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  1. Although the writer is not a Muslim, he is God fearing, and the information contained is quite enlightening (WARNING, this contains content that some may find disturbing). Judgment day might be on its way. THE THULE SOCIETY & NWO Few people understand why we have become morally bankrupt. However, when we look at society through the eyes of God, through the Bible, we can easily see why we are facing the unprecedented troubles today. This study of America through the eyes of God is what we will always do try to here; stay with us for some eye-opening truths. In past programs, we have stated that the New World Order could not have been realized had it not been for the intense activities of various secret societies throughout the world. We have mentioned one world-wide secret society, the Brotherhood Of Death Society, whose symbol is the skull with two crossed bones. The German Brotherhood of Death Society is the Thule Society. Adolf Hitler joined this society in 1919, becoming an adept under the leadership of Dietrich Eckhart. Later, the Thule Society selected Hitler to be their leader of the New World Order, as Eckhart revealed on his deathbed, saying, "Follow Hitler; he will dance, but it is I who have called the tune. I have initiated him into the Secret Doctrine, opened his centers in vision, and given him the means to communicate with the powers." (Trevor Ravenscroft, The Spear Of Destiny, p. 91). In August, 1990, President George Bush announced that the world had now entered into a New World Order. Shockingly President Bush is an adept in an American Brotherhood of.. the Yale Skull and Bones Society. As we stated earlier, Bush's New World Order is virtually identical with Hitler's; the key connecting point is the common membership in their respective Brotherhood .. (Behold A Pale Horse, p. 81; Introduction To The Order, p.7). We will study this connection in depth today. Let us begin with a quick overview of the Thule Society, beginning with a study of its practices and relevant history. * They were Satanists who practiced Black Magic -- this means that they were "solely concerned with raising their consciousness by means of rituals to awareness of evil and nonhuman intelligences in the universe; and with achieving means of communication with these intelligences." (Ravenscroft, p. 161). Concentrate on that seemingly innocent word, rituals. Christians equate a ritual to a church service, thereby not understanding its occultic mean-ing. The New Age Dictionary defines ritual as a "ceremony to restore balance with nature...and bring back lost harmony and sacredness." Remember we are dealing with the Satanic world, where good is called evil and evil good. The sacred-ness mentioned here is a Satanic sacredness. Rituals literally are proscribed activities designed to allow demonic power to flow through the participants. These activities are proscribed chants, formula wordings, and carefully planned actions. As we noted last week, the effect is devastatingly powerful, as demonic force pours through the participants, delivering a counterfeit spiritual experience which literally transforms their lives. Never skip over the word ritual, as it is a word of Satanic power. * Thule members practiced a form of Sexual Magic derived from a lodge of which Aleister Crowley was a member. Crowley was recognized as the foremost worshipper of Satan in the 19th Century. "The origin of this...medieval magic...can be traced to a Freemason, Robert Little, who founded the Societas Rosicruciana in 1865... (Ravenscroft, Spear of Destiny, p. 164-5). While the actual sexual perversions which were practiced are too offensive to share, the results are not. Author Revenscroft stated that "indulgence in the most sadistic rituals awakened penetrating vision into the workings of Evil Intelligences and bestowed phenomenal magical powers." (Ibid. p. 167). This is the Thule Society. Ravenscroft records its effect upon Hitler, "...sexual perversion took a central place in [Hitler's] life...a monstrous sexual perversion was the very core of his whole existence, the source of his mediumistic and clairvoyant powers, and the motivation behind every act through which he reaped a sadistic vengeance on humanity." (Ibid., p. 171). Eckart's final act was to initiate Hitler into "a monstrous sadistic magic ritual...after which he was sexually impotent. Hitler's impotency had a deep psychological foundation. He knew sexual fulfillment through the extremes of sadism and masochism..."(Ravenscroft, p. 155, 173). This impotency delivered a final devastating blow to Hitler's psychological foundation, finally making him into the sadistic murderer that history knows. o Thule society believed in "communication with a hierarchy of Supermen -- The Secret Chiefs of the Third Order". (Ibid) The quality which make these beings supermen was occultic spirituality. Further, they believed in Madame Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine, which teaches that certain superman had survived the destruction of Atlantis with their higher levels of consciousness intact. These supermen were Aryans. These two beliefs combined into one through the Thule Society and Hitler, culminating into the Nazi Death Camps. (Ibid, p. 166). When one group of people incorporate into their spiritual belief structure that they are inherently superior to another group of people, it is inevitable that genocide will be attempted as soon as possible. o The Thule Society regularly held occultic seances, during which time they communicated with demons who were either masquerading as a dead person or who were just appearing as their guiding spirits. Dietrich Eckart, Alfred Rosenberg, and Adolf Hitler invoked the Anti-Christ into manifestation at the mediumistic seances of the Thule Group in Munich." (Ravenscroft, Spear of Destiny, p. 16 Eckert believed he had been told by his guiding spirit he would have the privilege of training the coming Great One, the Anti-Christ. From the beginning of their association, Eckert believed Hitler was Anti-Christ. Therefore, Eckert spared no occultic knowledge, ritual, or perversion in his attempt to fully equip Hitler for the role. Once the training was completed, Hitler believed he was "born anew with that super-personal strength and resolution he would need to fulfill the mandate ... ordained for him." (p. Ravenscroft, p. 93-4) Hitler literally equated this with the Christian claim to be born again. Now, let us look at the Skull and Bones rituals and beliefs. Little is firmly known about Skull and Bones, because their secrecy since they were established in 1833 is as complete as any society in the world. However, they possess all the requirements of a true secret society. 1. They were formed in secret and all their activities are carried out secretly. 2. Membership is by invitation only. Potential members are carefully screened as to suitability before they are invited to join. 3. The first night of the new member, who is called an initiate, is critically important. The initiate swears total obedience and loyalty to the secret society. This pledge is bound by serious oaths, some of whom would be deadly if actually carried out. The first night is also critically important as it bounds the initiate to the society by means of ritual, oaths, and confessions. The Skull and Bones also incorporates sexual activities into their practices. "The death of the initiate will be as frightful as the use of human skeletons and ritual psychology can make it..." (Esquire Magazine, "The Last Secrets of Skull and Bones", Ron Rosenbaum, p. 89). Sexual perversion is part of ritual psychology. Ron Rosenbaum, author of the Esquire Magazine article, stated that on initiation night, called tap night, "...if one could climb to the tower of Weir Hall, the odd castle that overlooks the Bones courtyard, one could hear strange cries and moans coming from the bowels of the tomb as the 15 newly tapped members were put through what sounded like a harrowing ordeal..." (Esquire, September, 1976, p. 86). Further,[initiates] "lay naked in coffins and tell their deepest and darkest sexual secrets as part of their initiation." (Esquire, p. 85). These experiences in the coffins incorporated sexual pain and resulted in being born-again, into the Order, as we mentioned above. (Cooper, p.95) Powerful force charges through the participants of these ceremonies, transforming their lives dramatically. This type ritual is classic Satanism. Anton LaVey states, in his book The Satanic Rituals: Companion To The Satanic Bible, (p. 57) "The ceremony of rebirth takes place in a large coffin..This is similar to the coffin symbolism that...is found in most lodge rituals." Make no mistake about it: Any organization which utilizes this coffin ritual to simulate rebirth is practising Satanism, including Skull and Bones. The Skull and Bones believes that on the night of initiation, the initiate "dies to the world and be born again into the Order..." (Esquire Magazine, September, 1977, p. 89). Remember Hitler's belief that he had been born anew after his ritualistic initiation and