Mario B

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Posts posted by Mario B

  1. ^^ There is a big difference between Somaliland as the autonomous regions of Somalia and the sovereign "Republic of Somaliland". And yes, the fact on the ground can be changed as demostrated in Buhoodle, but I believe bloodshed is not neccessary. I believe the north and south can solve it's difference peacefully including partition, Landers have been knocking at the wrong Doors :D !!

  2. faarah22;791060 wrote:
    not so fast, until the UN and the world officially recogonizes your area, its just fantasy in your head sxb.

    They can't take the hint, the International communities have been politely turning them down for that South is showing signs of recovery they are in their last ditch rescue mission to salvage their "Phantom State". :D:cool:


    P.s It was amusing to see them brag about the Deputy Uk ambassador to Ethiopia as their new British man for Hargeisa. :eek:

  3. The Hermet;790734 wrote:
    i been hearing the same thing for the past 20 years my friend and still my flag flys aint coming down anytime soon. Somaliland only gets more powerful year after year. enjoy your Saado Cali concerts and life in exile

    Well, those were mafrish talks:cool: and there was no KS....:D this time around we are changing the reality on the ground, starting from Buuhoodle, the healthier the South gets, your propaganda to the international communities will be replied with dismissive smirk, you will be told where to go [Mogadishu]. :D


    Talking about putting the Cart before the donkey.:rolleyes:

  4. The Hermet;790719 wrote:
    Enjoy the cheap temperory smirk, in reality my flag is my flag its symbolism is what it is, like the five pointed star that ended up with one point :cool:

    Are you still dissing the Quran Teacher? just an enclave in Somalia. And talking about Flags, every village in Somalia has one. :rolleyes: but guess which is flying in the building that matters.? Correct.:cool:

  5. The Hermet;790713 wrote:
    Ill repeat what i said the day you vote for your representatives is the day you can open your mouth, don't Ngonge me. :cool:

    I think the day is not very far, my friend...:cool: You should start calling home agent Godane, Afghani and all top landers in that organisation [Al Shaabab] to come and join the one vote one man always, mantra!! :D

  6. The Hermet;790684 wrote:
    ^^^ good question, its called the Somali delusion..its based on the obssession of clan and of status. One has it therefore i must have it. which just further proves my arguement that this has nothing to do with Somali unity as: Somali unity would entail that foreign affair be left to central government weak as it is...but ha la yabin saxib. Saado Calli is there finance minister

    Somalidiid talking about unity...ah, the irony, your enclave started this rot and NOW you must EMBRACE it to it's final conclusion. :D:D:cool:

  7. The Hermet;790618 wrote:
    If he is my president why can he not even land in any Somaliland airport. funny concept of presidency you guys have. Anyways back to reality, no one will decide the fate of Somaliland except its people and democratically elected government..who elected Mr Quranic School Teacher, who does he represent in reality, he is protected in his own capital by African troops. Welcome to reality. :cool: and enjoy your $2 dollar wooden stand and fantacies. In 6-7 months it will all come to an end.

    For someone with a flag that has Tawheed written on it, I'm shocked by your belittling of the Quran teacher, that just goes to show... yours was just just a "pious"symbol with no substance. Oh, us from the hyprocrites.:eek: