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Posts posted by Xamarawi

  1. 9 hours ago, Old_Observer said:

    I know a few SOLers celebrated when Robow was arrested by Ethiopia and taken out of the running, but that incident has already proven how catastrophic it was and more consequences yet to come.

    The fact that Jubaland closed the door from beginning was direct result of what happened in SWS.


    The lies are unfurling. This faqash government mist be removed at all cost.

  2. MOGADISHU (HOL) - Contenders in the South West elections last December spent between $5000 and $8000 for each of the 82 MPs to secure a win in the hotly contested polls, a UN report has said.

    According to the just released UN Panel of Experts report, thousands of dollars changed hands before and after the elections that also saw the killing of up to 15 people ahead of the December 2018. 

    “The Panel received multiple reports indicating that 82 South-West State Members of Parliament were flown to Mogadishu in early November 2018 to receive an initial payment of approximately $5,000 each, in exchange for their support for particular presidential candidates,” the report notes.

    Violence erupted ahead of the elections when former Al-Shabaab number two Mukhtar Robow was arrested by Ethiopian forces and flown to Mogadishu where is still under house arrest.

    After the polls, the report says, the MPs received between $2000 and $3000. Abdiaziz Mohamed Laftagareen, the federal government’s preferred candidate was elected president.

    Cases of bribes were not only restricted to South West. In Puntland, candidates splashed between $30,000 and $70,000 to influence the elections held in January this year and in once instance an MP was offered $15,000 to step down for another candidate, the report says.



  3. 40 minutes ago, galbeedi said:

    Hiiraan is not a peaceful city like Garoowe or Hargeisa. AS former presidents they can not just fly to disaster and war zone without the permission of the Hiiraan administration and federal government. Imagine if someone bombs or attacks their convoy since they are private citizens traveling around.

    In fact, as former leaders their movements in disaster zone should be coordinated with the federal government. Any money money they collected should be put to the national fund. As former presidents, in war torn country, they  can't just go to the airport and fly without coordination. In fact, they must inform the government 24 or 48 hours ahead of their travel. 

    Farmajo government is really weak. Why not tell them loudly any travel to disaster zone by publicity seeking politicians could only be allowed with government coordination. Why play stupid excuses. 


    What a false boating by Shariif. Why not go to court or appeal the travel restrictions imposed by the government?. Does he thinks a tribal militia could face and challenge violently  a legitimate government in 2019 because he was denied to travel disaster zone?

    The good sheikh defeated 70k mechanised ethio army and removed alshabab from xamar.


    It will not take 30 mins to clean the langabs from xamar.

  4. Time is up. No extension of even a day. What will they do in 2 years that they could not do in 4 years? 

    I know Galbedi you are a shoe carrier for the current cartel but time for facebook propaganda is over.

    Farmajo, one of the worst “leaders” of Somalia will go next year. Peacefully or by the gun. He will go.

    • Like 1

  5. Weftiga Somaliland ka socda oo ka qaybgali doonna caleemo saarka madaxweynaha Jubaland 



    Sabti, Octobar 05, 2019 (HOL )– Xildhibaan Naasir Cali Shire oo ka tirsan golaha Wakiilada Somaliland ayaa sheegay inay ka qaybgali doonaan caleemo saarka madaxweynaha maamulka Puntland oo la filayo in bishan sagaalkeeda ka dhici doonto magaalada Kismaayo.

    Shire ayaa sheegay isaga iyo laba xildhibaan oo guurtidda ka mid ahi ay qorshaha ugu jirto inay u boqolaan magaalada Kismaayo, waxaanu xusay in shacabka reer Jubaland ee la cunno qabateeyey ee diyaaradiihii laga joojiyey ay tusi doonaan inay la dareen yihiin.

    “laba xubnood oo golaha Guurtidda ah iyo xubin golaha Wakiilada ah oo aniga ah inaanu safar ugu anbobixi doonno Kismaayo si aan uga qaybgalno caleemo saarka Axmed Madoobe”ayuu yidhi xildhibaan Shire oo sheegay inay ka qaybgalayaan caleemo saarka madaxweynaha Jubaland.