training? This term is a common one in occultism. During the 1988 Presidential Campaign, a TV reporter asked Vice-President Bush if he were a Christian. Bush initially stammered, but then said, "if you mean born again, then, yes, I am a Christian". As born-again Christians carry out the ritual of water baptism by immersion to demonstrate that they have died to the old way of life and have been reborn into a new life, the occultists have their ritual to demonstrate the same life transformation. Rosenbaum continues his expose' of the born-again experience, "then it's into the coffin and off on a symbolic journey through the underworld to rebirth, which takes place in room number 322. There, the Order clothes the newborn knight in its own special garments, implying that, henceforth, he will tailor himself to the Order's mission." (Ibid., p. 89, 14. This ritual description is as occultic as any I have read, and truly reveals the Skull and Bones as occultic. One of the most sobering facets of this counterfeit born again initiation ritual is that the initiate swears to an allegiance to the Secret Order that transcends any allegiance later in life. Christian author Bill Cooper captures this disturbing fact most succinctly, "...Members of the Order (Skull and Bones) take an oath that absolves them from any allegiance to any nation or king or government or constitution, and that includes the negating of any subsequent oath which they may be required to take. They swear allegiance only to the Order and its goal of a New World Order...according to the oath Bush took when he was initiated into Skull and Bones, his oath of office as President of the United States means nothing." (Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse, p. 81-82). Since the oath as President occurred after the Oath to Skull and Bones, it is not worth the paper on which it is printed. That kind of hold is powerful. Indeed, as Ron Rosenbaum began the research necessary to write his article for Esquire, he was warned about the power of Skull and Bones. "The power of Bones is incredible. They have their hands on every lever of power in the country." The only thing which is important to the Skull and Bones is their goal of a New World Order. In conjunction with this understanding, remember one other Secret Society belief, i.e., the ends justify the means. As Rosenbaum continued his research, he found definite links between Bones and the Bavarian Illuminists. The Bavarian Illuminists were part of the original Masters of the Illuminati. First, Rosenbaum discovered documents which detailed the origins of Bones back to Germany. These documents stated, "Bones is a chapter of a corps of a German University..." The document described at length its relationship with this German Secret Society (the Thule Society) which lead to the founding of the Skull and Bones in 1832. Secondly, Rosenbaum discovered that, "above the arched walls above the vault of the (Bones) sacred room, #322", is a painting of skulls surrounded by Masonic symbols. Above this painting is the slogan, in German, which means, "Who is the fool, who the wise man, beggar, or king? Whether poor or rich, all's the same in death." This means that only the works which one does in this life is what matters; in death, all men share the same fate. This statement is very consistent with the teachings of Secret Societies, showing their Works-oriented philosophy. Thirdly, Rosenbaum discovered a "haunting photograph of the altar room at one of the Masonic lodges at Nuremberg that is closely associated with Illuminism. Haunting because at the altar room's center, approached through an aisle of hanging human skeletons, is a coffin surmounted by...a skull and crossed bones that look exactly like the particular arrangement of jawbones and thighbones in the official Bones emblem. {Finally}, the skull and crossbones was the official crest of another key Illuminist lodge..." (Esquire, p.8. It is shocking also when we realize that German Nazi death camp guards wore this emblem of Skull and Bones on the shoulders of their uniforms. Without doubt, we have established Skull and Bones to be a Brotherhood of Death Society, which is itself tied into the Masters of the Illuminati. It is no wonder that Bush has been proclaiming the New World Order RESULTS We have studied the common philosophical and religious links between the German Thule Society and Skull and Bones. We now need to study the historical results of the attempt of the Thule Society to establish a New World Order. After the Thule Society selected Adolf Hitler to be their leader of the New World Order, they faced the problem of practical implementation of this goal. They realized that their plans for world domination required control of military power of Germany; however, the military is controlled by those holding political power, and Germany was a democracy. Therefore, the Thule Society created the Nazi Party. The Guiding Spirits of the Thule Society became the Guiding Spirits of the Nazi Party. In only 10 tumultuous years, Hitler gained high political office, from which he catapulted himself into the position of absolute dictator in 1933. In 1938, Hitler began the Final Solution of the Jewish problem by initiating the Holocaust. In 1939, Hitler initiated World War II, which lasted until Mid-1945. As I read the results, remember James' words, "Then the evil desire, when it has conceived, gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is fully matured, brings forth death." By 1945, the occultic sin conceived by the Thule Society had come to full completion. These are the results: (Source is The Webster Family Encyclopedia, Volume 19, 1984, p. 492-3) * Enormous armies were mobilized around the world. 1. Russia 12,500,000 men 2. America 12,400,000 men 3. Germany 10,000,000 men 4. Japan 6,000,000 men 5. France 5,000,000 men 6. Britain 4,700,000 men 7. Italy 4,000,000 men 8. China 3,800,000 men 9. Canada 1,100,000 men Total World-Wide Mobilization: 59,500,000 men The death toll was almost incomprehensible. 1. Russia 10,000,000 soldiers - 10,000,000 civilians 2. Germany 3,000,000 soldiers - 500,000 civilians 3. Japan 2,000,000 soldiers - 500,000 civilians 4. Italy 330,000 soldiers - 80,000 civilian 5. Britain 350,000 soldiers - 60,000 civilian 6. France 200,000 soldiers - 200,000 civilian 7. China 1,300,000 soldiers - (no estimate on civilian deaths) 8. Poland 600,000 soldiers - 5,000,000 civilians 9. America 390,000 soldiers (negligible civilian deaths) Total human lives killed was: 18,200,000 soldiers and 16,300,000 civilians for 34,000,000 total deaths. When you add 18,000,000 deaths from Hitler's Death Camps, you realize that over 54 million people lost their lives as the final result of the occultic practices and goals of the New World Order of that German Brotherhood of Death Society, the Thule Society. The 6,000,000 Jewish deaths from Hitler's Final Solution represented two-thirds of the total world-wide Jewish population. Hitler came close to winning WWII, but God's timing was not yet come. However, some of the after-effects of WWII served to set the stage for the current drive toward the New World Order. Alice Bailey states in her book, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, that the world must be united regionally before it can be united into one. Stalin repeated this concept shortly before his death in 1953. World War II certainly provided the impetus for this type reorganization. The World was reorganized militarily into NATO in Europe, the Warsaw Pact in Eastern Europe, and SEATO in Asia. Economic regionalization also occurred along approximately the same lines. Repeated cultural, economic, and religious regionalizations have been created since WWII. o The infant One-World Government was created as the United Nations, in 1948. A similar effort was orchestrated after WWI as the League of Nations, but was defeated. One of the first actions of the United Nations was to create the nation of Israel, thus fulfilling God's prophecies to return her back to her Promised Land in the Last Days. o Tremendous technological progress was achieved under the impetus of war. The atomic bomb was created, as were the jet engine, the rocket, and modern telecommunications. New Age author, Allen Neuharth, in his book, Nearly One World, states that these inventions have brought the world to the threshold of a One-World Government, Economy, and Religion, i.e., the New World Order. This brief review of the after-effects of WWII clearly shows much was achieved that set the stage for the current New World Order. Let us now review some of the goals which Secret Societies today have for the New World Order. Keep in mind that the Skull and Bones is the driving force and is the "first among equals" among all other Secret Societies and all other open organizations which are committed to this new order. o One World Government -- the only answer to man's problems. o One World Economy o One World Religion -- Man's evil actions historically are ascribed to his divisions into many different religions. Therefore, much emphasis is being laid on the re-uniting into one religion. The