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Posts posted by Axmed1508736699

  1. Sorry to dissapoint you but reality is showing different facts on the ground.

    The Takfiri cannibalists, headcutters, rapists and wahabis failed to capture Syria, to make Syria into Puppet State just like Saudi Arabia.

    The Popular resistance(Hezbollah, Syria, Iran, Hamas) rejected this Zionist agenda. The muslims will never allow Syria to become safe haven for headcutters, rapists and other takfiri groups.

    Shia Muslim dominance is evident in Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Iran. Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait will be liberated from wahabi zionist dictatorship.

  2. VIDEO: Peshmerga shell ISIS inside Kobane

    By Alexander Whitcomb 5/11/2014


    ERBIL, Kurdistan Region- Peshmerga fighting inside Kobane sent this video to Rudaw, showing them inside the city and firing mortars at Islamic State (ISIS) positions.


    They report good relations with the Democratic Unity Party (PYD) which governs Kobane, and their militia, the People’s Protection Units (YPG).


    Peshmerga crossed into Kobane with heavy weapons last Friday, and have since worked with YPG and 200 Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters by providing artillery cover.


    The YPG confirms that the cooperation has been successful thus far.


    On Tuesday, YPG Commander Mahmud Berxwedan told Firat News Agency that Peshmerga “have heavy weaponry and are using these weapons effectively. We are acting more like a single army than as two forces acting in a coordinated way. The Peshmerga are endeavouring to carry out what is asked of them in a self-sacrificing way.”


    He continued to say that the heavy weapons have been more effective outside the town, rather than inside Kobane’s neighborhoods where the combat is characterized by street to street, close range fighting.


    The artillery was more appropriate for a string of attacks on ISIS-controlled villages west of Kobane.


    “In the last week IS has suffered more losses than in the entire war,” Berxwedan added, a result both of the new Peshmerga and Free Syrian Army support—both arrived last week—and the high-casualty attacks launched in anticipation of their arrival.


    He also firmly denied rumors that the Syrian Kurds had resisted support from the FSA, although the YPG and FSA had disagreed in the past.


    Peshmerga troops have deployed to Syria even as they call for more support at home, asking international partners and Baghdad for more heavy weapons and helicopter cover.


    In a visit to Iraqi Kurdistan, the newly appointed Iraqi minister of defense, Khaled al-Obeidi, pledged more weapons and resources for Peshmerga fighters.


    “The Peshmerga are part of the Iraqi defense system and our support is with them. What the army has is for the Peshmerga, and what is required from the army is required from the Peshmerga,” he told reporters.


    While he made no specific mention of what weapons might be provided or when they might be delivered, he said that “when we have weapons, God willing, [the Peshmerga] will have their share like other Iraqi troops.”


  3. Madaxweyne Siilaanyo oo Xafiiskiisa ku Qaabilay Danjiraha France ee Somalia

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    Khamiis, November 06, 2014 (HOL) — Madaxweynaha Somaliland, Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa maanta xafiiskiisa ku qaabiley wefdi uu horkacayay safiirka Faransiiska ee Soomaaliya, danjire Remi Marechaux oo fadhigiisu yahay Nairobi.

    Shirkaasi ka dib wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Somaliland Maxamed Biixi Yoonis ayaa ka warbixiyey kulanka safiirku la yeeshay madaxweynaha, waxaanu sheegay in madaxweynuhu uga warbixiyey horumarka dalka iyo wixii u qabsoomay mudadii ay somaliland jirtayba.


    “Faransiisku aad buu diyaar ugu yahay inuu Somaliland wax la qabsado. waxyaabaha ugu waaweyn ee uu nagala hadlay waxaa ka mid ahaa sidii Shirkado waaweyn oo Faransiis ahi dalkeena wax uga qaban lahaayeen.aad iyo aad baanu u soo dhaweynaynaa dawladda faransiiska.waxaanu ka codsanay inay Horumarka Somaliland taageeraan”ayuu yidhi Maxamed Biixi.


    Wasiirka ayaa sheegay in dawladda Faransiiska ka codsadeen inay wada hadalka u socda Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya u socda qayb ka qaataan, waxaanu yidhi “ waxa kale oo aanu ka codsanay in Wada hadalka Somalia iyo Somaliland u socda gacan ka gaystaan, isla markaana ay Golaha amaanka geeyaan qaddiyada Somaliland.waxaanu ka codsanay inay dhanka waxbarashada naga taageeraan”.


