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Posts posted by winnie

  1. btw, i think everyone was missing Naden's point... what she's trying to say is that Allah won't change our circumstances until we change our circumstances (with Allah's will of course)... sound strange? let me find the hadith.

    ill be back.

  2. be thankful- to other people, but ultimately to Allah swt, who placed those peoples/situations in front of you.


    spread the salaam to people you know, and dont know.


    spend a little extra time with mom and pops, let them know what they mean to you... and thank Allah for their existance.


    take some time and reflect on all your blessings... health, sight (all the beautiful things you get to see), taste... the blessing of your senses. did you know that there are people born without any sense of pain? a child with such a condition is often rife with health complications (imagine touching a hot kettle, and not knowing that you shouldnt? until you smell your flesh burning... subhan Allah)...

  3. ^^^ is that a question?

    new question: have you noticed that the banners/ads on SOL often have something to do with the boards? like there are web-sites to get pucca cards, femme-fatale perfume, valenteenah i forget what... isnt that weird? i even saw an add for air new zealand, isnt that ironic?

  4. ^^^ that is very long, i wont be reading that today, unfortunately.

    i dont know if this was mentionned in that book up ther, but here goes


    and this is advice that i need to follow first and foremost, but im just spreading the knowledge.


    do as many sunnah's as possible.

    completing the sunnah of salaat (12 rakaat in total) protects you from sin, so much so, there is a hadith that relates that all of your senses will be protected by allah (Eyes, ears, tongue etc)

    fast on mondays and thursdays, as well as 13-14-15 each month of the hijri calendar, for the sake of Allah, swt.

    do dhikr after salat

    recite ayaat ul kursi after salaat

    recite surtat-ul kahf on fridays

    recited the three last surahs before going to bed.

    if you got extra time, recite suratul mulk and suratul sajda before going to bed, as the prophet did, and reflect upon the meaning.


    remember Allah in all your dealings, including the trivial parts of your life, and you will be rewarded.

    when taking off an article of clothing, say bismillah and start on the left side.

    similarly, when putting on clothing, say bismillah, but start from the right side.


    thank Allah, swt, for the many blessings He has given you (intellect, islam, health, beauty, family, love, care).

    make your friday special, with juma and quality time with people, or reflecting. take this day aside during the week.



    these are all things the prophet muhammad (peace be upon him) used to do, and they have many benefits in this life and the hereafter, and arent difficult at all to do. you can start with small stuff, like saying bismillah before doing something and beginning with the right side or left side. this will make you more conscious of Allah, and inshaALLAH more grateful.


    salaam 3leykum.

  5. nice. i like your sister's sense of loyalty.

    immortality would only be beneficial for those with no conscience, and they can enjoy all the fruits of this world, but this world is the pits, so I personally would see it as a curse.


    question... how long does it take to learn from yr mistakes.

  6. ^^^ the deen says no on whoring yrself for money.


    okay, maybe its too harsh a term, but thats basically the relationship between the surrogate mom and the paying mom.

    adoption isnt permitted the way its understood today.

    youre allowed to take care of an orphan, inlcude him/her in yr family but you have to make clear to the child he/she has a different lineage, and teach him/her about it as best you can.

    about drastic fertility treatment, like getting the egg and sperm to *i forget word* in pietry dish... i honestly dont know. ask someone more knowledgeable.

  7. it all depends who i am fighting, and how much i hate them. i have seen some gnarly fish sticks in my day, and they would be the perfect weapon against someone allergic to seafood. they wouldnt be able to stand 3 feet away from me without catching a reaction, and they wouldnt even know why, cause the fish sticks would be so deformed.

    however, id have to pick the morning star as my weapon of choice, because, even if i dont kill my attacker, it sends a message... a lasting one across his/her forehead. plus it looks cool.


    question, when was your last vaccination shot?

  8. see im tempted to say the obvious... which is the latter guy.

    but, Allah can test you with prosperity... and everyone is given different skills/strenghts...

    Allah knows best (its rubbing off)


    question: do you think you have enough knowledge on islam to suffice you?