current Ecumenical Movement is leading the charge toward this all-important goal. In a seminar held in Boston in August, 1991, the current New England Director of the Theosophical Society stated that, at the proper moment in world history the Roman Catholic Pope would travel to Jerusalem to address a world-wide religious conference. In his speech, he would declare all the world's religions to be united into One. Thus, Alice Bailey's Plan, stated almost 50 years ago, would be realized, i.e., that the Great One would reinstate the Ancient Mysteries Religion as the New World Order Religion. "These Mysteries, when restored, will unify all faiths." (Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 573, written in 1946). One of the most basic plans after the New World Order is established is to reduce the world's population from its present 6 billion to 2 billion ... (Constance Cumbey, Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow). Thus, birth control and abortion were early identified as necessary to begin reducing population. Our current emphasis on man's devastating effects upon the earth and upon Global Warming and pollution are designed to convince people that only united, drastic action from the United Nations can save this planet from collapse. How can this drastic reduction be achieved within this short time frame? The basic answer is war. o Bailey, in her book, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 548, states that the atomic bomb will be turned over to the One-World Government and will be used against any nation who refuses to go along with the New World Order. o Bill Cooper, in his book, Behold A Pale Horse, quotes a document from the Bilderberg Secret Society, which is an offshoot of Skull and Bones. "Since most of the general public will not exercise [economic] restraint...[we must] take control of the world by the use of economic silent weapons in a form of quiet warfare and reduce [the dangerous levels of consumption] of the world to a safe level by a process of benevolent slavery and genocide." (p. 49). How could anyone ever think of slavery and genocide as being benevolent? This was the precise thinking of Hitler as he was planning his New World Order. He was going to rid the world of all the undesirables by benevolent warfare. We reviewed the horrible results in the beginning of the pro-gram; however, these figures pale in comparison with the deaths of 4 billion people. At this point, you may protest that the drive to the New World Order is being achieved peacefully. This is true, and when it is fully achieved will fulfill Biblical prophecy which states 1 Thessalonians 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. Further, these plans, if carried out, will also fulfill Biblical prophecy in Revelation 6:4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. Thus, we see that the New World Order goals of the Secret Societies, chief of which is Skull and Bones, when completed, would fulfill many Biblical Prophecies. Editor: Steve Van Nattan- This was copyrighted material, but the producers used Bibles other than the King James Bible, so I am not giving their address or URL until they change from their funny book to the Bible. This is a classic case showing how people can do a masterful job of dealing with Satanic attacks in one area, yet they are totally blind to the attack on the very foundation of our warfare- the Word of God. I have changed the Bible texts in the above article to the KJV. [ The original source was the Cutting Edge Ministry]
  2. Although the writer is not a Muslim, he is God fearing, and the information contained is quite enlightening (WARNING, this contains content that some may find disturbing). It long but worth reading (it scary tooooo be aware) THE THULE SOCIETY & NWO Few people understand why we have become morally bankrupt. However, when we look at society through the eyes of God, through the Bible, we can easily see why we are facing the unprecedented troubles today. This study of America through the eyes of God is what we will always do try to here; stay with us for some eye-opening truths. In past programs, we have stated that the New World Order could not have been realized had it not been for the intense activities of various secret societies throughout the world. We have mentioned one world-wide secret society, the Brotherhood Of Death Society, whose symbol is the skull with two crossed bones. The German Brotherhood of Death Society is the Thule Society. Adolf Hitler joined this society in 1919, becoming an adept under the leadership of Dietrich Eckhart. Later, the Thule Society selected Hitler to be their leader of the New World Order, as Eckhart revealed on his deathbed, saying, "Follow Hitler; he will dance, but it is I who have called the tune. I have initiated him into the Secret Doctrine, opened his centers in vision, and given him the means to communicate with the powers." (Trevor Ravenscroft, The Spear Of Destiny, p. 91). In August, 1990, President George Bush announced that the world had now entered into a New World Order. Shockingly President Bush is an adept in an American Brotherhood of.. the Yale Skull and Bones Society. As we stated earlier, Bush's New World Order is virtually identical with Hitler's; the key connecting point is the common membership in their respective Brotherhood .. (Behold A Pale Horse, p. 81; Introduction To The Order, p.7). We will study this connection in depth today. Let us begin with a quick overview of the Thule Society, beginning with a study of its practices and relevant history. * They were Satanists who practiced Black Magic -- this means that they were "solely concerned with raising their consciousness by means of rituals to awareness of evil and nonhuman intelligences in the universe; and with achieving means of communication with these intelligences." (Ravenscroft, p. 161). Concentrate on that seemingly innocent word, rituals. Christians equate a ritual to a church service, thereby not understanding its occultic mean-ing. The New Age Dictionary defines ritual as a "ceremony to restore balance with nature...and bring back lost harmony and sacredness." Remember we are dealing with the Satanic world, where good is called evil and evil good. The sacred-ness mentioned here is a Satanic sacredness. Rituals literally are proscribed activities designed to allow demonic power to flow through the participants. These activities are proscribed chants, formula wordings, and carefully planned actions. As we noted last week, the effect is devastatingly powerful, as demonic force pours through the participants, delivering a counterfeit spiritual experience which literally transforms their lives. Never skip over the word ritual, as it is a word of Satanic power. * Thule members practiced a form of Sexual Magic derived from a lodge of which Aleister Crowley was a member. Crowley was recognized as the foremost worshipper of Satan in the 19th Century. "The origin of this...medieval magic...can be traced to a Freemason, Robert Little, who founded the Societas Rosicruciana in 1865... (Ravenscroft, Spear of Destiny, p. 164-5). While the actual sexual perversions which were practiced are too offensive to share, the results are not. Author Revenscroft stated that "indulgence in the most sadistic rituals awakened penetrating vision into the workings of Evil Intelligences and bestowed phenomenal magical powers." (Ibid. p. 167). This is the Thule Society. Ravenscroft records its effect upon Hitler, "...sexual perversion took a central place in [Hitler's] life...a monstrous sexual perversion was the very core of his whole existence, the source of his mediumistic and clairvoyant powers, and the motivation behind every act through which he reaped a sadistic vengeance on humanity." (Ibid., p. 171). Eckart's final act was to initiate Hitler into "a monstrous sadistic magic ritual...after which he was sexually impotent. Hitler's impotency had a deep psychological foundation. He knew sexual fulfillment through the extremes of sadism and masochism..."