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Posts posted by maakhiri1

  1. Very very unlucky country 

    What was HSM thinking? That he exclusively write his own constitution? And where will it work? Unukaa Leh territory? Btw I was alarmed how some here including Galbeedi thought, something good would ever come out in this rotten process? That would work? How?  Any changes must be first done by independent experts, that has no interest other than making a great nation.

    I am certain if this country does not change this trajectory, and not build a very strong institution, that is inclusive , Shabaab will take over 

  2. 19 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said:

    Cheap drones and cruise missiles were meant to overwhelm, but Iran's real ace is the ballistic missiles which  were not intercepted, in order they could have hit anywhere the Iranians want.

    were the ballistic missiles used? i heard they put one thru, as demo, without real payload, and it went thru

  3. i think whole exercise was Iran to demonstrate that they can hit, they have not even used their superior weapons.

    Anyway we, see what happens when Israel attacks, the issue is Iran does not have IRON dome.


  4. Now we have Galbeedi, others supporting the new constitution, 

    This country is very fragile and ever that has to be created and moved forward must be inclusive, this new constitution has no credibility and lacks wider support.

    Also, if it is easy just to rewrite a social contract like this, then what is stopping HSM to continue rewriting it for his interest?

    Dadka nadaamkan khaldan tageeri, waxa ay tageeri in GOD dheer Somalia sii gasho, oo meesha lagu kala tago, nimankii Arsenal ka faiideeystaan

    Waxa hada muuqata in the OLD circus, vising Ethiopia has started.

    This dumb HSM is going to do serious damage to Somali Federal gov

    Bal salaad  ma tukan kartaa, adigoo weesaysan, dastuuraka in wax laga bedelo waa muhiim, laakin waxa ka horeeysta  in lagu heshiiy cidda wax ka bedelaysa.

  5. they say,  “hindsight is 20/20” but if we loook back, the Palastinians situaiton has been getting worse, as time goes on, to the point whatever small left for them in occupied west bank, and Gaza is under serious  threat

    Initially, it looks hard to accept, but in 1948, after Isreali creation, they should have realised this zionist monster is backed by powerful western nations, and the main goal  should have been to get a sovereign State for Palestine, whatever left  but go after Isreal, and they take more and more.

    I recently  read alot of historical things, from multiple  sources, documentaries, the palestinians and arabs believed initially they could eject the Isreali invaders, which now loooking back , impossible. To make matters worse, they even told Palestinains to initialy vacate the North side, yes, many Paletinais were murdered, and some propaganda, it served Isrealis well, but they would have stayed put, Palestians leaders told them to vacate and we will fight and recapture, would zionist murder 700K Palestinians, I doubt,had they stayed.

    Isreali ony gave Egypt their land  back and made peace, they understood, that Egyptians , the strongest Arab nation ,would never stop, and to make a deal with Egypt, was the biggest betrayel against Palestine

    So alot of miscalcuations, and missed opportunities from  Arab side, on the other hand, Zionist well funded, very well planned, well backed, strong supporters