitting that the terrorist organization can enter Puntland areas and hold entire neighbourhoods. More importantly, by accusing Al Shabaab you are minimizing one (important) segement of societies concerns.


    It’s one thing to rightfully blame Al Shabaab for assassinations, bombings and other cowardly attacks. But to say they are openly fighting inside Puntland is ridiculous.

  17. I agree! Cadde was in the city and so was Abdullahi Yusuf.


    I believe the government has limited resources and can only do the best with what they have. I am not going to start pointing fingers.


    As well, there is definitely a clannish side to this conflict and from what I am hearing, one groups (globally) is still furious about what happened.


    President Faroole stated that this conflict had nothing to do with tribe and was a result of Al Shabaab. So basically al Shabaab can enter Garsoor neighbourhood in Gaalkaayo, Puntland and confront our troops?


    To me this is very concerning.

  18. The PIS is no longer, President Faroole split it into the Puntland Intelligence Agency (PIA) and the Puntland Security Force (PSF). President Faroole sacked the former PIS head and put in his own men. It was the PSF that was involved in the fighting in Gaalkaayo and thus the Puntland government is ultimately to blame. For many in Gaalkaayo their anger is directed towards the Puntland government particularly Col Khalif Isse Mudane. Now, I am not saying their anger is justified; however, there is one side in this conflict that is blaming the Puntland government. Just look at the website Raxanreeb they named President Faroole man of the year for 2010, and after this conflict they have become the new Galgalanews. So using the now defunct PIS as scapegoat is no longer possible.


    There is something more concerning. Over 50 people were killed during the conflict in Gaalkaayo. The Puntland admin is saying that they were fighting Al Shabaab. So the question I have is this – is the government stating that Al Shabaab is now capable of entering Puntland controlled area’s with large amounts of fighters and engage in open combat against our troops? That they no longer attack people through assassinations and other cowardly attacks or hide like Atam in the mountains; but can actually roam the streets of Gaalkayo and fight us? Since the war in the earlier 90s North Gaalkaayo has never allowed enemies to set foot in its territory. In fact, enemies couldn’t even get into south Gaalkaayo during the ICU days, forget about Puntland areas.


    If this is not a sign of crisis, then I don’t know what is.

  19. Poor JB, I can see the panic and fear in the way you are writing. The fact that you actually took time to write this shows me that the meeting is a very concerning issue for you. Regardless of how many times you try and deny it and pretend it's no big deal. You actually took the time to make a thread and this illustrates your displeasure. Was it the Turkish Prime minister's visit to Mogadishu that really got you all hot and bothered? Or was it the visit from Saudi Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal? Maybe you are upset because your enclave has never had people of this stature visit.


    This meeting will and is making world headlines, after decades of war and bad blood. The Puntland leader is actually in Mogadishu, meeting with the Federal President.


    It started in Puntland last week and is continuing again. The world is seeing that unlike NW Somalia, the rest of Somalia is not trying breaking away as a tribe.


    The fact of the matter is; your enclaves regional government is dominated by one group (just like Puntland). The TFG is not!