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Posts posted by Abu-Salman

  1. With all Islamic financing of consumer goods like houses or cars - a profit amount is added to the cost of the item. How is this fundamentally different from interest - where a profit based on a percentage rate is charged to the consumer/buyer?


    The fundamental difference is that usury based on interest rates eludes the risk factor to the consumer's detriment, a fact corroborated by the overwhelming human suffering througout history not least by farmers'suicide endemic in India for instance.


    Hence usury doesn't make sense, even in a purely economical perspective, in a world where risk is omnipresent and increasingly so, thanks to speculation and others destructive forms of economic gambling.


    Nor does it allocate efficiently resources or prserve our biggest asset, our environment; in fact, usury does contributes tremendously to its destruction by promoting ruthlessly short-term



    Moreover, debt based on usury is a most pernicious way of subjugating the majority of humankind as illustrated by the IMF "structural adjustment program" whereby entire nations were devastated with all sorts of consequences through the shrinkage of already symbolic health or education expenditures, civil wars, genocides.


    The irony or suprem immorality here is that we are constricted, through our Western-friendly despots, to reimburse indefinitely and many time the very loans used to oppress and genocide us(the confessions of a former "economic hit man" were eloquent in this regard)...

  2. It may help in clarifying the issue of Islamic banking by looking separately at the theoric and practical level.


    At the theorical level, I'm still pondering on few interesting books, namely "Islamic Banking and Finance: Current Developments in Theory and Practice" or "Issues in islamic papers:selected papers" available at the central Regent's Park mosque (Baker Street), which are published by the UK Islamic foundation in Leicester or online www.islamic-foundation.com


    Still persevering in my own modest "research", my conviction that shariah compliant banking is not only a divine requirement but a powerful tool in "moralizing" economic activity was greatly enhanced given the many obvious advantages corroborated by the specialists.


    Nonetheless, it is obvious that economic exploitation consitute the bedrock of neo-colonialism and that vested interests held us in hostage through corrupt autocrats and international institutions like the IMF or World Bank, which ruined entire generations and destroyed many countries through criminal policies such as the unfamous "structural adjustment" motto.


    Consequently, one of the urgent priority facing the Ummah is countering the unethical and mercenary Western banks, though formal banking doesn't necessarily constitute a prerequisite for economic activity and even growth (for exemple, somalis are famous for their "Hagbad" assimilable to the "tontines" in west Africa).


    On a individual basis, it is obvious that borrowing for consumption in whatever form should certainely be avoided unless absolutely necessary.


    Readily available credit can also lead, for the society, to the American' economy inherent fragility as consumption financed through credit drive their "growth" while they ironically reproach the much less affluent Chinese for financing their deficit.


    For instance, the housing bubble lead housing prices upward, hence accentuating deprivation and obscene inequalities alongside the concomitant taken-for-granted regular inflation.


    Of course, we need more investigation in this field, and we should be cautious, especially regarding the offshoots of HSBC and consorts.


    Recently, the monopoly enjoyed in Djibouti by two subsidiary comapnies of French majors Banks has come to an end with the inauguration of a Malaysian's firm's local branch(the local treasury, which is the main lifeline, use it for paying State's employees).


    Yet, although it is still hoped that the latest won't plunder us through 17% interest rate loans and generalized overpriced fees requested even for simply accessing our own savings, it was announced that they will, too, charge interest rates, albeit "competitive" ones...

  3. In the overall, more emotional than intellectual.


    Little doubt that colonists schemes exploited arab nationalism and that Arab nation encompass a wide variety of genetical material, for what it is worth.


    However, Kushitic is equally a Indo-European and "african" mix and so is every great civilisation...

  4. I would gladly serve my country in any capacity, and for free, but that’s insha Allah a choice I would love to have in the future

    Provided you succeed in reforming your own secularized/clannish mentality, your misplaced determination will prove to be less destructive and even help us in bringing about the necessary "paradigm shift".


    My humble recommendation therefore:


    -Learn more about Aqeedah & Islamic rulings


    -try not to take your environment's priorities at face value but always look at the big picture (the "usual concerted conspiration against your great clan" versus the ultimate goal of humanity).