(Ravenscroft, p. 155, 173). This impotency delivered a final devastating blow to Hitler's psychological foundation, finally making him into the sadistic murderer that history knows. o Thule society believed in "communication with a hierarchy of Supermen -- The Secret Chiefs of the Third Order". (Ibid) The quality which make these beings supermen was occultic spirituality. Further, they believed in Madame Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine, which teaches that certain superman had survived the destruction of Atlantis with their higher levels of consciousness intact. These supermen were Aryans. These two beliefs combined into one through the Thule Society and Hitler, culminating into the Nazi Death Camps. (Ibid, p. 166). When one group of people incorporate into their spiritual belief structure that they are inherently superior to another group of people, it is inevitable that genocide will be attempted as soon as possible. o The Thule Society regularly held occultic seances, during which time they communicated with demons who were either masquerading as a dead person or who were just appearing as their guiding spirits. Dietrich Eckart, Alfred Rosenberg, and Adolf Hitler invoked the Anti-Christ into manifestation at the mediumistic seances of the Thule Group in Munich." (Ravenscroft, Spear of Destiny, p. 16 Eckert believed he had been told by his guiding spirit he would have the privilege of training the coming Great One, the Anti-Christ. From the beginning of their association, Eckert believed Hitler was Anti-Christ. Therefore, Eckert spared no occultic knowledge, ritual, or perversion in his attempt to fully equip Hitler for the role. Once the training was completed, Hitler believed he was "born anew with that super-personal strength and resolution he would need to fulfill the mandate ... ordained for him." (p. Ravenscroft, p. 93-4) Hitler literally equated this with the Christian claim to be born again. Now, let us look at the Skull and Bones rituals and beliefs. Little is firmly known about Skull and Bones, because their secrecy since they were established in 1833 is as complete as any society in the world. However, they possess all the requirements of a true secret society. 1. They were formed in secret and all their activities are carried out secretly. 2. Membership is by invitation only. Potential members are carefully screened as to suitability before they are invited to join. 3. The first night of the new member, who is called an initiate, is critically important. The initiate swears total obedience and loyalty to the secret society. This pledge is bound by serious oaths, some of whom would be deadly if actually carried out. The first night is also critically important as it bounds the initiate to the society by means of ritual, oaths, and confessions. The Skull and Bones also incorporates sexual activities into their practices. "The death of the initiate will be as frightful as the use of human skeletons and ritual psychology can make it..." (Esquire Magazine, "The Last Secrets of Skull and Bones", Ron Rosenbaum, p. 89). Sexual perversion is part of ritual psychology. Ron Rosenbaum, author of the Esquire Magazine article, stated that on initiation night, called tap night, "...if one could climb to the tower of Weir Hall, the odd castle that overlooks the Bones courtyard, one could hear strange cries and moans coming from the bowels of the tomb as the 15 newly tapped members were put through what sounded like a harrowing ordeal..." (Esquire, September, 1976, p. 86). Further,[initiates] "lay naked in coffins and tell their deepest and darkest sexual secrets as part of their initiation." (Esquire, p. 85). These experiences in the coffins incorporated sexual pain and resulted in being born-again, into the Order, as we mentioned above. (Cooper, p.95) Powerful force charges through the participants of these ceremonies, transforming their lives dramatically. This type ritual is classic Satanism. Anton LaVey states, in his book The Satanic Rituals: Companion To The Satanic Bible, (p. 57) "The ceremony of rebirth takes place in a large coffin..This is similar to the coffin symbolism that...is found in most lodge rituals." Make no mistake about it: Any organization which utilizes this coffin ritual to simulate rebirth is practising Satanism, including Skull and Bones. The Skull and Bones believes that on the night of initiation, the initiate "dies to the world and be born again into the Order..." (Esquire Magazine, September, 1977, p. 89). Remember Hitler's belief that he had been born anew after his ritualistic initiation and training? This term is a common one in occultism. During the 1988 Presidential Campaign, a TV reporter asked Vice-President Bush if he were a Christian. Bush initially stammered, but then said, "if you mean born again, then, yes, I am a Christian". As born-again Christians carry out the ritual of water baptism by immersion to demonstrate that they have died to the old way of life and have been reborn into a new life, the occultists have their ritual to demonstrate the same life transformation. Rosenbaum continues his expose' of the born-again experience, "then it's into the coffin and off on a symbolic journey through the underworld to rebirth, which takes place in room number 322. There, the Order clothes the newborn knight in its own special garments, implying that, henceforth, he will tailor himself to the Order's mission." (Ibid., p. 89, 14. This ritual description is as occultic as any I have read, and truly reveals the Skull and Bones as occultic. One of the most sobering facets of this counterfeit born again initiation ritual is that the initiate swears to an allegiance to the Secret Order that transcends any allegiance later in life. Christian author Bill Cooper captures this disturbing fact most succinctly, "...Members of the Order (Skull and Bones) take an oath that absolves them from any allegiance to any nation or king or government or constitution, and that includes the negating of any subsequent oath which they may be required to take. They swear allegiance only to the Order and its goal of a New World Order...according to the oath Bush took when he was initiated into Skull and Bones, his oath of office as President of the United States means nothing." (Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse, p. 81-82). Since the oath as President occurred after the Oath to Skull and Bones, it is not worth the paper on which it is printed. That kind of hold is powerful. Indeed, as Ron Rosenbaum began the research necessary to write his article for Esquire, he was warned about the power of Skull and Bones. "The power of Bones is incredible. They have their hands on every lever of power in the country." The only thing which is important to the Skull and Bones is their goal of a New World Order. In conjunction with this understanding, remember one other Secret Society belief, i.e., the ends justify the means. As Rosenbaum continued his research, he found definite links between Bones and the Bavarian Illuminists. The Bavarian Illuminists were part of the original Masters of the Illuminati. First, Rosenbaum discovered documents which detailed the origins of Bones back to Germany. These documents stated, "Bones is a chapter of a corps of a German University..." The document described at length its relationship with this German Secret Society (the Thule Society) which lead to the founding of the Skull and Bones in 1832. Secondly, Rosenbaum discovered that, "above the arched walls above the vault of the (Bones) sacred room, #322", is a painting of skulls surrounded by Masonic symbols. Above this painting is the slogan, in German, which means, "Who is the fool, who the wise man, beggar, or king? Whether poor or rich, all's the same in death." This means that only the works which one does in this life is what matters; in death, all men share the same fate. This statement is very consistent with the teachings of Secret Societies, showing their Works-oriented philosophy. Thirdly, Rosenbaum discovered a "haunting photograph of the altar room at one of the Masonic lodges at Nuremberg that is closely associated with Illuminism. Haunting because at the altar room's center, approached through an aisle of hanging human skeletons, is a coffin surmounted by...a skull and crossed bones that look exactly like the particular arrangement of jawbones and thighbones in the official Bones emblem. {Finally}, the skull and crossbones was the official crest of another key Illuminist lodge..." (Esquire, p.8. It is shocking also when we realize that German Nazi death camp guards wore this emblem of Skull and Bones on the shoulders of their uniforms. Without doubt, we have established Skull and Bones to be a Brotherhood of Death Society, which is itself tied into the Masters of the Illuminati. It is no wonder that Bush has been proclaiming the New World Order RESULTS We have studied the common philosophical and religious links between the German Thule Society and Skull and Bones. We now need to study the historical results of the attempt of the Thule Society to establish a New World Order. After the Thule Society selected Adolf Hitler to be their leader of the New World Order, they faced the problem of practical implementation of this goal. They realized that their plans for world domination required control of military power of Germany; however, the military is controlled by those holding political power, and Germany was a democracy. Therefore, the Thule Society created the Nazi Party. The Guiding Spirits of the Thule Society became the Guiding Spirits of the Nazi Party. In only 10 tumultuous years, Hitler gained high political office, from which he catapulted himself into the position of absolute dictator in 1933. In 1938, Hitler began the Final Solution of the Jewish problem by initiating the Holocaust. In 1939, Hitler initiated World War II, which lasted until Mid-1945. As I read the results, remember James' words, "Then the evil desire, when it has conceived, gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is fully matured, brings forth death." By 1945, the occultic sin conceived by the Thule Society had come to full completion. These are the results: (Source is The Webster Family Encyclopedia, Volume 19, 1984, p. 492-3) * Enormous armies were mobilized around the world. 