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  1. Dont belive this lieng ethiopians, son of pigs.. Yemane was enjoying him self with his realative, when ur Tigrayan AGAME slave for meles zenawi Goons started to insult him and call him agame, he decided to leave, u filty tigray ethiopian took this as victoruy...Why didt u kick his *** if ur reall a man?? The Tigrayans has found a way to smear eritrean by calling them "agames" wich is an insult that eritrean use agsint ethiopia, they trying to dived us...This is the guys that insulted Yemane Solomon Assafaw Born fron Tigrayan mother and Ethiopian solider to mengustuu, he was deported wiht the rest of his savage agame tribes men out of eritrea, meles are using this guys to create "eritrean" pro meles oppostion partys becuse they speak our language, like us.. here he is vandalizing a eritrean community center in Oakland, what a coward