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Posts posted by Xidigo

  1. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal:

    quote:Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel:

    Lately the atmosphere on SOL is such that I could make a thread about gummy bears and it would turn into a debate about religion.

    of course, gummy bears are Xaraam - because they got gelatin in it
    Lol :D:D


    Somalidu waa kaaley muranee walee.

  2. Originally posted by Khayr:

    quote: Is it me or are the non-believers making more 'common' sense than some believers?

    Who's common sense are we talking about? The mass of Cattle's common sense?




    What point (s) are you trying to make in all your
    Waar nimankiinan hadiisyada jeebadaha kala soo baxayooy Quraanka akhrista.



    Ninkaa miskiinka ah oo ay gaajadii hore u karbaashtay ayaa dhagax loogu dhameeyay. Yaa Allah. War dadkanu waa dhiig acab. waa waxay SNM to Axmad Ruush ku samaysay back in 89. Wax gang ah oo aan diin iyo milad lahayn ayaa waxaa ku kaca. :mad:

  3. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

    Someone felt like talking about Somaliland ,,, he probably doesn't know the President

    Is that why you and your other clanlanders are begging for id*ot Riyaale to stay? So you can convince poeple it is not a one clan state? It is a one-clan state headed by Dadhlf from another clan. :rolleyes:

  4. Originally posted by *Ibtisam:




    - Xidigo,
    cry me a river, maybe if you said something other than
    down down down with SOmaliland
    once in a while, people will remember you eh

    Cry me a river aa ala maxaad iska hadashay. I cannot put down something that does not exist.


    If you add me or exclude me, you know I am still # one I mean Xidigo rocks. :D