    -If you find hard to overcome vindictness and clanophobia, try the "immersion method"; one charitable SOL member may help you tour the capital to let you experience by your own that you can indeed return there without being necessarily scalped...

  5. Well, Nur has hinted to some interesting facts.


    To be honest, Im also increasingly intereted in Christianity, Western thought,its Greek roots and how to rationalize the very fact that many people accepted the gospel despite its flagrant contracditions and uncoherences.


    As a matter of fact, prophet Issa pbuh or Jesus's teaching was altered by Paul the Jewish "converted through special inspiration" before being "adapted" again to fit the Roman and European paganism of that time.


    Indeed, even Western experts in theology acknowledge that Christianity is somehow a compromize catering for all those influences, hence explaining its "rapid success".


    For instance, the cult of Mary respond to the old tradition of Greek godess, probably likewise the human attributes readily ascrbed to the "holy trinity" (the notion of "divine family" is hardly an innovation as well).


    In a psychological approach, Christian rather painless redemption through Jesus crucifixtion, gifts to Churches (the pope used to offer divine pardon in return of fidels' generosity!)ect could seduce the ignorant and feeble-minded populaces, oblivious of the utter coherence of Islamic pure monotheism or Tawhid.


    Moreover, we have to take into account the corrupting influence of Greek philosophy, logics and metaphysics that still constitute the bedrock of the so-called Western civilisation (as if one's belief have to be conditioned by the congruence of his theology with Aristotle's delusions!).


    Nonetheless, it is an open secret that only a very tiny minority do believe litteraly in the Gospels (the fact that there are at last 7 conflicting versions disponible doesn,t help either!).


    Yet even this insignificant minority is shrinking thanks partly to more readily available Islamic Da'wa, even though many Christians do find Boudhism or other sectarism more coherent than their ancient faith; these undiscutables fact being also widely acknowledged.


    As for China, Vietnam or Russia, all these countries share strong national pride and were brainwashed by Marxism, so their atheism is indirectly resulting from the mass deprivations prior to communism and a misleading nationalism (just as Iranian Shiisme is concomitant with the injuried pride in the old Persian empires).


    Of course, modern materialism breeds a culture of taken-for-granted pattern regarding every aspect of life while scientific "breakthroughs" further engraved secular mentality, as if any objective science was conceivable (though, the notion of definite progress become clearly un-assesable nowadays even for the populace).


    Last but not least, Muslims apathy combined with minds-debilitating Media contribute largely to the persistance of such superstitions, albeit confined to a diminishing minority...

  6. I've come accross a brilliant article, signed by a Puntlander, which clearly illustrates, if ever needed, that Somalis do share the very same concerns about Ethiopian interferings as well as unity through Shariah implementation in these most crucial times, regardless of artificial boundaries and tribal manipulations by corrupt af-mishaaros.




    Inviting Ethiopia into Somalia – not in my name

    By: Mohsin Mahad

    August 31, 2006


    In the face of all kinds of crimes committed against our country by monstrous warlords and other vile racketeers since the overthrow of the Somali government in 1991, and in the light of our collective helplessness and impotence, we the Somalis have chosen, to acquiesce, close our eyes, or at best look the other way. But even if the warlords are gone thanks to the Islalmists, we still continue to be passive spectators when new crimes are being committed against our country. I never thought I will ever see the day when a so-called Somali “president†and his “prime minister†will unashamedly act as puppets in the service of their Ethiopian master. Worse still, I never thought I will ever live the day when a Somali “president†would go to the extent of inviting the army of our arch enemy into our country in order to protect himself from his own people. No less dishonourable are the rest of his “government†and “parliamentarians†in Baidaba for whom being part of this circus for their own personal gain is more important than in rising to their national duty by deserting and dissociating themselves from this so-called government and its institutions.


    But the man who tops the list of the quislings for Ethiopia is a former general of the Somali national army and currently the president of Puntland. That disreputable citation goes of course to no other than General Adde Muse. It is shocking enough that he should invite the Ethiopian Army into Puntland. But he adds insult to injury and goes over the top when he goes on the airwaves- the BBC Somali Service - and shamelessly justifies the incursion of the Ethiopian army into our country as an extension of what he calls our historical friendly relations with Ethiopia. What a travesty of history!!


    So, General Adde Muse portrays Ethiopia as our historical friend notwithstanding the fact that it is the century-old colonizer of the Somali ****** region, the meddler in Somali affairs since the collapse of the Somali government, and the one who daily perpetuates our civil war, arming one group against another and one warlord against another in order to ensure that Somalia never stands on its feet again as one united country. Thanks to leaders and people like General Adde Muse, Ethiopia has succeeded to reduce Somalia into Bantustans, maintaining its hegemony over its various client regional administrations in Somaliland, Puntland and until recently Jowhar and Hiiraan regions. What makes Adde Muse’s stand and his statement on the BBC Somali Service all the more unpalatable is that it comes, of all people, from a former general from the famous and honourable Somali national army, the bastion of our territorial integrity and the defender of our honour and unity against Ethiopia’s imperialist designs on the Somali homeland . One wonders how a man of that character and calibre could ever have reached the highest rank that the state could offer a soldier.


    In his recent BBC interview, Adde Musa had the effrontery to portray the presence of the Islamists in Mudug region, in their own country, as an invasion by alien forces (he means ****** ) while casting the presence of the Ethiopian army in our country as a response to the friendly collaboration between Puntland and Ethiopia!! .Just as the warlords had for years thrived on scaremongering and the bogey of the ******s coming back to occupy Mogadishu as a sure way to whip up hysteria and support for their rein of terror in the areas under their occupation, so is Adde Muse using the same tactic but this time he is vainly resurrecting the spectre of the ****** coming to occupy Puntland. Little does he know that the Somali people are no longer hoodwinked with this kind of crude clan chauvinism and that they had come of age through their bitter experiences with self-appointed warlords, tyrants, and self-seeking opportunists, all from their own respective clans.


    Adde Muse had no qualms in the least about taking his dastardly action and claims to have taken this action on his own accord as president of Puntland in pursuit of the interest of his people in Puntland. What nonsense from a general who perhaps has never been initiated on good governance and public accountability. As another arrogant, upcoming African mini dictator, he takes it for granted that his whims and wishes are the same as those of his people. He does not therefore see the need to respect the wishes of the people of Puntland, the overwhelming majority of whom are undoubtedly aghast at his action - certainly my own Darwiish homeland. in Sool, Sanaag and Cayn. His own style of leadership and the conduct of his so-called “government†and “parliament†in Puntland are mirror images of that of his mentor, “president†Cabdillahi Yussuf, and his “government†and “parliament†all marooned in Baidhaba. Apart from an honourable minority, the rest are hangers-on who are there for lining up their own pockets.


    Unlike Cabdillahi Yussuf, Gedi and Adde Musa and their other fellow associates in Baidhaba and Garowe, the Islamists are popular by contrast throughout Somalia because of their achievement in Southern Somalia and the aspirations they raise that Somalia would at last be exorcised of the evils that bedevilled it during the previous 16 years. Ordinary Somalis, desperate for peace, justice, and normality have given up on the clique in Baidhaba and are understandably turning to the Islamists for salvation. Islamist leaders such as Sheikh Shariff Ahmed and Sheikh Aways may lack political experience, but that is only a small minus compared to their otherwise unquestionable integrity, nationalism and Islamism. If the Islamists were to rule the whole of Somalia, it can only be better than it is today under Cabdillahi Yussuf and Gedi and Adde Muse. Given the pressure from the West, who are irrationally obsessed with Islam, much has to be said for the formation of a national government as Washington is advocating. In realpolitik, we have to accommodate their concerns to the extent possible while also ensuring our own self interest and national goals. So let there be a national government n which the Islamists and TFG share power. But it should be one in which most key ministries are in the hands of the Islamists. Presient Cabdillahi Yussuf can be allowed to enjoy what remains of his miserable presidency but it should be men like Sheikh Shariff, or Jama Mohamed Ghalib who should be on the driving seat. It should be good riddance to Gedi and company and no less to Adde Musa. My own Puntland could then redeem itself and take its honourable rightful place in the new Somalia which was born thanks to Allah and his faithful Islamic courts.




    By Mohsin Mahad

    Emai:l mohsinmahad@yahoo.co.uk




    In conclusion, the Courts should, above all, avoid to weaken the position of such heroic Puntlanders.