    Sidoo kale, safiirka ayaa isna sheegay inuu wax badan kala qaban doono Somaliland, isla markaana ka taageeri doonaan dhinaca horumarka iyo nolosha aasaasiga ah. Waxa kale oo uu sheegay inuu Faransiisku ka qaybqaadan doono maalgashiyo lagu sameeyo, isla markaana shirkadda Faransiiska ee Balore ee maamuladda dekadaha ay danaynayso inay maalgashato dekadda Berbera.


    Madaxweynaha kulankan waxaa ku wehelinaayey Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Somaliland Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Cabdilaahi Ismaaciil Saylici, wasiirada Arrimaha Dibeda, Mudane Maxamed Biixi Yoonis, Wasiirka Qorshaynta Qaranka Dr. Sacad Cali Shire, Wasiirka Madaxtooyada Mudane, Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan, Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha mudane Cali Maxamed Warancade, Wasiirka Ganacsiga Dr. Muuse Qaasim Cumar iyo Xoghayaha gaarka ah ee Madaxweynaha Mudane Cali Axmed Cali.


    - See more at:



    The terrorist wife of Godane, a hero in Maamulka Somalidiidka, told the terrorists to bomb Mogadishu more and to kill muslims. But she also told them to leave alone maamulka soomaalidiidka because it is maamul ruled by shariahlaw, it is maamul that obeys only Allah swt(not british or ethiopians).



  5. Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh “Nabad diidka wali ma dhamaan, waa nool yihiin in taxadar laga qabo u baahanahay”

    by A M | Monday, Oct 13, 2014 | 639 views





    Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa ku eedeeyay Al-Shabaab inay ka dambeeyeen qaraxii xalay ka dhacay maqaaxi lagu qaxweeyo oo ku taal wadada Maka Al-Mukarama.


    Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh oo ka hadlayay munaasabad xalay lagu maamuusayay maalinta Calanka ayaa sheegay in loo baahan yahay in laga taxadaro waxa uu ugu yeeray dhagar qabayaasha.


    “Aad ayay u xanuun badan tahay anagoo caawa u dabaal degeyno calankii iyo astaanta qaranka ayaa cadawga si gaadmo ah baabuur qarax waxay hor dhigeen meel dad Soomaaliyeed ay ku qaxweynayeen, dad saakay inta soo shaqeysatay caawana ka nasanayay shaqadooda ilaa iyo hada 13 qof naloo sheegay inay geeriyoodeen 18 qof ay dhaawacmeen”ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh.


    Madaxweynaha oo sii hadlayay ayaa yiri “Waa arrin aad u xun, wax sabab ah oo dadkaas loo dilay iyo sabab ay u dhinteen ma garan karo dad si nabad meel ku fadhiyay in baabuur qarax la soo hor dhigo waxay tilmaameysa rajo xumada nimankaas meesha ay ka mareyso, wax rajo ahn ay dadka ka leeyihiin aysan jirin oo ay ugu dhamaatay, cadaawadooda waxay daliil u tahay in umadan aysan rajo ka laheyn”


    “Nabad diidka wali ma dhamaan, waa dhaawacnay, waana dhantaalnay, waana daba joognaa, wali waa nool yihiin in taxadar laga qabo u baahanahay nagu qabiil ma ahan, nagu qaraabo ma ahan, dadka Soomaaliyeed waxaan rabnaa inaan si siman aan isaga qabano oo aan isaga dhameystirno nimankaas nabad diidka qaraabo ma lahan yaan lagu kadsoomin”ayuu yiri Madaxweynaha.


    Al-Shabaab ayaa wali sheegan weerarkan, inkastoo mas’uuliyada dowladda ay ku eedeeyeen, waxaana weerarkii xalay uu ku soo aaday, xilli magaalada Muqdisho ay xaaladeeda ammaan wanaagsaneyd.



  6. Warnings of massacre if Kobane falls to ISIS

    11 hours ago

    US strikes continue to hit ISIS in Kobane. Photo by AFP

    US strikes continue to hit ISIS in Kobane. Photo by AFP

    by Rudaw reporters and James Reinl in New York


    Civilians still stranded in Kobane face a massacre if Islamic State fighters overwhelm the besieged Syrian border town, its Kurdish administrators have warned.


    “The ISIS attack is violent and devoid of any human values,” Xalid Berkal, a Kobane city council member, told Rudaw. “They are destroying whole neighborhoods with tanks and artillery.”


    Berkal’s comments came shortly after a statement by the Kobane autonomous administration on Friday that ISIS had brought in tanks and heavy weapons from its Syrian headquarters at Raqq and from elsewhere.


