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Posts posted by Bedu4Life

  1. As.sallam alikum,


    I have to agree that They are shamefull examples of all thats happend since the Muslims decided to come over rape the benefits system and pretend to be from somalia when mostly unaffected since they were in kenya or elsewhere. I cry for my brothers and sisters living in conditions we wouldn't keep dogs whilst the powers that be play with somalia. I know this will be deemed off topic and unpopular but the truth is that if those who flooded Europe had stayed where they were two things would have happened. Those we cry for whilst watching al jazeerah would have Inshaa'Allah got a chance to get out of harms way and been shining beacons of somalia and Islam in the west and secondly those families who now face drug addiction and broken families would have protected themselves and their children by remaining in a country where though not ruling by Islam allow the families and communities to protect their youth from the dangers of whats been termed the wild side.