1. Russia 12,500,000 men 2. America 12,400,000 men 3. Germany 10,000,000 men 4. Japan 6,000,000 men 5. France 5,000,000 men 6. Britain 4,700,000 men 7. Italy 4,000,000 men 8. China 3,800,000 men 9. Canada 1,100,000 men Total World-Wide Mobilization: 59,500,000 men The death toll was almost incomprehensible. 1. Russia 10,000,000 soldiers - 10,000,000 civilians 2. Germany 3,000,000 soldiers - 500,000 civilians 3. Japan 2,000,000 soldiers - 500,000 civilians 4. Italy 330,000 soldiers - 80,000 civilian 5. Britain 350,000 soldiers - 60,000 civilian 6. France 200,000 soldiers - 200,000 civilian 7. China 1,300,000 soldiers - (no estimate on civilian deaths) 8. Poland 600,000 soldiers - 5,000,000 civilians 9. America 390,000 soldiers (negligible civilian deaths) Total human lives killed was: 18,200,000 soldiers and 16,300,000 civilians for 34,000,000 total deaths. When you add 18,000,000 deaths from Hitler's Death Camps, you realize that over 54 million people lost their lives as the final result of the occultic practices and goals of the New World Order of that German Brotherhood of Death Society, the Thule Society. The 6,000,000 Jewish deaths from Hitler's Final Solution represented two-thirds of the total world-wide Jewish population. Hitler came close to winning WWII, but God's timing was not yet come. However, some of the after-effects of WWII served to set the stage for the current drive toward the New World Order. Alice Bailey states in her book, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, that the world must be united regionally before it can be united into one. Stalin repeated this concept shortly before his death in 1953. World War II certainly provided the impetus for this type reorganization. The World was reorganized militarily into NATO in Europe, the Warsaw Pact in Eastern Europe, and SEATO in Asia. Economic regionalization also occurred along approximately the same lines. Repeated cultural, economic, and religious regionalizations have been created since WWII. o The infant One-World Government was created as the United Nations, in 1948. A similar effort was orchestrated after WWI as the League of Nations, but was defeated. One of the first actions of the United Nations was to create the nation of Israel, thus fulfilling God's prophecies to return her back to her Promised Land in the Last Days. o Tremendous technological progress was achieved under the impetus of war. The atomic bomb was created, as were the jet engine, the rocket, and modern telecommunications. New Age author, Allen Neuharth, in his book, Nearly One World, states that these inventions have brought the world to the threshold of a One-World Government, Economy, and Religion, i.e., the New World Order. This brief review of the after-effects of WWII clearly shows much was achieved that set the stage for the current New World Order. Let us now review some of the goals which Secret Societies today have for the New World Order. Keep in mind that the Skull and Bones is the driving force and is the "first among equals" among all other Secret Societies and all other open organizations which are committed to this new order. o One World Government -- the only answer to man's problems. o One World Economy o One World Religion -- Man's evil actions historically are ascribed to his divisions into many different religions. Therefore, much emphasis is being laid on the re-uniting into one religion. The current Ecumenical Movement is leading the charge toward this all-important goal. In a seminar held in Boston in August, 1991, the current New England Director of the Theosophical Society stated that, at the proper moment in world history the Roman Catholic Pope would travel to Jerusalem to address a world-wide religious conference. In his speech, he would declare all the world's religions to be united into One. Thus, Alice Bailey's Plan, stated almost 50 years ago, would be realized, i.e., that the Great One would reinstate the Ancient Mysteries Religion as the New World Order Religion. "These Mysteries, when restored, will unify all faiths." (Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 573, written in 1946). One of the most basic plans after the New World Order is established is to reduce the world's population from its present 6 billion to 2 billion ... (Constance Cumbey, Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow). Thus, birth control and abortion were early identified as necessary to begin reducing population. Our current emphasis on man's devastating effects upon the earth and upon Global Warming and pollution are designed to convince people that only united, drastic action from the United Nations can save this planet from collapse. How can this drastic reduction be achieved within this short time frame? The basic answer is war. o Bailey, in her book, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 548, states that the atomic bomb will be turned over to the One-World Government and will be used against any nation who refuses to go along with the New World Order. o Bill Cooper, in his book, Behold A Pale Horse, quotes a document from the Bilderberg Secret Society, which is an offshoot of Skull and Bones. "Since most of the general public will not exercise [economic] restraint...[we must] take control of the world by the use of economic silent weapons in a form of quiet warfare and reduce [the dangerous levels of consumption] of the world to a safe level by a process of benevolent slavery and genocide." (p. 49). How could anyone ever think of slavery and genocide as being benevolent? This was the precise thinking of Hitler as he was planning his New World Order. He was going to rid the world of all the undesirables by benevolent warfare. We reviewed the horrible results in the beginning of the pro-gram; however, these figures pale in comparison with the deaths of 4 billion people. At this point, you may protest that the drive to the New World Order is being achieved peacefully. This is true, and when it is fully achieved will fulfill Biblical prophecy which states 1 Thessalonians 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. Further, these plans, if carried out, will also fulfill Biblical prophecy in Revelation 6:4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. Thus, we see that the New World Order goals of the Secret Societies, chief of which is Skull and Bones, when completed, would fulfill many Biblical Prophecies. Editor: Steve Van Nattan- This was copyrighted material, but the producers used Bibles other than the King James Bible, so I am not giving their address or URL until they change from their funny book to the Bible. This is a classic case showing how people can do a masterful job of dealing with Satanic attacks in one area, yet they are totally blind to the attack on the very foundation of our warfare- the Word of God. I have changed the Bible texts in the above article to the KJV. [ The original source was the Cutting Edge Ministry]
  3. sweet_gal


    Hey I didn't say somalians aren't black u know. Do u want me to say what countries my friends come from so u can have an idea? I know we all black but I just wanted to make my point clear. Thanks for advice about going to mosque and all the other things. Sorry I forgot ur name. Oh and princes sure I dont mind if u do give my email out to ur cousins. And I wouldn't mind meeting u either in the summer....that is if I stay in Ottawa. Thanks to all of u
  4. sweet_gal


    thanks for the advice
  5. sweet_gal


    Yes there are. But the school I go to have only 5 somali girls and 1 is okay we talk but she's just an acuientance. Yes there are a lot but I mean people my age aren't around much.I do know some somali people but there just quiet I just cant go into details. email me at ashley_gal@hotmail.com
  6. sweet_gal


  7. Freemasonic History The history of Free Masonry dates back to the era of Crusades in which the Christians were fighting against Muslims to get Jerusalem from Muslims. They are the largest fraternal order. The real question is? Are they just a fraternity? They actually are more than just a fraternity. To them it is there religion and code of law. In 1095 A.D there were a few Knights who went to the extremes, they said their code of law is valor and honesty, but instead these knights would become more than just extremists. They were a rebellious group, which wanted global domination. They later called themselves the Knights Templar’s. Amongst those warriors a group of men arose who get at any cost what they want. 20 years after this, Knight Templers seized Dome of Rock. These were a group of people who deviated themselves far away from the teachings of Christianity and started to teach the old Art of Kabala which they got from ancient Egyptian Jews. They started Devil worshipping & evil practices. In 1307 King Philip of France arrested these Templars on account of evil practices, Homosexuality, Devil Worshipping & black magic. Afterwards Pope Klemen declared them the fifth as the heretics. Their templar leader, Jack the Molley was captured & killed. All their properties were snatched & at that time there was nothing left for them on earth. Now the ray of hope comes for these not through France but from a country, which was striving for its independence. After the death of William Wallace there was not much hope for Scotland to succeed in its struggle. At that time Robert the Bruce was king of Scotland & was facing successive defeats against English. At that time he was helped by Templars who had got three hundred years of experience for fighting Crusaders against Muslims & they joined him in 1304. A fierce battle was fought in which just 6500 men defeated the mighty 25000 British Army. So it paid off for Robert Bruce. Templars had got themselves back from the brink of destruction & never after that they never allowed themselves to be destroyed. This time they controlled the country by controlling its kings & in order to preserve their secret order, the Templars would have to die or more precisely the name would have to die. The Templars who had escaped Europe were arrested in Rosslyn Chapel Scotland, which stands to this day as sign of their presence in Britain. The dependence became the true power of Scotland. In 1603 the death of Queen Elizabeth the 1st left the England without an air to the throne. By virtue of descent, King James the 5th of Scotland became the King of England. In doing so, Scotland & England joined together to form a new Kingdom. The power that the Templars held over the Scotland spread to give them a firm grip over the whole Great Britain. For over 100 years Templars concealed their activities fading into the background until they were little known & little remembered. However they didn’t sized to hold firm grip over Britain. All the time they were planning, grouping & infiltrating positions of power in all corners of the Kingdom. In 1717 Templars made their reappearance in Europe. They had grown both in number & strength & were now ready to form a new identity, free from their reputation of the past & giving them the credibility by none other than the monarchy & aristocracy of England. And the name they chose was the name that would be known by many but understood by few, this new name was the Freemasons. When the founding fathers of America landed in America, not only did they bring with them disfranchised people, they also bring the Freemasonic elements of Europe. The injustices which forefathers of America were escaping from in Europe were also to be found in this new land in the form of Tyrannical British regime. In order to gain complete dominance of the new state, the Masons used the same methods they had used to gain control over France. Although Masons ran the British Monarchy, the American War of Independence was a necessary action & the people involved in the war were expendable to Masons to fulfill their dream. Emotions of the people were manipulated into anger & just like France, anger turned into war. The near defeat that Masons faced against Napoleon & his army taught them a lesson. Any forthcoming leaders of the resistance must follow the Masonic agenda. The best way to do this was to ensure that the leader himself was a Mason & the leader who took war to the British, was none other than George Washington. On the 4th of July 1776, the declaration of Independence was made. On 17th of October 1781, the British were finally defeated & surrendered the Colonies to the American & the world first Masonic state was created, a nation that would represent Masonry in every way. A sign of the Masonic presence in America is plainly visible on the dollar bill. Which carries a picture of George Washington, the first Freemasonic president in the world & the picture of the Freemasonic symbol so-called "All-Seeing One Eye". In the religions Islam and Christianity this represents Dajjal or the Anti-Christ. __________________________________________________________ That was the history
  8. Freemasonic History The history of Free Masonry dates back to the era of Crusades in which the Christians were fighting against Muslims to get Jerusalem from Muslims. They are the largest fraternal order. The real question is? Are they just a fraternity? They actually are more than just a fraternity. To them it is there religion and code of law. In 1095 A.D there were a few Knights who went to the extremes, they said their code of law is valor and honesty, but instead these knights would become more than just extremists. They were a rebellious group, which wanted global domination. They later called themselves the Knights Templar’s. Amongst those warriors a group of men arose who get at any cost what they want. 20 years after this, Knight Templers seized Dome of Rock. These were a group of people who deviated themselves far away from the teachings of Christianity and started to teach the old Art of Kabala which they got from ancient Egyptian Jews. They started Devil worshipping & evil practices. In 1307 King Philip of France arrested these Templars on account of evil practices, Homosexuality, Devil Worshipping & black magic. Afterwards Pope Klemen declared them the fifth as the heretics. Their templar leader, Jack the Molley was captured & killed. All their properties were snatched & at that time there was nothing left for them on earth. Now the ray of hope comes for these not through France but from a country, which was striving for its independence. After the death of William Wallace there was not much hope for Scotland to succeed in its struggle. At that time Robert the Bruce was king of Scotland & was facing successive defeats against English. At that time he was helped by Templars who had got three hundred years of experience for fighting Crusaders against Muslims & they joined him in 1304. A fierce battle was fought in which just 6500 men defeated the mighty 25000 British Army. So it paid off for Robert Bruce. Templars had got themselves back from the brink of destruction & never after that they never allowed themselves to be destroyed. This time they controlled the country by controlling its kings & in order to preserve their secret order, the Templars would have to die or more precisely the name would have to die. The Templars who had escaped Europe were arrested in Rosslyn Chapel Scotland, which stands to this day as sign of their presence in Britain. The dependence became the true power of Scotland. In 1603 the death of Queen Elizabeth the 1st left the England without an air to the throne. By virtue of descent, King James the 5th of Scotland became the King of England. In doing so, Scotland & England joined together to form a new Kingdom. The power that the Templars held over the Scotland spread to give them a firm grip over the whole Great Britain. For over 100 years Templars concealed their activities fading into the background until they were little known & little remembered. However they didn’t sized to hold firm grip over Britain. All the time they were planning, grouping & infiltrating positions of power in all corners of the Kingdom. In 1717 Templars made their reappearance in Europe. They had grown both in number & strength & were now ready to form a new identity, free from their reputation of the past & giving them the credibility by none other than the monarchy & aristocracy of England. And the name they chose was the name that would be known by many but understood by few, this new name was the Freemasons. When the founding fathers of America landed in America, not only did they bring with them disfranchised people, they also bring the Freemasonic elements of Europe. The injustices which forefathers of America were escaping from in Europe were also to be found in this new land in the form of Tyrannical British regime. In order to gain complete dominance of the new state, the Masons used the same methods they had used to gain control over France. Although Masons ran the British Monarchy, the American War of Independence was a necessary action & the people involved in the war were expendable to Masons to fulfill their dream. Emotions of the people were manipulated into anger & just like France, anger turned into war. The near defeat that Masons faced against Napoleon & his army taught them a lesson. Any forthcoming leaders of the resistance must follow the Masonic agenda. The best way to do this was to ensure that the leader himself was a Mason & the leader who took war to the British, was none other than George Washington. On the 4th of July 1776, the declaration of Independence was made. On 17th of October 1781, the British were finally defeated & surrendered the Colonies to the American & the world first Masonic state was created, a nation that would represent Masonry in every way. A sign of the Masonic presence in America is plainly visible on the dollar bill. Which carries a picture of George Washington, the first Freemasonic president in the world & the picture of the Freemasonic symbol so-called "All-Seeing One Eye". In the religions Islam and Christianity this represents Dajjal or the Anti-Christ. __________________________________________________________ That was the history
  9. sweet_gal


