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Posts posted by xabad

  1. wyre;919471 wrote:
    Waryaada wax aanan jirin baa leydinka dhaadhiciyay, Aniga I dunno Ab't Masri's or Other Arabs, but
    saudi's respect you so much.


    By the way I am the boss of all saudi's

    Only if you the chief executioner in the kingdom. the only aswad, saudis fear and respect.

  2. Wadani;919320 wrote:
    The evil eye does exist since the Prophet PBUH told us about it in numerous hadiths. But somalis take it too far and many have developed some sort of paranoia thinking that danger lies at every turn as if everyone they meet is a xaasid who wishes ill upon them. What makes it even worse is many of these crazies are not even that special.


    For example you'll say ur kids are cute to a Somali mom just to be nice, and their face will turn blue with trepidation and force u to say 'masha'Allah', as if otherwise their kids will turn into disfigured trolls within a few minutes. Next time im gonna be like '
    Anaaba kaa walaan oo jimankan yayar ee digirta gubatay u eeg ku ammaanay, ee raali noqo
    .' hahahaa.


  3. Che -Guevara;918770 wrote:
    He's just trigger man (kid), a victim of circumstances. I hope they don't kill him. Anger and hatred will not bring the good Sheikh back.

    He is a ruthless cold blooded murderer and your gall in painting him as some sort of infant who does not know the consequences of actions and thus shouldn't face the consequences for his heinous crime is unbelievable and troubling. The man journeyed from LA and meticulously planned the killing of the shaikh. please refrain from such outrageous statements. SMH.

  4. Gheelle.T;918617 wrote:
    Inaa lillaahi wa inaa Ilayhi raajicuun. Alla ha u naxariisto Sheekha. AS si gaar ah ayay u bar tilmaansan jireen culimo uu ku jiro.

    instead of these useless commiserations, practical steps should be discussed. i don't get it, this sheikh was already threatened. why did he not take precautions ?. a single bodyguard with a pistol was all he needed. am sure he has lots of young unemployed clan youth hanging around. when will people learn. incompetents.