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Posts posted by Abu-Salman

  1. Frankly, I do appreciate your precisions Garaad Caanood, since opinions from Sool and other regions vehemently anti-secessionism are rarely expressed.


    effectively, secessionism has become a way of gaining political proeminence, as secular politics is a shortcut to personal enrichment through generalized corruption, in the Somali psyche; hence, manipulation of tribal emotions should be seen in this light.


    At any rate, you brilliantly expressed your arguments, to which I unreservedly subscribe:


    If people of northwest wish to pressure southern brothers, does people of north central have to pay the price? Can’t the people of north west pressure south without forcing people of north-central into Somaliland or “irrelevant colonial borders”?


    And why pressure only southern brothers? Why not brothers from central, Eastern, north-eastern, north-central, or north-western regions?


    Why discrimination? When we are all Somali people (the most homogenous people in world)

    I hope you talking about here tribalism or irrelevant European colonies or borders that’s doesn’t concern Somali people of presently


    As you have noticed, concerns for justice and equality, though at the heart of SNM national struggle, have been thorougly diluted to cater for the new priorities, namely manipulating the masses as to maximize power stay and concomitant economic benefits for few ruthless politicians.


    Therefore, the only pseudo justification secessionists resort to vis-a-vis Sool or other disputed areas can be rendered thus: they are split themselve and some of them work with Hargeysa's government, besides the peace and security mantra.


    At any rate, far from being influenced by tribal politics, my objective was to expose their heavily subjective mindset alongside the inherent contradictions of secular politics;

    this, indeed, leave us with Shariah as the only coherent alternative that has also the potential to eventually unite us.


    As for the manipulated masses, our primary goal should be to limit animosities in order to ease transition towards an Islamic Government and educate them in the meantime about Islam and its pratical solutions for the ravage of corruption, nepotism and economic dependency...

  2. According to the latest scientifics researchs concerning longevity, babies of young Mothers are much more likely to survive beyond one century:


    An even stronger predictor of longevity was how young their mother was when they were born. Those whose mothers were less than 25 years old were twice as likely to survive beyond a century: New Scientist


    Moreover, effects of early marriage on Mother's health are also significant as this dramatically reduce risks of developing breast's cancer, for instance.


    Yet, early marriage also contribute to psychological well-being while enhancing maturity and sense of responsibilities;

    effectively, psychologists have noted marriage's role in intellectual development.


    Therefore, how not to conclude that encouraging early marriages should be a priority in politics and health policy according to Islamic teachings, as this enhances youth's sense of responsibilities while contributing to the wider society both physical and mental well-being, not mentioning the concomitant economic benefits through reduced health's expenditure, mental and physical disability, diversion of resources towards security in dealing with youth delinquency ect...

  3. Why should colonials practices automatically be followed?


    Wouldn't be such school more practical in the midst of Hargeysa, Borama ect?


    Also, despite the IT equipment, books are scarce in what looks like a library.


    Hard to believe that expensive IT equipment is more vital than books.


    Which criteria do they use to select their students and what provision is made for modest students?


    Frankly, it seems that everything is done out of nostalgia and other emotionals reasons, not mentioning Western brainwashing that caused the country destruction in first place, than pure holistic assessment of our local priorities in accordance with our faith ...

  4. Juje, dib uga fiirso eedeentaada, khuraafaad waxa ah ina koox dagaal ogayaal ah hotel Nairobi ku yaal itay cadowga Diinta iyo Ummada Somaaliyeed ey ku shiriyeen kadibna ku dhawaaqaan waana lasoo doortay!


    Ayaa soo doortay, xagge lagu doortay, oo sidee loo doortay dowlad isku sheega?


    Mise M. S. Yalaxow, ina Caydiid iyo wixii noocooga ahaa, ee Somaali dhiiga ka nuugayay oo dalkana baabiyay, Odayga ay ka filanayeen inay dhawaan kursiga ka dhaxli doonaan aya laga hadlaya?


    Hase yeeshe, ma waxaad is barbar dhigaysa ictiraafka Kuffarta iyo Cadowga iyo tan Shareecda ku dhisan ee Ummada Somaaliyeed taageerayso, meel kasto ay joogaan?


    Calaa kuli xaal, Maxkamadaha Islaamiga, yagoo danaynaya msslaxada guud ee Ummada, way ictiraafeen Dowlad isku Sheega, inkasto ilaa hadda, yagoo fulinaya agendaha cadowga, lugu kari laayahay nabad.


    Miyaanay cadayn ku filnayn sida ay usoo dhaweeyeen heshiiski ugu dambeynta ahaa ee Shariif uu lagalay Kacdoonka Ummada Somaaliyeed?