    Let's not make mistake, the first victims of the corrupt TPLF-hired maffia in Garowe, just like in Hargeisa or Baidoa, are their very own people they relentlessly manipulate through tribal paranoia.

    Indeed, another military move could well give further ammunitions to these shameless traitors, especially if it is simultaneous with an agressive rethoric from Riyoole's clique...

  7. just like djbouti somaliland is doing great so far the last 16 years

    By which standards are Djibouti and Somaliland "doing great"?


    First, in a purely materialistic perspective, both corruption-ridden, nespotism-based Somaliland and Djibouti have failed to provide basic education or primary healthcare to their population.


    In fact, government extravagances is aggravated by an inflated military budget in Somaliland, a suicidal burden for preserving the "colonial rule's inherited boundaries" Utopia in the collective imagination.


    Needless to say, the bread is cruelly missing here in the "bread and games for the populace" motto of a Roman general, confronted with the need of diverting public opinion away from state abuses.


    Therefore, an overwhelming majority is reduced to strict survival while "Business-politicians" and successful local or Diaspora's entepeneurs enjoy ridiculous tax rates with ostentation, thus leading Somalilanders to focus their energy on how to escape their country.


    Having said that, I would expand neither on hunger-stricken Djibouti or Somaliland socio-economics situation, but it does suffices to have a look on UNDP indicators (even with ten times more physicians per head and an incomparable health budget, Djiboutians' health is hardly any enviable than those of Ethiopians!).


    Unfortunately, Djibouti is nothing more than a French saboteurs' "unofficial" colony if we consider the degree of reliance on French subsidies,"cooperation" and "rent" for their military base.


    Even more appaling, local curriculums are incongruously copied on the French ones, thus continuating the mental colonization, just in the model of others failed French-colonized African states while economic delusion, proxenetism, Aids and others socials ills are thriving in a most vicious circle!


    Now, this pernicious deal is rivalled only by the revolting methods whereby Somaliland officials sollicit the same dependance from the UK, the very imperialists that have destroyed Somalis through divisions and clan manipulations (the fact that they practized their immoral skills worldwide is hardly a consolation).


    That is why the only way forward towards dignity and economic self-sufficiency is the unity our enemies deny us so adamantly, within the Shariah framework it goes without saying, if we are to salvate our tremendously abused Somalis...

  8. I shall attempt a modest rendering of the aforementioned article:



    Islamic Courts Union


    Beyond prejudices



    After a brief recapitulation on GI's fiasco as well as the ill-fated UN mission, the article exposes the Warlords abject imposture in their "abrupt discovery of entire terrorist divisions" in Somalia, at the precise moment when their interests were finally challenged after 15 years of chaos.


    Then, it alludes to certain regional capitals determined not to let a stable Somalia emerges again and their concomitant unholy alliance with Mogadishu’s criminal warlords.


    By the same token, it highlights the popular support enjoyed by the courts, alongside their impressive record of achievements in such a short period, as illustrated by the massive Diaspora member’s influx.


    Little doubt, therefore, that the effective clamp-down on piracy, in conjunction with the renewed civil peace, will significantly appeal to a frustrated international community, as judiciously noted by the journalist.


    Another not less significant tour-de-force, to the courts credit, is the latest announcement of a forthcoming national consultation in order to negociate a government worth its salt, an initiative unanimously hailed by prominent Somali intellectuals and academicians across the world.


    The article also stress the constant moderation displayed by the courts from the inception of the popular uprising, not least by Sheikh Aweys, allegedly one of the most "extremists", but who announced on the BBC that the ICU was prepared to accept a secular government, should Somalis decide so.


    Effectively, they didn't hesitate to offer their full unconditional recognition to the TFG despite their overwhelming superiority on the local ground, and the capital in their hands, while proclaiming their eagerness to let Somalis engineer their own future.


    Indeed, the dissimilarity with a TFG whose officials only agree to disagree, while relying increasingly on foreign forces, now African Union deployment, could hardly be more flagrant.


    Finally, the writer express his scepticism vis-à-vis a notoriously obstreperous AU were it to attempt any deluded,incongruous and most unwelcome adventure where the superpower’s troops retreated from...

