Jaribu kwanza

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Everything posted by Jaribu kwanza

  1. The term "Islamophobia" has a purpose -- to suppress any criticism of Islam, Sharia law, Jihad, violent repression against women, Islamic intolerance of Non-Muslims when Muslims are in the minority and to suppress any criticism of Islam whether legitimate or not. There is no such thing as ISLAMOPHOBIA! it is the right of every individual to question a religion which claims to be peaceful and yet is responsible by far for more terrorist attacks than any other religion in history. Islamophobia is simply another name for what Muslims consider "Blasphemy". This is because in the Western world where freedom of speech and religion is guaranteed, however, to the contrary are strictly forbidden in the Muslim World. The equivalent to the term Islamophobia in the Muslim world, does not exist, instead, blatantly, in its place what they have are blasphemy laws -- where criticism of anything to do with Islam is strictly forbidden and carries the death sentence. If you are to believe that Islamophobia does exist then you would have to believe that there is Christianophobia, Hinduophobia, Buddhophobia, Judeaophobia, Shintophobia, Baha'iophobia and apply the same standard to every other world religion, you can't cherry-pick Islam for a special treatment while portraying it as a Religion unless you don't believe Islam is a religion like any other in the world. This was written by an Ex-Muslim (His name omitted for his protection) who was born and raised as a Muslim and renounced Islam because of its irrational ideology which is extremely dangerous to any peace-loving and harmonious society that does not desire to experience the turmoil that exists in the Middle East, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Turkey, Indonesia and many countries in the world where Islamic ideology is wreaking havoc.
  2. The term "Islamophobia" has a purpose -- to suppress any criticism of Islam, Sharia law, Jihad, violent repression against women, Islamic intolerance of Non-Muslims when Muslims are in the minority and to suppress any criticism of Islam whether legitimate or not. There is no such thing as ISLAMOPHOBIA! it is the right of every individual to question a religion which claims to be peaceful and yet is responsible by far for more terrorist attacks than any other religion in history. Islamophobia is simply another name for what Muslims consider "Blasphemy". This is because in the Western world where freedom of speech and religion is guaranteed, however, to the contrary are strictly forbidden in the Muslim World. The equivalent to the term Islamophobia in the Muslim world, does not exist, instead, blatantly, in its place what they have are blasphemy laws -- where criticism of anything to do with Islam is strictly forbidden and carries the death sentence. If you are to believe that Islamophobia does exist then you would have to believe that there is Christianophobia, Hinduophobia, Buddhophobia, Judeaophobia, Shintophobia, Baha'iophobia and apply the same standard to every other world religion, you can't cherry-pick Islam for a special treatment while portraying it as a Religion unless you don't believe Islam is a religion like any other in the world. This was written by an Ex-Muslim (His name omitted for his protection) who was born and raised as a Muslim and renounced Islam because of its irrational ideology which is extremely dangerous to any peace-loving and harmonious society that does not desire to experience the turmoil that exists in the Middle East, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Turkey, Indonesia and many countries in the world where Islamic ideology is wreaking havoc.
  3. ISLAM is a very Peaceful Religion, If you Stay far away from it.