    Kuwa ciidama shisheeye ku raadinaya xukun, xitaa gaalada laftigooda u jeeda;

    amaa Kacdoonka Ummada Soomaaliyeed waxa u sabab ahaa nafta bini aadamka ah oo raqiis noqotay, yadoo lakala gadanayo Culumada oo xitaa masaajidada la bililiqaysanayo iwm


    Ugu dambayntiina, Jihaadka waxaa loo iclaamiyay cadowga dalka kusoo qulqulaya; kama dhigno xukumada lala dagaalaya, inkasto ay mutaysteen...

  5. First of all, true believers, unlike munaafiquuns, have nothing to lose and everything to gain should Jihad were forced upon us; taasi wa mid.


    Kolkaa, difaaca Diinta, Dadka iyo Dalka ina loo kala haro maaha, waayo cadow soo jireen ah oo waxbaa hambeyneen ayaa nugu soo fool leh.


    Maxay naga rabaan talow? Ma ina loo sujuudo oo aan adoomo u noqono, oo kadibna inta yar ee nooga hadhay dhulkayaga iyo dadkeena sida walaalahayaga Somali Galbeed ay u gumestaan?


    There is no doubt that evil, injustice and cruelty will be defeated but this may be a trial of Allah so that he takes shuhadaa and determines those who were sincere and patient among his slaves, as written abundantly in the Quran.


    If united and obedient, Allah will again rescue us when least expected no matter how many evil schemes they plot together ( They plot and plot, and I plot too: suurat An Najm )...

  6. Red sea, miyaad is waydiisay sababaha ay iskaga indhatirayaan xaqiiqada qof walba u muuqata?


    And yes, my previous post was adressed to your so-called "Frank"; his phobia of anything remotely Islamic and Shariah implementation is hardly surprising if he precise that he is not concerned by Islam as a non-Muslim.


    Ama duke, isaga, xitaa cunug yar ayaa sheegi kara xagga laga hayo (everything is about "Abduqaassim's clan" VS my own clan").


    Sometimes, we need to be frank and respect people's intelligence; not everyone can be duped every time.


    Yaab iyo nus; I always thought Christianism was about peace, love, caring ect as they pretend it...

  7. Aamin, fighting against colonization by black Christians colonists and deprivation of the most basic rights is a most noble cause that every Somalis should adhere to, by all means necessary.


    Did you now they set alight their Somalis captives, still alive, while hanging them by piercing their feet; not mentioning their well documentated atrocities against civilians?

  8. We can discuss Somali Christian rights and Non-Muslims status in Islam througout history without the need for such utterly unproductive cheering for Secular Somalis Ennemies alongside their enduring immoral policies.


    What if everyone started with honesty and come out of the closet?


    After all, we even share this forum with self-confessed Atheist and Agnostics and we are facing rationally endless provocations; the ball is in your camp must I say...

  9. After massive defections of high-ranking military chiefs to Eritrea and OLF as well as numerous prominent Federal functionnaries and diplomats' escape to the West, it seems that the rag-tag militia is still badly demoralized despite the recent purges which only aggravated the lack of competent personal:



    Thursday the 23rd of November, 2006




    Ethiopian Soldiers surrender in Babili



    Nov 20, 2006 Reports reaching ****** Online service desk confirm the surrender of about fifty members of the Ethiopian military stationed in the town of Babili. The fifty soldiers are reported to have surrendered to the ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) fighters who waged a surprise attack on the Ethiopian military garrison in Babili.


    In related news, specially trained ONLF commandos carried out an operation in the city of Awaare. It is confirmed that this operation netted ten men one of whom is the chairman of the city of Awaare.


    Reports from elsewhere in ****** indicate an increase in the number of operations where ONLF forces attack the Ethiopian military and its affiliated militias within their main garrisons. In one such incident in the town of Qoreyga, ONLF forces are reported to have attacked and killed fourteen members of the Ethiopian military. It is not known whether there were casualties on the ONLF side.


    Recent ONLF operations have been felt throughout ******. The speed, accuracy and the boldness of these operations, since they take place within the Ethiopian military garrisons, is said to have demoralized many members of the Ethiopian military.



    ****** Online News




    When will Col A. Yusuf and Gedi desert the sinking ship thus avoiding unnecessary suffering for Somalis already facing multiple, unprecedented humanitarian disasters?

  10. Unfortunately, we all too readily associate clans or localities with a particular ideology.


    Everyone is supposed to know that outright secessionism is opposed by a sizeable portion of each and every clan although many may have given a different impression as a way of pressuring our Southern brothers towards major compromises.


    For instance, although our family was heavily involved with the SNM struggle at their own peril, I've never ever contemplated a definitive secession of "Somaliland" for obvious reasons.