    I know where Ottawa U is. My highschool near it but I've never been there.Are students allowed to come and check out or do they kick u out like highschool tachers. Someone told me Ottawa U didn't have Pharmacy.... I am so confused I am waiting to talk to my Guidance counsellor. Thanks
  10. Some on told me to register here and that I'd find some scholarships, but apparently it doesn't look like this place gives out scholarships. For those of u who are in desperate need of money to continue ur education check out www.studentawards.com. Bye
  11. thanks for the reply and the information. No I haven't looked into American schools. What!!!!!! Ottawa U and Carleton dont offer Pharmacy I bettta talk to my councellor . I am in 11th grade but I know what I wanna study which is Pharmacy. Take care
  12. sweet_gal


    thanks for the reply and the information. No I haven't looked into American schools. What!!!!!! Ottawa U and Carleton dont offer Pharmacy I bettta talk to my councellor . I am in 11th grade but I know what I wanna study which is Pharmacy. Take care
  13. Is there anyone who is studying Pharmacy If so please tell me what its lik......... is it boring and hard? and if u live in Canada which University would be better to study at either Ottawa U or Carleton University...... Thanks if u reply
  14. sweet_gal


    Is there anyone who is studying Pharmacy If so please tell me what its lik......... is it boring and hard? and if u live in Canada which University would be better to study at either Ottawa U or Carleton University...... Thanks if u reply
  15. KHUTBAH: DEATH -------------- Bismillaah ir Rahmaan ir Raheem Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu Ya IbaadAllah, take heed of what Allah says in the Quran "Everyone is going to taste death, and We shall make a trial of you with evil and good, and to Us you will be returned" (21:35) Indeed, Allah's promise will be fulfilled. The Death is something so inevitable, yet so very often forgotten. Each day that passes, each day we breathe, each day we go about our lives, sinning or doing good, is but a day closer to our end, closer to our return to our Creator -Allah the All-Mighty. Many of us, have at some point in our lives, lost a close relative or a close friend. True, we shed tears, we show remorse and we show sadness - but I ask you ya IbaadAllah, what did you learn?, how did you reflect it upon you own self ???. Allah says in the Quran: " Then why do you not [intervene] when [the soul of a dying person] reaches the throat ?" (56:83) And you at the moment are looking on" (56:84) "But We [i.e. Our Angels that take the soul] are nearer to him than you, but you see not" (56:85) Perhaps you think that death is yet a distance from you and you will not taste it until at a later age, or perhaps when you think that you are better prepared for it's coming....and indeed this way of thinking arises only from falsehood!. It was once said "The night and the day are like two treasure-chests. So be careful of what you do in them". Mujahid said "Not a day passes which does not say 'O son of Adam, I have come to you today and I will never come to you again, So be careful of what you do during my stay!' ". When the day has passed, it is folded up and sealed, never to be re-opened by anyone until Allah re-opens it on the day of judgement!. There is a poem that goes : "Life is nothing other than a road, that leads to the Garden, or to the Fire. Its night's are a man's workshop, And its days are his market place, So time is surely the servants capital ". Many a times are we told off about the death in the light of the Quran and Sunnah. "It is Allah who takes away the souls at the time of their death, and [the souls] of those that do not die during their sleep. He retains those souls for which He has ordained death, whereas He releases the rest for an appointed term. Verily, in this are signs for a people who think deeply" (39:42) See you not then, that Allah has already decreed the time of your death, be you going about your daily business or be you asleep - your time has been written and your soul will be taken out accordingly to your deeds. Look to what the Messenger of Allah (saw) said about those who disbelieved in Allah.. "The Angel of death says...'O you foul soul, come out to the anger and wrath of your Lord'. The soul inside the disbeliever's body is overcome by terrible fear [and does not want to deliver itself up], whereupon the Angel of death violently pulls it out like multi-pronged skewers being yanked out of wet wool - tearing with them the arteries and nerves." (hadith sahih) But for those who believed in Allah, then .. "The angel of death comes to the dying believer, sits at his head and says 'O you good soul, come out and receive your Lords forgiveness and pleasure'. Then the soul slows out effortlessly, just as water flows from the mouth of a water skin". (hadith sahih) Ya IbaadAllah, these are but only a few reminders from the Quran and sunnah. Indeed our time of leaving the dunya is but closer than we think. But are we prepared for it's coming?, have we truly been dutiful to Allah's commands in this life?, have our hearts become so hard that we shed no tears out of fear of meeting with out Lord?. What will you do?, What will you say? After death has come unto you? - Indeed those who did wrong in this life, will surely wish they could come back to this life and to have another chance to do good, and by this time, it will be too late.. And Allah gives us a clear warning in the Quran.. "And of no effect is the repentance of those who continue to do evil deeds until death faces one of them and he says: 'Now I repent' Nor of those who die while they are disbeliever's. For them we have prepared a painful torment". (4:18) It is reported that al-Bara ' bin 'Azib said: "We went out with the Prophet (S) in order to participate in the funeral rites of a man from the Ansar. we arrived at the grave, but the inner chamber had not been prepared yet; so Allays Messenger (S) sat down facing the direction of the qiblah, and we sat around him so attentively that it was as if birds were sitting upon our heads. He had a stick in his hand with which he sketched upon the ground. Then he began looking alternately to the heavens and to the earth, raising his gaze and then lowering it. Finally, he said two or three times, 'Seek refuge in Allah from the torment of the grave ' Then he said, 'O Allah, verily I seek refuge in You from the torment of the grave.' He repeated it three times, then he elaborated, 'Verily, when the believing servant is leaving this world and entering the next, angels from the heavens descend to him - their faces white with brightness like the sun and carrying with them burial sheets and scents from Paradise. They sit before him at a distance as far as the eye can see. Then the Angel of Death (upon whom be peace) comes to the person, sits at his head and says, "O good soul [and in another narration "O confident soul '], come out to your Lord's forgiveness and pleasure. " ' [The Prophet (S) continued], 'There upon the soul flows out of the body like water flowing from the mouth of a water skin, and all of the angels between the skies and the earth supplicate for Allah's blessing upon him. The doors of the heavens are opened for him, and the keepers of these doors [i.e., the angels all plead with Allah that this soul might pass in front of them as it is being carried upward. The Angel of Death barely receives the soul in his hands, whereupon the other angels take it from him and wrap it with fragrant winding sheets. This is what is meant by Allah's saying, "Our messengers [i.e., angels] seize his soul, and they do not fall short of their duty."' Then the Prophet (S) said, 'There exudes from the soul a scent like the most beautiful fragrance of musk that one could find on the face of the earth. The angels ascend with the soul never passing a host of angels without hearing them ask, "Who is this wonderful soul?" They reply, "So and so, the son of so and so", addressing him with the best names he was known by during his earthly life. Upon reaching the first heaven, the angels request that it be opened for the soul - which is granted The soul is then accompanied by the angels of each heaven until it reaches the one above it and finally arrives at the seventh heaven. Then Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, says [to the angels], "Place the record of My servant in 'illiyyun."' "And what will explain to you what 'illiyyun' is? [it is] a written record, witnessed by those brought near to their Lord" (83:19-21) The person's record is then placed in 'illiyyun, whereupon a command is heard: "Return him to the earth, for verily I have promised mankind that having created them from the earth, I will return them to it. And l will make them come out of it, yet another time. " Then the soul is returned to the earth back into its body. Verily, the deceased hears the shuffling feet of his companions who attended his burial as they tam away and leave his grave. Thereupon, two angels, severe in interrogation come to him, and sitting him up, they begin to ask him questions. They say, "Who is your Lord?" He replies, 'Allah