Starvin Marvin

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  1. Actually I grew up when TV was in B&W and MTV was 20 years away and we were fighting in Vietnam. I know all about the Region and the PKK. AS for visiting Turkey, I have no desire! Actually it's not America's dirty war. Arab states want an answer, a solution to I.S but none are willing to act. Wonder why? America and the coalition of the willing should have left Saddam in power, he kept a lid on all the factions in Iraq. America would love to walk away and let the middle east sort it out. Hell, why the feck would you or anyone in their right mind want to go back there or get involved? America is only involved because of the humanitarian crisis and the Middle east begged America to intervene. For the time being Isis is the main enemy and threat to all in the region. It wouldn't matter what concessions America gave Turkey they still would not become involved. Turkey are forever making excuse after excuse not become involved. They don't want blow back from Isis supporters in their country and they don't want a Kurdish state in Syria. Turkey need to make up their mind who they are supporting and what action they will take because sooner or later Isis will drag them in. I agree with you on Assad but....Isis is more pressing at this stage.
  2. Turkey has allowed Isis fighters to cross it's borders freely and has treated wounded Isis fighters in it's Hospitals. Turkey buys cheap oil from Isis and allows foreigners into Turkey to join Isis. All Turkish hostages were freed by Isis which is quite remarkable given the fact Isis either beheads it's hostages or shoots them! Guess it's the secret allies deal Turkey has with Isis eh? Yep! Turkey is doing sweet F.A, absolutely nothing to aid the Kurds of Kobani. Turkey could of let Kurds from Turkey join their brothers in Kobani. Turkey could have allowed the Kurds to re arm in Kobani but they didn't. Turkey would rather have Isis in Kobani than the Kurds, can't have the Kurds with their own capitol now can we? So who's side are Turkey on? Isis obviously! Here's what I would do If I were Obama. We have three countries, and four Armies already fighting Isis. Syrian, Lebanese/Hezbolla, Iranian and of course the Kurds. I would forge an alliance with Assad even if temporary, Hezbollah and Lebanese Army plus the Iranians and Kurds. These all united with U.S and it's allies air power is more than enough to defeat Isis. I would bypass/sideline Turkey altogether. I would pull U.S forces out of Turkey and drop monetary aid to Turkey and remove patriot Missile defense from Turkey. Turkey was needed during the cold war and that's long over. After defeating Isis with the alliance above, I would tell Turkey from now on, you are on your own! Nato and the U.S will not come your aid in the event of future wars! I'm well aware of why Turkey won't help the Kurds. Now is a good time to heal wounds and bury the hatchet between the two groups and it would go along way to developing a new friendship and alliance with the Kurds if Turkey got of it's ass and did something. As it stands now Turkey won't do a thing. When Kobani falls, Turkey will have two problems, 1) civil war with the Kurdish population, 2) probable Isis invasion The latter may not happen as I believe Turkey as an alliance with Isis.