  9. I've come accross Thursday's edition of the Djiboutian "official" newspaper which, combined with the quite promising latest regional developments, makes even more explicit who is determined to prolong Somali's suffering at all cost and why its evil scheme is doomed:



    L'Union des Tribunaux Islamiques

    Au-delà des préjugés


    Depuis la disparition du gouvernement central somalien en 1991, la Somalie a sombré dans la guerre civile et l'anarchie. Même l'intervention de la première puissance militaire de la planète n'a pu instaurer la paix malgré les moyens déployés. Les batailles rangées qui ont opposé les Marines aux partisans des principaux chefs de guerre ayant coûté la vie à une vingtaine de soldats américains, le gouvernement américain, poussé, il est vrai, par une opinion nationale qui ne comprenait pas l'intérêt d'une telle intervention, a décidé le retrait immédiat de ses troupes non sans avoir mis dans le pétrin les Nations Unies qui à leur tour décidèrent d'envoyer des forces multinationales avant d'essuyer le même échec. En proie à la lutte des chefs de guerre devenus maîtres d'une Somalie fantôme, les Américains ont soupçonné parfois même la présence des membres d'Al-Qaida. Hypothèse il est vrai invérifiable vu l'anarchie qui y règne.


    En quinze ans de guerre civile, les warlords somaliens n'ont jamais fait état de la présence d'éléments " terroristes " dans leur pays. Puis un beau jour, voyant leurs intérêts personnels menacés, ils en trouvèrent des divisions entières.


    Ils ont mis sur pied une Alliance censée lutter contre le terrorisme avec le soutien de certains pays de la région qui ne veulent surtout pas voir la renaissance d'une Somalie stable. Mais dans la terrible guerre que se sont livré les chefs de guerre somaliens et l'Union des Tribunaux Islamiques largement soutenus par la société civile ; ces derniers en sortiront vainqueurs. Ils contrôlent désormais la capitale et une grande partie du Sud du pays. La réunification de la capitale et l'ouverture du port et de l'aéroport en un temps record ont redonné espoir à bon nombre de Somaliens de la diaspora qui se sont rués vers la capitale pour voir la situation de leurs propres yeux. Les intellectuels somaliens, écrivains et professeurs des grandes universités américaines et européennes sont unanimes : les Tribunaux Islamiques sont prêts à engager une large consultation populaire pour mettre sur pied un gouvernement central digne de ce nom. Il est même étonnant d'entendre celui qui est considéré comme le plus extrémistes, Cheikh Dahir Aways, déclarer sur la BBC que les tribunaux islamiques sont prêts à accepter la mise en place d'un gouvernement laïc si tel est le désir des Somaliens. Une concession impensable sous d'autres cieux. L'instauration de la paix civile et la lutte contre les actes de piraterie maritime dont la communauté internationale avait grandement besoin sont à mettre à l'actif des Tribunaux Islamiques. D'autre part, la décision louable de ne pas mettre en place un gouvernement alors qu'ils contrôlent la capitale entièrement et le fait de reconnaître le Gouvernement de Baidoa comme seul gouvernement légitime sont des gestes de sagesse.


    Avec l'aura grandissante des Tribunaux islamiques qui ont débarrassé la Somalie des warlords, le Gouvernement Fédéral Somalien de Transition s'est recroquevillé à Baidoa, 250 kilomètres au Sud de Mogadiscio déchiré par d'interminables conflits internes et espérant une hypothétique force d'intervention africaine.


    Mais il est fort à craindre que celle-ci n'aggrave la situation surtout lorsque l'on sait que les armées africaines ont des moyens très limités et vu l'impuissance de la plus puissante armée du monde à ramener la paix dans ce pays ravagé par la guerre depuis quinze ans. Pas de place donc pour les apprentis sorciers.

  10. Well, Puntlanders could hardly consider to secede given the clanic geography of the dominant clan there as well as other economic incentives in addition to obvious moral qualms.


    Besides, why seceding just when Puntlanders can claim back now their properties or fertile farms in the most strategic part of the country, thanks to UIC selfless dedication?


    Needless to say, this will proves delicate to sell an idea for the Tigre colonists who have begun to implement their "civilians disappearances" policy in the midst of Garowe (according to Garowe online).