is my Lord. " They continue, "What is your religion?" He answers, 'Islam is my religion " They proceed with the questioning, saying, "Who is this man that has been sent to you?" He responds, 'He is the Messenger of Allah (S)." Finally, they ask him about his deeds, to which he replies, 'I read Allah's Book and believed in it."' (In another narration the Prophet (S) indicated that the angels ask, "Who is your Lord, what is your religion and who is your prophet?" [Allah's Messenger (S) explained that] this was the believer's last test, and it is what is meant when Allah says, "Allah strengthens those who believe with a firm testimony in this worldly life and in the Hereafter." The deceased answers, "Allah is my Lord, Islam is my religion, and my prophet is Muhammad. ') [The Prophet (S) then indicated, 'Upon the believer's answer to these questions], a voice is heard in the heavens, saying, "My servant has told the truth, so clothe him in the clothing of Paradise, spread for him the furnishings of Paradise, and open for him a window with a view of Paradise. " Thereupon, he is engulfed by a breeze of fresh air and fragrance, while the expanse of his grave is extended before him as far as the eye can see. There appears before him a man with a wonderful face and beautiful clothing, emitting a splendid fragrance. He says to the soul, "Rejoice at the news which will gladden you! Rejoice at Allah's pleasure and His Paradise, whose joys and delights never end. This is the day which you were promised." The deceased says to him, "And who are you, for your face bears glad tidings.?! " The figure answers, "I represent your good deeds; by Allah, I 've always known you to be quick in obedience to Allah and slow to His disobedience. So may Allah award you with good. " Then a door to Paradise is opened, and a door to the Fire is opened, whereupon his said to him [regarding the Hell fire], "This would have been your final abode had you disobeyed Allah; however, it has been exchanged for this other abode [i.e., Paradise]. " When the soul sees what is in Paradise, he cries, "My Lord, hasten the arrival of the Hour [i.e., the Resurrection] so that I may be joined with my family and wealth." There upon it is said to him, "Rest in tranquillity. " ' But how many of us can call ourselves true believers?, such that we would be good enough to receive such a reward? Allays Messenger (S) continued, 'When the disbelieving servant [and in another narration sinful servant] is about to leave this world and enter the next, angels, powerful and severe, descend to him from the heavens - their faces black and carrying with them coarse strips of cloth from Hell. They sit before him at a distance as far as the eye can see. Then the Angel of Death arrives, and sitting at the head of the disbeliever, he says, "O you foul soul, come out to the anger and wrath of your Lord." The soul inside the disbeliever's body is overcome by tenable fear [and does not want to deliver itself up], whereupon the Angel of Death violently pulls it out like multi-pronged skewers being yanked out of wet wool - tearing with them the arteries and nerves. Upon this, the soul is cursed by every angel between the earth and the heavens and by those inside the heavens. Then the doors of the heavens are closed to him, and every single guard at these doors begs Allah that this soul not be carried up in front of him. 'The Prophet (S) continued, 'The Angel of Death barely receives the soul in his hands, whereupon the other angels grasp it from him and wrap it up in coarse cloth. There emits from it the foulest odour that could be found on the face of the earth. They ascend with it, never passing a host of angels without being asked, "Who is this ugly soul?" They reply, "So and so, the son of so and so, " using the worst names by which he was known in this world. When they arrive at the lowest heaven, they request that it be opened for this soul, but the request is denied. ' At this point Allah 's Messenger (S) recited the verse: The gates of the heavens will not be opened for them, nor will they enter the Garden of Paradise until a camel goes through the eye of a needle.' After that, he continued, 'Then Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, says [to the angels], "Place his record in sijjeen [a book which contains all of the deeds of the devils and the disbeliever's]- in the lowest earth Return My servant to the earth, for verily I have promised mankind that having created them from the earth, I will return them to it. And I will make them come out of it, yet another time." Upon this command, the deceased [disbeliever's] soul is thrown down from the sky until it lands in its body. ' The Prophet (S) then recited the verse: 'And whoever ascribes partners with Allah, it is as though he had fallen from the sky, such that birds snatch him up or the wind throws him to a remote place. 'Then he commented, 'Verily [when the soul is returned to its body], the deceased hears the sound of his companions' footsteps as they tam away from his grave.' [The Prophet (S) resumed his explanation, saying 'Then two angels, severe in Interrogation come to him, and sitting him up, they begin to question him, who is your Lord? He replies, 'Hah! Hah! (an expression describing a state of surprise, shock and pain) I don't know. " They continue by asking him, "What is your religion?" He answers, 'Hah! Hah! I don t know. ' so they ask, Then what do you say about this man who was sent to you? [The disbeliever does not appear to understand who they are referring to, so it is said] 'Muhammad. " Again he states, 'Hah! Hah! I don t know. I only heard people talking about him. " Then it is said, "You did not know! And you did not read!" There upon a voice from the heavens is heard, 'He has lied! So spread out for him a place from the Fire and open for him a window to the Fire." The searing hot winds of Hell engulf him while his grave closes in upon him, crushing him until his ribcage is broken by the force - causing the ribs of one side to intertwine with the ribs of the other Then there appears to him a person with an ugly face and ugly clothing and exuding a foul odour, who says, "Tidings of evil to you, for this is the day which you were promised!" The deceased says to him, 'And you, too; may Allah give you evil tidings! Who are you, for yours is a face which portends evil." The person rejoins, 'I represent your wicked deeds. By Allah, I have always known you to be slow in obedience to Allah and quick in disobedience to Him. May Allah reward you with evil! " Then one who is deaf, dumb and blind and is carrying an iron rod is sent to the deceased. If he were to strike a mountain with it, the mountain would disintegrate into rubble. He strikes the deceased with a blow, which turns him into dust. Allah returns the deceased to his original form, whereupon he is struck a second time. This causes him to shriek with such violence that it is heard by all of creation except mankind and jinn. Then a door to the Fire is opened, and beddings of the Fire are spread for him, whereupon he cries, "Lord, do not establish the Hour! "
  16. I belive that 2pac is gonna come back, but hes gonna come back as a muslim don't ask me why I just have a feeling he will okay....he's not gonna come back and start singing crazy rap songs if ever does rap cause he'll be muslim.
  17. I belive that 2pac is gonna come back, but hes gonna come back as a muslim don't ask me why I just have a feeling he will okay....he's not gonna come back and start singing crazy rap songs if ever does rap cause he'll be muslim.
  18. I belive that 2pac is gonna come back, but hes gonna come back as a muslim don't ask me why I just have a feeling he will okay....he's not gonna come back and start singing crazy rap songs if ever does rap cause he'll be muslim.
  19. I belive that 2pac is gonna come back, but hes gonna come back as a muslim don't ask me why I just have a feeling he will okay....he's not gonna come back and start singing crazy rap songs if ever does rap cause he'll be muslim.
  20. sweet_gal


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  21. I could'nt agree more with al of u...indeed he was the greates rapper of all. But lets get one thing straight he aint dead he facked his death and he's coming back sept 13,2003 as a muslim..the muslim part I think but fo sure he coming bac aight peace.
  22. I could'nt agree more with al of u...indeed he was the greates rapper of all. But lets get one thing straight he aint dead he facked his death and he's coming back sept 13,2003 as a muslim..the muslim part I think but fo sure he coming bac aight peace.
  23. I could'nt agree more with al of u...indeed he was the greates rapper of all. But lets get one thing straight he aint dead he facked his death and he's coming back sept 13,2003 as a muslim..the muslim part I think but fo sure he coming bac aight peace.
  24. I could'nt agree more with al of u...indeed he was the greates rapper of all. But lets get one thing straight he aint dead he facked his death and he's coming back sept 13,2003 as a muslim..the muslim part I think but fo sure he coming bac aight peace.