    They also echoed a warning by Staffan de Mistora, United Nations special envoy to Iraq, of an impending bloodbath in Kobane as ISIS advanced into the town.


    “We have seen it, what ISIL is capable of doing when they take over a city. We know what they are capable of doing with their own victims, with women, children, minorities and hostages,” de Mistora said on Friday.


    Berkal said that thousands of civilians are still stranded in Kobane and they fear a massacre at the hands of the Islamist militants if the town falls. Civilians remaining in the town are said to number around 13,000.


    “The recent air strikes have had a big impact,” Berkal said, referring to an increase in US-led coalition strikes, “but they haven't stopped the IS invasion of Kobane.,”


    On Friday, the Kobane administration urged the UN and coalition forces to establish a humani-tarian corridor to help the stranded residents reach safety across the border in Turkey.


    President Massoud Barzani of the Kurdistan Regional Government has meanwhile ordered the opening of the region’s borders with Turkey to allow Kobane refugees to enter KRG territory, according to border officials.


    Abdulwahab Muhammad Issa, security chief of the Ibrahim Khalil border crossing, told Rudaw that on Friday 500 refugees from Kobane had crossed the border into the Kurdistan Region from Turkey.


    Rangin Sharo, Rudaw correspondent on the Syria-Turkey border, said parts of Kobane that are under control of the local Kurdish YPG fighters were quiet but heavy fighting was continuing in the west of the town.


    Sharo said that the US air strikes were concentrated on the southern edges that connects Kobane to Aleppo road, which is used by IS militants for reinforcements.


    The UN’s de Mistura said a breakthrough by ISIS, which has a track record of beheadings and crucifixions, meant those in Kobane “will be most likely massacred” if the town fell.


    He said a such a bloodbath could be on the scale of the 1995 murder of 8,000 Muslims by Serbs in Srebrenica during the Bosnian conflict.


    The UN’s refugee agency, UNHCR, says 172,000 Syrian Kurds have fled into Turkey since the IS assault on Kobane began. Many have headed on to the KRG region, often wading through rivers or paying smugglers $250 to cross the border at Silopi, the UN said.


    One refugee told UNHCR of ISIS brutality, including a makeshift court set up at a school in Manbij, 66km southwest of Kobane, where some 400 prisoners were kept in four classrooms and beaten with leather belts five times daily.


    “He witnessed seven men who had been sentenced the same day beheaded in front of him, and was due to be executed on 28 September,” the UN said.


    “He and others managed to escape before then when the school was hit by bombs, and were horrified to see human heads mounted on the fence of the main park for others in the town to see.”




    Unlike ciilsnm supporting both terrorists and apostate regional state somaliland(apostate in the eyes of isis/alshabab), i support the brave Kurds fighting the cannibalists.


    Who wouldnt support the brave and beautiful kurdish fighters?




  7. Ciilsnm supports ISIS and supports an infidel murtad(how isis/alshabab views maamulka somaliland) administration in Northern Somalia.

    How can you unite two conflicting ideologies : Democracy and Jihadism?


    How can you support this:

    'Murtad'(isis/alshabab views siilaanyo to be murtad) Siilaanyo missing his master the Christian Zenawi


    women shaking their ass on imaginary flag with shahada written on it, a flag that is not recognized by any country


    and also support this:




    Only in the insane world of ciilsnm you can both support apostate regional govt(apostate in the eyes of alshabab/isis) and jihadist group :D

    Only he can pray both for Caliph Abu Bakr the terrorist and for apostate(apostate in the eyes of isis/alshabab)siilaanyo.


    Delusional guy. May Allah give him sanity.

  8. Somalia's first cash machine opens in Mogadishu

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    Tuesday, October 07, 2014




    Somalia's first-ever cash withdrawal machine has been installed in the capital, Mogadishu.

    Some people are confused about how the machine works because they have never used one before, reports the BBC's Mohamed Moalimu from the city.


    The machine, installed by Salaam Somali Bank in an upmarket hotel, allows customers to withdraw US dollars.


    Somalia has a rudimentary banking sector, with many people relying on remittances from abroad.


    Its development has been thwarted by more than two decades of conflict involving clan and religious-based militia groups.




    Xaaji Xunduf and CiilSNM misses the days when Xamar used to be desert and battleground for Ciidamada Xooga Dalka vs Terrorists. They miss Godane! :D


    Khatumo Patriotic Soldiers receiving money and training is coming soon :D

    Then Awdal is next. The SNM clan enclave will feel that earth becomes a small place for them. Sieged from west and east by patriotic regional states.