    Somaliland laymen could still be manipulated by their compromized af-mishaaro clique given the lingering atrocities commited by the past dictatorship.


    However, it should be recalled that prominent members of the Hargeisa clan as well as significative segments of others clans are more enthusiast than ever now that a dignified Islamic State seems an attainable alternative.


    At any rate, it goes without saying that any glimpse of hope for the warlords maffia to extend their corruption to Somaliland will only further foil the unity's ideal as Yusuf's election was only tempered by the courts victories...

  11. Frankly, politics is definitely unsuited to bring about the necessary "paradigmic shift" which is a sina qua none requirement if we are to salvate our specy.


    Needless to restate, over and over again, the limitless list of crimes committed against humankind or our planet in the name of "reason's supremacy", "science as a panacea" or "free market"; these concepts being devalued even in the western world for their blatant failure to improve the lot of the wretched or control environmental abuses.


    Having said that, solliciting interested gurus is not the right alternative either if we are to let even basic moral values gain the upper hand in a world where worsening unjustices are only matched by self-destructiveness and regressions, American unilateralism epitomizing this latest ordre du jour.


    That is exactely why mass education, specially moral one, is desperately needed to ensure that globally promoted materialism will not destroy us in less than few generations.


    And which better framework than a most coherent Shariah rule to finally realize again the ideal that Western ethical philosophers could only dream of, more than one millenium later than the prophet's commonwealth?

  12. Certain individuals arguing needlessly definitely give the impression that they are not concerned about preserving Islamic rule, thus the utter futility of any further debate with their kind.


    Indeed, even debating on wether Shariah should be implemented is sinful enough for a self-respecting Muslim, as if it is about an open choice (and this is constantly stressed in the Quran).


    Now, for those who consider themselves Muslims but favor warlord secularism upon Shariah, their incoherence could hardly be more flagrant.


    As a matter of fact, even Christians fundamentalist in power in Washington, and who consider assisting Israel in its genocidal enterprises as a divine requirement, endeavour to implement their rather inconsistent philosophy in every sphere, not least in the political scene as clearly demonstrated by Bush and his indefictible ally Blair, both practising protestants.


    Should they seek to distract us through the over-used clan cards, as if it wasn't caused by the prevalent lack of Shariah implementation, let's ignore their primitiveness and obvious lack of any consistency...

  13. Quite interesting mao LST, but could you be more accurate about what "significant" means here or implement a more precise software without much hassle.


    For instance, it seems that there is a rather "significant" Sol-connecting Somali presence in Portugal while the presence in the USA seems comparable to that in Europe if we count the dots.


    At any rate, we have the scientific proof that Somalis are materialist now given their concentration in the Great lake regions in North america or the heart of western europe ;)

  14. Even 200$ is a considerable amount for hunger tricken Somalia where children are dying by thousands due to lack of drinkable water, let alone 2000$ (even East Europeans or Asians officials are highly unlikely to make such money!).


    As a matter of fact, ministers in Somaliland used to earn at best 100$ during the 90's if my memory is good whereas officials in Baidoa do recognize that they are mainly interested in getting their share of the cake, wether privately or implicitely when they denounce in the media their pseudo government as a Tigre trojan horse.


    Is it really the right signal to send when corruption and mismanagement largely contributed to the current genocidal situation by alienating Somalis?


    Is this criminal warlord maffia supposed to bring unity as well as justice while protecting our sovereignity or our already disastrously damaged environment?


    More fundamentally, how are they going to resist further temptations if they are not commited at the onset on a voluntary basis like the courts whose staff members struggle for their daily subsistence while directly sharing their people's plight?

  15. Of course, the courts were founded mainly by people from the capital (though from diverse clans).

    Having said that, they constantly stated their eagerness to include every competent Somali and that is why everyone could witness that many proeminent courts officials hail from others regions (military chiefs, advisers ect).


    Now, the incredible "alternative", for some biaised among us, is a bunch of despised warlords accused of every imaginable crime not only against innocent civilians, but also against the country and the environment with consequences that will lingers for many generations to come, it goes without saying.


    Who is then tribally motivated and favor trivials matters against our national vital interests, not least our hard-won sovereignity?