    Sidoo kale waxa uu sheegay in weftigaasi ay ku jiraan xubno kale oo wasiiro hore iyo masuuliyiin xisbiyada mucaaradka ah, kuwaas oo kala qaybgali doonaan dadweynaha reer Jubaland caleemo saarka madaxweynahooga.

    Sidoo kale, waxa uu sheegay in iyagu is abaabuleen inay tagaan Kismaayo, isla markaana aanay xukuumaddu shaqo ku lahayn.

    Dhinaca kale, waxa safarkaasi dhaliilay xisbiga mucaaradka ah ee WADDANI, waxaanay ku tilmaamay arrin meeqaamka Somaliland hoos u dhigaya, taas oo aanu sharcigu ogolayn.

    Sidoo kale, dadweynaha ayaa iyaguna arintaasi ku kala aragti duwan, qaaar taageersan iyo qaar ka soo horjeedaba iskugu jira.

    Waa markii ugu horeysay ee taariikhda masuuliyiin reer Somaliland ka qaybgalaan caleemo saarka madaxweyneyaasha maamul goboleedyada Soomaaliya, taas oo labada gole sameeyeen sharci ka dhan ah qofkii ka qaybgalla arrimaha Soomaaliya inuu dambiile qaran yahay.

    Barkhad-ladiif M. Cumar, Hiiraan Online


    Hargeysa, Somaliland.

  6. Sabti, October, 05, 2019 (HOL)- Maamul gobolleedka Jubbaland ayaa sheegay in ay soo iibsadeen diyaar gaar ah oo loogu talagalay in ay soo qaado wafuud kala duwan ee ka qeybgalaya munaasabada caleemo saarka madaxweynaha Jubbaland Axmed Madoobe.

    Diyaaradan ayaa maanta ka degtay Garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Kismaayo iyadoo sida wafuud ay ka mid ahaayeen madaxweynihii hore ee Koonfur Galbeed Shariif Xassan Sheekh Aadan iyo Cabdikariin Xusseen Guulleed oo horay xilal kala duwan uga soo qabtay dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Galmudug.

    Wafdiga oo sidoo kale ay ka mid ahaayeen xildhibaanno ka tirsan labada Aqal ee Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa ka yimid magalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya.

    Waxaa ay hordhac u noqonayaa wafuud u badan siyaasiyiinta Mucaaradka ku ah dowladdda oo lagu wado in maalmaha soo socda ay gaaraan magaalada Kismaayo.

    Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa dhawaan sheegtay in ay qaaday magaalada Kismaayo xayiraad in muddo ahba saarneyd, waxaana ay xayiraadaa  oo ku keentay dowladda culeys siyaasadeed oo uga imanaya Xisbiyada iyo Siyaasiyiinta Mucaaradka.

    C/raxmaan Diini, Hiiraan Online


  7. 7 hours ago, gooni said:

    Haduusan farmaajo qaabilin kornaylka snm miyay amaani lahayd ?

    Caydiid reerkiisuu mujaahid u yahay

    Biixi reerkiisuu mujaahid u yahay

    C/laahi yuusuf reerkiisuu mujaahid u yahay

    Waana ragii somaali kala firdhiyay

    Tuke waa mujaahidka xaqa ah, oo dalkiisa iyo dadkiisa difaacayay in la qaabilo oo waliba jaamacadda laascaanood loogu magac daro yuu istaahilaa.

    Markaan xaqa leeyahay iskama oran, waydii sababta snm ay ka dagaalantay waligaa sabab sax ah ka heli maysid, sidaa daraadeed dagaalkoodu xaqdaro yuu ahaa inkaartii ay ka qaadeena waxay keentay inay sodon sano ku kalahaan guriga boqoradda ingiriiska ama raadoyaan lowyaro yahuuda si ay dadka u dhibaan.

    Waale faqash waligood matoobad keeni doonan.

    The SNM must have faked the artillery and the warplanes doing daily sorties over Hargeisa.