    In fact, many of the SNM's founders were pious Somalis who wanted to implement Shariah througut Somalia and many others simply wanted to overthrow Syad in favour of a more liberal and capitalist regime, more attractive to Western educated "elites" or the influent Businessmen who funded the organization from every corner of the country.


    Having failed to cooperate with the SSDF and deserted by the founders of the USC, the SNM progressively took, albeit unwillingly, a clanish dimension (clanic rethoric also helped to mobiluize the masses).


    Naturally, the hasty unilateral declaration of a new dubious "governement" by Ali Mahdi enraged the grieving masses who lost everything in the atrocities campaigns.


    Consequently, foot soldiers forced a reluctant leadership to declare the new "independence" during Burco's meeting in May 1991.


    Naturally, the increasing chaos in the South combined with ruthless political opportunism further consolidated the support for secessionism.


    At any rate, the new reality in Somalia has prompted a new paradigm shift and we can no longer decently use secessionism as a bargaining tool...

  11. Obviously, such indecent warmongering has very little support among mainstream society; he's merely trying to be in the limelight again.


    There is clearly a misunderstanding with Sheikh Sharmaarke.


    NN stop insulting the people in Woqooyi Galbeed and people in Burco and Las Caanod have much more in common than with you.


    The dream of war between Muslims brothers won't come true, however hard some try to ignite it...

  12. Strange indeed, the man passed away at about 4 AM in his residence, the very time MMA asked the question (which left me perplexed).


    In his place, I'd interpret it as a warning to be a much more careful Muslim.


    Yaab iyo nus.

  13. CG, raali ahow akhi, I've edited on multiple occasions the post, maybe you haven't seen the last draft, I shouldn't be in such a hurry when posting and assume that people will read my mind while focuzing on the arguments.


    At any rate, I was asking you to explicit your questions, separate them and put them into the right hierarchy as to profit everyone in a meaningful dialogue.


    I'll edit inshaallah the last 3 paragraphs..sorry again but I've never had the intention to label anyone as kaafirs since I'm not qualified to do so to begin with...

  14. Do you deny the influence of your mind/psyche/whatever-you-call-it on your body or the placebo effect so central in medicine?


    Are you hence asserting that our body is regulated by purely physical laws just like a sophisticated machine?


    what about stress effects, for instance, which are linked statistically with increased risks of cancers, cardio-vascular diseases ect whereas positivity is linked with a stronger immune system and hence increased survival rate?

  15. To CG,


    Let's prevent further confusion within the thread by prioritizing and expliciting separately your questions.


    Do you agree that the universe has been created?


    If yes, you probably also agree that our extremely complicated and yet perfectly regulated universe or creation has a purpose.


    Naturally, one's supreme duty is therefore to comply with these regulations.


    Consequently, the question is how to determine these fundamentals rules given our inherent subjectivity and boundless ignorance.


    Hence, such quintessential need as to find the truth about our creator and the purpose of creation can only be adressed by the creator himself.


    Now, would you accept such claim that each physical entity is regulated by one divinity and other nonsenses?


    Wouldn't you restrict yourself only to monotheistic religion and find out which one is entirely authenticate, unaltered and provide a fully coherent and complete framework?



    We can carry on this logic but give a feedback on which stage need to be more elaborated as a forum is not always ideal for discussing such issues; we can then adress the topic concerning the pure Islam ...

  16. Both Islamic courts and Djibouti, alongside Eritrea, Sudan, Egypt and Other Islamic countries,

    have the same vital interests in checking Ethiopian expansionism which is detrimental to peace and equilibrium; hence these states have every right to assist their invaded Somali brothers and even more motivation to do so as their access to Nile's water or other strategic interests are in risk of jeopardy.


    However, the only certitude and verifiable fact is the support provided by the CIA to the Warlords coalition as well as the thousands Ethiopian invaders now in Somalia, camped in Baidoa or fighting alongside Warlord Qeybdid.


    Unfortunately, the evil coalition seems to have infiltrated the "Somali monitoring group" with their fallacious claim of an alleged ICU alliance with the Hizbullah or the Iranian uranium deal as noted by Reuters:


    the report's authors may have been fed disinformation by intelligence agencies and others to promote their own agenda in one of Africa's most strategic and volatile regions


    Such baseless lies were denunced by the international community, including even a top Israeli official; this is pure propaganda, a remake of Irak's nuclear weapons.


    It is also particularly noteworthy that Iran already possess large deposits of Uranium while

    Hizbullah policy is fundamentally anti-Sunnis...

  17. According to Djibouti, only medicines and others humanitarian items have been sent to the Somali capital, following the recent deadly uprising in Muqdisho; both Djiboutian and Somali Red Crescents hired a Daalo Airlines plane with the financial help of the ICRC regional office in Nairobi.


    Also, the plane landed in "Kilometer 50"

    in Merca as Muqdisho's airport was closed at that time.