    Yet, even more incoherent, these few vindictive individuals do recognize that the ICU saved the innocent population, restored order as well as security, rehabilitated the infrastructures while protecting our higly damaged environment against suicidal deforestation and the concomitant desertification (for a country already largely desertic and internationally considered as a lost cause!).


    In fact, the Islamic courts didn't hesitate to make all the required sacrifices for these most noble causes, entirely on a voluntary basis.

    No need here for vast amounts of msimanaged foreign money that we never see, the courts do deliver their services free of charge, only hoping for their creator's rewards...

  16. 1. Without failing to appreciate the ICU’s mission which seems to have marched through few local snares, do you think the TFG, despite its lack of a legitimate base of support, still has the opportunity to unite the Somalis under some sort of a real government banner without a bloodshed?


    Well, one of the biggest challenge awaiting any government is to resolve Somaliland secession issue peacfully.


    Now, the obvious question is principally within which framework could unity be credibly promoted again given that the "Somalinimo" myth didn't prevent mass murders and inedit atrocities in addition to pernicious injustices accross the country?


    Is not therefore an Islamic state, comforming to our shared religion, the only relevant political entity able to transcend tribal paranoia and vindictness while appealing to all Somalis accross the artificial colonial borders by appeasing fears of renewed institutionalized nepotism combined with mass killings?


    How could the warlord-maffia recently defeated by our martyrized people in the capital, headed by an autocrat tribal warlords accused of massive Human rights violations as well as numerous assainations in his own fiefdom inspire the much-needed confidence to Somalis regardless of clanic affiliations?


    2. Is the ICU, which at the moment has less clan diversity than the TFG, the only option we have for a government?


    How could be a pseudo-government formed in Kenya through Addis-abeba sponsorship be seriously counsidered by a Somali?


    Is not locally negociated institutions, without any foreign intervention, the primary lesson of the 15 failed, so-called peace conferences?


    Why the Tigre gang meddling in Somali affairs as testified by their latest "consulting role" in Baidoa which resulted in "immediate far-reaching accords between the Yusuf-Sharif-Geedi trio" seems justified for the TFG when their criminal "friends" are despised in their own country, especially when we have now our capital entirely serein, even more safe than many crime ridden cities?


    Was not the Tigre-minority dictatorship the main sponsor for the warlords who terrorized us during the past 15 years, not mentioning their key role in systematically sabotaging any sucessful negociation like that of Arta which included almost entirely civil society's representatives?


    Last but not least, clanical affiliation is no longer of any relevance when we are facing a concerted plot to undermine Islam, our very raison-d'etre.

    In fact, not only did the ICU saved our people from indefinite Cia-funded nightmare and their ingrat Tigre patrons, but they also represent the only viable alternative against widespread sate-sponsored corruption and nepotism, susceptible to alienate again Somalis and thus suscite further genocidal attempts...

  17. Honestly, there are so many other priorities to worry about others than ill-equiped, poorly trained, undisciplined presidential militias from Ouganda or Soudanese troops that can hardly defeat their own countless rebelions.


    As for the Kenyans, their own Air Force was disbanded due to an abhorted coup and they can't even dare to disarm their own population.


    Finally, the Tigre-minority militia, which benefited from resumed aid despite the recent atrocities following the last pseudo-election, has already witnessed constant mass defections and it goes without saying that invading Somalia can only quicken their very collapse (especially if we deny them the opportunity to foster Ethiopian Nationalism and collabore with the Amhara, Oromo and others opposition groups)...

  18. Africa needs education not food, we have the richest continent in the world, we have small population in comparison to the land mass that we have, we can be self sufficient.

    Indeed, scarcely populated Somalia was food-secure by reaching self-sufficiency in the 80's and even signed a deal with Algeria (which development planification is a textbook case of economic mismanagement), the irony being that this oil-rich country ruined its agriculture while massively investing in quite inappropriate heavy industries.


    As expected, they ended up by importing basic necessities while a corrupt military maffia dilapited their non-renewable resources revenues by "enjoying" the European "Dolce Vita"(lavish villas in France ect).


    Obviously, when the FIS (Islamic front of Salvation) won the election by a massive majority, Western powers started the usual propaganda while tightening theirs links with the despised generals overlooking their unprecedented crimes against their own population.


