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Posts posted by -Lily-

  1. Afternoon Malika, you mean the use of IVF or IVF for purpose of twins etc? Infertility is a medical condition and if it can be treated I don't see how helping yourself is against the will of Allah. Is like saying cancer treatment is against the will of Allah and one should die quietly.


    I don’t think they offer IVF solely for purpose of having twins or triplets.

  2. lol@where is home...home is where the heart is.


    I left at 4 30, got in before rush hour.


    Che snow is good when you're not commuting in a city that cant deal with a few flakes.


    Kent sounds worse than London, good luck to Faheema.

  3. Hmm, It was good for what it was, but then again I wasn’t expecting anything deep. Visuals were good…but it really didn’t need to be that long! Filin hindi miya bal!


    If you’re expecting anything deep or meaningful you will be dissapointed.


    I thought the scenes were the alien natives were wriggling from side to side & singing underneath the sacred tree to ‘pray’ were halarious.

  4. My current obsession is how to eat from nature to cure aliments and it’s a wonder truly

    Sheh I like your philosophy. I don’t really care for exercise (although it must be done) and being a certain size but being unhealthy worries me. Different things motivate different people. Even aches and pains can be traced back to what you eat, as in you’re not getting enough vitamins. I would really like to eat less bread, the only consolation is that I hate white version.


    My food looks something like this:


    Breakfast: Bagel with light Philadelphia spread (soft cheese). A cup of tea with one tea spoon of sugar (hoping for the day to cut sugar out completely).


    Mid morning snack: small pear.


    Lunch: wholemeal bread tuna sandwich with cucumber. OR Cheese with salad. Always water.

    Sometimes a bowl of soup.


    Mid afternoon snack: one orange. A piece of Green & Black chocolate if I’m having a stressful day. I try to limit chocolate to Fridays only.


    Dinner: 7pm, rice, steamed veggies and a glass of water. Other times, grilled veggies in pita bread. Not a fan of pasta at night time.

    Sometimes toast if I get home late.


    10pm: a mug of herbal tea or a glass of semi skimmed milk.


    Ibti, my doctor once told me be conscious of anything you put in your mouth & what it does to your body. Not in terms of weight but what is in that food. It helps to have something sweet after a main meal, say a little tiny nac nac or fruit or some yogurt, to ‘seal’ your apatite. You will not be craving sugar an hour later, savoury foods always make you want to have something sweet to balance it.

    As for juice, there is the same amount of sugar in a carton of apple juice or Ribena as a can of coke, enough to bake a cake. Juices are very deceptive.


    I find it is a huge effort to constantly eat healthy but I think it can be done and after a while it must become a habit. I also think home prepared food, especially lunches tend to have less calorie count than bought food.


    EDIT: have the soup with a slice of bread.

  5. CL, while I get what you're saying the point still remains, the other woman did not enter into a marriage contract with the betrayed wife…she did not promise to love & honour. Why should she care? Not that I’m saying that she’s not a homewrecker but it’s the man who has more to loose.


    Hello all.

  6. Cara the last Airbender is cool, even the cartoons were good icon_razz.gif


    Tuujiye the fire nation are supposed to be the bad guys :D


    I really wish someone would make The Tales of the Otori Trilogy into a movie, a brilliant example of cross-over fiction.



    Hayam, I’ve seen Terminator Salvation, not Distrcit 9.