    Finally, one of the best lesson History teachs you could be summarized in our well-known proverb "daadku intana uu kusoo gelin ayaa la iska moosa", as the saying goes...



    PS: Education need its own topic as a central prerequisite of any progress since Africa failed largely by copying irrelevant secular French curriculum.

    How to train efficiently, in our context, Arabic and religious teachers?

    Which weight to give to theorical science in comparison to much needed practical know-how since subjects like ecology are of vital importance given the rapidly expanding desertification? ect.

  19. The aid agencies are the problem. We know this but what is the solution? especially for Somalia?


    Is there a way we can make them go away?

    Don't you think that if aid was effective it wouldn't be needed anymore, and among many other cases, nearby Djibouti and Kenya should have been self-sufficient a long time ago or, at the very least, able to feed themselves without crying for emergency food supplies each year?


    Of course, for obvious economic reasons, aid do much more harm than good by promoting corruption, reliance on erratic foreign, politically-motivated aid, desequilibred economic structure by depressing the private sector not mentioning ruinous national debts combined with the breeding genocidal regimes like Habyarimana's Rwanda in our region or the more than 2 billion dollars debts of Syad's regime.


    Hence, the only way forward largely recognized by now is to limit corrupt states emprise over the economy and above all satisfy the population's basic needs through adequate and relevant education, affordable primary healthcare while prioritizing food auto-sufficienccy by discouraging food exports, unjust land ownership and focus on accountability (in others words, by taking seriously our productive rural populations instead of exploiting them)...

  20. Brillantissime!

    This article definitely enlightens everyone on the Devil's hand that have undermined peace as well as Somali's unity and continue to destroy any hope of reconciliation among us.


    the greatest subversive effort was made to undermine the most successful Somali Peace conference in which Somalis were negotiating with each other without outside mediators. This was the conference held in the resort town of Arta, Republic of Djibouti in 1999.


    The delegates to this gathering were principally members of civil society groups and only a few warlords participated. An agreement was reached on a transitional charter and a broad-based government was formed.


    Among the IGAD dignitaries that came to the closing ceremony was the Ethiopian Prime Minister. The first signal of trouble was the transparently unhappy presence of Mr. Meles Zenawi among the dignitaries. Despite attempts to reach out to the Ethiopian government, the transitional Somali authorities were unable to convince Mr. Zenawi’s government to cooperate. Instead, the latter accused the TNG of having radical Islamcist members who were a danger to Ethiopia’s national security.


    The Ethiopian government then helped establish an umbrella structure for most of the warlords (SRRC) to challenge the TNG.


    Warlords’ resistance on the ground, Ethiopian campaign in the AU and IGAD, and the incompetence and malfeasance of the TNG leadership led to the demise of the TNG.

    Let's hope that hardcore tribalists and others Ethiopian propaganda victims will stop emphasizing clanic allegiances in the Somali equation as we were nothing but mere primitive clans!

  21. Walaal, maanta waxaa aad loogu baahanyahay waa " Doers" not "consultants" , maxaa yeelay sidaad aragatay, Airportka muqdisha shacbigii ayaa u wada dhaqaaqay iney xaaqaan, ayadoon loo baahan lacag ka timid NGO, iyo meelop baas.


    Aniga waxaan talo iyo taag hayo diyaar baan ula ahay dhaqdhaqaaqa Maxkamadaha haddey u baahdaan, laakin waxan isleeyahay iney u baahan yihiin gacmo wax qabta, kuwo dadka wax bara, kuwo ka shaqeeya iney dejiyaan Processes iyo Policies ay wax ku wadi lahaayeen, waana waajib na wada saaran dhamaanteenna

    I quite agree with your wise suggestion akhi Nur, It's time to leave the comfortable armchair and put theory into practise on the ground for the Somalia salvation depend ultimately upon Somali's sacrifices?


    I suggest a task force of volunteers...

  22. Well, concerning Shariah implementation, it goes without saying that they shouldn't seek to compromize and above all inform and educate laymen through the media (honest communication is a must in order to foster thrust).


    Having said that, they should also carry on primary healthcare & social programes (food and vaccines to begine with) by raising taxes and setting up efficient local administrations, not lest to gain more support...